Twin Pines Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of China Slide Collection, 1960-2005…
Twin Pines & Level Distance Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of China Slide Collection, 1960-2005…
Two Birds at the Pine Spring Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of China Slide Collection, 1960-2005…
Two Bulbuls on a Flowering Allspice Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of China Slide Collection, 1960-2005…
Two Horses & a Groom Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of China Slide Collection, 1960-2005…
Two Junipers Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of China Slide Collection, 1960-2005…
Tz'u-chou ware Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of China Slide Collection, 1960-2005…
Tzu-en Temple and Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Ta-yen T'a) Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of China Slide Collection, 1960-2005…
Underglazed general ware [Slide box 28-29] Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of China Slide Collection, 1960-2005…
Underglazed red and white [Slide box 29] Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Art and Architecture of China Slide Collection, 1960-2005…