Browse Exhibits (17 total)
CCC Exhibit

The planning of this exhibition began in the fall of 2021 when Western Connecticut State University (WCSU) agreed to temporarily house a collection of ~450 lantern slides created by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) between 1933 and 1942. These slides were previously in the possession of the State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).
A CCSU Graduate student had been scanning these pre-pandemic in preparation for their transfer to the State Archive. Karen Keeler ('22) and I scanned what was left and used this digitization project as the basis of my Janick Fellowship research project. Through this exhibition, in addition to the scanning, we wanted to identify the purpose of these lantern slides, demonstrate the need for digital preservation, and show how these slides relate to Connecticut during the Great Depression. Though few know it, the impact of the C.C.C. work in this State is still evident today in many of our State Parks and…
World War I Era Propaganda

World War 1914-1918 Era French and Belgian propaganda.
This exhibit contains scans of the "La Libre Belgique" newspaper, "Journée du Poliu" postcards, and "The Belgian Deportations".
The overall focus of this exhibit is to share and appreciate the propaganda from the First World War.
Marian Anderson: A Decade of Great Song in America

This exhibit will provide a look at some of the pages from this program, giving greater insight into their significance
Evolution of Hearthstone Castle

Hearthstone Castle is a commanding building overlooking most of the City of Danbury. Built in the late 19th century, the castle is an example of American architecture in the Gilded Age. After changing hands numerous times, Hearthstone eventually landed under the ownership of Danbury, where local squabbles prevented the building from being maintained. The events regarding Hearthstone show what can happen when a town does not agree on historic preservation, and how an entire community can suffer.
1973 Western Connecticut State University Protests and Controversy

The 1970's signified the end of the Civil Rights movement and America's involvement in Vietnam. In Connecticut, state colleges were all affected by big budget cuts that forced colleges to raise tuition. This had a huge impact on the students and faculty because it now made it harder to students to get into the universities, and teachers lost their jobs. Western Connecticut State University did not escape this, they were heavily impacted. The university united and formed protests to show their displeasure towards the states government during 1973 which had lasted for several days. Along with that, the issue of controversy came up after a fundraising effort by students for athletics were under the spotlight after labeling it a slave trade. Both of these demonstrations were occuring on the same day on September 19th, 1973.
Lacrosse at WestConn

Lacrosse is a growing sport that has taken the country by storm. A Native American sport by nature adopted by Western Connecticut State Univerity as early as 1984 when a men's club team was proposed and approved. In this exhibit, you can find the first constitution of the "LaCrosse" club, as well as pictures from the inaugural men and women'steams.
Nō Masks; From the Truman Warner Anthropological Collection

In the 8th century, a Chinese performance art called Nong (能 skill/craft) made its way to Japan. Nong often consisted of acrobats, jesters, and jugglers, and could rightly be described as a form of circus.
In Japan, this art was dubbed Sarugaku (猿楽monkey music) and eventually absorbed a number of other traditional Japanese crafts, which were already popular with the peasants and nobles alike.
In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), Sarugaku became divided into two separate art forms, the one being Nō(能 skill/talent), and the other being Kyōgen (狂言 wild words). While Nō is characterized by an emotional gravity,Kyōgen is distinctly comedic in nature.
In the late 1300s, the actor, playwright, and musician Kan'ami, along with his son Zeami, are credited with having formalized Nō theater. They set down the stylistic, theoretical, and practical guidelines of the art; guidelines which have gone almost untouched for 700 years.
Civil War Personal Narratives

This exhibit highlights personal narratives of five people who fought and lived during the civil war, each with their own unique story and experience during that time, includingone who was under house arrest for eight months,and one who was wounded.
Athletes from Donald Moss' Illustration Collection

These are images form the Donald Moss collection. He designed covers for Sports Illustrated for decades until his retirement. In this exhibit, there are some of the greatest to ever play baseball, and a close shot of Oscar Robertson.
Vietnam Oral History Project

This is the Western Connecticut State University Vietnam Oral History Exhibit. The project was started in the Fall Semester of 2016 as a part of a History 494 Senior Honors research seminar. The exhibit is a compilation of oral histories provided by Vietnam War veterans. These interviews capture the personal experiences of men and women who served during the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. The digital exhibit is an ongoing project which will be continued by Western students who conduct oral history interviews of Vietnam Veterans.
The Election of 1920: Danbury and Connecticut
As the first national political election to ever permit the votes of women, the election of 1920 was a milestone for the men and women that had been working for women’s suffrage since the founding of the country. Following Connecticut’s ratification of the 19th Amendment, voting registrars all over the state scrambled to register women and new voters just weeks before the election. Participation of voters on became so immense the Election Day was established a national holiday for the Election of 1920. Come Election Day, the streets of Connecticut bustled with the heels and hats of thousands of women ready to exercise their new right to influence politics through voting. Voter rolls filled quickly with names of women who had waited many years to stand before a ballot which they could cast as their own, such as Elizabeth Hyslop who was 80 years old when she cast the first ballot in the Danbury election of 1920. Participation in the election went beyond the traditional candidate and…
World War I: Selling The War
This exhibit will explore the use of propaganda in order to encourage support and provide justification for American involvement during World War I. Prior to entering the war in 1917, many Americans were reluctant to become involved in the European conflict. American home front support was necessary for funding the American military, boosting morale and encouraging civilian contribution. Propaganda was used in the form of pamphlets, cartoons, letters, and public documents which were all meant for public consumption. Cartoons and illustrations called upon Americans to give their financial support by purchasing war bonds. Propaganda appealed to American patriotism by demonstrating the heroism of the troops and demonizing the enemy to the allies. The CPI laid out the facts of the war and the military that were deemed essential to the knowledge of American citizens. Following the end of the war, further justification was provided by stirring up fear of future threats from the defeated…
The Hatters Case
Mission Statement
Our mission is to acknowledge, represent, and establish the importance of the Danbury Hatters Case in relation to the labor movement in American History.
Once upon a time workers had few righs. Once upon a time unions were of little importance. The Danbury Hatters' Case was the popular name for the Loewe v. Lawlor case. It is the first U.S Supreme Court case to find that the Sherman Antitrust Act applied to organized labor. In our lifetime when groups of workers are not satisfied with their work conditions or if their jobs are trying to keep them from starting unions they can strike without fear that their company will sue them. In 1903 when the workers of the Loewe factory started the strike, the right to organize boycotts and strikes was not recognized by the Supreme Court. 240 lives were negatively changed by the outcome of the Supreme Court desison in 1908. 240 workers had to give up almost a year's worth of savings to pay off what Dietrich Loewe…
Women's Suffrage
It has been written in history books that in 1972, women had to struggle for equal rights in the United States. However, many of the books fail to mention the years of struggle that suffragists of both genders had to endure since the beginning of it all. This exhibit’s mission is to bring a broad overview of Connecticut’s fight for women’s rights and how Connecticut participated in the national debate of women’s rights in the 1920’s. Chronologically, we will look at the Connecticut’s major suffragists and how they were able to call upon a vast majority of the population to their aid. In addition,we will look at the 19th Amendment and discuss the national attention of the women suffrage movement.
Credit to:
Western Connecticut State University Archives
“Men Support the Woman Suffrage Movement.” National Women’s History Museum.
White, David O. “Marcus Hensey Holcomb.” Connecticut State Library. Last modified October…
Public History
A series of exhibits that explore various topics represented in the WCSU Archives