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20 minute audio file
Tags: 9/11, Afghanistan, Afghanistan war, Army, Connecticut, Family, hawaii, Iraq, Iraq war, Military, Navy, september 11th
A certificate of appreciation sent to soldier George P. Hawley's family, offering condolences and gratitude for his service in the First World War.
Tags: Commemorations, Gratitude, World War I
A poster honoring George P. Hawley, a soldier who lost his life during World War I
Tags: Commemorations, Soldiers, World War I
A still image of a commemorative banner containing all of the flags of the allied forces during World War I.
Tags: Commemorations, World War I
Civil War Officer seated in a chair dressed in full uniform
Tags: carte de visite, Civil War, his 298
Photo Album with a collection of Carte de Visite photos inside
Tags: carte de visite, Civil War, his 298
Link to digital image
Serbia was catastrophically affected by the war. A substantial percentage of U.S. foreign aid during the war was given to Serbia.
Tags: Fundraising, Serbia, World War I
Newspaper article from the Hartford Daily Courant
Photograph of Helena Hill Weed of Norwalk,Ct
Photograph of the large group of women protesting in Washington, D.C.
This here provides information that there was a James Costello who was a part of the Danbury Hatters Union.
Tags: Castillo, Danbury Hatter, James Costello
Picture from volume two, number five of the American Suffragette.
8 min.
Tags: Immigration, India, Oral History, San Antonio, Texas