
During the case of the Hatters in 1908, many of the unions were sued by their employers. There were 240 defendents on the list that were in the case. This was caused by the union interfering with the Sherman AntiTrust Act of 1890. The union won their appeal in 1909, but then lost in a retrial of 1912. In the case of Loewe VS. Lawlor, each member of the union must pay approximately $975.00 each to the damages they had caused, however, by the end of the case, the court was able to only gain $216,000.00 by 1917. Soon after, the Clayton Act of 1914 was passed to help unions like this one, be protected against their employers. This case did not only affect the Danbury Hatters, but those within the surrounding cities as well; they were all connected by the same company. Below were random selected employees that were affected by the case and a little insight of their lives.