104. The Hypophysis Cerebri as printed in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Reprint volume V contains a reprint from this journal.) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Harvey Williams Cushing Papers in the Yale University Library, 1745-1965, bulk 1887-1939Papers held in the Medical Historical LibraryWritings, 1898-1940Additional printed copies of Cushing's writings
10. Studies in Intracranial Physiology and Surgery (two copies) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Harvey Williams Cushing Papers in the Yale University Library, 1745-1965, bulk 1887-1939Papers held in the Medical Historical LibraryWritings, 1898-1940Books and Monographs
12. The Pathological Findings in Four Autopsied Cases of Acromegaly with a Discussion of their Significance Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Harvey Williams Cushing Papers in the Yale University Library, 1745-1965, bulk 1887-1939Papers held in the Medical Historical LibraryWritings, 1898-1940Books and Monographs
13. Tumors Arising from the Blood-Vessels of the Brain (two copies) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Harvey Williams Cushing Papers in the Yale University Library, 1745-1965, bulk 1887-1939Papers held in the Medical Historical LibraryWritings, 1898-1940Books and Monographs
15. Cosecratio Medici and Other Papers (four copies: 1928 Nov inscribed "to Lucia and John" from Cushing; 1929 Jan inscribed to E. B. Smith from Wiliam E. Foster; 1940 Feb revised printing; 1940 Feb reprinted revised printing) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Harvey Williams Cushing Papers in the Yale University Library, 1745-1965, bulk 1887-1939Papers held in the Medical Historical LibraryWritings, 1898-1940Books and Monographs
166. Fractures of the Skull as printed in War Surgery of the Nervous System (two copies, first copy is marked as Cushing's personal; second copy is from John C. A. Gerster) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Harvey Williams Cushing Papers in the Yale University Library, 1745-1965, bulk 1887-1939Papers held in the Medical Historical LibraryWritings, 1898-1940Additional printed copies of Cushing's writings
169. A Study of a Series of Wounds Involving the Brain and Its Enveloping Structures as printed in the British Journal of Surgery (Reprint volume IX contains a reprint from this journal. There are also two copies of the reprint shelved here: the first is an unannotated copy; the second is marked as Cushing's personal copy and has annotations) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Harvey Williams Cushing Papers in the Yale University Library, 1745-1965, bulk 1887-1939Papers held in the Medical Historical LibraryWritings, 1898-1940Additional printed copies of Cushing's writings
16. Intracranial Tumours Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Harvey Williams Cushing Papers in the Yale University Library, 1745-1965, bulk 1887-1939Papers held in the Medical Historical LibraryWritings, 1898-1940Books and Monographs
177. Introduction to: T he Old Humanities and the New Science (duplicate copy in Reprint volume X, interleaved material filmed with Reprint volume X) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Harvey Williams Cushing Papers in the Yale University Library, 1745-1965, bulk 1887-1939Papers held in the Medical Historical LibraryWritings, 1898-1940Additional printed copies of Cushing's writings
18. Intrakranielle Tumoren Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Harvey Williams Cushing Papers in the Yale University Library, 1745-1965, bulk 1887-1939Papers held in the Medical Historical LibraryWritings, 1898-1940Books and Monographs