Horace Purdy Journal March 1869 Entry (Still Image)
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MARCH 01 MONDAY - Very cold last night and this morning, though the day has been pleasant. I rose early this morning and wrote to William and mailed it before breakfast. I wrote to have him while up to Yonkers tomorrow to have a look around for a store at that place suitable for my business. I have worked in the shop. I had some words with William Carlton about my pay which he advanced for me last Friday and drew on Saturday. He claims to have paid me $28.00 when he only paid me $24.00 the amount of my account. I am certain that he did not pay me $28.00 and he is just as certain that he did. I finally gave him $4.00 with the understanding that it was a present and not for what he claims that I owed him for I owed him nothing. While we were at tea, Henry Hinman came down with a picture of their child for me to frame which I did in a rose and gilt frame, 8x10 for $1.00. I went to the Post Office and the baker's in the evening. When I returned, I went up to Father Griswold's to visit with Gussie's cousin Arthur Griswold. MARCH 02 TUESDAY - A very cold morning gain. After breakfast, Charlie Hayes helped me get a barrel of flour form Father Griswold's barn into his house. I have worked in the shop. Sam Larkey and Edward Stevens were shopped today. We are now having all we can do, so I work until dark. The weather has moderated during the day. It has snowed a part of the day thought not very hard. Charlie ate his supper in a hurry and went back to work this evening at the Sewing machine factory. Charlie was paid off today, it being their monthly pay, so he paid for his last four weeks' board to Gussie - $24.00. A special hatter's meeting at Benedict's new hall to consolidate with the independent and foul hatters, or as we call it, whitewashing them. After a lengthy discussion, the thing was voted down and we came home, I to visit up to Father Griswold's with Arthur Griswold. We came down home about 11 o'clock. MARCH 03 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and warmer. The snow has wasted very fast. Another such day and the sleighing will be used up. I have worked in the shop. After tea, Edmund Allen called to borrow our breast pump. I went with him into the street to do some marketing. This P.M., I believe, the Velocipede Hall was opened at Benedict's new hall. This is the first of velocipedes in Danbury. MARCH 04 THURSDAY - It has snowed most of the time today, some of the time quite hard. I was last night taken with a severe pain in my head, more severe than the ordinary headaches I am subject to. It was I think, Neuralgia. It increased through the night, so that this morning, I was in such agony that I could hardly endure it. The pain struck to my stomach and caused severe turns of vomiting. A pain also in my back. This all continued until noon when Dr. Bulkely, who was sent for in the morning, came. His medicine produced a change. I improved during the afternoon and a little after 4 o'clock, got up and dressed myself. I ate a little and drank a cup of tea. I felt still better in the evening. This being an opening session of another velocipede school in Concert Hall, Charlie Hayes, our boarder, by invitation of his employer. Mr. Olmstead, went. Admission, 20 cents. Gussie also being in the street on some errands, I was left alone. Father Griswold came down and I had a talk with him about the propriety of selling my home for $3,000 and moving to New York to attend personally my business. We both came to the conclusion that if I could not sell my store in New York, I had better sell out here and go there. The snow storm today has amounted to but little by way of increasing the amount of snow on the ground, it being so warm that it wasted about as fast as it came. General U. S. Grant today takes his seat as President of the United States. MARCH 05 FRIDAY - A very cold morning. I did not get up until breakfast was ready. I felt more like myself, the pain in my back being the worst remains of yesterday. About 9 o'clock, I went into the street, took orders for gold frames of Swift, and had some conversation with him about selling my home or my store in New York in which he spoke of Henry Day who was in quest of a business. I then went to see John Cosier, real estate agent, and left with him my New York business to sell, and if not able to do this perhaps to sell my home so that I could move to the city and attend to business. From there, I called at the shirt factory and got $4.50 from Walker Bartram for a hat I sold him 2 weeks ago. I then went down to the shop and had my account made up and left it with Oscar Serine to draw for me tomorrow. I then came home, stopping at Crofut's for some cracked corn for chicken feed. I got home about 1 P.M. On my way into the street, I met Harriet Purdy coming up West Street. She arrived in town from New York last evening. After dinner, I called on Father Griswold and conversed with him about selling my house or business. We agreed about selling the store if possible instead of my house. Gussie went down to Mrs. Carpenter's and to do some shopping in the P.M. I stayed home with Georgie. In the P.M., I wrote to E. C. Allen in Augusta, Maine for particulars about something at which money could be made, I enclosed 10 cents for a sample. My head feeling bad this evening, I stayed at home and let Gussie go to market. MARCH 06 SATURDAY - Cold and snow until about the middle of the day when it stopped. From about 11 o'clock until 5, it was pleasant in New York. When the train coming home reached Norwalk, it was snowing again very hard. I stopped again on the platform at Winnipauk the same as last Saturday, expecting to see Mrs. Meade with a package of woolen pieces for carpet bags for Gussie and Mother Griswold, she having agreed to meet the train there and hand them to me a week ago. She was paid for them about 2 weeks ago while she was in Danbury. She was not at the depot so that we are as yet without the rags. Charles Hayes went to the city with me this morning. He goes to get a legacy due him at 21 years of age left to him by his father. It may be until the middle of next week before he completes his business to return here again. Charles Carpenter also went down with us on a visit to his brother John. I brought back a large carpet bag for him. His father met me at the depot and took it. I brought up John Bouton's wreath which I have been preserving. I also brought 2 testimonial frames for Egbert Gilbert and Ezekiel Eaton., a discharge too framed for Gilbert. Two Singing Pilgrims and 200 slate pencils for Mr. Pond. My store landlord, Mr. Terry, came to see me today. He wants to rent me only the store at $400.00. I am yet undecided about what I will do. I am about discouraged. I brought a letter and papers for Hiram Benjamin to his wife on Stevens Street, which I delivered before tea. Henry Hinman met me at the cars and helped me bring my bundles. A letter for Father by this evening's mail from Uncle Theodore in Sherman with news of his son Charles' death. MARCH 07 SUNDAY - Pleasant but cold. We rose late. I went down to Sunday School and Gussie up home with Father's letter of the death of Uncle Theodore's son Charles. She got to Sunday School before it was out. At its close, I came home and brought Georgie down from Mother Griswold's where Gussie left him to go up home. After supper, I went over to John Bouton's to tell him his wreath was done. On my return, I called at Egbert Gilbert's. When I returned, I went over to Alex Pine's to get Mrs. Pine to wash for us tomorrow. Her daughter being sick, she could not. I then went to the next house ' Mrs. Redmen's (Irish) and engaged her. I called to see Charles Purdy on my return. Gussie being nearly sick with a cold, we both stayed home in the evening. MARCH 08 MONDAY - Pleasant. Gussie is about sick with a heavy cold today. I have worked in the shop. I attended a Sunday School Teachers' Business meeting in the evening at which we voted $10.00 to Elizabeth Bartram for services t the piano at our festival last Christmas. I being the treasurer of the school paid the amount out to her at the close of the meeting. When I returned home, I found a telegraphic dispatch for me from William at the store. I immediately went down to Swift's Store to see him about Day buying me out in New York. We finally thought that he was now in New York looking at the store and that accounted for the dispatch requiring my presence there tomorrow. When I returned home again, I copied the minutes of the Teacher's meeting before retiring. MARCH 09 TUESDAY - Pleasant. I have been to New York. The dispatch last night was because my landlord, Mr. Terry, put on the door, 'To Rent'. I tried twice to see him today by going to his office at 716 Broadway, but both times he was away. I called on H. D. Clark in Courtland Street in the P.M. I came from the city on the 3:45 train and stopped in Norwalk to see a store. Charles Hayes having completed his business in New York, came on the 4:25 train and joined me at Norwalk and came home with me. I am about discouraged in business. After tea, I went up and had a talk with Father Griswold about business. Before retiring, I wrote to William about the lease of the store. MARCH 10 WEDNESDAY - Stormy, rain. I have worked in the shop. My lungs are sore from a severe cough. Charles Griffin came to the shop and dunned me about money for a coal bill, but I could do nothing for him. As I went to work this morning, I left our jug at D. Nichols for a gallon of molasses which I paid for $1.10. It being muddy, rainy and windy in the evening, I stayed home. MARCH 11 THURSDAY - Pleasant today. Yesterday's rain has taken nearly all the snow off. I have worked hard in the shop. I came home about sick. Received a letter from William stating that Mr. Terry had rented my store to other partners. Gussie today bought a piece of unbleached muslin, 43 and a half yards at 16 and a half cents - $7.21; also a linen tablecloth for $1.81. I went to bed sick after which John Bouton came for his wreath. MARCH 12 FRIDAY - Pleasant. I was sick last night and today. My severe cold is I think passing off by way of my bowels as I was up several times last night. I feel very weak today and have not attempted to work though after dinner I went down to the shop to arrange with someone to draw my pay tomorrow. Joe Kyle advanced it to me and he will draw it tomorrow - $18.00. John Gray gave me Ezekiel Eaton's Soldier's Testimonial to frame. I brought it home and put it in a frame which I had ready for it at the house. MARCH 13 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I have been New York. On my way to the store, I called on Phillip's at 37 Broadway at Union Square for two Singing Pilgrims. Henry Day called at the store to see about buying me out. I had a long talk with him. I made him an offer of $600.00. He will see me again next week and decide. I went to the depot to come home by way of Tibbels' 27 Park Row for No. 1 Catechisms. I partly secured a situation there for William as bookkeeper. I brought home 16 oranges for 25 cents. Griffin stopped meat his coal office as I came home from the depot and wanted me to settle my coal bill. He made some threats if I did not do it before April 1st and I got mad and told him to work at it as soon as he pleased. At the same time, I told him I was doing as fast as I could and would not put him off 20 minutes if I could help it. I arrive home sick, could not eat any supper and retired. MARCH 14 SUNDAY - Pleasant. I went down to Sunday School at noon and returned again after the session with Georgie. I have not felt very well and have kept pretty quiet. About noon, the last missing child of the Kohanza flood was found in the rear of William White's. Its name was Nettie Bothwell. There now remains missing only the wife of Mr. Clark. After supper, John Bouton called to see me. We all stayed at home in the evening and retired early. MARCH 15 MONDAY - Snow and hail with wind and some rain until just at night when it cleared off. I have worked in the shop. After tea, I went to market after writing to William. Charles wrote a line and enclosed with me. Another bill for balance of account I owe to D. P. Nichols. MARCH 16 TUESDAY - Pleasant and warmer. I have worked in the shop. As I came from work, I took from the Office a letter from Mr. Day in Newark stating that he could not raise the money I want for my store until the middle of April or May 1st, but he would give me good security and take possession now if I am willing. I showed or rather read the letter to Father Griswold. He advised me to go down and see about it tomorrow. I went to market in the evening. MARCH 17 WEDNESDAY - St. Patrick's Day in the morning. A beautiful day. I have been to New York to see Mr. Day about buying my store. He agrees to meet me there next Monday and close the bargain by giving notes well secured. One of $300.00 payable April 8th and another of $300.00 payable May 1st. He gives over to me his life insurance policy of $1,000 paid up to next February as security and perhaps his brother as endorser. The notes are given by his wife who is worth money. He is giving his own jointly with her or a separate note as additional security. Called again at Tibbel's about a situation for William as bookkeeper; it looks favorable for him. I brought home 15 nice oranges for 25 cents. Gussie having gone over to Cyrus White's china wedding, she left Louise to wait on me for tea. After tea I wrote a line to William stating what progress with Tibbels', and enclosed a French Looking Glass Plate list which I had home. As soon as written, I went down and mailed it. MARCH 18 THURSDAY - Pleasant. I have worked in the shop. Work is getting dull. We had but 1 dozen today. After work I went over to the Sewing Machine Factory to see Charlie and to get $5.00 from George Brockett which he borrowed of me in New York, but I did not see him. After I came home I carried a testimonial and a discharge which I have been framing over to Egbert Gilbert's. In the evening, we all went to the Sinking Fund Social at the church. Belle was with us to tea and stayed until she got Georgie in bed and asleep when she locked up and went home while we were at the Social. I attended the church tea party for organizing the Sinking Fund Social. I went more to go with Charlie Hayes than anything else for I was tired. So far as numbers and enjoyment the affair was a success. MARCH 19 FRIDAY - Pleasant in the morning, but towards night it threatened storm. I went to the shop in the morning, but there being no work, I went over to the Sewing Machine Factory to collect $5.00 borrowed money of Charles Brockett; he did not have the money but gave me an order on Mr. Rider, the paymaster. On my way home, I took a letter from the Office from William at the store expressing gratitude, etc. for assistance in getting him a situation which I have so nearly accomplished at Tibbel's Book Store , 37 Park Row. Gussie being down to the church, helping clean up after last night's affair, I took dinner with Father Griswold. I helped him trim apple trees and trimmed some for myself also. In the evening, I went to market. E. O. Perrin speaks this evening for the Democracy Against Negro Suffrage. It commenced snowing before bedtime. MARCH 20 SATURDAY - About 2 inches of snow on the ground this morning and still snowing hard. It stopped however before noon and in the P.M. It cleared off fine taking all the snow off before night. I have been home today and worked in the shop. I went to market in the evening and took a letter from the Office for Harriet and carried it to her at Dr. Lacy's. I went to the Express Office and found the bundles of carpet rags there sent from Winnipauk to Mother Griswold. I saw J. C. Beers at Parmalee's store. He gave me an order for framing and looking glasses. I am to get the glasses at 107 Rodney Street, Williamsburg and bring them to Danbury when done. MARCH 21 SUNDAY - Pleasant and cold. I went down as usual to Sunday School and returned afterword, Gussie staying to the afternoon prayer meeting. After tea, Charles and I took a walk over to Clark Beers'. From there, we walked up Deer Hill as far as Keeler's Orchard and then returned home. Charles and I attended preaching in the evening. Brother Burch preached, the subject, 'The Night of Horror. ' MARCH 22 MONDAY - Pleasant but cold in the morning. I have been to New York. I took down a frame to put together and put a looking glass in for Mrs. E. Gilbert, also an order for framing two looking glasses for Clark Beers. I have to send to Rodney Street in Williamsburg for the glass. I today took Henry Day's wife's notes (two at $300.00 each) for my store and his life insurance policy as collateral security ($1,000.00). The first note payable in17 days, due April 8th, the second in forty days May 1st. He took possession today. I put up a half dozen gold frames for Swift. Before retiring, I wrote to George telling him of my sale and asking him for what money he can spare before April 1st. MARCH 23 TUESDAY - The ground covered with snow this morning and raining. I had work in the shop until noon. In the P.M., I went over to the Sewing Machine Factory and presented George Brockett's order for $5.00 to the paymaster which he gave me last week for that amount which he borrowed of me last fall in New York. Mr. Rider, the bookkeeper, not having money on hand, he gave me credit for it and charged the same to Brockett. I will get the money April 1st, their next payday. I then went to the shirt Factory to get a pattern cut for my shirts, but the cutter being away, I could not. In the evening, I went to market and bought one gallon of vinegar of Avery Raymond. Father Griswold came home on the freight train this P.M. In the evening, I called on him and told him of my selling my store. Showed him the notes given and the insurance policy as collateral security. Gussie went over to John Bouton's in the evening. MARCH 24 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant but muddy. I have worked in the shop. The work being limited, I finished mine before night. On my way home, I stopped at the business office of Jones & Hoyt to see about the legal transfer of Henry Day's life insurance policy making it payable to me. I hold the policy, but as of yet, no written transfer has been made to go with the document. In the evening, I went into the street and called at Jones & Hoyt and had Jones make out a form for transferring the policy. Mother Griswold spent the evening with us. The store and dwelling on the corner of Main and North Streets uptown was burned this morning. The building was owned by Mason Thorp and occupied by a Mr. Spencer as a grog shop. MARCH 25 THURSDAY - Pleasant. I have worked in the shop. Alexander Pine's oldest daughter, aged 11 years was buried this P.M. George Davis' wife was with Gussie to dinner. I went to market in the evening. Brother Burch, our preacher, sent a blank to me by Fanny to fill out for Conference with Sunday School statistics. I looked them up and filled out the document before retiring. MARCH 26 FRIDAY - Fast Day. Rainy. I have been to New York. I expected to see Henry Day, but he was not there, he having left there last night for Danbury, so says William. I took dinner with William. I came to the depot about an hour ahead of time, left my satchel and went over to 111 West 30th Street to see Mrs. Fields about her pictures to be framed at the shop. I sat with Ezra Abbott in the car from New York to Danbury. I brought the 8x10 oval scale and ribbon frame home to Swift which I took down this morning to repair the gilt. MARCH 27 SATURDAY - The storm cleared away this morning and we have had a fine day. I have worked in the shop. I went to market in the evening. I called a Griffing Coal Office and promised to pay what I owe him on the 10th of April. After coming from market, I went up to Mother Griswold's and got two pounds of butter. It is worth 60 cents per pound but she only charged me 40 cents. MARCH 28 SUNDAY - A splendid day. I this morning saw for the first time blackbirds and robins. I went down as usual at noon to Sunday School after which I came home with Georgie. After tea, Gussie went over to Mrs. Bradley's and they together went up to the cemetery. Charles Purdy took a walk with Charles Hayes and I took Georgie to walk up in West Street. A meeting in the evening at the First Congregational Church (union meeting) for the benefit of the Female Guardian Society. I stayed at home with Georgie to let Gussie attend. MARCH 29 MONDAY - It commenced raining about 7 o'clock this morning and continued all day, raining very hard a portion of the time. I have worked in the shop. As I came from work, I bought a loaf of aerated bread. Charles was late to tea, so we ate before he came. In the evening, Anna Hinman and Mary Gray, her sister, who is visiting with her came downstairs and spent the evening with us. MARCH 30 TUESDAY - It is still stormy. I have worked in the shop. Prices on Velvet Hats, No. 5 and finer, knocked down from $3.50 to $3.00. No. 7 (which we have not yet had any of) or all coarser than No. 5 to be $2.50. Fred Jennings has been trying to rent rooms of O. H. Swift. Swift called at the shop today to enquire of me concerning him. I, of course, answered plainly. Jennings afterwards, when Swift refused him the rooms, swore and raved fearfully. He threatens to have my heart's blood, etc. This evening, I bought one 8x10 polished oval walnut frame of O. H. Swift for Miss Camp. It was a $2.00 frame; I got it for $1.50. Horace Greeley speaks on the issues of the day this evening at Concert Hall. I had so many bundles bring from market that I came home without stopping to hear him. MARCH 31 WEDNESDAY - A little rain during the day. It cleared off just before night. I have worked in the shop. Henry Hinman moved out form our upper rooms today. He has gone over in the upper part of William Trumbull's home. I stayed home in the evening except for a short time spent with Father Griswold arranging for the payment of our joint note at the Danbury Savings Bank.
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