10. Park, Harrison G. extract from 22 Dec. 1820 sermon of D. Webster, Plymouth, Ma, dated 30 Jan. 1821, 11. Potio.in, Lemuel S. Nine Propositions on the Philosophy of the Atonement, 12. Syllabus for a System of Theology, ,13. Theologia Dogmatica. Halle: Semester October till March 1854-55. Dr. Julius Muller Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Association ItemsMiscellaneous manucripts
11. "Qualifications of a Pastor", 12. "Remarks on Space &c. A few pages on Edwards", 13. "Thoughts on Philosophy and Theology", 14. "Thoughts on the Trinity", 15. "Trinity" Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Notes and ClippingsNotes on theological subjects
16. "Trinity Booklet I", 17 "Trinity. Edwards" Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Notes and ClippingsNotes on theological subjects