Vol. 01, num. 2, Clio - 1974


The tenth anniverary of President John F. Kennedy's death has sparked a renewed interest in the controversia1 circumstances surrounding that event.

Kennedy Leadership: A critique

John F. Kennedy has long enjoyed one of the most favored images in the public mind among recent American Presidents. Much of this can be attributed to personal qualities and the tragic nature of his abortive Presidency. For the better part of a…

The Gift of Power: John Kennedy

Normally if one were to talk about an event in the past, I would shrug my shoulders and answer with an 'I don't remember.' What is it that makes the death of John F. Kennedy stand out as if it had happened yesterday?

The Assasination of John F. Kennedy: Perplexity in Retrospect

Comparing my feelings on the assassination of John F. Kennedy when the event occurred to my attitude toward the tragedy now, I come to the realization that in some repects youth is an extravagance of time.

Jon F. Kennedy: 10 Years Later, a Personal Evaluation

A fourteen-year old high school freshman hardly expects to have anything unusual or disruptive occur at an ultra-conservative school such as Port1and Sr. High School in Portland, Connecticut. Each day is similar to every other day; the only thing…


The Presidency of John Kennedy is no more than a dream to me. Most of what I remember about him is very blurred and probably comes from books and old magazines which I read in great volume after he died. I was unaware of him during his…



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