Horace Purdy Journal July 1865 Entry (Still Image)
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07/01 SATURDAY - Cloudy all day. I quit work at noon. Went to Danbury Bank and drew the $10.00 for George's bounty check and then paid Harris the tailor $2.70 which George owed for army shirts and then came home and weeded out my strawberry beds until tea time. After tea, I worked a while at it and then went to market. I called at Griffing's block where they were taking names of soldiers who would turn out on the 4th of July. From there I went to Averill's office where they were talking up the affair of raising up a militia company in this town under the new law passed a few days ago by the legislature. When I came home I brought Oscar Serrine with me to drink a glass of beer. Mr. Cocking had a fresh barrel of ale come today. Aunt Harriet and Benjamin and Uncle Stephen's widow and Cyrus Benjamin's wife came up from Ridgefield to see Mother. Gussie went up to see them in the P.M. The new militia bill just passed compels the state to furnish uniforms and pay and 5 cents per mile when ordered out for state duty. This is in addition to the regular pay per day. Arms and equipment and armory sent as prescribed under the old law. Mr. Rotier who was reported dead yesterday is alive. The report was false so far as he being dead. He however did drop down insensible, I believe. It rained a little before we retired at night. 07/02 SUNDAY - Heavy thunder shower last night. Pleasant today with the exception of a shower between 2 and 3 o'clock in the P.M. and that was very agreeable. I believe there was no thunder with it. The baby was worse this morning. Gussie feared the Diphtheria. I went for Dr. Bulkeley before meeting time. He pronounced it as before to be mumps. He left Aconite and Bryanier (?) to be taken alternate every 2 hours. Rev. Dr. Wise, editor of the Sunday School Advocate, preached for us. Gussie went in the morning and I in the afternoon. Dr. Wise preached to the Sunday School children in the morning and to the older people in the P.M. Brother George Starr (Supt.) read a letter to the Sunday School from Brother Hill. He is away for his health and wrote from Pennsylvania. He is or has been at Carlisle, I believe. The shower last night and the rain this P.M. has made it quite cool this evening. We did not go out in the evening. Robert drew some beer. I drank a glass with him and retired about 10 o'clock. 07/03 MONDAY - A beautiful day. Father came down in the morning before I went to the shop and paid me the dollar which I lent him in addition to the one I gave him to go to Cousin Joel Benjamin's funeral in Ridgefield last week. On my way to the shop, I bought a piece of lamb at B. & N's for Mother Griswold and sent it up. I worked until noon and then came home and Father helped me mow my door yard and carry off the grass; also trim my walk edges. He stayed with us to tea. He would take nothing for his work so I gave him about 2 lbs. of butter and a bottle of ale to carry to Mother. After tea, Gussie got Georgie to sleep and I stayed with him to let her go downtown in the evening. Soon after tea, Our foreman V. W. Benedict came over to the house and brought me $23 dollars which he drew for me at the shop this P.M. Mr. Crofut paid the men on account of it being the 4th of July tomorrow though it is only one week since he has paid us. While I was with the baby this evening, Bell came down to Mother Griswold's on an errand and she stayed with him while I went downtown a short time. When I returned, I found Gussie at home and Bell waiting for her torpedoes which I promised her if she would stay with Georgie. Aunt Clarissa Burr and Cousin Hattie came from Bloomfield on the evening train and Gussie and I went up to see them before Bell went home. I returned before Gussie did and Robert brought down a glass of beer for me in the meantime. Before retiring, the baby had a turn of vomiting. He has appeared better all day. 07/04 TUESDAY - A beautiful day. The celebration was rather a failure. The soldiers were expected to march in the procession but did not. A dinner was made for them at Concert Hall. I did not take dinner with them though I understood that nearly all the nine months men did. I came home and took dinner with Father and Mother who spent the day with us. I got McDonald's horse and took Mother down about 9 AM. and took her home again about 6 PM. Foster of New Haven delivered the orations. The Fantastics (?) paraded at 3 o'clock. About that time Mr. Cocking and I went up by Father Griswold's and fired at a mark with my pistol. Fanny stayed with Georgie in the evening to let Gussie and I go and see the fireworks. The shower which came about 6 o'clock wet the fireworks so that all the fine pieces were spoiled. A colored ball at Concert Hall after the fireworks which were put off at Concert Hall what was saved of them. 07/05 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. Did not work in the shop. Went hunting with Bob Dunning in the PM. Went down between Middle and Town Mountain and came home by way of Mountain Pond. He shot 1 woodcock and 1 robin, and I, 1 woodcock. I gave my bird to him. I stopped at his house and drank a glass of root beer and then he came home with me and drank some ale. I went to market in the evening. Received by evening mail a letter from George from Jacksonville, Florida and dated June 27th. Ed Barnum told me that the box that I had been expecting from George had arrived by express. I ordered it sent up tomorrow. Charles H. Hoyt became father of a boy weighing 10 lbs. this P.M. 07/06 THURSDAY - Pleasant. Put up my dinner in a paper and started to go to the shop if I did not conclude otherwise before I got there. I have pretty much made up my mind to play this week and rest from shop work which if I can content myself to do will do me much good for I have worked very hard of late and need rest. I went into Main Street and found Hart Purdy and we arranged to go razzberrying and take the gun and get some woodcock if we could. I went down to Jackson's and got his dog, Milo and we went. We got but few berries. I got 2 woodcock, 1 chipmunk, 1 small rabbit and a guinea hen which I found strayed into the swamp. The dog put it up near the edge of the swamp. It flew toward the swamp. I shot it before it reached it, not knowing when I fired what it was, but upon examination when I picked it up, I found what it was. It was very wild and had doubtless strayed away. After tea, I went home with Milo. Before going hunting, I ordered some pictures of myself at Mr. Couch's and in the evening, Hattie Burr and Gussie went into the street on some errand and brought them home, one of each kind, a Carte de Visite and Vignette for me to take my choice and order which style I would have the four I ordered printed. My object in ordering them now is to give one to Hattie Burr as she is very anxious for one. The box containing George's effects which he sent by express was delivered this morning. I paid $1.05 for expressage for him. Gussie got a letter for her folks from Aunt Ruth. A picture was included of Lauren for Fanny. 07/07 FRIDAY - Very warm though there was considerable air stirring. Did not work in the shop today; am trying to rest from hard work. I went to the shop in the forenoon to get my working shirt in order that Gussie could cut out two new ones for which I have bought the materiel. Mr. Cocking brought 40 celery plants for Father Griswold this morning and I set them out for him as he left home on the morning train for Canton. Gussie received a dress pattern by the morning mail from Cousin Anna Eliza Mills in Canton. The wild game which I shot yesterday, we had for dinner today. Aunt Clarissa and Cousin Hattie Burr, Mother Griswold, Fanny and Harriet all took dinner with us. After dinner I went with Harriet Wheeler and Hattie Burr uptown to the hat factories to show them how hats are manufactured. From there I went to Joseph Ives and bought the chestnut secretary which I looked at this morning. I took it for $9.00 and got trusted for it. After tea, I helped Gussie pick some currants to make jelly. I then hoed the garden for a short time and went downtown to hear the news as the four conspirators connected with the murder of Abraham Lincoln were to be hanged today, viz. Mrs. Surratt, Herold, Payne (ed. note, actually Lewis Powell) and Atzerodt. No news by the evening post but a telegram has been received that all four were hung at ___minutes, ___ o'clock. I called at O H. Swift's and got the Sunday School Advocates and brought them home. 07/08 SATURDAY - I have spent the day in training strawberry plants, pulling weeds, marking off the 74 S.S. Advocates for distribution tomorrow in Sunday School. Went onto tin roof of wing and fitted strips of siding under two windows, etc. Bought # barrel of flour of Crofut & Son. Went to Holley's shop to see Father about directions for washing uniform which George sent home. Carried the Sunday School Advocates to the church. Called at Couch's Picture Gallery for four pictures of self (cards) which I ordered yesterday. Our preacher, Brother Hill came home from a tour which he has been taking for his health. We took dinner up to Mother Griswold's with Aunt Clara and Cousin Hattie Burr. I went to the Post. Office this forenoon and Theodore Fowler brought me home with his horse and carriage and stopped and drank a glass of beer with me. I went to the depot in the evening. Theodore Morris and Seth Northrop came home on the train. They left the 17th Regiment at Hilton Head, Florida (ed. note, actually South Carolina). They being paroled prisoners were sent home first. I did some marketing and came home. The papers today give an account of the hanging of the murderers of President Lincoln. They have all four of them been hung. 07/09 SUNDAY - Pleasant. The bell tolled this morning for Levi Benedict, the father of Starr Benedict, the butcher of the firm of Benedict & Nichols. He died in a fit I learned this noon. Brother Hill had the doctor yesterday after he arrived home. He could not preach today. A local preacher by name of Barnum from New York (an old man) preached for us this morning. Gussie attended and came home as usual directly after the service for me to go to Sunday School. I went in the P.M. It was the Sacrament Service. Brother Crawford administered it. Gussie said that Peter Holmes got up after the sermon in the morning and rebuked the official members for allowing the Camp Meeting tent be in the hands of Smith Barnum over at his hotel. Peter could not stand it to be in the hands of a rum seller. I brought home the Sunday School librarian's books to draw up the names of teachers and scholars anew. Gussie thinks she has a felon (ed. note, an infection of the finger tip) on her finger. She soaked it for an hour in as hot water as she could hold it in and then did it up and kept it wet with spirits of turpentine. After tea, I took a nap and then went to the cemetery with Gussie and Hattie Burr. We carried bouquets for Abel and Eddie's graves. Just as we entered the lot a fellow and his girl came in and took the new seat which has been put up this summer and when we finished at the grave they still occupied the seat and notwithstanding the hints we made them they would not move. The fellow showed plainly the lack of gentlemanly qualities or when the owners of the lot and seat came in they would have vacated the seat for them. It was between sundown and dark when we returned home. I then immediately went up and watered Father Griswold's celery and then filled a quart bottle with ale and started up home with it for Mother who sent word by Bell to Sunday School that she wanted some. There was a prayer meeting held up there at 5 o'clock for Mother's special benefit as she is unable to attend church. On my way up, I met Father coming down for the beer. He turned back with me as we met. I stayed until about 9 o'clock. 07/10 MONDAY - Pleasant but cool for July weather. I commenced work in the shop today after resting about a week. I took my dinner and stayed all day. After tea, I took Georgie in my arms and walked around the yard and garden and Father Griswold's garden also. I went to Sunday School Teachers' Business meeting in the evening which lasted until after 9 o'clock. I came home, copied the minutes of the meeting, wrote in my journal and retired. Alson Smith became the father to a son this forenoon. 07/11 TUESDAY - When I woke this morning, it was raining hard. I worked as usual in the shop. It cleared off in the afternoon. After tea, I went to market and up to S.S. Peck's store to get the price of butter for our butter maker Charles Fowler who we expect tomorrow. I then went to Hatters' Meeting over Benedict & Nichols' store. I being on the Auditing Committee with C. H. Hoyt and Nathaniel Cable, I went early and looked over the Secretary and treasurer's books before business commenced. The meeting held until about 9 o'clock. 07/12 WEDNESDAY - Cloudy most of the day, though the sun shone a little. Gussie's finger is troubling her badly. On that account, we are having our washing done over to Alexander Pines. He came for the clothes this morning for his wife to wash. I worked as usual in the shop. After tea, I dug up the ground where I had dwarf peas and set out three rows of Russell Strawberry plants. At the same time Mr. Carlson came for the plants I promised him, he having prepared the ground for them today. I could not go to class as I intended as Gussie wanted to go down to see Dr. Bulkeley about her finger on which she has a felon. She showed it and he cut it open for her and put on a plaster of Grey's salve and recommended for her to buy a box of it which she did before she came home. 07/13 THURSDAY - The weather rather heavy this morning, but it came off pleasant with sunshine most of the day. Gussie's finger is bad yet there is no doubt but that it is a felon. While she was getting breakfast this morning, I sawed some wood. William Carlson finished getting his strawberry plants this morning and did it mostly before I got up. Mr. Pond got a few of them also. I worked as usual in the shop. Bought a large butcher or bread knife of the old knife man (Perry) today for Mr. Pond and gave it to him after tea. I let him have it for what it cost me 25 cents. I promised some time ago to get one for him the first time uncle Perry came with them again. I worked in the shop until after 6 o'clock. Gussie went to market in the evening and I stayed with Georgie. In the meantime David Bradley came and borrowed my compass saw to do a job at a bedstead for Mother Griswold. Rob Dunning and brother came and picked some currants which I promised him some time ago just as I came home from work. Gussie put some up in cans today. P.T. Barnum's Museum in New York City was burned today. 07/14 FRIDAY - Pleasant but rather cool for the season. I worked as usual in the shop. Gussie went down to Dr. Bulkeley's again today and he cut open her felon again. After tea, I sowed some 'King of Swedes Turnip' seeds', the same that was sent to me from the Department of Agriculture at Washington. I also hoed a little in the garden. I then went to market, the Post Office and home. Aunt Louisa went up home to see Mother today and called here and told us how she was. She is very poorly now. She had another bad turn yesterday, but is a little better today. When I returned from the street, I went up to see her. 07/15 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I worked in the shop until the middle of the afternoon and then came home. Gussie and some of her folks went up to see Mother today. They found her a little more comfortable. After tea, Cousin Louisa and Frank came over for some currants. I went into the street in the evening and received two letters from George written July 8th and 11th at Hilton Head. He says the regiment expects to leave there for the North on the 28th. J. Montgomery Bailey arrived from the regiment this evening. He is to report to the regiment at New Haven when the regiment arrives there. Before retiring, I found our cat 'Prince' in the yard with a robin which he had caught. I took it away from him and put it on a tree in Father Griswold's yard as it seemed to be uninjured. 07/16 SUNDAY - Cloudy most of the day, but not stormy. Edward Barnum, my assistant librarian in Sunday School came down this morning and helped me write up the two librarian account books. W. C. Hoyt preached for us today, Brother Hill being very sick with Typhoid Fever. Gussie went in the morning and I to Sunday School and in the P.M. Mister Dunning preached in the Baptist church this P.M., but I did not go to hear him. 7 o'clock P.M. It commenced raining about 1 # hours ago. I have been sleeping on the lounge the past two hours or more. I wrote to Carleton & Porter in the evening ordering another copy of the S. S. Advocate for a new subscriber from July to October and enclosed 8 cents with which to pay for it. I also wrote to George in Hilton Head, South Carolina. It rained hard all the evening and neither of us went out. 07/17 MONDAY - Stormy last night and this morning. I felt badly nearly all day, produced without doubt from hearty eating yesterday and the lack of my usual exercise to digest my food. I worked all day however. We were paid off this P.M. I drew for my last week's work $26.50. On my way home, I called at the Coal Office of Alden G. Crosby and engaged my winter's coal. Five tons at $11.00 and if the price should be less before the 1st of September, I am to have the benefit of it. I bought # ton for immediate use and had it immediately delivered. After tea, I picked a few currants for Gussie to can up for use next winter and then went downtown. I mailed a letter to Carleton & Porter ordering one copy additional to our number of S.S. Advocates for a new subscriber, paid Mr. Joseph Ives $9.00 for the secretary I bought of him in the 7th instant. I then went to the Depot for Mrs. George Davis to see if there was a package by express for her. Father Griswold came home on the train. He has been spending a week in Canton with Cousin Alfred Humphrey. As I went into the Post Office on my way home, I found Edwin Harris waiting to see me to get some Russell Strawberry Plants which I promised him and though it was dark, we found a dozen which he took home with him. 07/18 TUESDAY - A beautiful day. I have been about sick today with the bowel complaint, but have worked hard all day notwithstanding. On my way to work in the morning, I mailed the letter to George which I wrote on Sunday. Gussie is almost down with a bowel difficulty as well as myself. I went to market in the evening. 07/19 WEDNESDAY - I felt worse this morning than yesterday. I had the Diarrhea so badly that I was up during the night and out twice before breakfast. After breakfast I took an injection of blood warm water which worked like a charm on my bowels. Did not feel able to go to work. I went into the street and talked more with O.H. Swift about the news business for George. Went down to the shop and sold 4 rolls of salve to Sam Parks and bought a piece of enameled cloth to cover the writing table of my secretary. I came home and let Milo (Mr. Jackson's dog) follow me. I covered the table to my secretary and the Gussie dressed Georgie and we took him and we went up home to see Mother. I carried a bottle of ale up to her. We came home by way of Wooster Street and Main at the same time going up to the Jeffersonian Office for my paper. I took Father's over to Mr. Holley's shop to him and then we found Jesse D. Stevens on the street. He came home with us and got a few Russell Strawberry plants which I promised him. Mr. Ashley tells me that a letter has been received from Saul Raymond at Port Royal and he says that the 17th Regiment will sail from there on the 20th tomorrow. Mr. Frisbie, the new Congregational preacher at the 1st church was installed today. The sun shone this forenoon, but in the P.M, it clouded over and commenced raining about 7 o'clock. I went to market and to the Post Office in the evening. 07/20 THURSDAY - It cleared off last night with a thunder shower and today has been warm and pleasant. I have worked hard all day in the shop. Gussie called at Alson Smith's this P.M. near Harry Stone's, corner of Liberty Street and Railroad Avenue where Miss English is nursing Mrs. Smith. When I came home from work and before tea, I drew a glass of ale. After tea, I dug three hills of potatoes, the first for us of the season. I rode downtown with Robert Cocking in the evening. I carried my patent leather boots to D. Benedict's to be soled and capped. Bought loaf of bread. Went to the Post Office and rode home again with Robert. I sold three more rolls of salve today two rolls to William Mansfield and one to another man in the plant shop. 07/21 FRIDAY - Pleasant and warmer than several days past. We gave the baby another injection this morning to move his bowels. I worked hard all day in the shop. On my way to work this morning, I mailed a letter for Father Griswold. As I came home from work at night, I called at D. Benedict's shoe store for my patent leather boots which he has been repairing for me soling and caps on the toes. When I came home, I found Father there. He had just done pressing some currants for me in Father Griswold's hard cider mill. He stayed with us to tea. After tea, Gussie went to market and to the Depot to engage Beatty to come with his carriage for Aunt Clarissa and Hatty Burr, who are going home tomorrow to Bloomfield, Conn. She also went up to Balmforth Avenue to engage Mrs. McNeil to do some dressmaking for her but found her sick and she cannot do it. While she was gone, I walked around the premises with Georgie in my arms until Mr. Cocking came and he drew some beer and I drank with him. Spent the evening up in his room until Gussie came. Fourth anniversary of the Battle of Bull Run. 07/22 SATURDAY - I woke this morning and found it storming hard. Aunt Clara and Hatty Burr started for home this morning with Father Griswold who goes as far as New Haven with them. I worked hard all day until 7 P.M. in the shop. It cleared off about 4 o'clock. After tea, I went into the street walking down with Robert and got the package of S.S. Advocates for Sunday School and my copy of Harper's Weekly and walked up home with Mr. Carlson. I took the lantern and went into the garden about 9 o'clock and dug some potatoes for breakfast. 07/23 SUNDAY - A lovely day, neither too hot nor too cold. I marked off 73 copies of the S.S. Advocate after breakfast. Gussie went as usual to church in the morning while I stayed with the baby. Starr Hoyt Nichols preached for us in the morning and Brother Crawford in the P.M. I went in the afternoon. Brother Hill is very sick yet. A prayer meeting was held up home this afternoon at 5 o'clock for Mother's special benefit. We did not go but took Georgie in his carriage and went up to the cemetery. On the way, I stopped at George Starr's and handed him the list of subscribers in our Sunday School to the Lincoln Monument and the money with it - $20.32. He told me that the old lady, Mrs. Wildman, his wife's mother had just died since the afternoon meeting. We did not go to meeting in the evening, but retired early. 07/24 MONDAY - A little cloudy and some indications of a storm this morning but it finally proved a fair day. Alden G. Crosby, agent for the People's Coal Company, delivered 3 tons of coal this morning of the 5 I ordered a few days ago. I worked hard all day in the shop. The last I did before stopping work was to finish a damaged black hat on the 5deep spring prime block to either wear myself or to give to George when he comes hone. I went into the street in the evening for groceries and went to the depot to see if some of the boys of the 17th Regiment came as we are daily expecting them to arrive in New York for Port Royal, South Carolina. Mrs. George Starr's mother was buried this P.M. Father Griswold attended the funeral at the residence of George Starr where she died. Mr. Stokes came to Father Griswold's today from New York. A School meeting this evening in the basement of Concert Hall. Father Griswold was chairman. It was I believe to take measures for building a new school house. 07/25 TUESDAY - Indications of a storm during the day. A thunder shower between 6 and 7 o'clock P.M. By the New York Herald, I see the 17th Regiment arrived in New York by steamer from Port Royal. They took refreshmnet on the battery and then took steamer for New Haven at 11 o'clock at night. It has been very close and warm in the shop today. I worked until between 3 and 4 o'clock and stopped. I brought home a black spring brim hat, 5# deep, which I have been getting up from a damaged hat. It cost me nothing except the trimming. When I got to Main Street, I borrowed Alden Crosby's horse and buggy and carried Mother's straw bed home. Amos Purdy, Jr. died about 5 o'clock P.M. I helped a little about laying him out and went to the telegraph office and telegraphed them for his wife in Norwalk and paid the fee 40 cents. I went to the depot in the evening and met George who came from New Haven with the others of his company. I brought him around to my house before going up home with him. Mr. Cocking drew a pitcher of ale and we drank a glass together after calling to see Father Griswold. We started up home but found that they had all retired, so George hung his knapsack, haversack, and canteen in the old cart house and returned with me rather than disturb Mother, fearing it would disturb her badly to wake her. It was nearly midnight when we retired. 07/26 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. After breakfast and while Gussie was cleaning up Georgie, George and I went into the street to carry the item of Amos Purdy's death to the Jeffersonian Office for publication and to buy some meat for dining up home. When we returned, Gussie was ready and we too the baby and went up home with George. We spent the forenoon and took dinner after which Father, George and myself started for the cemetery. We stopped to talk with Swift about buying him out when Gussie came along and went to the cemetery with us. When we returned, I bought a loaf of bread and George went around home with me and we got our last jar of peaches and too up home for tea. We had a good time together during the day. After tea, Gussie and I came home. I went to market in the evening and saw Mr. Crofut about money to assist George to buy out O.H. Swift. I then went to class just before it was out where George and Bell were to John Cosier's class. I told George what I had done about the money. I walked up Deer Hill with him as far as Widow Barnum's and then came down home. 07/27 THURSDAY - Did not work in the shop. Spent a part of the forenoon in talking with O.H. Swift and figuring on the store and the news business with it. Mrs. Stone did our ironing in the forenoon, just before dinner. I went up home and carried a hat to George. Before breakfast, I went over to see John Bouton. At 1 o'clock, I attended the funeral of Amos Purdy. Father Griswold officiated; it was at the church. I drove Mr. ____'s white horse with the officiating clergyman (Father Griswold). George and William Warren assisted as pallbearers in uniform, Amos having been a soldier. George left with others of his company to report at New Haven. They took the 4 o'clock train. Bucket lost in the well. I borrowed a well hook of Clark Hickok and fished it out. I paid for soldering a strip of tin on the eves of my new tin roof - $1.75. It was done yesterday. I lent George $2.00 to get back to New Haven with and my pocketbook to put his money in when he gets paid off as he has none, not having any use for it for nearly a year as they have not been paid off in that time. I do not play often enough to know how to do it easily and am very tired. I took a nap after tea and then carried the well hook over to Clark Hickok's and went to market. Bought three quarts of whortleberries and a loaf of bread. 07/28 FRIDAY - Very warm. I worked all day in the shop. Ordered a # barrel of ale at Ferrell's for Robert and myself. Bell was with us to tea and stayed with Georgie while Gussie and I went to the store and to the depot to see if George would come on the train. John Bouton and William Warren came and said that they would not be paid off until next week and George being desirous of economizing much as possible stayed in New Haven and will not be home until the regiment is paid off. Brother Hull left a paper with Gussie today with blanks for me to fill out of the numbers of officer and teachers, number of infant scholars and books in the library. I filled them out after tea and left them at his house as we went into the street in the evening. I saw Mr. Henry Crofut at the depot and he told me that he thought he could let me (or George) have the money needed to buy out O.H. Swift and the paper business of P. Starr. I wrote to George about the paper business before retiring. 07/29 SATURDAY - Pleasant, indications in the morning of a warmer day than yesterday but a breeze finally sprang up and made it quite airy. The letter that I wrote to George last night informing him that I could have the money, I mailed this morning before breakfast. I worked all day in the shop. Saw Mr. Crofut as I left the factory about the money for George. He told me how he proposed to let me have it. I saw O. H. Swift on the street before I got home and he told me that he feared George had lost the paper business as Josiah Day's brother claimed that P. Starr had given him the refusal of it before he left home. Mr. Starr has not yet arrived home. I was at the depot in the evening to see Peter if he should arrive on the train. While there, I saw Day and his three brothers ready to mount Peter when he came. They are evidently determined to have the paper business for the town. By the evening mail, I received a letter from George stating that he has seen Peter in New Haven and he has an opportunity to buy the right for Fairfield County for the patent for a flour sifter. It would take less capital than the paper business and could do far better. After tea, John Bouton and Frank called on us. Just at night Crosby sent another ton of coal making now 4 tons delivered. The # barrel of ale from Ferrell's which I engaged for Robert and myself yesterday came also just at night. 07/30 SUNDAY - Pleasant; either too warm or too cool for comfort. Brother Hill is not yet able to preach though during the last week he has walked considerably. Brother Crawford preached for him today. Gussie went in the morning and I in the P.M. John Bouton and Frank attended church in the afternoon and sat with me. We had tomatoes for breakfast and green corn for supper. After tea, we took Georgie and went up home. They were holding a prayer meeting there. So we stopped at Henry Heinman's to see John Bouton until meeting was over. Gussie wrote to her cousin Eliza Humphrey I California in the evening. I went to prayer meeting and on the way I mailed a letter to George in New Haven in reference to the County right for the flour sifter which he wrote me about Saturday. 07/31 MONDAY - Pleasant. I got breakfast early and mailed a letter for this morning's mail to George. I went from the Post Office to the depot to see the boys who were to return to New Haven. I sent word by them to George that I should be there to see him in the evening. I worked until noon and then came home. After dinner I went back to the factory to get my pay and the money to take to New Haven to assist George in buying the County right for the flour sifter. I could not get the money from Mr. Crofut on account of George not being here to sign the note. So I concluded to go to New Haven and arrange for the right and leave the money matter until George should come home. I accordingly started for New haven on the 4 o'clock train arriving there about 7 o'clock, but was disappointed in not finding George waiting for me at the depot. I inquired and hunted for him but could not find him. I went up to Elisha Dickerman's where I was welcomed as an old friend. John Bouton went with me. The2nd Connecticut Light Battery arrived by steamer in the evening and were escorted by the mayor, the New Haven Brass Band and Light Guard up Chapel Street to the State House where a fine supper was waiting for them. After this John and I went to Mr. Dickerman's to put up for the night after going to an eating house near the Post Office for supper.
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