Horace Purdy Journal April 1868 Entry (Still Image)
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APRIL 01 WEDNESDAY - A lovely warm Spring day. I have been to New York and for the first time without an overcoat. Fanny went down with me to attend Conference in Brooklyn. She went to the store with me, her first visit at the place. I bought a few more card photos at Meeker's, 106 Nassau Street to sell in the shop. Also, a few of Longfellow at Anthony's, 501 Broadway. I had a lady put in my charge at 27th Street to go to Mr. Fanton's Shirt Factory. When we arrived, I showed her into his office. He then paid me $5.50 for pictures bought at the Oyster Supper of the Sunday School. I stopped at J. W. Ives and paid it over towards what we owe him for furnishing the Library Room. APRIL 02 THURSDAY - Pleasant in the morning, but showery in the P.M. The first thunder shower of the season. I have worked in the shop. I was very tired and stayed at home in the evening. APRIL 03 FRIDAY - Pleasant, but a little cooler. I have worked in the shop. I expect to go to New York tomorrow and William Carlton cashed my account today and will draw it tomorrow. As I came from work, I called on Swertfager, editor of the Jeffersonian, to see about my indebtedness to him and the letter I wrote to him with $3.00 enclosed for the first quarter of advertisement. Ex-Vice President Hannibal Hamlin spoke this evening for the Republicans at Concert Hall on the issues of the day. I went in for a few minutes to look at the man and then came home. APRIL 04 SATURDAY - A little cool this morning. Pleasant during the day. I have been to New York. Difficulty with the gas pipes at the store so that they could not light up last evening. I had plumbers work at it today who made things all right again. Father Griswold, who has been this week at Conference in Brooklyn, started with me from New York this P.M. to come home to vote on Monday and by leaving the train a few minutes at Norwalk got left. I took charge of his satchel and umbrella and brought them home. I brought a picture I framed for George Fenner, also my discharge papers in a frame and some picture cards for George. I stopped at Kern's Clothing Store and brought home a coat which if I like by daylight, I shall keep. It commenced snowing a little in the evening. I brought a letter for Mother Griswold from Fanny given me on the train by George Starr. APRIL 05 SUNDAY - Pleasant. Though last night it snowed so that this morning it was 3 inches on a level. Gussie attended church this morning. I went down to Sunday School at noon after which George came home with me to tea and went with me to meeting with me in the evening. He returned with me and found Bell waiting who had come from the Baptist church. I persuaded him to take three pictures belonging to him which he sent home from war and which I framed and have hung in our sitting room. I want the room for others. Brother Burch in his sermon this evening made an appeal to the people upon the use of the ballot tomorrow at our state election. He advocated no party but exhorted us to vote as our consciences dictated, to act as Christians for right and justice and not for party ends merely or for any selfish motive. APRIL 06 MONDAY - State election. Pleasant but cold in the morning. I voted in the morning and then worked the remainder of the day. While at the courthouse today, I paid my taxes to Charles H. Crosby - $4.00. Later in the evening - the votes are counted and the Republican majority is one more than last year, it being then 50; this year it stands 51. Last year, we elected but one representative; this year we have both. The news from the surrounding towns is not very encouraging, our majorities being less than last year. Letter from William in the evening. APRIL 07 TUESDAY - The ground is white with snow this morning. It snowed in the morning but soon turned to rain and continued all day until evening when it cleared away. I went to Hatters' Meeting in the evening and called at the Wooster House to see Smith Ferrell about the style of frame for his wreath and cross I am preparing. Another letter this evening from William. He wants me to assist him to borrow $200.00 on mortgage valued at $200.00. After returning from the street, I went over to John Bouton's for Gussie who went over to John's tin wedding. On account of the stormy weather, the party was postponed until tomorrow evening. APRIL 08 WEDNESDAY - Cold this morning with some snow on the ground. I have been to New York. I brought home a picture frame and two looking glasses for Mr. Samuel Dare in Bethel. John Bouton had his tin wedding this evening. We stayed until after midnight and the came home. APRIL 09 THURSDAY - Anniversary of the surrender of General Lee to General Grant. I have worked hard today in the shop. I took the P.M. train to Bethel and carried 2 looking glasses and one picture frame to Mr. Dare and took an order for small looking glasses to the amount of $6.00. I took tea with them and returned on the evening train. APRIL 10 FRIDAY - Fast day. Snow this morning. I went to New York. Mrs. Carlson was in my charge to New York on her way to New Jersey. The storm turned to rain in the middle of the day and continued all day. Father Griswold and Fanny came home from conference on the evening train. At Norwalk Bridge, one of the axles to the locomotive broke, and in consequence, we were until after 10 o'clock getting to Danbury. APRIL 11 SATURDAY - The snow is sufficient for sleighs to run this morning. The day has been pleasant and the snow has disappeared very fast. I have worked in the shop. Gussie took the looking glass over to John Bouton's (which I brought from New York) this evening. I saw John in the street and he paid me for it, 85 cents. Paid Father Griswold $10.00 towards interest I owe him. APRIL 12 SUNDAY - The day has been blustering. Gussie went to church in the morning. I went down to Sunday School at noon and returned when it was over. After tea, we went up home on Deer Hill and left Georgie to stay overnight. APRIL 13 MONDAY - Cold as winter; I have worked in the shop. Oscar Serine gave me a picture to take to New York next time I go and frame for him. The widow Caleb Benedict (Mother to Harriet Phillips) was buried this P.M. I attended Sunday School Teachers' Meeting in the evening at the church. I received a letter from William H. Hayes this evening, stating that the money he was expecting from his intended wife had failed to come. I wrote a reply and mailed it. APRIL 14 THURSDAY - I have worked in the shop. A beautiful morning; in fact, pleasant until towards night when it commenced raining about 5:30 o'clock. I brought from the shop a cup of shellac for Father Griswold to cover where he sawed limbs from his trees. I went to market in the evening and got at Barnum's Saloon, opposite the Danbury Bank, my Testimonial awarded by the legislature of 1867 to soldiers who served during the War to Suppress Rebellion and Traitors and Maintain Constitutional Liberty. APRIL 15 WEDNESDAY - I have been to New York today; exchanged tea for the second time at the Great American Tea Company and got a better quality this time. I tried to borrow for William Hayes of Gideon Powell $250.00, but could not. William delivered two wreaths today and got for them over $50.00. William is near crazy over his disappointment in not getting the money he expected to get married with. It rained last night but none today, though it has been cloudy until late in the P.M. Cloudy and windy again this evening. I framed a picture today for Oscar Serine and delivered it this evening. Rev. Mr. Powers is to be installed pastor this evening of the West Street Congregational Church. APRIL 16 THURSDAY - A thunder shower this morning between 6 and 7 o'clock. Showery all day. I have worked in the shop. After tea, I went up to Father Griswold's and paid him the balance of the interest which was due April 1st. I paid $10 on the 11th inst. and $30.00 this evening. The amount was $45.00, but he gave off $5.00. After making the payment, I went down to the Post Office. APRIL 17 FRIDAY - I have worked in the shop. Tomorrow being payday, and as I shall be in New York, William Carlson cashed my account - $11.00. I took our wash boiler to Charles Hull's in the evening to be mended. . While in the street, I paid O. H. Swift $4.50 for expressage for one year on Sunday School papers, etc., the year ending April 1st, 1868. Mr. Pond being afflicted with a boil and wanting the plans of the new school house, I went for them for him over to John Stevens on Stevens Street. Gussie went to the Sewing Society in the evening at Russell Wildman's. APRIL 18 SATURDAY - Pleasant though cool in the P.M. and this evening. I have been to New York. I escorted Isaac Smith's wife to the city this morning. Father Griswold started this morning on his first trip to his new district on Long Island. I brought home my Soldiers' Testimonial in a frame which I have made this P.M. APRIL 19 SUNDAY - Pleasant until just at night when it clouded over and now has the appearance of storm. The presiding elder, Mead, has been here today. There was a love feast at 9 o'clock which Gussie attended. She returned to let me attend preaching at 10:30 o'clock. Brother Mead preached. Gussie came down at noon with Georgie to attend Sunday School. I came home with him after leaving her at the prayer meeting in the P.M. Having the headache, I stayed home in the evening and let Gussie go to church. Just seven years ago today, I left home for the war with my old company, the Wooster Light Guards. We went to New Haven. We were the first company on the ground, being the first to respond to Governor Buckingham's call for troops in response to President Lincoln's call for 75,000 volunteers for three months. APRIL 20 MONDAY - Rain all day. I have worked in the shop. Have scarcely felt able to work from headache. George R. Tremaine, lecturer and exhibitor of paintings of the Holy Land, came to see me at the shop about an exhibition which he designs giving under the auspices of our Sunday School next week. After work, I helped Mother Griswold put up a bedstead in her garret. We then stayed to tea. I went to market in the evening. APRIL 21 TUESDAY - It gave promise of a fine day in the morning, but it finally clouded over again and continued so during the day. I have worked in the shop. Bell was with us to tea and to stay overnight. I got another $1.10 worth of sugar (7 lbs.) of Mr. Pond again this evening. After tea, I went to market and to the Wooster House to see Smith Ferrell about a card picture of his mother to put in the center of the wreath I am preparing for him. Gussie also went down to Mrs. Bradley's. and Mrs. B's sister, Mrs. Williams, came home with her. APRIL 22 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and warm. I have been to New York. Josephine Dare came with me from New York to Bethel. Fuller came to the store this P.M. and we walked up 6th Avenue to 23rd Street and then to the 5th Avenue Hotel and across Madison Square to the depot where I met Josephine Dare. I brought 8 small looking glasses for Mr. Dare. Josephine and a friend took them at Bethel to take to Mr. Dare. When I arrived home, I met Gussie and we went to the market where I bought my first shad of the season. APRIL 23 THURSDAY - Pleasant with the exception of a shower of wind and rain about 4 o'clock, P.M. I have worked in the shop. After tea, I grafted some apple trees for Father Griswold. I went to the grocery in the evening and called at the Wooster House for a picture of Mrs. Ferrell to set in the center of a wreath (which was on her coffin) that I am preserving, but I did not get it. From there, I went to prayer meeting at church. APRIL 24 FRIDAY - Cold. I have worked in the shop. I finished my work early and went down to Bethel to see Mr. Dare about looking glasses. He paid me $2.40 for what I sent him on Wednesday. I took the freight train from Bethel to Georgetown and met the passenger train and came home. Gussie went to the Sewing Society up to Thomas Fanton's. Father came down in the evening and borrowed our syringe, Bell being sick and requiring its use. Bought a cake of Lewis' Tar Soap. APRIL 25 SATURDAY - I have been to New York. The day has been stormy. It commenced snowing about 5 o'clock this morning and continued more or less all day. The ground is well covered here in Danbury, although none is to be seen in New York. I was I company with a lady to New York who has been staying at Mr. Dare's in Bethel. George was at the store this morning before I arrived, but left before I came. I joined him at Norwalk on my way home this evening. He came home with me to tea. I framed my soldier picture in a carved rustic to match my discharge. APRIL 26 SUNDAY - The ground was covered with snow this morning, but the day being pleasant. It soon disappeared. Gussie attended church in the morning. She returned at noon. I went down to Sunday School and stayed to prayer meeting in the afternoon. After tea, Gussie went down to see Widow Bradley, leaving Georgie and myself at home. I went to church in the evening. Brother Burch preached. I arranged with George after meeting to help me pay my seat rent by assuming half of it. I had thought about giving up the seat on account of the hard times, but shall now keep it. I arranged with Benjamin Bailey this noon to take my place in giving the Sunday School Children's tickets to dispose of for the entertainment to come off on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings ' 28th and 29th. The same being scenes and views of the Holy Land as shown at the Heliographorama. One half of the proceeds to be for the benefit of our Sunday School. APRIL 27 MONDAY - Cool in the morning so that I wore an overcoat to New York, but the day has been warm. I got for our Sunday School Infant Class, the Apostles' Creed from the Episcopal Book Room at the Bible House. I also brought a small package for Mr. Dare and left at the Bethel Depot this evening. I bought one dozen 'Laughing Cats' at Meeker & Pickford's in Nassau Street and let Joe Kyle have a half dozen of them at the depot this evening. Mrs. Bradley called this evening while I was taking my tea. My chief man at the store, William Hayes, is to be married this evening at his new residence, No. 16 Bedford Street. APRIL 28 TUESDAY - I slept but little last night on account of my business affairs weighing so heavily on my mind. It looked like storm early this morning, but the day finally proved beautiful and warm. I have worked in the shop. I bought a 3 and a half pound shad of a peddler at the shop and came home to dinner expressly to bring it home. I was doorkeeper this evening at the church for a heliographic exhibition of scenes and pictures of the Holy Land, one half the profits of which go to our Sunday School. Lucy Purdy took care of Georgie in the evening to let Gussie attend. When we returned, I gave Lucy three tickets so that she and others of her family who feel too poor to buy them can go tomorrow evening. I sent a note this P.M. to Mr. Dare in Bethel stating that last evening, I left a package for him at the depot. APRIL 29 WEDNESDAY - Cloudy and in the evening, rain. I have worked in the shop. Had my boots mended at M. Daragan's. Sewed up for nothing where previous mending had ripped. I attended the exhibition again this evening of the heliographic views, a very good house for a rainy night. The Sunday School realized $31.00 from the affair, the proprietor giving us half after paying expenses. APRIL 30 THURSDAY - Pleasant and warm. I have worked in the shop. George has helped Gussie clean the pantry today. He stayed to tea, after which he helped me graft for Father Griswold. We then went to market. I called at the Wooster House and got Mrs. Ferrell's card picture to set in a wreath for them. After returning home, I wrote to William and enclosed the picture and then went to the Post Office with it. Went to the barber's for a haircut and then returned home again.
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