Horace Purdy Journal, April 1863 Entry (Still Image)
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4/1 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. I worked in the shop for the first (time) in over a week. Mr. Swift moved this P.M. John Cosier came home from the city today. He called about six o'clock this evening to see the books which are now in my parlor. Mr. Brady from New York speaks for the administration and the Union and for our candidate for Governor, Buckingham. I went to the Post Office and mailed two Danbury Times to George. 4/2 THURSDAY ' worked in the shop. Went to the Jeffersonian office and got 1,200 labels for Sunday School books. John Cosier and wife, Fanny and Harriet came in and helped about pasting them in the books and numbering them. Bell came down and helped take care of Eddie. She stayed all night. Tomorrow being fast day and no work, we were paid off today. 4/3 FRIDAY - Fast day. I finished labeling the Infant Class books this morning. I have been sick with a headache. John Cosier came in the evening and helped pack the books to take to church tomorrow. David Bradley came home this evening on a furlough from the 17th Reg't. 4/4 SATURDAY - Mr. Cosier came with a team this morning and we carried the new library books down to the church and brought the old ones away to be looked over and reserve the best to be put back again into the library. I did not feel well enough to go to the shop and work. Mr. Swift paid me my rent today. I put a new lock on the door at the head of the stairs for Mr. Cocking. Gussie went into the street in the evening while Fanny and I looked over the old library books and discarded such as we thought best. It began to rain about 8 o'clock and I bundled up and went into the street with rubbers and umbrella for Gussie. I found her at Mr. Swift's office waiting for the mail, as the cars had not arrived. [???] Stone fell dead in Raymond's Fish Market this evening. Heart disease was the difficulty. 4/5 SUNDAY - Cloudy with a little snow and rain during the day. Father Griswold having come home last night, the Conference being adjourned in order to let the Connecticut preachers to come home to vote, he preached for us this morning. There being no Librarian present at noon to give out the new books, Edward Barnum acted as librarians and gave out the new books for the first time. They gave good satisfaction to the school. In the P.M., I stayed home and looked up my Sunday School accounts preparatory to my Annual Report as Secretary and Treasurer. I wrote a letter to George and one to Henry Mead in Brooklyn to let them know that we would be at their house tomorrow on a visit. I went to prayer meeting in the evening. Isabella took care of Eddie so that we could both go. She is to stay all night with us. (Ed. Note: No diary entries from April 6 through April 12 because of trip to New York). 4/13 MONDAY - Returned home from New York this P.M. on the freight train. We left Henry Mead's house on the corner of Classon and Greene Avenues, Brooklyn at 7 o'clock this morning. It is just a week ago today since we left home to go to New York. My journal is blank for one week back. Gussie was very sick with sick headache a week ago tonight when we arrived in Brooklyn. One Tuesday morning, we went to Williamsburg to Conference. Judge Belto of U. S. Court was there, also Gen Wood [?] by request of the Conference to administer the Oath of Allegiance to the members of the Conference. The time was occupied with patriotic addresses and altogether, it was one of the most interesting occasions that I was ever present at. We came home to Mr. Mead's to dinner and in the afternoon we went down to Clermont Ave. to Mr. Boyles and spent a part of the P.M. From there, we went to Myrtle Ave. between Bridge and Duffield Streets to Mr. Matthew's dry goods store and did some shopping. We came back to Mr. Mead's to tea and stayed all night. Wednesday morning - After breakfast, we called at Mr. Powel's for the first in Carleton Ave. near Fulton No. 368. From there, we called on Mrs. Watson, 319 Gold Street. She went out shopping with us. Gussie bought a shawl, after which we went over to New York and took dinner at Taylor's on Broadway and then went to the museum. After which, we went up to Fourth Street, No. 654, and called on Mr. Davis. They were not in. We then took a walk up as far as Ninth Street by the church and parsonage. Took the 1st and2nd Ave. cars down to Peck Slip, walked to Fulton Street, took tea at a restaurant near Fulton Market, across the way, and then we crossed the ferry and went up to the Mead's for the night. Thursday - we visited the Navy Yard, took Mrs. Johnson with us. Called on the Whalen girls in Nassau Street and went down near the City Hall and got our dinners after which, we went up to Mr. Boyle's in Clermont Ave. near DeKalb and spent P.M. with Harriet, took tea and stayed awhile in the evening and then went to Mr. Powel's 368 Carleton Ave. near Fulton and stayed all night. Friday - After breakfast I went over to New York with Mr. Powel to his place of business. On the way, we stopped in Nassau Street at Mr. Tibbals [?] and I bought an Album for Harriet Wheeler - $3.00. I went to the store with Mr. Powel and then went to Barclay Street, No. 88 and called on Mr. Boyle at his place of business. From there, I went into Maiden Lane to price some carpet bags and then went to 97 Pine Street and called on Mr. Mead at his place of business, and then crossed the ferry and went up to Mr. Powel's residence where I left Gussie, and took dinner there. After dinner, Mrs. Johnson went with us to Greenwood. On our return, we called on Miss[?] Stewart in Clinton Street No. 82, after which, we returned to the Powel's again for the night. Gussie, having a severe sick headache, she retired without eating a bite. Saturday morning we called on Miss [?] Jones, 256 Shermerhorn Street and then went over to New York to 69 Murray Street, Mr. Powel's store and bought some shoes. We then went up to Fourth Street again and called at Mr. Davis' again. We found them at home and stayed to dinner. After dinner, we went to the Book Room, 200 Mulberry Street and then down to Bro. Pegg's, Fourth Street, and spent the remainder of the P.M. and took tea. We went over to Brooklyn and stayed all night again with Mr. Powel. Sunday - After breakfast, went up to Mr. Mead's and prepared for church and went to Williamsburg, South 5th Street and heard Mr. Foss preach. Came back to Mr. Mead's to dinner and went down to see Harriet in the P.M. Came back to Mr. Mead's to tea. We intended to go to Hanson Place in the evening to hear Mr. Woodruff preach, but a shower interfered with our plans and stayed at home. Monday - Left Mr. Mead's residence and started for home at 7 o'clock A.M. Took the 9 ' o'clock train from 27th Street and connected with the Danbury, ct. train at Norwalk. It was about 3 o'clock P.M. when we arrived in Danbury. 4/14 TUESDAY - Went to the shop today. Came home early and made a fire in my garden to burn up the rubbish. Answered George's letter and procured most of the things to be sent to him in a box. 4/15 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. I went to the shop in the morning. I came home about 3 P.M. to pack a box for George by Express. I brought home the box with some maple sugar and oranges to put in. I carried it to the Express Office and wrote a letter to him, and enclosed the receipt. By his request, I consigned the box to the Surgeon of the Hospital, Col. L. Wilson. Gussie went up to Brother Bartram's and took tea and spent the evening. Bell was here to take care of Eddie and get my tea. 4/16 THURSDAY - Stormy. I took George's bank book and drew $8 before I went to the shop to defray the expense of sending his box of good things and pay his paper bill at Swift's and the dollar I sent to him by mail a few weeks before. I worked in the shop until after 4 o'clock. I then felt tired and went home. I balanced the Treasurer's Account with the Sunday School and carried the books and papers pertaining to it and the Secretary over to Mr. B. Bradley in the evening who is the Secretary and Treasure elect. I then went down to Hanford's Shoe Store and exchanged a pair of shoes for Bell which I got for her in New York and was too small. I went to market and came home. 4/17 FRIDAY - Cloudy and misty all day. I worked in the shop as usual, but not feeling very strong, I stopped work about 4 o'clock and came home. I received a letter by the morning mail from Surgeon William C. Bennett stating that he could do nothing for George in the way of a transfer or furlough as he was out from under his jurisdiction. As I came home from work, I brought the Librarian's Book from the Library and drew it up anew. I received a letter from George (No. 3) asking for $5.00. I answered it in a few words added to a letter already written and enclosed the $2.00 as he requested. I borrowed it from Mr. Swift and am to draw it from the bank tomorrow and pay him. Gussie went over to Mrs. Cyrus White's and spent the P.M. and evening. She left Eddie with Fanny and I went up there and took tea. 4/18 SATURDAY - The sun shone bright and warm in the middle of the day. I dug my parsnips this morning. I came home to dinner; on the way I went to the Savings Bank and drew $5 of George's money to make up the $5.00 I sent to him last evening. After tea, I dug around and cut up a plum tree in the garden which was about dead and very much in the way. I set out our cabbage stumps. Clark Hoyt came up to borrow a small piece of grafting wax. I gave it to him and then rode down to the Post Office with him and brought home a letter for Father Griswold from Uncle Chauncy. Mr. Cocking butchered a pig today and spent the evening cutting it up in the cellar. 4/19 SUNDAY - Pleasant and warm ' I attended church in the morning ' I being elected Librarian again acted for the first this noon. Mr. B. Bradley taking my place for Secy and Treas. ' After Sunday School, I came home and Gussie went in the P.M. The funeral of old Col. Moss White was attended at 3 o'clock immediately after the afternoon service at the 1st Congregational Church. I went to meeting in the evening and mailed two letters as I went which I had written, one to Harriet and one to George. Our presiding elder, Mr. C. Hoyt preached for us in the evening. I sat with choir. 2nd anniversary of the Wooster Guards leaving Danbury for three months service. 4/20 MONDAY - Pleasant and beautiful in the morning. It clouded over before noon and the wind changed to Northeast. I have felt better today than in a long time before. I came home to my dinner. Before tea I braided a Flowering Almond into a Plum tree for Mother Griswold. I went to the Post Office in the evening. A person who had received a letter from David Knowles told me while I was in the Post Office that George was in Washington and doing well. 4/21 TUESDAY - Pleasant. I worked as usual in the shop. After dinner, the fires being low and the men not being able to get hot irons, we adjourned until tomorrow. Burr Bradley came along with me as far as Fred S. Wildman's to see if he had yet received the money from Capt. Moore's Company to be given by him to whomsoever it was consigned. It had not yet arrived. I came home and worked around the yard the remainder of the P.M. I finished labeling the Sunday School Library books in the evening. 4/22 WEDNESDAY - I buried my Dahlia roots for sprouting this morning. After work at night, I set out some asparagus roots for a bed. I went to the Post Office in the evening. I bought a picture of the Patriotism of New Fairfield to send to Henry Mead, Brooklyn. Bought a shad, ordered some sugar, and came home. 4/23 THURSDAY - Pleasant. I worked hard all day and was very tired. Mr. Cocking commenced to make his flower borders after tea. John Cosier and wife called in the evening and took away some old library books rejected by our school to be given away to some poor school. I received a letter from George in the evening, the first since his transfer to Washington from Brooks Station Hospital. I finished labeling the old library books before we retired. 4/24 FRIDAY - Raining. On my way home from the shop, I found Theodore Lyon in the street and borrowed his horse to take the library books from my house down to the church. After tea, I set out some young lilac bushes Father brought down today. I then wrote a letter to George and put up and directed to Henry Mead a picture of the Patriotism of New Fairfield. I then went down and mailed the above with a Jeffersonian to George also. 4/25 SATURDAY - Cool and windy. On my way home from work at night, I stopped at the Town Clerk's Office George W. Hamilton's and got my quit claim deed from Alfred Gregory which I left then to be recorded. Gussie went up home this P.M. with Aunt Louise and Aunt Pasia Hall. She went into the street in the evening and I stayed at home. 4/26 SUNDAY - Pleasant but windy as yesterday. I attended church in the morning. After Sunday School, I came home and Gussie went in the P.M. Aunt Pasia Hall, Aunt Louisa and Mother came home with her to tea. Bell came down after tea. I wrote to George and mailed it as I went to prayer meeting in the evening. Gussie stayed at home and we all went to meeting in the evening. 4/27 MONDAY - Pleasant and warm. James Sherwood, who for a long time has worked in the Times Office for Osborne was buried in the P.M. on my way home from work at night, I engaged ' ton of coal of Mr. Disbrow to be delivered tomorrow. Bell was down just at night and stayed to tea. While she was playing with Eddie after tea, he fell and hurt his lip badly. I went to the Post Office and to [??] for a lamp chimney in the evening. Mailed a letter for Gussie to Libby Mead in Brooklyn. 4/28 TUESDAY - Pleasant and warm. After tea, I went up home to see Father about making my garden. I brought home a pail of milk and then went to market. The coal I engaged yesterday to come today did not come. 4/29 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant, though in the morning, it appeared like a storm. Sherman Disbrow brought my coal this afternoon. I worked rather late at night. I went to class. Mailed a Jeffersonian to George and received by the evening mail a letter from him. 4/30 THURSDAY - Pleasant with the exception of a little sprinkling after dinner. National Fast Day ' the shop closed. Services at our Church. Father Griswold preached. I made a flower bed by the piazza for Gussie and built a pair of steps up the stonework going to Father Griswold's. I answered George's letter and mailed in the evening
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