Browse Items (1279 total)

The Boys of '61.jpeg
Personal observations with the Army and Navy from the first battle of Bull Run to the fall of Richmond.
Minstrel Songs.jpeg
A collection of world-wide famous minstrel and plantation songs
Hospital Sketches.jpeg
Sketches of a Civil War volunteer nurse
The Perfect Tribute.jpeg
A story about Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg speech
The Soldier in our Civil War.jpeg
A pictorial history of the conflict 1861-1865
Ct First Regiment.jpeg
An anniversary address delivered to the First Regiment of Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery
CT Volunteers.jpeg
History of Connecticut volunteers in 13th Regiment
Georgian Plantation inside cover.jpeg
Diary of a woman slave who lived on a Georgian plantation
This is a book of all the land grants within the Fairfield county of Connecticut. It has documentation of all the people and their land prior to the 1900s of their location and date of purchase.
prison brigade.jpg
Photograph of the large group of women protesting in Washington, D.C.
Helena Hill Weed.jpg
Photograph of Helena Hill Weed of Norwalk,Ct
This is a book of all the land grants within the Fairfield county of Connecticut. It has documentation of all the people and their land prior to the 1900s of their location and date of purchase.
This is a book of all the land grants within the Fairfield county of Connecticut. It has documentation of all the people and their land prior to the 1900s of their location and date of purchase.
This is a book of all the land grants within the Fairfield county of Connecticut. It has documentation of all the people and their land prior to the 1900s of their location and date of purchase.
Woman Coaches Boys Baseball.jpg
Newspaper article from the New York Times
Woman's Rights Convention.jpg
Newspaper article from the Hartford Daily Courant
Women in the Medical Profession.jpg
Newspaper article from the Hartford Daily Courant
Women's Rights.pdf
Newspaper article from the New York Times
Burnita S. Mathews Dies at 93; First Woman on U.S. Trial Courts.pdf
Newspaper article from the New York Times
cartoon book-cover0001.jpg
Pages? size? -
Serbia was catastrophically affected by the war. A substantial percentage of U.S. foreign aid during the war was given to Serbia.
This map provides the exact location of the Mallory Hat Company location. It provides even more details of the surrounding streets and buildings.
Exact, original location and address of the company.
Location of multiple hatting industries and companies
The life of Nicholas Allen
The funeral of Mr. McCarthy and his life
Life of James Costello
Life of Mark Sullivan
A program/invitation to a Banquet fundraiser for France
Life of Theophilas Abienste
4x7 inches, 46 pages
9 a.jpg
Link to Digital Object
4x6, 19 pages
12x8, 200 pages
19th Passage a.jpg
Data gathered from the Library of Congress online sources, formated and entered in a word document.
Prohibition a.jpg
Item from digital source
13x11, 96 pages
13x11, 22 pages
Germany's New War Pg 3009.pdf
Author Stanley Frost firmly believed that Germany would start another war with the U.S. soon after the conclusion of the First World War.
cvr 1.jpg
porth carte de visite.jpg
Company C 24th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry man posed in Civil War Uniform
Photo Album with a collection of Carte de Visite photos inside
stroll carte de visite.jpg
Civil War Officer seated in a chair dressed in full uniform
mother and infant carte de visite.jpg
Mother and her infant child
ellsworth gaurd carte de visite.jpg
Civil War posed with Rifle with Bayonet
stephan a douglas carte de visite.png
Carte de Visite of Stephen A. Douglas as a U.S. senator
someone at your door0002.jpg
A still image of a commemorative banner containing all of the flags of the allied forces during World War I.
George P Hawley Poster010.jpg
A poster honoring George P. Hawley, a soldier who lost his life during World War I
A certificate of appreciation sent to soldier George P. Hawley's family, offering condolences and gratitude for his service in the First World War.
cvr 1.jpg
This is a grantee list of Mark Sullivan, including the location of his home, page number he is on and the date of when his case occurred.
A book of the recorded people and employees/employer who owed land or money to the court system in a case. Also, this includes the location of what was seized by the court and when.
Woman's Sphere a.jpg
Link to digital image
Labor Party Song a.jpg
Link to digital item
Senator Brandegee b.jpg
Item from digital link
American Ideals011.jpg
American Ideals Pages.jpg
Danbury Firsts.jpg
Data gathered and formated from the WCSU Archives and Danbury Evening News
9 pgs
8 pgs
9 pgs
13 pgs
9 pgs
21 pgs
10 pgs
5 pgs
36 min.
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