The Suffrage News Bulletin
The Suffrage News Bulletin was a newspaper that served as the voice of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association. It was sent monthly to homes of many Connecticut women to keep them up to date with the goals of the organization as well as to inspire them to get involved in their community to advance the movement.
In the few years approaching 1920, when the suffrage amendment finally went into effect, the president of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association was Katharine Ludington. Every month, Ludington would publish a message to her fellow suffragists on the front page of the Bulletin. In these messages, Ludington reached out to women in a personal way, appealing to them both as a woman and as an American and asking them to find strength in themselves to win over Congress to their cause. She served as a personal inspiration to many, being called by Percy Maxim Lee “the epitome of the very best that is our civilization” in The Connecticut Voter issue 16, April 1953.