Horace Purdy Journal November 1904 Entry (Still Image)
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NOVEMBER 01 TUESDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 28. Pleasant. I mailed before dinner a check to the Connecticut Fire Insurance Company; left a policy on 12 Balmforth Avenue for Claude Henry at the Union Savings bank, also on that block with George Williams, administrator for the Averill Estate to whom the Daragan policy is payable for mortgage. After dinner, Charles Baldwin came in for a twenty payment life policy and paid an annual premium. I went with him to Dr. Clark’s office for examination. He was not at home, but at the City Hall where we found him and where we made the examination. Then I came home and wrote another letter to David Dignan urging him to send the policy or a lost policy receipt. I registered this letter also. About 5:30 PM, I called at Harry Gray’s about his insurance in the John L. Griffin store building, but did not find him at home. Leno Tosi brought the Chester Wilson policy to me when he came from work as Wilson promised me yesterday he would do. In the evening about 10 o’clock, Dr. Clark sent the Baldwin examination. Just prior, Mr. Baldwin came in with the records of his grandparents on his father’s side. I today called at F. Austin’s and paid a bill of $15.50 for carpeting bought last April. Joseph Barber of Hartford talked to the Republicans this evening at the Opera House. I, having too much office work, could not attend. George left his wife Sarah with us while he attended. NOVEMBER 02 WEDNESDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 25. After breakfast, I drove down to Charles Baldwin’s at the Elmwood district to get the current history of his grandparents. I did so and stopped at Dr. Clark’s office on my return and he made the corrections on the examination blanks. We mailed the papers after dinner to Manager VanFleet at New Haven. I wrote awhile after dinner and then helped Mary about some plants, the took up a root of White and Pink Peonas and carried them up to Mrs. Whaley’s on Division Street as I promised her. Then back to the office where I found Albert Arnold visiting to pay a premium on insurance for Wooster Hose Company No. 4. I received in the PM a return receipt card for registered letter of yesterday to Daniel Dignan. Mr. Barber came in about 5:30 with a bushel of turnips. MOVEMBER 03 THURSDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 45. A little cloudy in the morning with some indications of a coming storm, but it came off pleasant later in the day. We raked off the leaves from the dooryard in the AM. Before dinner, I drove up to David (?) in answer to a postal that he would not renew his insurance with me on the 9th instant. He had the cheaper Danbury Mutual in view. I persuaded him however to continue with us. In the PM, brother George came over to see about sending for more coffee and I then and George rode with me to Bethel where I collected a balance from Andrew J. and Laura Wildman. I called to explain to O. B. Smith about permits for housing automobiles and went to his barn and saw his new one, THE WINSTON, a spark machine that he has taken in exchange for former gasoline steam. It is beauty. We then went to Higson’s shop where Sidney True works to try to collect a balance from him but he had gone home. On our return, I collected a $1.00 balance due from Lottie Williams at Rocky Glenn. NOVEMBER 04 FRIDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 35. Pleasant. After breakfast, we built a skid for rolling barrels in and out of the cellar, then rolled out two barrels and filled them with water –one to exchange with David Wilkes when he brings a barrel of vinegar stock which I ordered and the other possibly for filling with new cider. Elsie Terwilliger came and had her pension voucher made which goes to New York. I received by the morning mail from A. J. Olmstead of Bridgeport that a fire damage has occurred at 12 Cleveland Street, the house of Sarah J. Olmstead about 12:30 noon on November 1st. After dinner, I drove down to John Bigham’s at 163 South Street to look at his new barn for insurance, after which I went to William Hall’s shop and had the tire set to one forward wheel on the spindle buggy. After supper, I went down to the corner of Grand and South Street and collected $3.00 from Annie O’Toole and from there I called at 163 South Street and took insurance on the barn and contents for John Bigham for one year which will expire about the time the insurance on his house expires on December 29, 1905, when he will give us the whole line now carried by Frank Benedict. Not being able to catch a car coming home, I walked both ways. George and Sarah spent the evening with Mary while I was away. NOVEMBER 05 SATURDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 42. No dew this morning. Cloudy with the appearance of rain. It continued so with neither rain nor sunshine all day. In the forenoon, I delivered John Bigham’s policy on his house and contents. I saw Mr. Gomell about noon about looking at and repairing damage to Mrs. Olmstead’s home on Orchard Street, there being smoke damage in the kitchen. After dinner, Mr. Beeman and myself took the office stove to pieces and put in the new fire pot which came today from the Danbury hardware store. We could not get the stove together again and adjourned until Monday when, with the help of George, we will try again. The about 4 o’clock, I harnessed and took Fannie, who was here, down home after doing my Sunday marketing. ON our way down, I stopped at John Bigham’s and collected $2.91 for insurance on his house. In the evening, Ernest Gomell called and after looking over the damage at Mrs. Sarah Olmstead’s home on Cleveland Street, he estimated $15.00 to paper, paint and varnish the kitchen and pantry. I told him to do the work. Fanny’s birthday. - 32years old. NOVEMBER 06 SUNDAY - Mercury at 7 AM – 34. It began snowing about 6 o’clock this morning and continued for about two hours when it ceased leaving the ground white with quite a wintry appearance. I cleared away before noon, at which time the snow disappeared. About 11 AM, I went down for my mail and the Sunday paper, The Sunday Press, and took the trolley to tell George when he comes up tomorrow morning to bring some fire putty for filling joints when we put the office stove together. In the PM, I mailed to the Agricultural Insurance Company, a notice of a small loss under No. 7396 – Sarah Olmstead. Before church, Mary and I called at brother George’s. Dr. Wilson preached in the evening on Secret Orders. NOVEMBER 07 MONDAY - Mercury at 6AM – 34. Partly cloudy, cool and chilly and seemingly colder than indicated by the mercury. After George came from Bethel, we resumed the work that Mr. Beeman and I abandoned at dark Saturday evening of setting up the office stove, or rather, putting it together after taking it to pieces to put in the new fire pot. George and I finished the repairs which took until nearly noon, just before which, I walked over to River Street and collected the $3.50 balance from Mrs. Marion St. John. After dinner, I drove over to Cleveland Street to see the smoke damage to Mrs. Olmstead’s house. I called at C. L. Morgan’s about my order for coal; he will try to bring it tomorrow. Stephen Pierans called in the PM and I settled by check for October rents. He brought over Mrs. Elizabeth Parrish, who had been looking at rooms at 29 Williams Street; I rented them to her, she paying in advance for the November rent. George and Sarah came over in the evening and I filled his ink bottle and fountain pen. NOVEMBER 08 TUESDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 28. Presidential Election Day. I lighted the oil heater in my office before breakfast and after breakfast on going to there, I found that the stove had in some manner unaccountable turned to smoking instead of heating and while it was out and not heating, I could not see across the room. Smoke had condensed into a lampblack, settling over everything in the room. If the same is an omen of a black Republican victory in today’s election as large and complete as the office is black, it will be an overwhelming defeat for the Democratic Party. It took nearly all day to clean off, and then imperfectly. Lampblack smell over everything. NOVEMBER 09 WEDNESDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 34. A veritable landslide in the election; news come in this morning of an overwhelming victory for the Republican Party. Theodore Roosevelt is elected President of the United States by a large majority, having as now indicated 326 electoral votes out of a total of the electoral college of 476. The state has gone Republican by a large majority. Our city and town carried everything Republican except for Judge of Probate in the election of a Democrat in the person of Eugene Dempsey. After breakfast, we took the oil heater apart and gave it a thorough cleaning after the smoking it gave us yesterday. Before dinner, I drove up to David Morris and delivered his policy which was due today. I then called on Dr. Mead at his dental office and got the date of expiration of his mother’s place at 80 Elm Street for renewal on the twentieth of this month for one year for an amount of $2,500. I then called at Charles Rowan’s box shop to see Frank Moody about payment of life insurance premium due today under a 30 day extension. Mrs. Sophia Allen’s pension came to her today and this afternoon, I went over to her place and made the voucher fro amount due from the date of application, July 8, 1904 to September 4, 1904 at the rate of $8.00 per month for a total of $62.93. Charles Baldwin’s Equitable Life policy came today. NOVEMBER 10 THURSDAY - Mercury at 6 AM - 32. Pleasant in the forenoon; cloudy and very chill in the PM. Before dinner, I took the office stove doors down to the New Machine Company shop and ground off the edge to make it shut closer. Just before night, I drove out to Great Plain (brother George rode with us ) to try to persuade Frank Moody to continue his life insurance in the Equitable, he having paid one year, he thinks he will give it up. I could not persuade him to go on with it. George and Sarah came over and spent the evening with us. NOVEMBER 11 FRIDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 34. My birthday – 69 years old. According to the calendar, I was born on a Wednesday. A light snow during last night, being the second snow of the season, but it melted fast and little was to be seen after daylight. In the morning, George blocked up the office stove and we built a coal fire in it. While he was working up the stove, I put up a flight of glass in the north basement window. After dinner, we went over to Cleveland Street and had the proof of loss made up in the amount of $15.00 for the Sarah Olmstead loss by her son Edward Olmstead whom she authorized to settle for her. From there, I drove over to River Street to see about buying one or possibly two barrels of new cider at the cider mill on the old John Bussing place. I then called at Pat McGrath’s store to see if he was ready to insure his grocery stock; he was not ready. Pleasant in the PM and evening. George and Sarah came over to spend the evening. A. H. Barnum brought me 10 bushels of oats for $.48 each. I mailed the October report to the Agricultural Insurance Company in which I enclosed the proof of loss of Sarah Olmstead. Fannie came up just at night with little Georgie and took tea with us. The spent the evening with Uncle George and Sarah who were also with us. NOVEMBER 12 SATURDAY - Mercury at 6 AM - 30. Pleasant. The first morning with a good coal fire in the office stove overnight. George helped me level up the flagstone in front of the office after which I drove down to the Savings Bank and had the duplicate receipt for the $15.00 proof of loss attached to Sarah Olmstead’s policy reducing the same in said amount. I also made a deposit in the bank myself. Also before dinner, I called on Mrs. Emma Shepard and collected $3.00 for furniture insurance and on William Conklin; he will pay part of his insurance this evening. Just at noon, Aunt Mary Hoyt from South Salem called with a Mr. Horn who also brought her up to draw some money from the Savings Bank. She was too late, the bank closing on Saturday at noon. She will stay with us over Sunday and attend to her bank business on Monday. Sent policy transferred to East Norwalk of Louis Schoonmaker by mail. Mrs. Hawley rode with me in the PM to do some Sunday marketing. I bought a rib roast of beef over to L. W. Andrews on West Wooster Street early in the evening. I went over to the Peoples’ Market on White Street and collected $2.00 on account of William Conklin who works there Saturday evening. I then took a trolley car home on which I found Ernest Gomell coming up to settle for the paint and paperhanging he did for the Agricultural Insurance Company on Sarah Olmstead’s house on 12 Cleveland Street, the bill being for $15.00. Being short, I left $5.00 over to pay next week. George and Sarah came over to spend the evening with Aunt Mary Hoyt. NOVEMBER 13 SUNDAY - Mercury at 7 AM – 40. It commenced raining about daylight. About noon it became mixed with snow and continued to increase showing about an inch notwithstanding that it wasted nearly as fast as it came. Aunt Mary Hoyt being with us, we had George and Sarah come over to have dinner with us. Mrs. Hawley baked a nice apple pie for us. I wrote a letter to Charles Baldwin at Lansing, Michigan notifying him that his life policy was received all right and that I would at an early date deliver it to his mother in Bethel. The storm was still on with an increasing wind when we retired at 9 PM. George and Sarah went home at about 6:30 PM. NOVEMBER 14 MONDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 35. The first morning this season we were obliged to shovel snow form our walks, which was about an inch in quantity, soft and slushy. Blue patches of sky with clouds and very windy with indications of being colder. While at breakfast, Andrew Bradley called and reported a loss in their little store, known as the Dewey Inn, on the corner of Miry Brook Road and Sugar Hollow, caused by an accident with a kerosene stove. I mailed a Sun policy on a piano to James Shelley at New Milford. On my return from Miry Brook, I took Aunt Mary Hoyt down to the Danbury Savings bank to draw some money for which she came up last Saturday. I mailed the report of the Bradley loss with our October report after dinner. Mrs. Mary Waite, daughter of Sophia Allen came in also after dinner and gave me $15.00 for services in securing her mother’s pension which came last week. Mary C. Dean went down to Dr. Oley’s this PM for treatment on her eyes. I had a 48 gallon cask of cider from the River Street Cider Mill this afternoon. George and Sarah came over to spend the evening with Aunt Mary Hoyt. I wrote to J. C. Crabbe at Washington D. C., attorneys for Frances Dexter, and as requested by them enclosed a $3.00 check as fee for collecting accrued pension of Leonard Dexter. Also wrote a postal to Clara Watkins for Mary. NOVEMBER 15 TUESDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 25. Pleasant, clear and cold. After breakfast, about 9 AM, I drove down to Cousin Edwin Mills with Mary Hoyt who has been with us since last Saturday. On my return, I stopped at Andrew Bradley’s (Dewey Inn) and took the measure of the broken glass in the show case for which damage the Connecticut Fire Insurance Company is liable. After dinner, I sent a check to W. Schiffer, agent of the Equitable Life Insurance Company, for $16.47, the net premium of Charles Baldwin’s policy. Mrs. E. Griffith called with a blank from the Bureau of Pension for George Purdy to sign and a certificate for the clerk of the county court to attest the genuineness of the notary’ signature. About 3:30 I took Mr. Beeman and rode up town. I paid $3.00 for 48 gallons of cider at the River street Cider Mill. The I went up to Downs Street and got the address of Charles Halstead, it being 599 Whitney Avenue in New Haven to whom in the evening I wrote as to renewing his policy on barn and contents which expires tomorrow. I called at Harry Gray’s to get his policy to reduce the amount but his wife could not find it. I then drove up to Thomas Boyd’s on Franklin Street to arrange for renewal of his furniture policy. George and Sarah came over again on the evening. NOVEMBER 16 WEDNESDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 35. Pleasant. Requisition from the Pension Department for George to be a Notary Public to be certified by the clerk of the Superior Court was this morning attended to by Clerk Booth and mailed to the Pension Department this noon. Letter by the morning mail from the Sun Insurance Company office by order of Hartwell & Shackleford, agents at Saratoga Springs, NY to write $1,600 on each of Mrs. Balmforth’s two houses - 93 and 95 North Street, the same being already insured by us in the Agricultural Insurance Company. As we have no order from Mrs. Balmforth in this matter, we wrote her of the present fact of the policies. After dinner, Mr. Beeman rode with me to arrange for the renewal of Harry Biddescombe, John J. Bradshaw and William McGill. I also called at 55 Maple Avenue to see about transfer, etc. of Bert Hitchcock and found him sick in bed, then called at H. Biddescombe for 5 potato bags to be returned to S. W. Bradley. Fannie came up while we were away. Mary was also away at the dressmakers (Mrs. Connelly). George and Sarah again spent the evening with us. Fanny came up also and made known that she was ruptured and contemplated going to see a doctor. I gave her a pad from an old elastic truss of mine and showed her how to fix an appliance to help her. Herman requested some paper and envelopes which I sent by Fanny. I wrote to cashier Schiffer about the Frank Moody elapsed policy. Last evening, George presented to William Stoker a $5.00 gold watch chain in return for an office cabinet presented to us by him. NOVEMBER 17 THURSDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 25. A beautiful morning. After breakfast, I made up the October Reliance Insurance Company report, also the Connecticut Fire Insurance Company, sending a check to each. After dinner, Daniel Wilkes brought me a 47 gallon cask of old cider for vinegar making @ 10 cents for a total of $4.70. About 6 PM, while we were at tea, C. L. Morgan came with a half-ton of coal for furnace use. George and Sarah came and spent the evening with us. While not sick, I did not feel like going out for business today and continued at home. NOVEMBER 18 FRIDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 20. Pleasant but the coldest of the season, the worst being 22 on Friday the 28th of October. I received by morning mail, short proof papers from the Sun Insurance Company to adjust the Dewey Inn loss of Ida Bradley. After doing the morning barn work, George helped me put a barrel of new cider in the dark cellar, after which Mr. Beeman went out with me to Harry Gray’s for his policy to endorse a reduction of same. Then we went out to Miry Brook and adjusted the Sun loss of Mrs. Bradley, the so-called Dewey Inn. In the PM, I received letter from Charles Halstead of 515 George Street in New Haven replying to mine as to the renewal of his barn insurance. Before tea, I went over to call on Clark Hickok for a few minutes. He is a great sufferer with his afflicted leg. I wrote agent regarding my damage from office kerosene stove. Mr. and Mrs. Beeman spent the evening with us at brother George’s at 19 Montgomery Street. NOVEMBER 19 SATURDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 22. Pleasant and warmer. Before dinner, I delivered the reduced policy to Harry Gray. Also delivered and collected to Dr. Mead for his mother’s estate and to Thomas Boyd. After dinner, Dwight Camp from Brookfield called to have $200 business on tobacco which we arranged and paid at 1.8% bank premium - $3.60. After which, I drove up to 31 Patch Street and insured $400 on a fruit store for John Carbulon. I left $5.00 with Andrew Clark the printer to give to Ernest Gomell the balance due him on the Olmstead job on Cleveland Street. Mrs. Hawley drove around with me just at night to do our Sunday marketing. After tea, we found that what I supposed to be peanut brittle candy which I bought this PM at the ten-cent store was hard stale old style peanut candy and I returned it for exchange. They refused to exchange it and I refused to keep it and I told them I would make them a present of it which they also declined to accept but insisted on making me a present of the candy to my satisfaction and keep the old one which they would not take back. By this means, I was compelled to be the owner of both lots. In the evening, John Rowan came to have a Massachusetts Mutual policy assigned to Mrs. Hattie Brown - $500, 20 year endowment. NOVEMBER 20 SUNDAY - Mercury at 7 AM – 40. Pleasant and warmer. Lottie and Julia Hirsch came in after Sunday School and took dinner with us returning home at 3:30 PM. After their departure, Mary went over to Will Dean’s and stayed until evening. On her return and before retiring, I wrote a postal card to Miles Thomas at Bridgeport stating that on account of her eyes, she could not write. NOVEMBER 21 MONDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 48 Pleasant and warm. After breakfast, we raised the right side of the privy building about an inch so that the door will shut, it having settled which prevented it from doing so. Before dinner, I drove over to the Danbury Hat Company on Chestnut Street and got from John Bradshaw the amount of increase he wanted on the renewal of hi furniture policy tomorrow. Then I called on Mrs. Claude Harvey on Balmforth Avenue and she gave me $10.00 on account of insurance on Nov. 1st. Then to the Union Shop to see William Murphy on the transfer of hos policy on Golden Hill. After dinner, George Starr (Purdy) went with me to the Elmwood District in Bethel and I arranged with John McFarland for $1,070 additional insurance on personal to increase the present Connecticut Fire Insurance policy No. 2200 on a building for $650, making total insurance $720. From there, we went down nearly to Dodgington and delivered an Equitable policy on Charles Baldwin to his mother the beneficiary. Then we drove across to Plum Trees to W. S. Harris for $7.00 balance due but did not get it. We got a promise instead. Then we drove home, arriving about dark. We had plain mush and milk for supper. George and Sarah came over again and spent the evening. John Rowan with Mr. Brown came in the evening not being satisfied with the assignment of his policy made Saturday, rather desiring to make Hattie Brown beneficiary under same. I recommended that he give Mrs. Brown a note for the amount of the policy which would thus absorb the full policy in case of his death, being equal in effect to a change in beneficiary. I drew the note which he signed. NOVEMBER 22 TUESDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 28. This morning, I found my barrel of new cider in the cellar about to burst in want of a vent, which I proceeded to give it. We wrote the policies of Camp, Bradshaw and Carbulon in the morning and delivered and collected from Bradshaw. Received draft by morning mail from the Sun in payment of Ida Bradley’s loss on the Dewey Inn on Miry Brook. After dinner, I took Mrs. Beeman for a ride over there and Mrs. Bradley signed and endorsed the draft for $20.50 and I cashed it. On our return, I had the draft cashed at the bank. Also one from the National of Hartford, reinsurers of the Lafayette for $1.88 as a return of premium for the cancellation of policy 525194 on John Hine’s billiard parlor, they not wishing to continue on as transferred to a new location at the corner of Greenwood Avenue and Railroad Place in Bethel. After going to the bank, I carried Mrs. Beeman up to Harley Beeman’s on Balmforth Avenue and called to Mrs. Raymond’s for an umbrella which Mary left there last Sunday. About 5 PM, Mrs. Hawley went with us to buy our Thanksgiving turkey, a 12 pounder at 30 cents a pound at Eccles’, the most I ever paid for a turkey in my life. I loaned $2.00 this PM to Mr. Beeman until his pension check comes next month. George and Sarah came over and spent the evening. Wrote to G. W. VanFleet replying to his urging for business. Wrote to John Davis of Stratford replying to his of this morning asking for transfer of policy from Bridgeport to Stratford and asking for a more definite description of the locality to which he has moved. NOVEMBER 23 WEDNESDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 30. Another beautiful day. I sent dunning missives this AM to Herbert Wildman for $92.50 due on the Rundle & White Factory insurance and to Jacob Hartz for balance due on the Spiro property. I got my haircut and then called on Targett & Siemon in reference to the renewal of their laundry insurance on the 24th and to Joseph Brothers for theirs due on the7th. I received a PO order from John Sherman to pay his insurance and sent his policy by mail to him at Atlantic City, New Jersey. Arthur Durgie notified me this morning that about 5 PM yesterday, he accidently cut the end of his index finger off. As there is a possibility of loss under his accident policy, I this PM called at J. R. Flanders’ shop (he works there) further about it. He not being at work due to the hurt, I obtained from Mr. Fancher the facts of the matter. Just before tea, Edith Mills on her way from Waterbury home for Thanksgiving and her sister Ella Blake called with a peck of apples that her mother promised to send me. George and Sarah spent the evening with us again. Connecticut ordered cancelled Camp, Hines and Carbulon. Got my first bottle of Lipozine to try of James Duran on account of insurance to come. NOVEMBER 24 THURSDAY – Mercury at 6AM – 30. Thanksgiving Day. Pleasant. Mrs. Hawley, who with Mr. Hawley will dine with us, came over about 9 AM to help Mary in preparing the dinner. About the same time, a hand of celery was delivered from Herman who with Fanny and the children will take dinner with us. I wrote to Charles Watkins and mailed it before dinner. Then I went up to Patch Street with a policy for John Carbulon on his store. From there, I went down to Abbott Avenue with a policy on furniture for William Mc Gill on which he paid half of the premium - $3.00. After dinner, I mended my harness and wrote a letter to the Connecticut Fire Insurance Company requesting that the policy which they wanted cancelled for Dwight or Camp be allowed to stand. After our Thanksgiving dinner just at dusk, I responded to a postal from Clarence Wilson of Miller Street to arrange to rewrite his furniture policy of $500 raising the same to $800 on account of a new piano. Herman, when off from trolley work at 6 PM came for his Thanksgiving dinner, leaving with Fanny and the children about 8:30. NOVEMBER 25 FRIDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – A fine rain about daylight with an appearance of a storm, but soon passed off with more or less sunshine. Fearing snow, we raked off the balance of leaves on the yard, after which I went down to Thomas Regan’s’ on Foster Street to see about life insurance as proposed by her on Sunday night. After dinner, I drove up to Charles Betts and arranged for the renewal of his insurance tomorrow for which he paid me. Our neighbor, Mrs. Alexander, age 79, died last night. She will be taken to Pennsylvania for burial. After supper, I mailed Wilson’s voucher for retirement of premium on cancelled life policy which I omitted to enclose with the policy previously mailed today. Then I called on Mrs. Jennie Townsend on Orchard Street and collected $2.00 on account of her insurance. Then I called on Ann Regan about life insurance. The day proved pleasant after a little threatening in the morning. Arthur Durgie, lost the end of his finger, accident insurance, called in the evening. NOVEMBER 26 SATURDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – 30. Pleasant and a little cooler. The remains of our old neighbor, Mrs. Alexander, was by her four daughters taken by an early train this morning to Hereford, Pennsylvania for burial. Mary had me write a postal for her to Minnie Dean that, if pleasant, she would be with them to dinner tomorrow. I sent it about 8 AM by the postman Owens. Before dinner, I delivered and collect for policies of F. Austin, left one at the Union Savings Bank for Charles Betts; deposited some $ in my bank; had my watch set and regulator adjusted at Bryant’s store. After dinner, I found that George had made a mistake in the rate of insurance on Barlow’s barn written this morning, so I immediately went down to the stamp clerk, A. H. Howe, and had DR corrected. Then I went to Targett & Siemon's laundry and made arrangements for a renewal nest Monday. Lottie and Julia came up this PM for the baby carriage left on Thanksgiving and carried two plant shelves for window which their mother wanted with them. George and Sarah came over and spent the evening. George went into the street and brought me a letter by evening mail from Clara and John Watkins from Hartford, giving us the price of Liprozine, it being 70 cents for what cost us a dollar. NOVEMBER 27 SUNDAY - Mercury at 7 AM – It began snowing about 5:30 and continued until about 8 AM when it ceased and the sun broke though giving the appearance of a fairly pleasant day. About 9:30, Mrs. Hawley came over with a chicken for me to kill, desiring it for her dinner. About noon, Mary went over to William’s to spend the day and took dinner. I went to the Post Office and walked with her as far as Gigliotti’s fruit store and bought a 12 box package of Blue Hen Tomatoes and then came home. I took dinner about 2 PM with Mr. and Mrs. Hawley. Mary returned home about 7:30 PM. NOVEMBER 28 MONDAY - Mercury at 6 AM -16. The coldest thus far of the season. I wrote up Targett & Siemon's insurance on laundry and fixtures. After dinner, I went over to Sarah Austin’s place at 234 White Street to see if she had, as reported, remove the store arrangement on the first floor and replaced it for dwelling purposes. I found that she had done so. I came home by trolley and did not go out again. George and Sarah spent the evening with us. I received 50 calendars today by express from the Connecticut Fire Insurance Company. A. W. Rogers came in this evening for change in his insurance policy from Montgomery Street to 16 Division Street. NOVEMBER 29 TUESDAY - Mercury at 6 AM - 22. Not so cold; cloudy in the morning with the appearance of snow. We put new springs in the shank of the spindle shafts this morning. George reported work last evening and this morning on Alexander Eastwood (known as "Pinky"), the trolley conductor, for a $2,000 life insurance policy. After dinner, I went up to the New Machine Company and got a small strip of maple about an inch square and 13 inches long to repair Mrs. Hawley’s washboard. From there, I went up to Willard’s shop to see Michael Regan about life insurance for his mother. He promises to consider it in about a week. George and Sarah came over to spend the evening. Early in the evening, I went up to Dr. Sunderland’s to see how much coffee he wanted to order. I again referred to the additional life insurance he has been contemplating; he thinks he will do so soon. After George went home, I wrote up John Parker’s policy; also Lena Parker’s for cancellation as they refuse to give a description for the new location or pay the premium. Before closing the office at 10:30 PM, I mailed to the Agricultural Company for cancellation. NOVEMBER 30 WEDNESDAY - Mercury at 6 AM – A slight warm rain last evening. Neither pleasant nor stormy; clouds interspersed with sunshine. Mrs. Melissa Griffith came over this morning, having received her pension to have the voucher made on the accrued pension on Mr. Griffith’s old pension and the one for her new pension from the date of application to September 4. I mailed them to go to Boston by the noon mail. George and I tried to fix Mrs. Hawley’s washboard but broke it worse than before. We abandoned it for the present. After dinner, George S. Purdy went with me over to Mill Plain and thence to the New York state line to see Lucy Haines about writing a permanent policy on her house when the builder’s risk policy expires on Saturday. She will call on Friday or Saturday and arrange the matter. On our return, I stopped at the old Herman Knapp place for a call on Mrs. Dexter who has moved from Ridgefield to this place. On my return, I drove up to Harry Gray’s to see if he could pay on his policy. He promises to pay on Saturday. Brother George borrowed $10.00 from me until he gets his pension to pay his rent. After supper, I wrote to John Watkins replying to his asking where he shall pay his life insurance quarterly premium due on the 9th instant. George and Sarah came over again to spend the evening. Frank Hart came in the evening and wanted until December 10 to pay his November rent.
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