Horace Purdy Journal, January 1870 Entry (Still Image)
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1/1 Mr. French stayed with me last night. In the morning we went over to see Ambrose Hill. We called on Dr. Bulkely to solicit his aid in soliciting applications from the friends of Homeopathy. He then came home with me to dinner, after which I went to the Depot with him. He took the 12 o'clock train home to Bridgeport. Ambrose Hill took the same train on his way back to business in Brooklyn. I came directly home and wrote to Henry A. Ellis relinquishing my agency for the New Jersey Mutual in order to take up the Homeopathic Mutual of N.Y. Hattie Mills having gone home last evening with Emily Anderson, Gussie, Georgie and I went by invitation of Mrs. Bradley over to Andrew Williams to tea. We stayed and spent the evening. 1/2 Severe rain storm and high wind. I did not go out. Anne Heinman is only just alive, she has typhoid fever. Amos Purdy called just at night for a few minutes to see me. Father came down to see me and to see how Anne is doing. 1/3 Belle's birthday, she is 18 years old. I spent part of the day in the street principally at Noah Hoyt's store talking life insurance. In the evening I called for a few minutes on Dr. Bulkely and talked about the merits of Homeopathic Ins. Co. I did some marketing and came home. Before tea I wrote to D. R. French asking about a paid up policy on the regular plan. I mailed it in the evening and received by evening mail a statement of account from T. E. Twitchell. 1/4 After breakfast I took over and put in for Mr. Fuller a spring bed. Anna Heinman died last night a little after 11 o'clock. Gussie was there with others and helped lay her out. I was in Main St. before dinner. I received by morning mail a bill from Sigler Bros. 131 & 133 Mercer St. N.Y. requesting immediate payment. I answered by PM mail that it was impossible at present without neglecting my family. This PM I went into the street again and called at Lacey Hoyt & Co. Hat Shop. I there talked life insurance with Zerah Hoyt. From there I went to A. Knox paint shop and talked with him. I took tea with Loiuse up to Father Griswold's . I went to Hatters meeting in the evening and stayed for roll call and was excused. Went to post office and came home. Charlie Hayes and Theo Bradley came from N.Y. on the evening train. 1/5 I went over to the school house with Mr. Pond and put a door spring on one of the back doors. Ann Heinman was buried from the Church at 2 PM. Father Griswold made a prayer at the house before going to the Church. Brother Burch attended the funeral at the Church. Roxanna Hall and George, her son, came over to the funeral and took tea with us before returning to [Lodam]. In the evening Gussie and I went up town to look after a pair of black glovers Andrew Williams sister lent to Mrs. Barnum, sister of Henry Heinman. By evening mail I received a letter from H. A. Ellis, Norwich, General Agent for New Jersey Mutual Life Ins. Co. in reply to mine about giving up the agency of said company for Homeopathic of N.Y. He was very surprised and disappointed. By same mail received one from D. R. French of Bridgeport answering mine regarding a paid up policy as regular life in Homeopathic. Before retiring I wrote to the Homeopathic of N.Y. to ascertain some facts concerning the Company, to French also to know if its commissions he offers are the same on all forms of policies. 1/6 Talked life insurance today. I was at the Pahquioque shop in the PM. Joe White asked me about the $60 I borrowed from Mr. Crofut, Dec. 4, 1868. He said it was $80 I owed. The amount was originally $80, but I paid $20 in Feb. 8, 1869 to Mr. Crofut and they had neglected to give me credit. In the evening I called at Charles Andrews and Charles Hull to look for a sheet iron air tight wood stove for Mother Griswold. I called into Randall's & Bradley and walked up with Egbert Gilbert, Orin Bronson, and Fred Bradley after Fred closed the store. Received by mail another letter form H. A. Ellis extorting me to stick with New Jersey Mutual and trying to convince me it was the best company. 1/7 Harry Buckely called at 8 A.M. for my harness blacking. I received 3 letters in the morning mail., from Homeopathic Ins. Co. in NY, D. R. French in Bridgeport, and H. A. Elllis, Norwich. Father came down in the forenoon and stayed till noon but would not stay to dinner. In the PM When I came home to tea I found Carrie Mills at the house. She came from Bethel to see Hattie and to stay all night. I called on Harry Bulkely in the PM and pretty much presuaded him to take a policy on his life. After tea I called to see Hattie Taylor about rebinding my overcoat and repairing it generally. 1/8 Solicited for life insurance again today. I saw [James] Selleck at Clark Beers Grocery. He has pretty much concluded to insure his life with me. I am to see him again. I called at the Jeffersonian office to see Mr. Swertfazer,the editor. I have not seen him since I came home . He lost his wife while I was away. I called on Deacon Stone about a spring bed. I am to see him again next week. Carrie Mills, from Bethel up to see Hattie, took the train for home this PM. My bundle of Life Ins. documents came by express prepaid this evening. I emptied the drawer to my secretary to put them in. Preparing a place for them took me until 11 o'clock. 1/9 Pleasant but cold. We all went down in time for Sunday School. I took Georgie after school and came home with him. It was the monthly concert, an interesting time. My first attendance since coming home from New London County on Christmas Eve. The Sundays since my coming home have been stormy. We had a trukey for supper. After supper Louise and Minnie Vintz came down for a short time. Minnie is stopping for a few days with Louise. Gussie went to church in the evening and I stayed home with Georgie. 1/10 It snowed nearly all day. In the forenoon I went to George Hull's and to Charles Andrews to get a sheet iron air tight stove for Mother Griswold. I finally selected one of Charles Andrews. After dinner I went down and arranged to have it brought up. Benjamin Rolf came up with it and I rode up with him. He and I put it up and he took her old stove in exchange. I wrote to H. A. Ellis and mailed it in the PM, renewing my invitation to leave the New Jersey Mutual and go in for the Homeopathic Mutual of NY. I made of some old stocking legs some leggings for Georgie to reach above his boots and with elastic fastened them above his knees. 1/11 Snow has melted fast. I called at the shop in the forenoon and talked with Elbert Marsh about life insurance. After dinner I took Georgie on his sled and drew him int the street and down to the Pahquioque Shop, up the R. Road and then home. I sledded down Father Griswold's lane with him twice after returning from the street. I then went into the street and took an order from Abel S. Hawley for a spring bed. I called at Lacey Hoyt & Co. to see Zerah Hoyt. The drop letter I took for George yesterday I remailed to Brooklyn. Father Griswold offered to pay for paint for my house if I will apply it. The evening he gave me an orderon A. Knox for paint. I called in the evening to see how Dr. Bulkely who is sick with the fever is. His son William is here to attend to his patients. 1/12 I mended Georgie's crib by gluing up joints in the PM. I went down to the post office and then to Pahquioque shop to give Joe White, the bookkeeper, the date when I paid Mr. Crofut the $20 toward the $80 I borrowed of him. From the shop I went to Foster Bros. Carpenter Shop and paid for Father Griswold a bill of $1.90. After dinner I went down town again and called to see George Stratton at Tweedy's [Foul] Shop about a spring bed. On my way back I stopped at Geroge Starr's Shop to see Lee Daniel Starr about insuring his life. In the evening I went into the street again. I called to see Dr. Bulkely, he is worse with the fever. 1/13 In the forenoon went down to Andrew Knox with an order from Father Griswold for paint, enough to cover my house. About noon I talked with Andrew Bedient at his Daguerreian rooms about life insurance. in the PM I borrowed O. H. Swifts horse and wagon and took 6 gals. of chemical paint up home with which to paint my house. 1/14 I commenced painting my house. I worked until noon and painted on the south side . In the PM I went into the street. I talked life insurance in Saul Hawley's Hat Factory to Saul Petit, Timothy Rose and a man living on Great Plain. I called a few minutes at Andrew Williams Machine Shop and then walked over home with him. His father is not expected to live long. In the evening Gussie went up to E. S. Davis to the Sewing Society gathering, the first time it has met at Mr. Davis' new house. I went to market in the evening. 1/15 We had snow and the fine misty rain which makes it icy. I went into the street this forenoon and before coming home called in and talked with William Warren about life insurance in the R. R. paint shop. After dinner I wrote to A. Stanley Smith, New London; George W. Kies, Norwich, Latham & Owens, Noank; and G. J. Stevens at Stonington, and also Watsons & Bidwell at Mystic River to find out how the demand for spring beds is since I came home. The above 5 places are the headquarters for the bed in the several towns. I mailed these letters in the PM and called a few minutes at William Bedient's Picture Gallery to see how he still feels about insuring his life in the Homeopathic Mutual. From there I went up to John Cosier's office on White St. and talked with him about the Homeopathic Mutual Ins. Co. I enlisted his sympathy in the matter so that his influence for the company is gained along with a desire to assist me. Then bought a little cheese for tea and came home. Gussie went to maket in the evening while I stayed at home. Louise Vintz has a party of young folks this evening. Before retiring I completed a letter to Henry A. Ellis, General Agent for the New Jersey Mutual Life Ins. Co., Norwich Conn. That with other writing kept me up until 2 o'clock. 1/16 Went down to Sunday School at noon, after which I returned with Georgie. Father came down to see us just before night. I stayed at home in the evening and Gussie went to church 1/17 In the forenoon I talked life insurance with Almon Hickok in his shop . I went into the street again in the PM and talked insurance with George Ryder and Michael Daragan in their store. When I came to tea I found Bell at the house waiting for me to cut her hair, which I did before tea. After tea I went into the street again. Our preacher Thomas H. Burch lectured this evening in Concert Hall on temperance. 1/18 In the forenoon I took my model and went up to Saul Hawley's shop to show it to John Way. I took his order for a spring bed. In the PM I painted on the south side of my house. After tea Charles E. Hayes who boards with us paid me $25.00 on the amount he owes us for board. I mailed a letter in the evening to H. A. Ellis and enclosed $6.00 to balance the account between us, this with spring beds and door springs pays the commission I was to have on the policy on my own life which if I had stayed with New Jersey Mutual I would have had. I pay the amount of my commission to him as being his just dues. I went with Gussie in the evening to F. Starr's market to have my acccount looked up and paid him $10.00 and then took out a pass book and had $6.25, the amount of our indebtedness entered and we commence to use the pass book there after. 1/19 After breakfast, I took the 1/2 gal. oil can down to Fred Starr's store for some kerosene. From there I went to Clark Beer's store and took Stephen L. Beers application for a 12 payment life policy. In the PM I went up to Saul Hawley's shop to see Lee, George and the block makers in the rear of the factory about life insurance. In the evening I went with Beers to Dr. Bulkely's office and had him examined, After which I mailed his application to D. R. French in Bridgeport, he being the general agent I work for. I wrote this PM to the Home Office of the company, 231 Broadway, NY, asking about a 10 year paid up policy whether thereafter the dividends may be drawn in cash annually if desired. Also what a 10 yr. life policy is worth in cash paid by the company to the policy holder after the payment of the annual premium. Also what an endowment will cost for a boy 5 yrs old, payable at 21 years of age. 1/20 I went down to the Pahquioque Shop in the forenoon, called at Andrew Knox paint shop for a little putty to use while painting my house and came home. In the PM I painted my paizza except the railing and floor. In the [evening] I went into the street and mailed the letter to the Homeopathic Ins. Co. asking whether a policy on 2 joint lives will be givent for a man and wife and also about the dividends on a paid up policy. I called at Clark Beers and arranged for 4 gals. of oil. After coming home I went up to Mother Griswold's for a while to cheer her up as she is not feeling well. 1/21 Worked until noon painting the railing and finishing on my piazza. After dinner I went into the street . On my way home just at night I went to Hattie Taylor's for my overcoat which she has been binding, working button holes and putting in new pockets. By the morning mail I received a letter from H. A. Ellis, Norwhich, acknowledging the receipt of $6.00 to bring him to balance of account on my policy. I the evening I went to the post office, Gussie having gone to sewing society at Walker Bartrams. Louise stayed with Georgie while I was in the street. Before coming home I went with William Bedient up into his Deguerreian rooms for a few minutes to compare Phoenix Life Ins. tables with a copy I had. Ifound them alike and he gave me his to take home. 1/22 Saturday. After breakfast I went over to the ledge to see Charles Short and his men quarry out the stone, getting the old ledge leveled down for Mr. Pond who is contemplating building a house the next season. From there I went over to John Bouton's to see his new baby, a fine boy from last Thursday night, the 20th. From there I went over to George Crofut's mill and talked life insurance to the miller. Returning, I passed over Gallows Hill around by Tweedy's factories talking insurance when I had the opportunity. I went to the post office to get a letter from the Homeopathic Mutual in reply to quesitons asked. It then being noon I came home. Before we were through with dinner, D. R. French came in from a train on the line of the Harlem Rail Road. He took dinner with us, after which we talked over many things pertaining to life insurance. I got from him some very desirable information regarding note companies. I went with him to the depot to see him off to Bridgeport on the 4 1/4 PM train. After the train left I went over to Lacey - Hoyt Hat Shop and talked with Zerah Hoyt more about insurance on his life. I am gaining ground with him and shall take an application from him before long. I came home to tea, after which I returned again to the street, Louise came to stay with Hattie Mills all night. 1/23 Sunday. I have stayed at home all day. Bell came down jsut at night and went to church in the evening with Hattie Mills and Gussie. Fanny brought from Sunday School a picture of the National Lincoln Monument for which I subscribed a few years ago, 50 cents towards exacting it. This being the price of shares which were taken all over the country for which every shareholder was promised a picture of the same. The monument is now completed and is erected in Springfield Illinois, the home of Lincoln. Many in our Sunday School subscribed to it and each received a picture. I not being at School today, Fanny brought me mine. 1/24 In the forenoon I repaired my bedstead by putting in 2 new sockets, fasteners, in place of 2 broken. I received by morning mail from the Return Letter Office, the letter I wrote from Mystic River to Henry M. Day on Nov. 24th, notiflying him when the premium came due on his life insurance policy which I hold as security for notes given in payment for store business in NY which I sold to him March 22, 1869. I bought the 2 pairs of bed fastenings of Guthrie for 10 cents. In the PM I painted the front of my house. I went to the post office in the evening and took out a letter for Bell and brought it home. 1/25 In the forenoon I called on Lockwood Olmstead's carriage shop and talked with his 2 sons, William and John, about insuring their lives. From there I went to see John W. Bussing at his Beer and Pie shop near Tweedy's factories. After dinner I wrote to the Home Ins. Office, NY, in reply to one received in the morning mail, sending me 2 blank policies for reference and complaining about my wanting more supplies for working Insurance. I received at the same time one from Mr. French in New Haven. He is just bound from there to NY and will call at the home office. In the PM I went to Bedient's Photograph Gallery, then to John Bussing again, and then to see the block makers at Paul Newley's Shop. Received [Barnes] report by evening mail, also another letter from Mr. French from NY saying that I must not be scared by what Mr. Plummer says about more documents. 1/26 Spent the day talking life insurance at the Pahquioque Shop with Victor W. Benedict and Edwin Harris, at Wooster House Stable with George Bell in the forenoon. I called to see Harry Bulkely but he was not at home. I then called on George Starr and talked a long time with him and made some progress toward insuring him for $5,000. I am to see him again. I then went down to Sherwood's store and collected $6.5o for a spring bed from Fuller. I came home to tea with a severe headache, felt better after tea. After Gussie and Hattie Mills went over to Mrs. Bradley's to attend with her a Wooden Wedding at William Porter's on River St. nearly opposite Saul Hawley's Wool Hat shop, and Louise Vintz came to stay with Georgie. I went to the post office and took a letter from the Homeopathic Life. I called at Beers Store and showed the policy to him, Stephen L. Beers, and then went up to Dr. Bulkely's office to have him take the number of the policy. I found the young Dr. out, but his father in the office for the first time since his severe sickness.He is just able to crawl about. I came home suffering extremely with headache and retired as soon as I got home. 1/27 Had the headache all night and was late in consequence. About 9 AM the express man came with 2 sings and a policy register and those books for an agent from the Homeo. Ins. Co. Annals, Annecdotes and Legends of Life Insurance, Life Agents Manual, Life Agents Vade Mecum. Before dinner I called at Dr. Bulkely's office and left the number of the Beer's policy and then delivered it to him. He will pay the money by the 1st of Feb. if not before. In the PM I took my oil can down to Beer's store for 4 gallons of kerosene oil to come out of $5.00 I am to trade out of the premium on Stephen L. Beers policy.which will have $35.17 which he is to pay in cash. I had some conversation with Henry Barry about a policy, also William Siguor and Zerah Hoyt. I called on Andrew Knox and congratulated him upon having taken out a policy on his life though he did it with Mutual Life of New York. I saw the new iron bridge on White St. which was today completed so that teams drove over it. I came home by way of New Street to pay Harriet Taylor $1.25 for repairing my overcoat. She was not in so I left $1 with her mother who could not make change and I could not pay her the whole amount. I then went again into the street and saw Harry Bulkely and tried to persuade him to take a life policy now but he wants to postpone it for a while. In the evening I called on Mr. Barry to see how his little boy is, they are afraid of scarlet fever. Mr. Barry and I went into the street together, he to Dr. Bulkely's for medicine while I tried to persuade him to be examined for an application for life insurance but he has not yet fully decided. After dinner I put one of the tin insurance signs on the front of my house. 1/28 Another splendid day, more like May than January. I worked on painting my house all day. I finished the front and made a good start on the north side. We had 2 rabbits for dinner which Gussie bought last evening. I went to the post office in the evening and called at Mr. Barry's to see how his little boy was. 1/29 It was snowing when I arose. Around 9 o'clock I went over to Hattie Taylor's to pay her the 25 cents I owed. From there I called on George Starrs shop and had quite a spirited talk with Daniel Starr and William Bouton on life insurance. I then went to the post office and got a commission from Homeo Ins Co. for William Bulkely making hime examing physician for the company. I called on William Bedient at his photographic rooms, explaining to him the joint policy for man and wife. I then called on Victor Morrell at his blacksmith shop and talked life insurance and coming home to dinner walked up West St. with him. I spent the greater part of the PM at William Bedient's rooms. He pretty much concluded to take out a policy. I went for the doctor just at night for Father Griswold, he is severely afflicted with rheumatism. 1/30 About 2 in. of snow on the ground, neither good sleighing or wheeling. I went to Sunday School at noon with Georgie. Came home with him after and left Gussie at the afternoon prayer meetingg. I attended preaching in the evening. Our female Sunday School Supt and assistant, Mrs. Bartram and Mrs. Holmes are very sick. Mrs. Bartram has the typhoid fever. 1/31 Snowed most of the time all day. In the forenoon I rode down to Bethel with William A. Bouton on a load of hat boxes. I did it in order to talk to him about insuring his life. After dinner I went into the street and called on William A. Bedient at this photograph rooms and filled out an application for a life ins. policy all except the date and signatures. I am waiting to see about his wife going in with him on a joint policy. I then went up to George Starr's shop and had a long talk with him about a librarian in the Sunday School and a little on life insurance. From their went up to see John W. Bussing, had quite a talk with him on life insurance. I went over and spent the evening with William A. Bouton and spoke with him and his wife on life insurance.
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