Danbury Preservation Trust, Board Meeting audio, 1995-06 (Oral History)
Dublin Core
47:24, 1 microcassette
This is an audio recording of the Danbury Preservation Trust's meeting in June of 1995. The meeting led by Paulette Pepin is informal and discussion centers on recent developments of local projects: upcoming dates for Hearthstone Castle’s bidding packages and showings for interested developers, HUD’s approval for restoration on St. Peter's Cathedral Rectory, as well as approval from Mayor on the advertising campaign announcing sale of Hearthstone Castle in magazines, newspapers, and other publications. Dues are collected from Board, along with discussion on DPT’s mission statement and goals for the year. Promotion methods like button designs and official logo are brought up and how these will be utilized in upcoming events and tabling for ‘Celebration of the Arts’ and ‘Taste of Danbury’; both of which DPT has reserved tables on Danbury Green for in the late summer. Elizabeth Winthrop Montgomery is officially added on as new board member and as Newsletter editor. What shall be included in the Newsletter along with membership dues and information is included in recording.
Oral History Item Type Metadata
Time Summary:
Lewis Zurlo introduced to Elizabeth Winthrop Montgomery; For the first time there is a full board in session; paper minutes are passed out; Financial report which included Trust’s first balance and monthly bank statement $547.17. CD is currently at $1,393.23, and the difference between this month’s and last month’s balance is the withdrawal of $500.00 from the DPT to checking
Lucy has made efforts to find Connecticut state identification number for us as a non-profit organization; Tax Registration office at city hall was of little help; According their office, there has never been a tax identification number for DPT; Brought up by a member that Paulette Pepin used frequently and one had written down on card, therefore must be one; Lucy will investigate further, but now has Federal identification code; Will update Board when more is found out; Motion made to pass financial report and minutes for meeting; unanimous; motion passes.
Other Announcement: DPT’s director did not let Heather know that advertisement campaign went through; Mayor accepted advertising campaign though, The only change was to add the Danbury News Times to the list of publications for sale announcement of Hearthstone Castle; He also approved the extra $300 for advertisement; Sandy Muy is going to carry out this advertisement in News Times after mayor approved content; Believe all is worked out
Finished writing article about castle for National Trust magazine for East/West section; However it was sent back for editing; They have more of a reporting style to articles; Less adjectives needed; Sent in color photo along with article to the Magazine; Further discussion about the National Trust magazine; Fellow board member (Lewis?) had brought to the board’s attention that Heather’s first advertisement of sale for Hearthstone Castle that was suppose to be in Bed & Breakfast magazine was not paid for in time; She was unaware that payment was needed; Was told too late; So did not make it in; Publication only prints quarterly and will not be in time for when bid packages due either; How the sale will work was laid out during last Hearthstone Castle committee meeting; Bid packages can now be picked up until the end of July; Showing of Hearthstone Castle to prospective bidders in the middle of August; Bids don’t have to be in until October 6th; All dates have been pushed back; Notification to all interest bidders on extension on when packages are due have been given; Concern over the time frame by Lewis; The Hearthstone Castle Committee has been disassembled and will not be meeting again until bids are in, but if any have questions about bidding packages should call Sandy; Update on St. Peter’s Cathedral rectory by Lewis; HUD approved the proposal for energy efficiency and rooms; Got passed with 13 efficiencies and 20 rooms; Which is great news to the board; Discussion with National Preservation Advisory was made by Louis; Approval there as well; So all is moving forth and now the focus is on specific construction proposal has to be approved by State; Landscaping and playground are completed; Most external elements have been taken care of; But none done internally yet; Hopefully internal construction to building will begin by September when Preservation Trust meets again; Another official announcement is payment of board member dues for the Preservation Trust at this time; using old dues form for payment; update needs to be made on the Trust’s mission statement; is not included in bylaws currently; Lucy and chair of board had written one and was then passed out to others; explanation that this mock-up has seven goals with objectives underneath; mission statement has not been touched since the 1970’s so seriously needs modifications; Steven Berger (past board member) has written one with further suggestions; Lucy wants to include portions about protection of land which was not the original mission statement; objectives will pertain to specific tasks underneath arching goals for the Trust; example being the Newsletter; would like to hear the rest of the board’s comments, concerns, or editing soon; not going to meet as a full board again until September but would like full feedback by then so approval can happen as soon as possible.
Motion to accept Elizabeth Winthrop Montgomery as Trust’s new board member and responsible for creating Newsletter; all were in favor; no discussion; no opposition-motion passed
Ideas for Newsletter; speak with Elizabeth; phone number is on the updated contact list and minutes; Board would like the first issue to come out in September; she will be creating electronically on Microsoft Office; article on Danbury Railway Museum discussed; modification made on D.P.T’s logo, but need new title for Newsletter; would like to printed twice a year; send out to all of the subscribers and members; give out some copies to Danbury Public Library, banks, and popular community spots; Used to run off about 400 to 500 copies each time; President of board typically writes a letter to readers in the beginning; Board talks about a small gimmick component in Newsletter like a crossword puzzle with terms; this was never previously included in Newsletter, but board agrees that they would like to start in September issue; one board member had taken photographs of historic buildings or portions of them on Main St. in Danbury and thought this would be a great guessing game like a “where is this located” quiz which will draw local readership in Newsletter; discussion on perhaps adding this game and can be one where a prize (free membership for a year discussed) for those readers who take a picture next to buildings and if solved correctly; this will replace the crossword puzzle for September issue;
Never really announced membership in Newsletter in the past, but board would like include in from now on; Letter to current members was proposed to go out the following week; some stipulations may come in from Membership Dues which stands as follow; $5 for student; $10 for senior citizens; $15 for Individual; $25 for Family; Corporate is $100.
Meeting with Mayor; still apologetic for missing DTP’s last meeting; both him and CT Senator Dodd had a discussion and are both willing to meet whenever DTP is available; do not have to reschedule appointment based off of Railway Museum soft opening in the Fall.
Discussion started on creating new Land Trust programs; Danbury Downtown Council wants to hold a ‘Celebration Of the Arts’ festival is on August 12th this year; DTP is going to have a designated space on the Danbury Green; is not an all-day long event, but hours are not set for it yet; one board member came up with some great designs for programs along with display; Recording cuts out here.
Side B: 31:01- 40:00
Discussion on affording printing of brochures; two to three board members agreed to create a button design before tabling; Both will probably not occur before this event; Unless lots of money comes in; Logo illustration will be enlarged a sheet to hang at table for 'Celebration of the Arts'; other announcement; Chair has to contact MaryAnne Frede to reserve table for the 'Taste of Danbury' event; September 10th (Saturday) from 12-7 pm and rain date is Sept 17th (following Saturday); Each board member would be responsible for a 2 hour shift at table; Discussion about what to do at the table; Concept brought up by Lewis to have a live demonstration by older gentleman who talked about PBS (Public Broadcasting) and did segment on building outhouses and specifics about woodworking on them; want this “Outhouse Man” to teach those passing by table on how best to build outhouses at the 'Taste of Danbury'; This demonstration may draw attention to Taste of Danbury table; Tape from PBS bought by Lewis to get more information on the “Outhouse Man”.
40:01- 47:24
Board Member brings up idea to start creating an inventory of ornaments/decorations for annual 'Festival of Trees' (a Danbury non-profit fundraising event) that occurs at the end of November; She specifically has small colorful buildings for the tree that can tie in DPT’s Danbury historic walking tour; Led into conversation about 'Danbury Walking Tour' and the Board trying to figure out slogan for round buttons; Judy needs to go printer sooner with design so copy of logo is needed; Possible slogan titles discussed were: “Architectural Mystery Walking Tour” or “Historical Mystery Tour”?; One main prize of free individual membership will be handed out; Need further staffing at this tour; Further ideas about how to decorate the DPT’s; Lewis brought with him illustrated drawings of the historic buildings from each side of Main St. in Danbury- most of which will be included in Walking Tour; Brainstorming how to reduce each one in size in order to fit on tree as decorations; Instead of using regular building ornaments use of these specific ones of Danbury; which includes banks, old hat factories, old Danbury library, and churches- this will be better public relations for this upcoming Festival of Trees events; Could possibly sell the copies of illustrations to businesses that are in these buildings as mementos; Or specifically sell to the three or four Main St. banks illustrated on a poster; Included the bank’s name on the bottom; conversation then leads to how to ask bank for money with brochure; Lewis also mentions that the banks tend to stay in the same spot over the years whereas businesses in Main Street change frequently; So banks like Bank of America or Union Savings are more likely to buy; Possible artist taking these scaled illustrations and creating lithographs instead; highlights all of the details better; Tape Ends.
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