Horace Purdy Journal, March 1870 Entry (Still Image)
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3/1 I spent the forenoon in the street working insurance. In the morning I received a letter from my Ins. Co. saying I might forward the application for Mrs. Disbrow but would not make it payable to her husband unless he insured also. I answered by the PM mail saying that he now had $2,000 on his life. I urged the company to issue the policy as this was the only condition on which he will take the policy. Just at night I took John H. White to Dr. Bulkely's office and had him examined. Filled out the certificate there and in the evening mailed it to the company. In the street this evening I saw Peter Robinson and took him into Dr. Bulkely's to be examined, leaving the other part of the application to be filled out tomorrow. 3/2 I delivered Charles H. Wilcox's policy for $500 and received the premium of $9.73. In the forenoon went down to the sewing machine factory and talked life insurance with Col. James Ryder explaining the plan and the strong points and advantages of the company. I gained his favor and acknowledgement that it was a superior company. I then called at the Pahquioque shop for a few minutes and from there to the post office and received the 3 policies, and also a letter from L. E. Twitchell with bill enclosed for 5 spring beds, my first lot sold since coming from New London last Christmas. In the PM I got Charlie Disbrow to deliver my spring beds which came by freight, to Hawley, May, Ryder, Beers and Griswold. During the afternoon and evening I put them all in. It was about 9 o'clock in the evening when I put the last one in for Henry Ryder on Montgomery St. in Granville Hoyt's house. About 5 this evening Dr. Bulkely examined George Bell's wife for a joint policy with her husband. Gussie went this evening to a surprise party at H. E. Comes on Rabbit Hill. 3/3 In the forenoon I went up to Peter Robinson's on Balmforth Ave. and took Mrs. Robinson's application for a joint life ins. policy with her husband. I received by the morning mail the policy for John H. White and a letter from D. R. French, General Agent, with enclosed permit for the State Insurance Commissioner for me to act as agent for the Homeopathic Mutual Life Ins. Company of NY. After dinner I went up to Gould S. Disbrow and took Mrs. Disbrow's application for a policy payable to her husband. I called at Mrs. E. M. Jones and got her signature to the friends certificate on Mrs. Robinson's application. Having felt sick with a headache all day and after dinner feeling worse, I kept quiet the remainder of the PM. After tea I felt better and went into the street to see George Bell about being examined tomorrow. Gussie went this evening to the auction sale of Fanton's fire damaged shirts and bought me 6 shirts nearly perfect for $3.50. 3/4 It tried to snow in the forenoon but was too cold. It moderated in the PM so that it snowed a little. Henry M. Day came in town this forenoon. I saw and had a talk with him about the money he owes me but could not get anything definite from him. In the PM I went up to Young and Ely's shop, to Mallory's . After tea I went into the street expecting to have George Bell examined but I could not find him. I deposited $18.60 in Danbury Bank for a check I sent by this PM mail to L. E. Twitchell. 3/5 I talked life insurance in Charles Chapman's shoe store in the forenoon. Young Dr. William Bulkely went up and examined Mrs. Disbrow this morning but omitted to have her sign the document so I went up before going to dinner and had her sign it. In the PM old Dr. Bulkely went up and examined Peter Robinson's wife. I mailed the joint applications by the afternoon mail. I put in a door spring for William Bedient Jr. , the artist. I did it to test it beside another kind he was using. In the evening I went in the street and did some marketing with Gussie and came home. Joseph Bates paid me today $6.84, he balance of his first quarterly payment on his 15 yr. endowment policy. 3/6 Gussie and Hattie Mills attended church while Georgie and I stayed home. After tea Georgie and I took a walk around the square to West St. by way of George and Orchard Streets. I wrote to George concerning his voting here this spring and also offered him New London and Wyndham counties for the sale of the Connecticut Spring Bed. 3/7 It has snowed all day. I received from the Homeo. Ins. Co. an extra from the Insurance Times, a statement of business of all companies doing business in NY for the year ending December 31, 1869. In the PM I mailed a letter to D.R. French at Seymour CT. I went to Concert Hall in the evening to hear Dr. Pond lecture on Temperance. It was acknowledged by those present to be the best lecture yet delivered and the audience voted unanimously to invite him to repeat it at some future time. 3/8 Sleighs tried to run but made sorry work of it. In the forenoon I went to the Sewing Machine factory to see James Olmstead to get the $27.00 left by Charles Hayes for me to draw. I got $20.00 and then came home, stopping as I got to the post office and got Mrs. Disbrow's policy from the Ins. Co. Received also a letter from L. E. Twitchell with receipted bill enclosed for the last lot of spring beds. After dinner I wrote to Mr. Twitchell and also to Starr & Farnham printers, cor. State and Main Streets, New London for the bed cut I had them use in printing my circulars. I want them to send it to Mr. Twitchell at New Haven. I also wrote to A. Stanley Smith. I then went into the street and mailed the letters I wrote and took Mr. Disbrow and his son Charlie's policy to them. Later in the PM I saw John White and gave his to him. They all paid me but Gould Disbrow who wants me to wait a day or two. Dr. Bulkely received a letter from the Ins. Office in NY to see Peter Robinson again about his pulse. So in the evening I went with him to the Doctor's office, and his pulse instead of being over 80 was 72, and expansion of chest instead of being 37' to 38' was 35' to 37'. 3/9 I went to Bethel on the noon train to talk life insurance and returned by the evening train. Received a letter in the evening mail from George answering mine about voting here in the spring, also telling me he was now at work at Straw Hat Curling. 3/10 I received a joint policy for George B. Bell and wife. I took the noon train for Bethel. Sidney Smith came up with me on the evening train. He came home with me and talked about taking the New London and Wyndham counties to sell the Connecticut Spring Bed. He left about 10 o'clock to walk back to Bethel. I bought of George Osborne in Bethel a smoked beef tongue. 3/11 I went up to the boot and shoe factory and to the Chase Carriage factory in the forenoon and talked life insurance. Rec'd by the morning mail a joint policy for Peter Robinson and wife. In the PM I delivered it and got a check for the amount of the premium, $109.40. Gould S. Disbrow also paid me the premium for his, $31.60 less $3.13 for a 1/22 [Bbl] flour. I talked life insurance with H. E Comes and Robert Sayers. George Dickens wife died this morning about 5 o'clock. 3/12 In the forenoon I rode with Peter Robinson over to Sturdevant's to talk life insurance a little with the shop hands. I rode back about noon with William A. Bouton who drives George Starrs' team. Before going to dinner I took Peter Robinson's check to the Danbury Bank. I made out my report to D.R. French and went again to the bank and got a draft for $135.88, which with my commission, examinations, balanced accounts for all premiums collected up to date. I mailed the report and draft by the PM mail. I brought home a cat just at night from Gould S. Disbrow's feed store. 3/13 Cold, blustery and snowy all day. The funeral of George Dickens' wife was to be attended this PM immediately after sacrament service at the church. But on account of the severe weather it was postponed until tomorrow. Gussie went over to Mr. Dickens in the forenoon to help arrange flowers for the funeral but returned about noon because it was postponed. I stayed at home all day and took medicine, feeling about sick myself. First appearance of whooping cough with Georgie. 3/14 There has been some sleighing today. George Dickens buried his wife from the church this PM. After the funeral I went up to Charles Chase Carriage Shop to talk life insurance. From there I stopped at the Union Hat Shop and talked with Cyrus Raymond and think I shall finally insure him. In the evening I went to market and then over to John Bouton's and made a call. 3/15 I went over to Mr. Richards in the morning and had him cut from an old pair of slipper uppers a pair of small ones for Georgie. I then brought them home for Gussie to sew together and bind. I then went down to the Pahquioque Shop and called for a few minutes also at the Railroad Repair shop and then at William A. Bedient's picture gallery. I lent Bedient $25.00. He returned it to me again this evening. After dinner I commenced paining my home again. I finished the north side and commenced on the West end. In the evening I went to the post office and received a letter from D. R. French acknowledging the receipt of my report and the draft for $135.88 which I sent on Saturday. 3/16 I started snowing very had this morning, then turned to rain. I received by the morning mail a letter from Starr & Farnham saying that they had sent by express to Mr. Twitchell in New Haven the bed cut they used in printing my circulars last fall, also giving me Mr. Crockers name and address who keeps the Pequot House in New London. I wrote to Mr. H. S. Crocker about spring beds for the hotel. I also wrote to Mr. Twitchell that if he wrote to him concerning them, to refer him to me. I then wrote another letter to George in Brooklyn. After dinner it cleared and was warm, but splashy ' the snow being soft and full of water. Before night the wind got into the north and it grew cold. Mr. Richards had one of Georgie's slippers done but it being too large he had to rip it again and make it over smaller. Mr. Pond came in about 9 o'clock in the evening to get me to go over to Mr. Warner's on West St. and sit with Marshall West who is sick until a young man named Trowbridge should come about 11 o'clock to watch with him for the night. I did so and returned about 11'. 3/17 Henry Ryder paid me $7.20 for a spring bed. I called at the County House to see Albert Sherwood on life insurance but he was not at home. Mr. Richards finished Georgie's slippers today. I brought them home before tea. After tea I gave Georgie an injection to move his bowels, they have not moved for 3 or 4 days. Gussie and I went to market in the evening. 3/18 I called at the Pahquioque shop in the forenoon where we had a good deal of talk about the school and its principal, Mr. Pond. In the PM I went up to the Mallory Shop and talked life insurance a little. In the evening I went to the school meeting in Borough Hall, but the hall not being big enough the meeting was adjourned until next Monday at Concert Hall. Consulted Dr. Bulkely about whooping cough with Georgie. 3/19 Was around town talking life insurance. In the evening was at Randall & Bradley's and talked with 2 or 3 on life insurance. 3/20 Sunday. I stayed t home. After tea Father called with a letter written by Bell to George and wished me to mail it for her. Bell is very much worse and father feels too poor to pay for a doctor. So I went for young Dr. Bulkely and sent him up there at my expense. I went up home and was there when he called. He ordered with other things Sherry wine sweetened with loaf sugar. I went to the druggist and bought a little for 23 cents. She being much reduced and debilitated requires this as a mild stimulus and tonic. 3/21 I watched with Bell last night and came home to bed at 5 o'clock. I rose about 8 o'clock and took breakfast. I then went up to Tweedy's factory and talked life insurance. After dinner, wrote to the home office of the Homeo. Ins. Co. ordering more rate books. In the evening the adjourned school meeting met at Concert Hall. James S. Taylor and his crew who has tried to make a disturbance and break up the school was totally defeated and Mr. Pond (the principle) was completely vindicated and sustained. 3/22 In the forenoon I went up town to Tweedy's factory to see some parties about life insurance. Received by morning mail a letter from George F. Howard with George W. [Kris] at Norwich stating that there is some dissatisfaction with the spring bed I sold there last fall and on that account did not wish to engage in the business. Also a letter from William H. Hayes inquiring about business for Charlie, if work had commenced. Consulted Andrew Knox about a sign for my contemplated insurance office. Called over at the sewing machine factory to ascertain about work for Charlie Hayes. In the evening I went into the street to the post office and to see what I could strike in the way of life insurance as usual. 3/23 After breakfast I went up home to see Bell. In some respects she was better, in others she was worse. From there I went down to the County House and talked with Albert Sherwood about insuring his life. He concluded to do so the first week in April if money he is expecting from the State comes. From there I went to Dr. Bulkely's office and consulted him about Bell. I got some more medicine which with his visit on Sunday I paid him $1.25. After dinner I went up home with the medicine and gave instructions about it. In the PM I called to see John Starr about a writing desk for my office. In the evening I received a letter from Mr. Twitchell about spring beds. 3/24 After breakfast I went up into the street to send Dr. Bulkely up to see Mother Griswold. I then went up home to see how Bell was. I think she is slowly gaining. I went before dinner over to the sewing machine factory to arrange with James Olmstead about sending for Charlie Hayes to be made a freeman and vote. After dinner I wrote to William H. Hayes to send Charlie up after arranging with D. P. Nichols to pay his fare up and return. Before night I moved the desk I bought of John Starr from Scofield's old store in Pahquioque block to Bedient's Photographic Gallery where I have established my office for life insurance. I came home and took a bundle of life insurance documents to the office and arranged them in my desk. I went into the street in the evening. After taking the desk I paid John Starr $8.00 for it. 3/25 Friday. Bought both red and black ink for my office. In the PM I visited Rundle & White's, also [Samuel] Holley' s wool had factory to talk life insurance. Charlie Hayes returned from New York by the evening train. A sociable at the church in the evening. The Sunday School children met and had their gathering in the PM. 3/26 In the morning I went with Charlie Hayes to the Court House to be made a freeman. In the PM I went up home to see Bell. She is getting better. I received by the morning mail two copies of agreement between D. R. French and myself. I signed them both and returned one to him. 3/27 Commenced snowing about 9 AM but soon turned to rain. Gussie had the neuralgia last night and this morning. After supper I went up home to see Bell. When I returned I went up to see Mother Griswold who is very feeble, and there is a prospect of her never being any better. 3/28 I went down to my office in the forenoon and did some writing. After dinner I wrote to William H. Hayes about an agency for new patent oil cloth. I mailed at the same time in the afternoon mail a letter to George which I wrote yesterday. After I went down to the Pahquioque shop. Business is very dull there again. I brought from the office my large bottle of ink to fill my small ink stand at home. I went to market in the evening. 3/29 I was up to Rundle & White's and Mallory hat shops in the forenoon talking life insurance a little. In the PM helped William Bedient paint his Photograph rooms where I have my office. I was at the office in the evening. 3/30 I got a pint of French brandy at Wooster House of Smith Turrell to give to Mother Griswold. Dr. Bulkely recommended us to go there in order to get a good article. It cost 81 cents. I went to Bethel on the noon train to see Sidney Smith about going to New London to sell spring beds. I did not see him as he was away from home. I came up on the 3 PM train. Father Griswold was on the same train. Dr. Bulkely came to see Mother Griswold again about 5 PM and says she may not live longer than tomorrow. Father Griswold immediately telegraphed for Edwin and for Harriet. After tea I went to the Depot to meet Harriet from New Haven, but she did not come. Received a letter in the evening from George about the spring bed business in New London and Windham Counties. Work is getting dull and he thinks he may be glad of it soon. I went to my office and wrote a reply before coming home. I also got one from William H. Hayes at Heath and Smith, 44 Murray St., New York regarding a new patent oil cloth which I requested an agency for if it could be obtained. 3/31 We were up all of last night expecting every hour that Mother Griswold would die. She had a sinking turn at 2 o'clock but she rallied and is still living now at 4 PM. Father Griswold sent me this morning to the telegraph office with a dispatch for Uncle Lorenzo Burr at Bloomfield saying that she was only just alive. Harriet Stevens came by the morning train from New Haven. I met her at the Depot. After breakfast, I went up home to see Bell. I found her sitting up and doing well. She has discontinued the medicine almost entirely, not now needing it. William A. Bedient took my picture this morning for his own use. A telegram this PM from Edwin at Erie PA. He is on his way home and will be home tomorrow afternoon. Sidney Smith from Bethel called at my office to see me about selling beds in New London County. On account of giving up the territory to George as I contemplate, I refused to send Mr. Smith.
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