Horace Purdy Journal, October 1862 Entry (Still Image)
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10/1 I worked in the shop and did not feel very well in the PM. In the evening I carried Mother's things and ours over to Burr Bradley's to be packed up with others to be sent to Baltimore to George, David Bradley, George [c] Lewis, George Dickens, Phineas Lounsbury and a brother of George Mead's in Company H, Orin and Augustus Bronson, Smith Delavan, L. B. Griffin, William Otis, Norman Kellogg. We had to make up 2 boxes to hold them. William Lounsbury gave us the boxes. It was about 11 o'clock when we finished nailing up and marking the boxes. I received a letter from George in the evening. He wants more money sent to him. 10/2 I went over to Burr Bradley's before breakfast to help get our boxes of provisions to the depot to go Express to our boys in Capt. Moore's company, 17th Regiment, Baltimore. After breakfast not feeling too well. I helped put down the bedroom carpet upstairs. After dinner I went down and drew $10 for George from the Savings Bank. Six of it to replace the money I sent him and $4.00 to send him by letter. James Fowler brought me 12 bushels of potatoes (Prince Alberts) in the PM. A dispatch at night that Charles Small of Capt. Moore's company is dead. I mailed a letter to George in the evening and one for Gussie to Elyza in Cal. 10/3 Very warm in the shop. I spent the forenoon at home rebuilding my potato bin. I went to the street in the evening to get some articles at the store. When I came home I took my account book up to Father Griswold's and we looked over our account. We found a balance of $6.70 in my favor. I engaged 1 barrel of greening apples of Mr. Hearn 10/4 My barrel of cider came today. Joe Young came home with me at noon and helped me roll it into the cellar. Capt. Jenkins Company home on a special train at noon. They left the cars at Bates Crossing and marched up the street. Capt. Jenkins, 1st Lieut Starr, 2nd Lieut Betts and Adjutant Gregory were presented with a sword each in the evening at the Concert Hall. The swords were a present to them from the company. Charles Small's body was expected on the evening train but it didn't come. Gussie went up home in the PM and I went up to tea. Father and Bell came home with us and stayed to take care of Eddy while we went to the presentation. I received a letter from George at noon giving an account of Charles Small's death. He was with him when he died. 10/5 [Love] Feast in the morning at 9 o'clock. Elder William C. Hoyt preached in th AM. I collected a little money from some members to assist in sending some singing books to George, Company C. I came home after Sunday School and Gussie went in PM. We went over to Abel's a little while before evening meeting. I attended the prayer meeting. Brother Crawford became unusually animated, walked up and down the aisle exhorting sinners to repentance, especially members of Capt. Jenkins Co., 23rd Regiment, who were home and many of them at church. I wrote a letter to George and mailed it on the way to prayer meeting. Bell came down and went to meeting with me. 10/6 Worked in the shop until 11 o'clock and came home for early dinner prepatory to attending the funeral at 1 o'clock for Charles S. Small. I went back to the shop and the men all assembled at a quarter to 1 and went in a body to the church. The church was not open to we walked up to Jas Osborne's to meet the procession. Capt. Jenkins Company borrowed the cadet muskets at Jackson's School to attend the funeral with. The house was well filled and the funeral a large one. His remains came on the train this morning. Gussie walked up to the grave and was very sick with a sick headache when she returned. Mother and Bell were with us for tea and Bell stayed and washed up the dishes. I went to Societies meeting in the evening at the church. I ordred 1 doz. gold chains and 1 Lute of Zion for George, Company C, 17th Regiment, Baltimore Md. 10/7 Worked as usual in the shop. Paid 3 months dues to the Hatters Association, 30 cents. Received letter from George acknowledging reciept of things sent to him by express. Also received one from Uncle Stephen who is in camp in Bridgeport in the artillery, drilling and preparing for the field, acknowledging receipt of George's picture. After tea Joseph Young called and took a glass of cider with me after which we went to the Hatters meeting in the Basement of Concert Hall. 10/8 Heat in the shop as much as any day last summer. I came home to dinner. Cousin Frank Boughton spent the day with us. I recieved a letter from Charles Mills. He is sick in the hospital in Frederick MD. The golden chains and Lute of Zion came in today, I paid Sherman Disbrow what I owed him for coal, $11.75 in front of Epsicopal Church on my way home to dinner. Gussie and Frank Boughton went into the street in the evening. I took care of Eddy and wrote to George. After they came home I went down and mailed my letter and Danbury Times to George and brought home the 2 pictures from Curtis Bennett's who has framed them. Cost was $2.00. Gussie wrote to Ellen Dare and enclosed her veil which she left here at Louis Meogling's to be dyed. 10/9 We had work only until noon today. After dinner we took Eddy in the carriage and went into the street. Gussie bought a pair of Morroco Balmoral shoes at Lounsbury's for $1.37. We called at Couch's Picture Gallery to see about having a picture of Gussie and Eddy. I called on Major Meogling ath the Wooster House. He is home on account of a battle wound. His colonel died of his wounds and he has been promoted to Lieut. Col. of the 11th Regiment. Before going down town I wrote a letter to Cousin Charles Mills, now Steward of the Gail St. Hospital in Frederick MD. I left the letter with Mr. Swift who was a prisoner with him in Richmond, to let him put in a letter to him also, which he did and mailed it for me. After tea Father came down with a straw bed just as I was going up for it. I drew a pail of cider and carried it up for him while he wheeled the wheel barrow. I went into the street in the evening and paid Fairchild and Gillett 25 cents for 1 yard of tarltan which Gussie bought today. 10/10 A half day of work in the shop. After dinner I went over to Sturdevants to get the money due George for work when he enlisted. I got $1.00 of it but he didn't have change and agreed to leave the balance at O. H. Swift's news office for me. Bell came down and took care of Eddy in the PM while Gussie went to Mrs. McNeil's to get a dress cut. I received a letter from George and Gussie one from Ellen Dare. I wrote a letter to David Mills, the first since his release from imprisonment in Richmond. I attended a Special Hatters Meeting in the evening to take into consideration the subject of Foul Shops. The whole evening was spent in legislating on the subject but adjourned without accomplishing anything. 10/11 I came home to dinner and Bell came down and spent nearly all day with Gussie. I went to the post office in the evening and got a Baltimore paper from George. I went to Lounsbury's and selected a pair of boots for George. He set then aside until George should order them sent to him. I bought an new wooden faucet for my vinegar keg and put it in in the evening. 10/12 Quite cool, we made a fire in the sitting room for the first time. Went to church in the AM. Brother Crawford preached from John 10.10. Sunday School prayer meeting at noon after which I came and Gussie went in PM to the communion service. I wrote a letter to George. I attended in the evening and Brother Crawford preached. I sat in the choir. 10/13 Worked as usual in th shop and we took tea up to Mother Griswold's. I went to Teachers meeting in the eveninig but on account of the stormy weather there were not enought to do business, so we adjourned and went home. I took a letter for Father from New Haven from the post office. I think it was from Uncle Theodore, who has gone for a soldier and is now at camp in that place. 10/14 Limited work today and I finished before night, $2.25. On my way home I found Lieut. Morris Krazinskie of the 11th Regiment. He was a private in our company in the 1st Regiment for 3 months. He was wounded in the late battle of Antietam Creek and promoted from Sargent to 2nd Lieut. He came home with me to tea. After tea I got my old carpet bag and put the singing books in it for George and prepared to take it to the express office to send to George. Mary Purdy came in to go up to Mrs. Barnum's to see the corpse of her baby. Her husband, Eben Barnun, has gone to war with the 11th Regiment. Just before they started up, Joseph Young and his wife came to spend the evening. As Gussie was all ready to go, they did not stay. I took my bag an put in 2 quarts of chestnuts and 6 quarts of apples and took it to the express office. I wrote to George and put the receipt for the bag in the letter. I also wrote to Goodenough and ordered 60 copies of the School Advocate. 10/15 I was up early to go to the post office to take back a letter I mailed yesterday evening because of directing it wrong. I wrote another and mailed in it $12.00 fro 60 copies of the Sunday School Advocate for one year. I got the letter registered. I recieved a letter from George in the morning. He wants $2.00 more. Mrs. McNeil came this PM to work at dress making. Mr. McNeil being at work painting Father Griswold's home, he came in to tea. I went to the post office in the evening. Not hearing from George I went into Mr. Swift's office and wrote a letter to George with the $2.00 enclosed. 10/16 Worked as long as I could see in the shop. Gussie went up home in the PM. After tea I went to market. I heard that some member of the 17th Regiment telegraphed home that the regiment left Baltimore at 2 o'clock. 10/17 Worked as usual in the shop. It is reported today that the 17th Regiment left Baltimore yesterday at 9 o'clock. Gussie went in the PM with Eddy to Mr. Couch's picture gallery and sat with Eddy for a photograph or carte de visite. She went in the street in the evening with her mother and Hattie while I stayed with Eddy and inked over some old letters from George and Cousin Charlie Mills which had been written in pencil. 10/18 Saturday. Worked as usual in the shop. Edwin Hummingston come on the evening train from the West. Mrs. Stewart came to Father Griswold's on the evening train also. I recieved a letter by evening mail from George. It was written at Washington on their way to Virginia. Goerge ways that the regiment struck their tents at 4 o'clock on Thursday morning, at 8 o'clock started for the depot, arrived around 9 and didn not strat from there until 2 o'clock, arriving at Washington at 9 o'clock. 10/19 Attended church in the morning. Brother Crawford preached from 113 Psalm and I came home after Sunday School and Gussie attended in the PM. I have had the headache a little all day and quite hard since tea. Mother called on her way to evening meeting and Gussie went with her. They took at letter to the post office I had written to George. 10/20 Edwin Hummingston commenced work this morning. We were started on 2 doz. at 6/- Went to the post office in the evening and got a letter from George. They are about 4 miles from Washington at a new site for a fort and they think they are to build it. I brought a letter from the post office for Harriet from Abel in New Haven. I answered George's letter before retiring. 10/21 The morning was coolest of the season and froze ice quite hard. Gussie had some plants on the piazza badly frozen. I did not got to work on account of taking physics last night which left me incapacited for work today. I went to the Gas Works and brought home a little basket of coal to try in our cook stove. I went to Couch's and had a negative taken for some cart de visites. I also made shelves for plants in the sitting room windows. I brought our bedding down from Father Griswold's garret. We went up to Father G's. Mrs. Leobdell and Mary G. Hoyt were there. Mr. Harris came for 2 barrels to put my winter apples in. He brought one barrel just at night (greenings). Gussie went into the street shopping in the evening and I stayed with Eddie. Aunt Louise moved from Gregory's house just north of us today and has gone in with Frank Boughton. When Gussie returned about 8 o'clock I went over to Burr Bradley's where David Bradley and George Dicken's wife were making up a box for them of boots and put in a knife and fork for George. 10/22 Worked all day in the shop . Received a letter from Cousin Charles Mills acting as Steward in the hospital at Frederick MD. Mr Hearn brought my other barrel of apples today (Spitzenburg's ). Mother stopped on her way to class and I read George's last letter and also Charles' to her. I went to market and to class and mailed the Times to George. 10/23 Worked as usual in the shop and after tea took the wheel barrow and went up home for George's cider barrel to use for vinegar. And brought it home with my corn basket full of straw to bind up rose bushes with. I went to the post office and mailed a letter to Abel for Harriet. 10/24 I filled my vinegar barrel with water before breakfast. Put my dinner in a paper and filled my pail with cider and carried it with me to the shop. I took Father Griswold's silk hat to the shop and sleaked it off for him. We were limited in our work at the shop. On my way home I left the list of subscribers to the Sunday School Advocate with Edward Barnum, the distributor, at Clark and Ford's store. I received a letter from George acknowledging receipt of the money letter and bag with singing books, chestnuts and apples. He is on the sick list from a head cold contracted while on picket guard. In the evening I went to Couch's and got 4 carte de visite of wife and baby and of myself. I wrote to George before retiring and enclosed our pictures (carte de visite). 10/25 I went to the post office before breakfast and mailed my letter to George. I had the headache in the PM and stopped work early on that account. On the way home I stppped at Couch's and got the rest of the pictures, 25 in all including the ones I brought home yesterday. Mother received a letter from George. She was with us for tea and I gave her pictures of each of us to carry home. I went to the teachers meeting but there being few teachers there we adjourned without doing anything. 10/26 I stayed home in the morning and Gussie went to church. Mr Pease of Bethel preached. I went to Sunday School. The session was short, We went over to the Congregational Church for the reqular quarterly Sunday School concert which took the place of the afternoon service. There was good attendance of all the schools, Baptist, Congregational and ours. The exercises were very interesting. After tea and in the evening I wrote to Charles Mills, to Sister Harriet, and Gussie wrote to Edwin. We enclosed our pictures in all 3 letters. I wrote to George also. I did not go to meeting on account of the rain in the evening. Frank went and I sent the letters by him to be mailed. Gussie wrote to Ellen Dare in the evening and sent pictures also. 10/27 I went to the post office before breakfast and mailed the letter to Ellen Dare. Jo Young stopped at the office on the way to dinner and got a letter for Gussie from Ellen Dare and one for me from George from Washington, He broght them to the shop to me. 10/28 Gussie went with me as I went to the shop to go to the dentist to have a tooth extracted. But Dr. St. John was not there so she returned without getting it done. She went again in the PM and had it done. I brought home a letter for Mother from Bridgeport. Father came down after it while we were at tea. I went to the post officee in the evening and mailed a letter to George enclosing 8 letter stamps he requested of me by note in Anna Taylor's letter which she handed me while we were at tea. I got a letter for mother from Harriet with a cart de visite of herself. 10/29 Edwin Augustus is 14 months old today. I was late to the shop this morning. Abel returned to his regiment this PM on the 4:20 train. Harriet went with him and is going to visit in New Haven with her friends. I left work and went to the depot to see him off as it may be the last time he will be home. I went to Dea O. Stone's office to hand in my tax list but he was not in. I went home and got in my carrots and beets. After tea I went to market. I mailed the Danbury Times to George in the evening. 10/30 Worked as usual in the shop. Came home late and went to market after tea. 10/31 Clark Beers came over as I was getting up, to get Josie Wheeler's cradle as Harriet has gone to New Haven with Abel to visit him in camp and other friends in the city. Mrs. Beers is taking care of Josie. I helped him take it home. I engaged a barrel of late made cider this morning at of Mr. Lounsbury. I was rather late at the shop this morning but stayed late to make it up. I received a letter from George in the morning mail and one from Harriet in the evening. I answered George and mailed it in the evening. I also mailed one to Carlton and Porter for 15 more copies of the Sunday School Advocate to make our number of subscriptions equal to last year, 75. I went to market and to Lounsbury's shoe store to see about sending George's boots to him.
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