Women's Suffrage

It has been written in history books that in 1972, women had to struggle for equal rights in the United States. However, many of the books fail to mention the years of struggle that suffragists of both genders had to endure since the beginning of it all. This exhibit’s mission is to bring a broad overview of Connecticut’s fight for women’s rights and how Connecticut participated in the national debate of women’s rights in the 1920’s. Chronologically, we will look at the Connecticut’s major suffragists and how they were able to call upon a vast majority of the population to their aid. In addition,we will look at the 19th Amendment and discuss the national attention of the women suffrage movement.


Credit to:

Western Connecticut State University Archives

“Men Support the Woman Suffrage Movement.” National Women’s History Museum. http://www.nwhm.org/online-exhibits/rightsforwomen/menforsuffrage.html

White, David O. “Marcus Hensey Holcomb.” Connecticut State Library. Last modified October 2009. http://www.cslib.org/gov/holcomb.htm.


Wendy McGrath, Danielle Spino