Horace Purdy Journal January 1867 Entry (Still Image)
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JAN 01 TUESDAY - Stormy, snow all day. I swept paths and dug out the snow on my sidewalk before breakfast. George came down in the morning and we went into the street together in the forenoon. Gussie made fruit cake in the morning and frosted it. She desires one loaf as a present to George. She put on the frosting the initials of his name, also 1867 with small confectionary. George came here to dinner. He spent the day mostly in making calls. In the P.M., I cracked walnuts and cut up some wood I had in the wood house. Just before night, Robert Cocking and wife called as they were sleigh riding. He paid me $3.00 for December rent and we talked about letting Mr. Swift come into his rooms upstairs until April 1st. George called in the evening. I put up in a paper box two loaves of cake, one fruit cake frosted, 5 apples and about a quart of cracked walnuts. Gussie and I went over to Mr. Pond's about 10 o'clock for some butter ' 2 lbs.; we left George in the house while we were gone. He brought down his carpet bag backed all ready for a start in the morning. JAN 03 WEDNESDAY - George came this way on his way to the train for the trip to Brooklyn. He took his bags and box of good things which I packed for him last evening. After breakfast, I went to the shop expecting work but we were told that it would not be ready before Friday . I took my beef barrel over to Mr. Pond's before dinner intending to hoop it in the P.M. but was taken with a severe headache was obliged to abandon it. I retired early very sick. Gussie attended the weekly Temperance Meeting at Concert Hall in the evening. When she returned, I was in bed. JAN 03 THURSDAY - A beautiful day. The sleighing good and many are enjoying it. I hooped my beef barrel over to Mr. Pond's this forenoon. In the afternoon, I took a walk down to the shop and carried a copy of our Bill of Prices which I have been drawing up for my own use. I paid my post Office rent and my newspaper postage. The box rent is paid up to July 1st. In the evening, I took up Mr. Pond's and my hams and packed them over again. He came over and helped me pour the brine off into a tub and pour it on again before repacking. Bell called here before evening meeting. JAN 04 FRIDAY - Pleasant. I have had work today in the shop for the first time this week. I have felt better today than I have in about two weeks. I worked as long as I could see in the shop and then came home by way of the depot and called at Fenton's Jewelry Store and got Father Griswold's clock which has been there for repairs. After tea, I went over to Mr. Pond's and got the $200 he was to lend me and gave my note for the same payable on demand. Bell came down in the evening and stayed to let Gussie go to Sewing Society. Mother came down this forenoon and stayed to dinner with Gussie and spent the greater part of the P.M. JAN 05 SATURDAY - Pleasant and warm. Bell stayed with us last night. As I went to work this morning, I took the jug and ordered a gallon of molasses at Benedict & Nichols. I had work all day at the shop. At noon, I went up to the Danbury Bank and took up my note of $200 to Hanford Fairchild which he took there and got discounted. I then returned to the shop and worked until dark. I last evening paid Gussie $8.00 for the first time under our new arrangement, viz. to pay her $8.00 per week for her to pay the house holding expenses and to let her do the contriving and providing and save all she can out of it. Today she did her first buying under the new order of things. Bell took the sled and drew Georgie up home with her to stay until tomorrow. This is his first ride on a hand sled. In the evening, I went to the barber's and then to S.S. Peck's store to increase Gussie' s order for onions from a peck to a half bushel. I saw O.H. Swift on the street and paid him $1.90 for Father Griswold's expressage on hand cider mill from Peekskill where he sent it for repairs. JAN 06 SUNDAY - A little snow during the day which came quietly. The day although cloudy has been warm for a winter day. We expected Georgie to be brought home by Father today but on account of the storm (which was slight) Gussie went up in the forenoon instead of going to church and made arrangements for him to stay over today. I went down to Sunday School and attended prayer meeting in the P.M. Dinner was ready at 3 o'clock when I returned from meeting, after which I took to my usual Sunday School writing and Gussie with Susan Brayman in company with Ed Ireland went up to see Anna Delavan, who is dangerously sick at Henry Hinman's. Not having any baby to stay home with, we both went to church in the evening. Brother Peck as usual preached a good sermon. JAN 07 MONDAY - Pleasant but colder. We had only about a half day's work in the shop. When I came from work in the P.M., I found Gussie in the street shopping. I set to work and arranged for smoking a shoulder in the fireplace. I soon hung it up and had a smoke going. Just before tea (between sundown and dark), Bell came down with Georgie on the hand sled. She stayed with us to tea and went to meeting in the evening. I today received again three of the papers printed by the Great American Tea Company and in the evening took one of them over to Mr. Pond. I have had a headache. Today this towards night increased in the back part of my head. JAN 08 TUESDAY - Pleasant and cool, about the same as yesterday. We had but one dozen hats to finish today. I finished my work about the middle of the P.M. and came home by way of Fred Starr's meat market where I bought on credit a forequarter of beef 117 lbs.at 10 cents a lb. I saw it cut up. It came before night. As I went to work this morning, I took from the Office a letter which came last evening from George. I returned to Mother Griswold 8 lbs. of beef to replace 8 lbs. which I borrowed of them. Today the rum sellers were notified to close up. JAN 09 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. I had work all day in the shop. As I came from work at night, I took from the Post Office a letter written November 9th to Henry Blair in New York about his dog which he never received and had been sent to the General Post Office in Washington and from there returned to me. In the evening, I went over to Mr. Pond's and he helped me about putting on a hoop on my beef cask to tighten if possible the bottom, but we did not succeed. I will have to get a new bottom put onto it. Moses Baxter and wife were down to their house across the way this evenng to make arrangements for moving in again in a few days. They called in a few minutes before going home again. Bell came by this evening as she went to meeting. Gussie let her do some errands for her in the street. She came back this way and is to stay with us tonight. JAN 10 THURSDAY - Bell stayed with us last night. The day has been cloudy with a little fine snow in the forenoon. I have had work all day in the shop. The rum shops have all been closed today, they having been notified to do so or take the full extent of the law. The Temperance Committee having waited on them the 7th instant giving them today to close up in. Bell was here this P.M. and to tea. In the evening, I went over to Mr. Richards for my slippers which he has been making for me for $1.75. Mrs. Stone has been here this evening. Gussie called on Mrs. Swift this P.M. for the first time since they were burned out. They are now living in Charles Benedict's house on Deer Hill. I helped Louise catch and kill two chickens for Mother Griswold this evening. Gussie retired with the sick headache. JAN 11 FRIDAY - Have had work all day in the shop, but on account of a sick headache, I was obliged to stop a little early and come home. Mr. Cocking brought us a peck of carrots today. Moses Baxter moved back in his house across the way today. JAN 12 SATURDAY - Pleasant but colder. I worked as usual in the shop. To do my allowance and what was left over from yesterday, I was obliged to work as long as I could in the evening. John McNamee, a shopmate who bought my hay cutter, paid me for it today - $9.00. I went into the street in the evening and paid Fred Starr $12.28 for 117 pounds of beef (forequarter) at $.10 a pound which I bought on the 8th instant. I also called to see how O.H. Swift (who was burned out) is fitted up for a store on the south side of Potter's Music Rooms in Taylor's block. I walked up home with him after he closed and went in a few moments. He is living in a part of Charles Benedict's house on Deer Hill, lately sold to Jackson for a school. JAN 13 SUNDAY - Very cold last night and this morning. The weather has moderated during the day. It has been cloud with more or less snow during the day. Neither of us attended church in the morning. I went down to Sunday School at noon and stayed to the communion service in the afternoon. I brought home the third Assistant Librarian Book and drew it up anew for William Warren who I think I shall get to fill the position in place of David Bradley who has not of late attended to it as he should. Gussie went to church in the evening while I stayed at home. Bell came here after evening meeting to stay all night. JAN 14 MONDAY - Pleasant but very cold. Bell stayed with us last night. I worked all day in the shop. I attended Sunday School Teachers' Business meeting in the evening at which arrangements were made for a Sunday School festival on Wednesday the 23rd instant. Before retiring, I copied the minutes of the Sunday School Teachers' meeting. The day has been much colder than yesterday. Some think it was the coldest day we have had yet this winter. I think not. JAN 15 TUESDAY - Pleasant, but I think colder than yesterday. As I came home from work at night, I called at Fanton's Jewelry Store for Father Griswold's clock which was there for a new bell. When I got home with it, I found that he had given me the wrong clock. So I went back with it and exchanged it. At the same time, I took my 5 gallon oil can to Charles Hull's to have a new bottom put on, it having rusted so that it leaked. After tea, I wrote to the publishers of The Methodist to have my subscription renewed and sent the name of Aaron Morehouse with $5.00 enclosed to pay for both and thereby according to their advertisement, I shall receive a book entitled 'Six Months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln' by (Francis) Carpenter, this being a premium for my renewal and a new subscriber. I stayed at home in the evening to let Gussie go into the street to do some errands and mail the letter. JAN 16 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and very cold thought I think it was a little warmer towards night. We rose late and I did not get to work until after 9 o'clock. I let 'Bird' out last night as usual for a run and he did not get back until the middle of this forenoon. I went onto the street this evening and found that Charles Hull had repaired my 5-gallon oil can by cutting off the bottom about 1 and a half inches where it leaked on account of rust and putting on a new one which I suppose will lessen its measure about a half gallon. I had him put 4 gallons of oil in it at 65 cents per gallon. I paid for it and ordered it to be sent up tomorrow. James Clark Beers was married yesterday in New York to a daughter of the Rev. Joseph Wildy. He arrived here last evening on the train with his bride and stayed at his Mother's last night which I suppose for the present he will make his home. Widow Wanzer died this evening about 9 o'clock. She sank into a sleep at 2 P.M. out of which she never came. JAN 17 THURSDAY - I woke this morning and found it snowing hard which continued all day and made the heaviest snowstorm of the winter thus far. There was which kept me at the shop until noon. No work given out today but I had some left over from yesterday. I swept the paths this morning and shoveled them out again this P.M. After Mr. Pond got his tea, we went to work and made a snow plow. We got it nearly done when I left him to finish it while I went up to Father Griswold's to visit with Clark Beers and wife who came there this afternoon. His mother and two sisters Emma and Lydia came with them. George Starr sent Amos Bouton with his horse and sleigh to bring them. He also came to take them home about 8:30 o'clock. After they had gone, I went with Mr. Pond to try our snow plow on our sidewalks. JAN 18 FRIDAY - There was but little if any snow last night, but the wind blew fiercely driving the already fallen snow into heavy compact drifts filling up most of the paths which were shoveled yesterday and last evening. There but being no work in the shop today, I spent about half the forenoon digging out the paths again. The drifts were too hard to make any use of our snow plow today. After dinner, I wrote to New York ordering some pictorial books for Fanny to present to our infant class at the Sunday School festival next week. I gave it to her to mail as she was going into the street. After tea, I went over to Mrs. Blair's to see if 'Bird' had been there today, he having been about all day. From there, I went into Main Street for my Jeffersonian and home in time to let Gussie got to the Sewing Society at Mrs. D. Brown's. JAN 19 SATURDAY - Pleasant and a little warmer. I went to the shop, but there was no work. I went into the street and did some errands and then returned to the shop just before dinner and got my pay. I then came home to dinner after which Mr. Pond helped me repair the bottom to my beef cask. I then helped him clean out his cistern, after which we put a pair of handles on our snow plow. In the evening, Gussie and I went into the street with some rags to Charles Hull's and traded them out in tin ware. We called to see Dr. Bulkley about Georgie. I went up to Fred Starr's Meat Market to see about some lard for Mother Griswold. I took 'Bird' home this evening over to Mrs. Blair's. JAN 20 SUNDAY - Pleasant in the A.M., but about noon, it began to be cloudy and in the evening, it commenced snowing. Gussie attended church in the morning. Mr. Frisbie of the 1st Congregational Church preached for us, Mr. Peck having exchanged with him. I went down to Sunday School as Gussie returned from the morning service. I stayed to the prayer meeting in the P.M.; it was a good meeting. Many of the young members gave their testimony for the Savior. After tea, I wrote to Carlton & Porter, ordering three more copies of the Sunday School Advocate, also a dozen No. 1 Lesson Books for every Sunday of the year. I also wrote to George. Father came down after tea and stayed until nearly evening meeting time. Gussie at the same time went to the Band of Hope at 5 o'clock. I let Father have a half lb. of my black tea to take home with him. When Gussie returned, I went down to the Office and mailed the letters I wrote and returned as it was snowing. JAN 21 MONDAY - The fall of snow last night was about a foot. It was still snowing a little this morning and continued more or less during the day. It took me until about 10 o'clock to shovel out my paths. It was about 11 o'clock when I went to the shop. We had only one dozen hats which I did before night. As I came home, I got the package at Chichester's News Room which I ordered last Friday of Carlton & Porter - pictorial books for children for Fanny to give to her Infant Class. Before tea, I made me a snow shovel of pine wood. In the evening, I shoveled off my side walk and helped Mr. Pond do part of his. Gussie went over to Spring Street in the fore part of the evening to see Mrs. Stone about washing and into the street to do some trading. While she was gone, Louise stayed with Georgie to let me shovel snow. JAN 22 TUESDAY - I went to the shop in the morning, but there was no work. Mrs. Stone came and washed for us. She came crying because Stone yesterday struck and beat her without any provocation. They are very poor. We paid her for washing and gave her some flour and meat to take home. I shoveled out Father Griswold's path from his gate entrance to his house. I lent Mr. Bradley and Green a snow shovel to dig out their sidewalks in the P.M. Bell was here to dinner and to tea. Father came this way from work and paid me $1.10 for the half lb. of tea which I let him have from ours. After tea, I wrote to Henry Blair about his dog, 'Bird'. I wish that if I keep him any longer, not to be responsible for his safety. Before mailing it, I went over to his Mother's to get his address. From there, I went to class meeting. As I came home, I took from the office Carpenter's 'Six Months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln' which I got as a premium from the publishers of 'The Methodist' for renewing my own subscription and sending one other new name. JAN 23 - Pleasant. Only a half day's work in the shop. Sunday School Festival in the P.M., which I attended. A Mr. Leonard of New York was there and spoke to the children. 139 scholars were present out of 294. Bell stayed with Georgie to let Gussie go also. We both went to the Tea Meeting in the evening where the members of the Church and congregation assembled and a delightful social time was enjoyed. A report of the doings of the Sinking Fund for the last year was given and new subscriptions taken. We brought some nice cake home for Bell to take to Mother tomorrow as she is to stay all night here. I mailed this evening two Jeffersonians to George and by the evening mail received a letter from him. JAN 24 THURSDAY - After breakfast, Bell took Georgie on the hand sled and drew him up home with her. Gussie went up in the P.M., but on account of the wind let him stay up there all night. I have had work all day in the shop. Received a letter from Henry Blair saying that I could keep his dog 'Bird' until he needed him and he will be responsible for his safety. Gussie also received a letter from her cousin Eliza in California with card pictures of her three children enclosed. Georgie being away and we by the means being at liberty, we, after tea, called on Clark Beers and wife. We then went into the street to market and after returning home went over to Mr. Pond's and made a call. JAN 25 FRIDAY - Pleasant in the morning; cloudy later in the day and warmer; signs of rain. I had work all day in the shop. We were limited, but the amount lasted me until night. As I came from work, I went to the Jeffersonian Office for my paper and to the news office for the Harper's Weekly and for some Sunday School Lesson books which I sent for and the Sunday School papers - Sunday School Advocates and Sunday School Journals. Georgie is still up to Father Purdy's. I went to market in the evening. It commenced snowing before we retired. JAN 26 SATURDAY - No work in the shop. It was snowing when we rose this morning and continued more or less until the middle of the forenoon when it came off warm and pleasant. It became cloudy in the P.M again and grew cloudy and colder. About 10 A.M., I went to the church with the Sunday School papers and then to the factory for my pay, which I got just before dinner. In the P.M., I went up to see Mr. Barnum - War Claim Agent - to direct him to send for my discharge papers to Washington (where he sent them with an application for pension for me for a hernia contracted while in the army). As there is no probability of me ever receiving a pension for want of the Regimental Surgeon's certificate of the disability and that I could not get as he was not knowing to the case because I did not make known the difficulty to him, it being but a few days prior to the expiration of our term of service. Mr. Pond engaged a barrel of flour for me of Eli Hoyt for $18.00. He paid the amount for me and I paid him $10.00 towards it, leaving the balance for one week. Mr. Cocking called in the P.M. to see if he had caught any mice in the trap he set a few days ago in his rooms upstairs. Bird (the dog) came home before night with a wound on his breast between his forelegs. I tried to sew it up, but it was too sore to do it without assistance, so I gave it up. I went into the street in the evening and paid Fred Starr $2.30 for Mother Griswold for lard and a beeve's pluck - 10 lbs. of lard at 18 cents and a pluck at 50 cents. Before coming home, I bought of O. H. Swift a 5 quire blank book for a journal to use when this is filled up - price, $1.75. I drew $9.00 for my week's work, which is small. But when I consider that most of the hatters have earned nothing for about 3 months past, I count myself exceedingly fortunate. Since January 1st, I have earned $41.00. Bell has not yet brought Georgie home. He has been up home since last Thursday morning. Yesterday, I hung another shoulder in the fireplace to smoke. JAN 27 SUNDAY - The sun shone most of the time today, though at times it has been hidden flying looking clouds. Gussie went to church in the morning, and at noon rode out home with Robert Cocking and wife, first stopping at the house to see if I would go out there for tea, which I did after Sunday School. We stayed until after 8 o'clock in the evening when Robert harnessed and gave us a sleigh ride home. His wife came with us for a ride. Georgie is still up to Father Purdy's where he has been since last Thursday, today being too cold to bring him home. Fred Shears helped me this noon at the Sunday School Library as 3rd Assistant Librarian. JAN 28 MONDAY - I have had work all day in the shop. Gussie did her washing in the forenoon, and before she finished it, Bell came home with Georgie. He has been up there since last Thursday. Bell stayed here through the day and after tea went to meeting. My flour came today from Eli Hoyt's. Mr. Pond helped me get it in the house this evening. Between 8 and 9 o'clock in the evening, I went over to Mrs. Blair's and got my dog collar and chain which I took over there on the 19th inst. to have them try and keep Bird, but he is here so much of the time that I want for the chain and I shall keep him myself for the present. JAN 29 THURSDAY - Pleasant, but pretty cold. I have had work again all day. Yesterday and today, we have had full work. I worked as long as I could see in the shop. I went over to Mr. Pond's in the evening and got 2 lbs. of butter. I took his hams out of brine in my cellar also in the evening. I intended to go to class this evening but I was too late and too tired, so I stayed home. A young man called this evening and brought a letter from George, a box with a gold bracelet in to give to Harriet and a letter and paper for Lottie Keeler. My letter was marked 'Favor of Charles Stevens'. If this was the man, he was a stranger to me, and not one of our Danbury Charles Stevens'. Mother Griswold was down here while we were at tea. Louise came down a little later and spent the evening. JAN 30 WEDNESDAY - Very cold last night . I got some eggs this morning at Mr. Cypher and Mr. Wildman this morning. I have had all that I could do again in the shop. Gussie took the papers and letter from George over to Lottie Keeler's this P.M. Bell came down early in the evening as she went to church and brought the Jeffersonian for me to send to George. After meeting, she came here to spend all night. There has been no wind today and the sun has shone brightly, but still it has been cold and now (at bedtime) it is very cold again. JAN 31 THURSDAY - Cloudy, it snowed a little in the morning. It grew warmer during the day. As I went to work in the morning, I mailed a Jeffersonian to George. I worked as long as I could see in the shop. After tea, Mrs. Stone and Matilda came in, and Gussie went with them over to John Bouton's. I retired before she returned. Soliloquy Upon Laying Aside This Work: Farewell, Old friend! No more will we be associated together as in the past. Many has been the time when I needed to be resting on my couch that I have bended over thee in the quiet hours of the night to note down the incidents of the day. And weary of the tales of the day, Often have my eyes irresistibly drawn together and my pen from want of guiding has somewhat disfigured thy face. But yet, I regard thee with somewhat of pleasure and interest none the less. Henceforth my pen will cease to write upon thy ages and for reference alone shall thou be preserved. And now that I lay thee aside with others like unto thee, I will commence another volume to place by the side of thee if my Heavenly Father spares my life to complete it. Thus again I say 'Farewell!' Repose quietly in thy place. The work which was appointed thee to do is completed and henceforth shall thou rest, except when I may require thee to testify to thing which transpired in the past. - H.
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