Horace Purdy Journal August 1869 Entry (Still Image)
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AUGUST 01 SUNDAY - Pleasant and not very warm. I took Georgie down to church in time for Sunday School. After school, I came home with him. After dinner, I took him for a walk over into Division Street. We stopped to see Mary, the first time we have called on her since her marriage. From there, we went over to Horace Cable's in Spring Street. Horace gave me a letter which he got from the Office last evening from D. R. French in which he acknowledged the receipt of the draft for $100.00 from Hill & Purdy. He wants money as fast as we can remit to him to pay for a large lot of slats lately received from Vermont. AUGUST 02 MONDAY - Pleasant. In the forenoon, I collected a little on our spring beds from Albert Scott, R. W. Holmes, and George L. Smith. After dinner we went up to the bogs to see a man about spring beds, but he being away from home, we did not see him. It was about 6 P.M. when we returned. After tea, Horace Cable came over to see me. We went into the street together. We received by the evening mail a bill for Lot No. 4, our last one for springs from D. R. French. AUGUST 03 FRIDAY - Pleasant. Horace Cable and I went to Brewster Station today to introduce our spring bed bottoms. We spent about a half day there showing it up and took 3 positive orders besides preparing the way for a goodly number of sales some other day. We started for home about sundown arriving here about 8:30. AUGUST 04 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. I collected from Mr. Decklyn $18.50 for 3 spring bed bottoms. I turned it over to Horace Cable and he with other money got a draft for $100.00, which I this evening mailed to D. R. French with a duplicate of 6 beds ordered from Twitchell. I at the same time sent the order to Mr. Twitchell. In it were two for H. Fairchild which he is in a great hurry for to commence housekeeping. We expected a lot of beds on the freight train, but they did not come. AUGUST 05 THURSDAY - Showery with some indications of rain but only now and then a little sprinkle. It cleared off in the evening. Horace Cable and I with his horse rode over to Sturdivant's to canvass the factory for our spring bed bottoms. In the P.M., 10 beds came by the freight train. We put up a part of them, including 3 we took to Bethel for Farnum Greenwood and Thomas Wheeler. AUGUST 06 FRIDAY - Pleasant but cool in the morning. We rode up to New Milford in the morning to put up spring beds at Lanesville and the Iron Works. But found the beds had not come as we expected. We fed ourselves and the horse at Nelson Knowles in Lanesville. We came home by way of the steam excavator. George Bradley paid me $6.75 for his spring bed. I also in New Milford collected $6.00 from Michael McNiff. In the evening, I went over to Horace's but not finding him home, I went to the Post Office where I found him. AUGUST 07 SATURDAY - Pleasant but still cool. I mowed my dooryard and raked it off this forenoon. After dinner I went to the depot where I met Horace Cable with his horse. We had 6 beds come on the freight train. We put up 2 for Hanford Fairchild, one for Philo Knapp and the two which came last week for William Bailey. An eclipse of the sun this P.M. from 5:15 until about sundown. In the evening, I went to market with Gussie. We bought a toy small gun for Georgie. Two letters - one from Twitchell and one from French. AUGUST 08 SUNDAY - Pleasant and warmer. We did not get up this morning until about 8 o'clock. Gussie went to the Baptist church this morning to hear their old minister, Mr. Stone. Father came in just before dinner to have me cut his hair. I did it and then took Georgie down to Sunday School. After school, I came home again. We had dinner about 3 o'clock, after which I took Georgie with me for a walk. We went into River Street where we stopped to see E. E. Wildman about sending me word from New Milford if my spring beds were at the depot there. He is going up there tomorrow. From there I walked around to Horace Cable's and their home, stopping at Ambrose Hill's a moment to see Philo Bennett. AUGUST 09 MONDAY - Pleasant. I hoed up a few weeds in my garden before breakfast. After breakfast, I went over to Horace Cable's and we with his horse took Henry Willis' and Mrs. Lewis Bennett's bed springs and went over to Sandy Hook and put them in. I went to look at J. H. Warner's springs that Ambrose Hill put in one of the slats of which is broken. I concluded to write to D. R. French and have him take back the bed and send another in its place which will be alright. We came home by way of Bethel where I collected for Hill & Purdy $6.50 from George Osborne for a spring bed. We arrived home about 2 P.M. I tried to collect a little in the P.M. In the evening, I attended teachers' meeting. I offered my resignation, but they refused to accept it, deferring action for one month. Before I retired, I wrote to D. R. French about exchanging J. H. Warner's bed (at Sandy Hook) for a good one, one slat being broken, and several others are defective. AUGUST 10 TUESDAY - Hot. Horace Cable and I went to New Milford for 6 bed springs and brought them to Lanesville. I put up 4 of the 5 at this place, the 5h being for Nelson Knowles. I did not go there on account of his son having the smallpox. Horace not feeling very well and fearing the smallpox, he took the train at Lanesville and started for home, leaving me to take care of the beds. After putting up John and James Knowles, Perry Chase's and Willis' and leaving Nelson Knowles' at his son's place, I then started for the Iron Works and put up one for Lewis Ives after which I drove home. Before doing so, I was obliged to go to the blacksmith's and got a new shoe put on the horse's foot. AUGUST 11 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and hot. We delivered and put up John Corning's springs in Mill Plain, Hiram Paddock's and Samuel Dank's at Little Sodom in New York State. We took dinner at Mr. Paddock's. We spent the remainder of the day canvassing towards home arriving about 7 o'clock. Received a bill today from Thomas Sproule for 5 tons of coal at $10.00 per ton. I stayed at home in the evening and let Gussie go to market. AUGUST 12 THURSDAY - Pleasant and hot. We went to Bethel this forenoon to canvass a little for our spring beds and measure Henry Tinmann's bed for a set of springs. After dinner, I prepared a set of crossbars for A. W. Bailey's bed to put into Miss L. Farnum's. Harmon Knapp, professing not to like the springs (this is the first out of a hundred where dissatisfaction has occurred), we took them out and took them in the wagon and with the one for Miss Farnum, we went down to Bethel about 6 P.M. and put it in for Tinmann. AUGUST 13 FRIDAY - before breakfast, I wrote to Henry Day, telling him that I must have some money on the notes that were due April 1st and May 1st last. I sent it to the Office for the morning mail by Charles Short. I canvassed in the forenoon for our spring beds. In the P.M., I went over to Horace Cable's and spent the greater part of the afternoon on the door sill of his barn talking over business, the bed and free trade, etc. I went to Tweedy's Wool Hat Shop and collected from Willis Gunn $6.75 for a set of box springs we put in for him last Tuesday up to Lanesville. From there, I called at Ely & Young's shop under the hill by Lacey & Davis' forming factory. I then went to Mallory's shop to see Ed Dunning. Before we left there, a shower came up and we walked to his house (Horace Cable's) in the rain. There was, however, but little rain fell. I played my first game of croquet this noon over to Mr. Pond's. I went to the Post Office in the evening and got a letter from William Hayes. AUGUST 14 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I went over to Lake Kenosha with Horace Cable blackberrying. Elmer Cable, Charles Hill and Willis Graham were over there and rode home with us. We all filled our baskets and pails. I got over a peck myself. We got home about 4 o'clock. I then went into the street to see if I could see someone who owes Cable & Purdy for spring beds. I did not collect any. I went into the street again in the evening. Edwin's wife Anne is sick with dysentery. AUGUST 15 SUNDAY - Showery during the day. I went down to Sunday School at noon. On account of the frequent showers, the attendance was small. The time was spent in singing and the Superintendent spoke to the school. I came home in the P.M. Gussie went to church in the evening and I stayed at home. Before retiring, I wrote a reply to William Hayes' letter received on Friday. It rained hard in the evening with thunder showers. AUGUST 16 MONDAY - Before breakfast, I mailed a letter to William Hayes. I went down to the Pahquioque Shop (where I still hold a position) just to see the men. From there, I went over to the Sewing Machine Factory to collect $6.50 from Col. James Ryder but did not get it. As I went to the Pahquioque, I took my clock to Fanton's where it was recently repaired to fix the hands so that they can be moved. They left it before so that I could not move them either forward or backwards. I called uptown to see Mrs. E. S. Davis about springs for her bed which she had engaged some time ago. She had found by examining her other springs that they could unexpectedly use them on her new bedstead and therefore did not need new ones. She would nevertheless have taken them, but I released her from the agreement, not wishing to oblige her to take them if she did not really want them. From there, I called to measure Edmund Dunning's bed but his baby being asleep, I would not disturb the child. I then called at Horace Cable's and came home to dinner. After dinner, I spaded over a place for a strawberry bed and went over to Cable's and got 50 Green Prolific Plants and laid them out, after which Horace and I went into the street to collect. I saw Mrs. Burch, but they would have no money for me until next month. Horace went to see Mrs. W. Bailey and I to see George Raymond. He got nothing but was promised tomorrow morning. I got my pay from Raymond. In the evening, I went up and measured Dunning's bedstead. While standing near the Post Office, Charles Griffing asked me for the balance of my account or a note for the amount. I went up to his office to look over the account but would not give a note. While there, I talked with John Rowan about spring beds. I think I will sell him one. AUGUST 17 TUESDAY - After breakfast, I went down to William Bailey's and collected from his wife $12.00 for two spring beds. I went over to Horace Cable's but on account of the rain, we did not go as we intended to Brewster Station to canvass for spring beds. We spent the forenoon in talking over and arranging our partnership in the tree agency. After dinner, I had a set of half circles sawed out by Daniel Starr with which to fit the springs to Edmund Dunning's bed. Horace Cable measured Charles Griffing's bed for a set of springs. I added it to an order I was about to send to New Haven and mailed it by the P.M. train. The order was for six beds. I went into the street in the evening and got our clock from Fanton's Store. AUGUST 18 WEDNESDAY - Cloudy and misty in the morning, but before noon it cleared off. Horace Cable and I went to Brewster Station. We sold a spring bed to H. M. Senior at Mill Plain. We did a little at selling trees as well as spring beds. We stopped at the Brewster House. In the evening, I made arrangements for Mr. Doty, the new hotel keeper to try one of our beds with the view of putting in several of them if he is satisfied with it. AUGUST 19 THURSDAY - Pleasant and very hot. We canvassed at the Station today for both trees and beds. I came away this evening with 7 more names added to my list. On our way home just about dusk, we saw a woodchuck just this side of the New York state line. I took my pistol and had 5 shots at him but did not touch him. AUGUST 20 FRIDAY - Very hot. Lowery in the morning. Horace Cable and I went to Milltown by way of Joe Hill's. We came home by way of the bogs arriving about dark. Josie Wheeler took Georgie and Willie Griswold away in the broiling sun in the middle of the day up on Highland Avenue (or so he says). Josie is a bad boy learning Georgie and Willie all manner of obscene and wicked language and running away. John Brayman came home this evening. He had words with E. James who lives over him. James assaulted and knocked him down. AUGUST 21 SATURDAY - Hotter than yesterday. About 8 A.M., I went over to Cable's. From there I went to the Post Office. I saw H. B. Fairchild about what he owes me for 2 spring beds. He promised to send me a check next Monday from New York for the amount $13.50. I took a letter from the Office from T. Twitchell saying that he yesterday shipped Order No. 6 of spring beds, six in number. As I was going to Cable's to carry the letter, I overtook Sidney Thompson who was too drunk to walk straight. I took him to his home and left him flat on the floor. Ezra Malloy's house was struck by lightning. After dinner, it commenced a thunder shower. I went between showers to the depot on the arrival of the freight train and found that our 6 beds had arrived. I went up to Cable's where I was compelled to stay until nearly night on account of several hard thunder showers. On that account I did not want to get the beds from the depot. I went into the street in the evening and brought home a pair of pants to keep in they fit me. AUGUST 22 SUNDAY - Lowery but no rain. We rose rather late. I went down to Sunday School with Georgie at noon. After school, we came home again. Gussie stayed to prayer meeting. After dinner, I took Georgie for a walk over to Horace Cable’s. On our way near Lockwood Olmstead's on Stevens Street, I found an ivory billiard ball. We returned a little before dark. Hattie Mills and I stayed at home in the evening. Gussie went to prayer meeting. AUGUST 23 MONDAY - Pleasant. Mr. Cable and I went to the depot this morning and got 6 beds and delivered them. Charles Griffing, Saul Rundle, Alice B. Ford, and Edmund Dunning. The one for J. H. Warner at Newtown and one for William Fowler over the New York state line near Brewster Station, we put into Cable's barn until we go over that way with them. In the P.M., I took Ambrose Hill's fruit plate book and went down to the Pahquioque shop and commenced canvassing a little for trees. I took 4 small orders. After tea, I wrote to Henry Day, ordering 8 pictures frames, oval gold, 4 rose and ribbon 8x10, 2 scale and ribbon, 8x10 and 2 rose and ribbon 10x12, the last two with square rabbets. AUGUST 24 FRIDAY - Pleasant. Horace Cable and I left home this morning for New York state to canvass for the fruit trees. We took H. M. Senior's bed springs over to him as we went over to Mill Plain and put them in, changing the slats first with Mrs. Corning's, she not thinking hers to be long enough. I ordered $3.00 of Senior's pay in sugar - 18 lbs. - and coffee. We took dinner with Mr. Havilland, just beyond Milltown. After dinner, we started along passing near Dikeman's Station on the Harlem Railroad. Also, near Doansburg, thence to Towner's Station and put up for the night just beyond about 2 miles at George Robinson's. AUGUST 25 WEDNESDAY - After breakfast with Mr. Robinson's folks, we tried to repair his son Peter's copper strip hay cutter. We then commenced canvassing; stopped at Samuel Terry's to dinner. After dinner, we drove on to David Kent's, the old millionaire and put new cylinders in his hay cutter. We then went on through Luddingtonville and put up for the night with Clark Lewis, another old friend of Mr. Cable's. AUGUST 26 THURSDAY - Pleasant again. Before breakfast, I shot my pistol at a woodcock and missed it. After breakfast I shot Mr. Lewis' rifle at one and missed him also. We then all shot at a mark with my pistol. We then soon left Mr. Lewis and started for Patterson. Before getting there, Mr. Cable was bit by Willis Read's dog. We took dinner at the American Hotel at Patterson Station. Here we took quarters for the night. Our canvassing for trees has not been very successful thus far. AUGUST 27 FRIDAY - After breakfast at the hotel at Patterson, Mr. Cable and I rode up to Willis Read's Mill to shoot the dog which bit him yesterday. He stated the case to Mr. Read, junior, who agreed with us that the dog ought to be killed. Mr. Cable shot one bullet into him when he his somewhere around the mill. We then left after Mr. Read promising that if the dog did not die, he would see that he was killed. It now being about noon, we started for Brewster Station to see if the beds we ordered for that place had come but found them not there. Before going to the station, we went to ____, where we took dinner on Tuesday to get a halter which we had then left there. We arrive home at 3:30 P.M. I went into the street in the evening. I received from Hanford B. Fairchild, $13.50 for two spring beds, put up for him on the 7th inst. by Cable & Purdy I received by the evening mail a letter from D. R. French stating that he has given up the spring bed agency and desires a settlement with us as soon as we can do so. He sent a statement of Hill & Purdy, also of Cable & Purdy accounts which agrees with our accounts. George came home this evening by the cars (so I am told) to attend the reunion tomorrow. AUGUST 28 SATURDAY - Pleasant. A reunion of the 17th Regiment here today. In the morning, I went over to Mr. Cable's and changed the size of J. H. Warner's bed and used it for Mr. H. Griffing, after which I came home and dressed a little and went into the street to see the assembly of the 17th Regiment just as the procession was forming. I came home and did a little writing. Gussie came home also and dressed Georgie to take him to see the procession. We went into the street again and saw the procession and went to the dinner tent down to the Turner House where they had an excellent dinner for free. The procession consisted of our Military Company, the veterans of the old 17th Regiment, the Fire department, and the Brass Bands, our own and the Wheeler & Wilson's from Bridgeport. I made out a receipted bill of the two spring beds Hanford B. Fairchild paid me for last evening and gave it to him this P.M. AUGUST 29 SUNDAY - Pleasant. I took Georgie down to Sunday School at noon. After school, I came home with him. After the session, the teachers had an interview by request of the Superintendent and voted to have a picnic one week from next Wednesday (the 8th inst.) if the day is fine. It is to be in a grove at the junction of the White Plains and Housatonic railroad near Brookfield. A committee was appointed to make arrangements and procure transportation. After dinner, I took a walk over to Horace Cable's. George came home last Friday evening to attend the reunion of his old regiment which took place yesterday. I have not seen him today. AUGUST 30 MONDAY - Pleasant. After breakfast, I went into the street and over to the Sewing Machine factory and collected from James Ryder $6.50 for one spring bed from Hill & Purdy. I then waited for the arrival of the train at 10:15 to see the 8th Regiment of the Connecticut National Guard. The regiment formed just above the bridge and with Wheeler & Wilson's band marched out to Lake Kenosha where they are to encamp for the week. I commenced picking my crab apples at noon. After dinner, I went into the street again and collected from D. Osborne $6.00 bed money from Hill & Purdy. Edmund Dunning paid me $6.00 for a bed this A. M. Before night, I went to Rundle & White's and collected from Mr. Rundle $6.75 for a spring bed. This was for Cable & Purdy. I went from there over to Horace Cable's. He came home with me and got some crab apples. Also, Charles Hill came for some. I wrote to D. R. French asking for the address of the New York Expansion Spring Bed Company so that I can write and secure for Mr. Cable or us both the County of Putnam in New York adjoining Fairfield in this state. I went into the street and mailed it. I bought some pistol balls - one pound. I bought ## dozen teacups for Harriet Mills for crab apple jelly. George returned to Brooklyn this morning. AUGUST 31 TUESDAY - Pleasant but cool. I went over to Horace Cable's in the morning to go to Brewster Station to put up spring beds, but his horse having a sore back, we concluded to wait over until tomorrow. In the P.M., I went down to the shop and arranged a little to work next week. Gussie and Hattie Mills went to hear a phrenological lecture in the evening. After they went Charles Hayes came by the evening train. Louise and I got him some tea. I then went down to market. I put in 10 bushels of charcoal today.
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