Horace Purdy Journal March 1867 Entry (Still Image)
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MAR 01 FRIDAY - Lowery with fine rain. As I came home from work, I left the 'Sentence of Christ' at the Jeffersonian Office for publication. I then called at D. B. Booth's office to look at the state register for the residence of Dr. Henry Stearns, formerly surgeon of the 1st Connecticut Volunteers. Gussie went over to Mrs. Daniel Starr's this P.M., from there to Emily Anderson's, where she stayed to tea. Frank Bouton came this way to go with Gussie to the Sewing Society. John came in soon after and we went into the street together. He returned with me and stayed until the women came from the Sewing Society. Wrote to Dr. Stearns to find when and where I could have an interview with him relative to a pension for hernia received in the army. MAR 02 SATURDAY - A little sunshine during the day. Warm and muddy. We had work in the shop until noon. Received a letter from George. Before coming home, I went to D. B. Booth's office to see if George's name was still on the list so that he can vote; I found that it was. I went to D. W. Benedict's and brought home 3 pairs of rubbers from which to have Gussie select a pair. One pair was not mates, though nearly alike. These she concluded to take as they would cost only 75 cents where the others were $1.25. I returned them before night and tried to get another pair of odd ones for the same price for Mrs. Stone, but could not. I called at the Selectman's Office and paid Mr. S. Peck my taxes which were $18.05. By paying now I had 3 % deducted, making the amount which I paid, $17.52. I went to the Post Office in the evening, came home and commenced a reply to George's letter. It cleared off in the evening and grew colder. MAR 03 SUNDAY - The ground was frozen hard this morning. The sun shone until towards night when it clouded over and now looks like storm. Gussie attended church in the morning. She came home and I went down to Sunday School at noon. I was busy at the Library until after 2 o'clock. It was so late that I came home without going into church. We expected Bell would come here to tea, but she did not. After tea, Father came down to see us. Susan Brayman came in also. Before Father went home, I cut his hair for him a little. It looked so badly that I would not let him go longer looking so. I do not feel so well this evening, so I let Gussie attend church and I stayed home. Before Gussie went, I finished a letter to George and sent it by her to the Post Office. MAR 04 MONDAY - The ground this morning was covered with snow about 3 inches deep and a fine rain was falling. It remained misty with increasingly a little snow through the day. I have worked all day in the shop, though I have felt about sick, my head and stomach feeling badly. I ate only a mouthful of my dinner and felt better for not eating. As I came from work, I took from the Office two letters, one from George with $5.00 enclosed for Mr. Harris towards the $38.00 for his account, and one from Dr. Henry P. Stearns, formerly surgeon of our regiment in reply to one written to him as to where and when I could find him to see him about a certificate for me regarding hernia which I received while in the service. I am obliged to get one and forward the same to Washington in order to get a pension. I am thinking about going to Hartford to see him about it. His residence is at 196 Main Street. After tea, I wrote to George acknowledging receipt of $5.00 for Harris. I went into the street in the evening to see the agent of the Merchants' Union Express for George's washing in a traveling bag from New York. I added to the letter what it would cost and mailed it. I left my watch at S. G. Bailey's for cleaning. I called at O.H. Swift's and bought a pass book for my use at work at the shop and a top for Georgie. I then walked up West Street with Swift. MAR 05 THURSDAY - Pleasant but cooler. I worked as usual in the shop. I had but little appetite at noon and ate but little. I worked hard and was very tired at night. Bell came in while we were at tea and wanted me to go up home and pull a tooth for Mother but I was too tired to go into the street and up there too. I went to the Post Office and got a letter from Father Griswold mailed from West Granby saying that he would be in Hartford at the Trumbull House on Friday next instead of Saturday as he told me before he left home. Before retiring, I wrote a reply to him. John Stone told me this evening that Bird (Henry Blair's dog) had been shot. Before retiring, I wrote to Henry Blair, telling him what I heard. MAR 06 WEDNESDAY - I worked as usual in the shop. While waiting for a block this forenoon, I went up to Mr. Barnum's office to see about me going to Hartford to see Dr. Stearns about my getting a certificate of disability to enable me to get a pension but found his office closed. As I came from work this evening, I took a note from the office from Louise Blair saying that Bird was dead. While at tea, Miss English, our old nurse came in for a call. Bell soon came in also to stay all night. Gussie went with Harriet and her mother to hear Anna D. Dickenson lecture, while I went over to Mrs. Blair's to see Bird and do some marketing in the street. I stopped at Mr. Swift's store and when he shut up, I walked up with him. Mr. Crofut is having the roof of his drying room raised up to make another story. Robert Cocking paid me his February rent today - $3.00. MAR 07 THURDAY - A little snow this morning and through the day. I came home from work with a headache. A letter from George this evening. George Hawley, P T. Barnum and Judge Pitkin from New Orleans speak this evening at Concert Hall, the first meeting of the campaign. I now hear the band sweetly playing to escort the speakers from the Wooster House to Concert Hall. I am too sick to attend. Gussie has gone into the street. Before retiring, I went over to see Mr. Pond about stopping in New Haven (as I go to Hartford tomorrow) to get his watch. Amos Purdy, who I engaged this morning to bury Bird, tried but the ground was frozen too hard and he was obliged to defer it until the frost should get out more. Bell has been down today, but went home again this evening. MAR 08 FRIDAY - My head and stomach feel badly still though better than yesterday. We rose early so that I could take the train to Hartford. I took the accommodation to New Haven where I stopped and got Mr. Pond's gold watch at Benjamin's Jewelry Store near the depot. I waited half an hour and took the express to Hartford where I arrived at 12:30 o'clock. Father Griswold was on the platform waiting for me. We went together to my old Regimental surgeon, Dr. Henry P. Stearns, at 196 Main Street. I, not telling him of my hernia at the time, it occurred on July 2nd, 1861 at Fall's Church, Virginia. He of course had not personal knowledge of the case to warrant him in giving a certificate that would be of any good to me. I therefore failed to accomplish what I went for. I was not, however, surprised at the result. It was exactly what I expected for he lacked the positive knowledge required. I went with Father Griswold to the Trumbull House to dinner. John Parker, proprietor, is an old family friend of Father Griswold's. I took the steamer, 'City of Hartford' at 2 P.M. for New York. We got out of the river at Saybrook between 9 and 10 o'clock at night. MAR 09 SATURDAY - I was awakened at a quarter before four this morning by the steamer arriving at Peck Slip, East River, New York. I turned out from my berth and after making my toilet, I waited nearly an hour for daylight when I went to Fulton Market and got my breakfast after which I went over to Brooklyn to George's boarding place, 115 Myrtle Avenue and found him still in bed. His landlord, Mr. Peter Haver, invited me in and then called George saying that a gentleman wished to see him. He was greatly surprised to see me. After breakfast, we walked to his shop and then to Fort Greene. He concluded not to go to work, so we returned to his boarding place. He changed his clothes and we went over to New York. We went to the Great American Tea Company, where I gave in my club order of $37.00, made arrangements for its shipment today, and then we called on Henry Blair at 327 Broadway. I told him about the death of Bird, had a little pleasant conversation and then we called at the Merchant's Union Express Office at 180 Broadway, to see about the tea and carpet bag (which George left there last evening.) being forwarded today. We then returned to Brooklyn and called on Louise at 380 State Street. From there, we went to George's boarding place to dinner. In the afternoon, we tried to find some soda ash, but could not. We crossed at the Catherine Street ferry and went to Pier 37 at the foot of Market Street, New York, where we met Henry Blair who was coming to Danbury also. George stayed at the boat with us until it left at 2 P.M. I lent him a dollar before we left which he promises to pay next Saturday. We arrived at Norwalk a little after 5 o'clock. Arrived in Danbury about 8 o'clock where Gussie met me at the depot. My box of tea from the Great American Tea Company and the bag from George was on the train with me by Merchant's Union Express. I took the bag with me leaving the box to be sent up on Monday. We walked around home with Henry Blair to see Bird as he lay dead in his house. When we got home we went over to Mr. Pond's to carry Mr. Pond's watch which I got in New Haven. MAR 10 SUNDAY - Stormy, rain. Gussie went to church in the morning. I went down to Sunday School at noon, after which I came home as I felt tired. After tea, Gussie and I went up home to see Georgie, Bell having taken him up home with her yesterday. I took the bag of dirty clothes of George which I brought home with me last night up home to have Mother wash and mend them. We stayed until dark and then came home. It has rained more towards night and this evening than it did earlier in the day. We stayed at home in the evening and retired early. MARCH 11 MONDAY - Pleasant. Mrs. Stone washed for us today. As I went to work this morning, I called at the Merchant's Union Express office to pay for the box of tea from the Great American Tea Company, but the agent was not in and I called again as I came home from work at night and paid for it with the bag of clothes from George sent home for washing. I opened the box of tea and coffee before tea. I attended the Sunday School Business meeting in the evening. L. S. Barnum speaks this evening at Concert hall in opposition to P.T. Barnum a candidate for congressman from this district. After returning from Teachers' Meeting, I carried Amos Purdy's tea over to him and the tea and coffee to O.H. Swift which he ordered. Before retiring, I entered the minutes of the Teachers' meeting in the Sunday School records. Susan Brayman was over this evening and I sold her 1 lb. of bulk tea. MAR 12 TUESDAY - Stormy; a little snow in the morning and fine rain most of the time during the day. As I went to work in the morning, I carried Edward Ambler's tea to him which he sent for by me to the Great American Tea Company. There has been considerable excitement today over L. S. Barnum's speech in opposition to P. T. Barnum last evening. The makers today have struck for their old wages. Mr. Crofut says that he will not give it. As I went to work this morning, I called into Mr. Swift's store and he paid a part of his bill for tea and coffee and the balance this evening. After tea, I went into the street and carried George's bag of clothes to the Express Office to send to him and mailed a letter to him with a note enclosed to the New York express agent from our agent arranging for carrying his bag for 25 cents. I carried Robert Dunning's tea over to him this morning. Before retiring we put John's picture and our marriage certificate each in a shell frame. MAR 13 WEDNESDAY - Cloudy all day. I have worked as usual in the shop. As I came from work, Istook from the Post Office another receipted bill for tea and coffee from the Great American Tea Company, sent doubtless by mistake as they gave me one when I bought the tea and coffee last Saturday. I now have two. 11 o'clock P.M. - Gussie has had this evening a carpet bag bee. The party has just left. They sewed about 23 lbs. of rags. We had loaf cakes with doughnuts and apples for refreshments. We had a good time. The party was as follows: John Bouton and wife, William Warren and wife, Henry Miller and wife, and Daniel Starr and his wife, Carrie Hoyt and Sarah Francis, Mrs. Nickerson and daughter, Libbie, Eliza Hill, Lottie Keeler, Mrs. George Davis, Mother Griswold, Fannie, Harriet and Louise. Father Griswold came down and stayed awhile in the evening, but went home again before refreshments were served. MAR 14 THURSDAY - Colder, cloudy in the forenoon. The sun shone pleasantly this P.M. and melted what it froze this morning. It froze up again by dark. A shop call today to raise our prices. Mr. Crofut being in New York, the matter was postponed until tomorrow when he is expected home. Bell came home with Georgie today and stayed awhile into the evening until I could go into the street and return, Gussie having gone with Susan Brayman up to Mrs. Cole's before I came home from work. When I returned in the evening from the street, Bell went up home. I weighed out a pound of coffee for her to take to Nellie Freeland, she wanting to buy some from me. I took my small spring balance with me into the street and traded with Charles Hull for a pair of steel yards. Upon trial, I found them incorrect. MAR 15 FRIDAY - Pleasant; as I went to work this morning, I took back to Charles Hull's the steel yards I got there last evening. We raised our bill of prices at the shop today 2% on a dozen, only half the reduction made on the 28th of last December. A grand Republican rally at Concert Hall this evening. Judge Culver and ____ spoke. A boy named McDermott was today carried by a belt over the main shaft and both legs broken at Tweedy' Forming Factory. MAR 16 SATURDAY - Bell stayed with us last night. It commenced snowing this P.M. and it still continues (it is now 9 o'clock in the evening). I have worked hard all day in the shop. A democratic political meeting is being held this evening at Concert Hall. MAR 17 SUNDAY - It has snowed all day, clearing off between sundown and dark. Mr. Pond with Frank Fanning (and a boy with Frank), George Davis and myself, drew our snow plow out to West Street, up Father Griswold's lane and in Fanning and Davis' yards before breakfast. I swept out the paths in my yard again when it cleared off this evening. I went down at noon to Sunday School which was very small and returned home again when it was over. Except for me going to Sunday School, we have both stayed home all day and made a rest day of it. Father came down after tea to tell us that Mother came near dying last night. It was her old trouble in her chest with an accumulation of phlegm, which came near strangling her. Father said that for two or three hours, she struggled so for breath that he thought she would die. She being better now and the snow so deep, I have concluded not to go up this evening. MAR 18 MONDAY - Pleasant, but cool. Mrs. Stone washed for us today and Gussie engaged her for Wednesday for Mother as she is not able to do her washing this week. She is still in bed from the severe attack on Saturday night. I worked as usual in the shop. Susan Brayman came over after tea and paid for the lb. of black tea she bought of me and then went into the street with Gussie. Louise stayed with Georgie in the evening to let me go into the street to carry a lb. of coffee to Oscar Serine. I called at the Republican Club Room a few moments and then went up home to see Mother and take letter to her from George which came this evening. MAR 19 TUESDAY - Pleasant and warmer than yesterday. As I went to work this morning, I returned one of the pairs of shoes which Gussie brought home last evening to fit a pair to Georgie. I also took from the Office a letter from George which was not put in my box last evening., Dr. Brown having withheld it for the few minutes I was at the Office to read what was on the envelope and to make out who it was for, George having wrote the face over with some rhyme in which was the address, the rhyme being about our Connecticut Gubernatorial Campaign, naming George Hawley and P.T. Barnum our nominees for Congress. The sentiment evidently not suiting some New York Post Office officials as on the opposite side of the envelope was written in pencil ' 'Oh gas! You are a da-n fool. You lie'. Enclosed was a letter for Harriet, also the dollar he borrowed of me when I was in New York. In the evening, Gussie had another rag bee. Mrs. Amos Purdy and daughters, Sarah and Lucy, Mrs. Coles and daughter Sarah, Mrs. Short, Mrs. Stone and daughter Matilda, Clarissa Smith, Susan Brayman. Mr. Coles and son Paul came in late for Mrs. Coles and Sarah. They came just in time for refreshments. We had loaf cake, crullers, green and black tea and apples. After tea, I finished my letter to George and mailed it. MAR 20 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. I worked as usual in the shop. Mrs. Coles came down again today to help Gussie sew carpet rags. As Gussie was going to the Sewing Society, she took the rags over to Susan Brahman's and spent the P. M. there and sewed rags. Father Griswold having two tickets sent to him to hear George William Curtis (ed. note lecturer, editor of Harper's Weekly, one of the founders of the Republican Party) lecture and none of them being able to attend, Gussie and Louise took them and went. Mother Griswold offered one ticket to me but I was too tired to go, so I let Gussie go in my stead. MAR 21 THURSDAY - Stormy; snow which melted about as fast as it came. My work at the shop only lasted until noon. After dinner, I took Mother Griswold's chopping knife over to Benedict's factory and rounded the edge by taking off the corners. The remainder of the P.M, I spent in Mr. Pond's barn helping Oscar Serine get out material for a grape arbor and make some lattice work. I mended a flour sifter also for Gussie to give to Harriet. After tea, I went over to see Henry Blair who is quite sick. From there, I went into the street and paid for a half lb. of smelt - 33cents - which they brought to us yesterday (Avery Raymond). I saw the band with their new instruments which they played from the depot to Concert Hall for William H. Burleigh of New York who spoke on the issues of the day for the Republican Party. I heard him about five minutes and then came out and went over to Randell & Bradley's and engaged a kit of mackerel to be brought up tomorrow and then came home, after which I went over to Mr. Pond's to set my watch by his in order to regulate it. I then went to the barn and finished repairing the flour sifter. MAR 22 FRIDAY - Cloudy and windy. It was frozen in the morning, but thawed during the day. The moon shone at times through the clouds in the evening. I worked as usual in the shop. I came from work by way of the Jeffersonian Office for my paper. I also got the Sunday School papers at the news office. After tea, John Bouton came over with his wife to go with Gussie to the Sewing Society at Widow Thomas Barnum's. Mother Griswold stayed with Georgie to let John and I go into the street. I went to Randell & Bradley's and paid $3.25 for the kit of mackerel they brought me today. I also called at D. B. Booth's office to see if the $100 bounty for George had come. After the arrival of the mail John and myself walked up together. He stayed with me until the women came from the Sewing Society. In the meantime, he read off the names for me to write on the Sunday School papers. MAR 23 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I worked as usual in the shop. Gussie and I went to market in the evening. As I went, I carried a pumpkin down to the Post Office for Joseph Kyle. He was to get it from there. I came home leaving Gussie to do some trading and I went up home to see Mother who has been sick. I carried some rotten specked apples up to them and a letter to Harriet which came enclosed in one to me from George. I stayed until 10 o'clock. MAR 24 SUNDAY - Cloudy; warm and very muddy. I went down to church in the morning with the Sunday School papers and arranged them with the lot which came the week before for distribtion this noon. I then went to the barber's and got shaved. Homer Peters and I came home in time to let Gussie go to church. She came home at noon and I went down to Sunday School and stayed to the prayer meeting in the afternoon. After tea, Gussie went up on Deer Hill to see Mother. I wrote to George and enclosed samples of muslin to aid him in buying some for shirting. I also wrote to the Book Room ordering another copy of the Sunday School Journal. I went over to Mr. Pond's to get 50 cents changed that I might enclose 35 cents for the paper and stayed and talked until nearly meeting time. Gussie returned just in time to let me go to evening meeting which I did mailing as I went the two letters I wrote. Missionary Collection in church today. MAR 25 MONDAY - I woke and found it raining this morning. It soon stopped and rained no more during the day, but remained cloudy. Mrs. Stone washed for us. I worked as usual in the shop. I had pearl cassimeres weighed out for the first time. The Board of Registration met today and a large number were made freedmen. They meet again on Wednesday. While we were at tea, Frank Bouton came in to go with Gussie to the Sewing Society at George Starr's. After they were gone, I went over to see Henry Blair a few minutes. From there, I went down to the Post Office and returned home, not wanting to leave Georgie longer alone in the house. A Democratic meeting at Concert Hall this evening. Babcock from New Haven was expected, but did not come. John Bouton called about 9 o'clock and waited for the women to return from the Sewing Society. MARCH 26 TUESDAY - Pleasant. As I went to the shop this morning, I went by way of George Starr's and carried a rubber Gussie borrowed there last evening. I also went to S.S. Peck's store and bought 50 cents worth of pulverized sugar for frosting cake and ordered it sent home as Gussie is to make cake today for the oyster supper at the church tomorrow evening. I have worked on pearl cassimeres today, it is very hard work. When I came from work, I brought two cassimere hats each a different style for Mr. Pond to select from as he is to have a new hat. Georgie is quite sick today, a sore throat. He has taken cold, I think, from going out bareheaded and getting his feet wet yesterday. Susan Brayman and Mrs. Short came in while we were at tea to go with Gussie over to Frank Bouton's to a carpet rag bee. As soon as tea was over, they all went leaving me with Georgie. Theodore Tilton speaks tonight in Concert hall ' Subject ' 'Reconstruction'. After the arrival of the mail, Bell came here from the street to stay all night and brought me a letter from George. I sat down and wrote a reply, but shall defer mailing it until tomorrow evening to wait the result of the board of registration to see if his name is taken from the list of voters that I may add to the letter regarding it. MARCH 27 MONDAY - As I went to work this morning, I left word on Dr. Buckley's slate to have him come and see Georgie who is no better. He came about 10:30 o'clock A.M. and pronounced it a severe case of sore throat and not Diphtheria as we feared. Bell, who stayed last night with us, stayed until after breakfast and then went home and returned again just before tea to stay with Georgie to let Gussie and I attend the Oyster Supper at the church, the proceeds of which are to help furnish the new parsonage. I, according to appointment, acted as doorkeeper with John Bouton. We had a good time, it being nearly 12 o'clock when we came home. As I went down to the church early in the evening, I mailed a letter to George with a note to the 'Great American Tea Company' requesting a pound of their best oolong tea if they have any better than what I bought March 9th. George is to get it if he has time. I told George that he was alright and could vote and I enclosed $5.00 for him to come home expecting the Republican Committee will refund to me. I sold the Sewing Society one pound of tea for the Oyster Supper. MARCH 28 THURSDAY - Squally, cloudy, cold (not freezing) but muddy. Bell stayed with us last night. We were limited to one dozen hats in the shop today. I finished mine about the middle of the P.M. Mr. Pond's new hat being trimmed, I took it over to the curling shop and had it curled and brought it home with me. Before tea, I went for Dr. Buckley, we fearing that Georgie had the Diphtheria. He came but said our fears were groundless, there being no symptoms of the dread disease. Just before tea, I took Mr. Pond's hat over to him. He was well pleased with it. I went to the Post Office and to market in the evening. MARCH 29 FRIDAY - I worked as usual in the shop. Joe Kyle's brother-in-law came to the shop today with the brooms the men engaged of Joe. I took a dozen at $4.00. I divided them with Mother Griswold, Mother Purdy and Mr. Pond. Gussie got pay today for the 5 lbs. of coffee I got for Father Griswold in New York on March 9th. Also for a half lb. of tea I sold to the Ladies' Aid Society. Bell came down just at night to stay this evening with Georgie to let Gussie go with me to hear Horace Greeley in Concert hall. She is to stay all night. Just before tea, Freddie Dunning came over to buy a pound of coffee which I promised his father. We attended the lecture as we intended and got home after it about 11 o'clock. MARCH 30 SATURDAY - A beautiful spring day. I took Mr. Pond's hat back with me to the shop this morning to have the trimming reversed, his head being such shaped that the back of the hat put in front fits his head best. George Benjamin and John Morris got into a quarrel today about politics. Loud words and hard names passed between them, but no blows were exchanged. After tea, Gussie and I went to Dr. Buckley's for more medicine for Georgie. We went to market and then to the depot to meet George who came on the evening train to vote next Monday. He went home with Gussie and I. I went to the caucus to nominate representatives to the Legislature. Saul Mallory and Grandison Foot were nominated. After the nominations, the meeting was organized into a club meeting. I then left them and came home where I found George taking tea. He brought me a pound of oolong tea from the Great American Tea Company of a better quality than the last lot I bought. He stayed until nearly 10 o'clock and then went home with Bell who came down about dark and stayed with Georgie while we went into the street. MARCH 31 SUNDAY - Brother George came this way to church this morning and went with Gussie. She returned at noon and I went down to Sunday School. I returned immediately after school to let her return to attend Jennie Humphrey's funeral which was held at the church in place of the P.M. service. As I returned, I went to Charles Stevens and engaged his horse and buggy to for Brother Lockwood in Bethel to sing for us this evening. George went home from Sunday School with William Warren and stayed until 3 P.M. and then came here to tea, after which I went with George Stevens with his father's horse and buggy to Bethel for Benjamin Lockwood to lead our choir this evening, it being Brother Peck's farewell sermon. The house was crowded to overflowing. As soon as he finished his sermon, George Stevens and I went out and went to his father's and harnessed and came to the church as soon as the meeting was closed and took Mr. Lockwood home again. I helped him take care of the horse when we returned. Harriet Purdy sent by George for a half pound of tea. I let her have it for 50 cents.
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