Horace Purdy Journal, May 1870 Entry (Still Image)
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5/1 Gussie attended church in the morning. Father called before noon and brought me a letter which he took from the post office last evening by mistake. It was from William H. Hayes from Chicago. After tea, Robert Cocking called a few minutes. I took Georgie and walked over home with him to see his garden. I attended church in the evening. Brother Hatfield preached from Matthew, 22nd chap., 42nd verse, What Think You of Christ, an excellent sermon. 5/2 I have worked all day till just at night painting the stoop etc to my house. I then went down to my office where I saw Luman Hubbell who paid me the renewal on Joseph L. Bates policy, $12.84. I bought ' gal. of kerosene oil and came home. I went into the street again in the evening. A canvasser for the Life of John B. Gough came into my office this evening soliciting my name for the book, but I did not subscribe. 5/3 I went down to A. Knox this morning and with his horse came home for my house blinds and took them down to his shop to be painted. In the PM I hired Mr. Judd's horse and took 6 spring beds from the depot (which came up by freight train) and delivered them. I worked until after 7 o'clock putting them in. I received pay for them all but William Barlow's and Mrs. Alice P. Ford. I had 1 ' dozen no. 2 bill hooks come in also for Mrs. Fords, Charles Hull, Harvey Osborne, and O. H. Swifts beds, 6 for each. I went down to my office after tea. I received a letter from J. H. Swertfager regarding a bill I owe him and he wants the money badly but at present there is nothing I can do for him. It commenced raining a I walked up home from my office. I walked up with Charles T. Stevens. He talked with me about attending class. Charles E. Hayes gave Gussie $10 towards his board. 5/4 I took the morning train to Bethel to put in a spring bed for Saul Ambler and for William Lawrence. Ambler is to try his before paying for it. I took 3 orders more before leaving Bethel. I walked up as far as Giles M. Hoyt's Shop and got my pay from William Lawrence, then rode from there home with Thomas Wheeler. I put in a new slat in place of a broken one for Mrs. Ford. After tea I commenced spading the garden and worked until dark. I wrote to Twitchell enclosing a check for $34.87, amount of last bill for bed springs. I also wrote to George inquiring about his going to New London to sell bed springs. Our military company went to New Haven today to participate in the inauguration of Gov. English. 5/5 I have spent the day spading my garden, getting out manure etc., except for a few minutes at noon that I spent going for seed and to deposit $34.87 in Danbury Bank to meet a check for that amount that I sent to T. E. Twichell. I planted 2 kinds of peas, [Champin] of English and the 'Advanced' , a new kind. After tea I went to the post office and to my office for a short time. 5/6 I have worked all day in my garden , planted early Rose potatoes, [Bok] seed and potato onions. In the evening I took the half of door blind (which I kept back to repair) down to A. Knox. I returned for our folks a half bushel basket to Charles Andrews, brought home ' peck of found clams. Received by the morning mail the bill receipted from T. E. Twitchell. By evening mail, received one from George regarding the spring bed business. Before retiring I wrote a reply to it. 5/7 In the morning I called at A. Knox paint shop to see about painting my blinds. I found them working at them. I then called at Pahquioque Shop to talk life insurance with William Signor and John Morris. In the PM I went up to Mallory's, to Tweedy's and to other shops. Mr. Pond and Mr. Barry commenced this PM to mover the evergreen trees in my yard onto Mr. Pond's new made building on the old lime stone ledge. They moved one of them. In the evening I met George B. Bell at my office where he paid me $6.30, the balance of the $20 for his policy and took the policy. 5/8 Gussie attended church all day. I stayed home. After supper, Father came down and stayed a short time. Georgie and I took a walk over to Robert Cocking's with Father as he went home. 5/9 I planted more potatoes, cucumbers, radishes and set out some lettuce plants which Robert Cocking gave me. I finished spading my garden and about half of the flower garden. Mr. Pond and Mr. Barry took the remaining 2 evergreen trees from my yard. In the evening I went into the street and bought a paper of Beet seed. After I returned from the street I went over to Robert Cocking's and got some string bean seed. 5/10 I finished digging the flower borders in my garden. I planted string beans and beets, also squash and radishes. I trimmed 4 of my apple trees then commenced spading the flower beds in front of the house but it began raining so hard I was compelled to stop for the day it being nearly 4 PM. 5/11 In the forenoon Gussie and Georgie went into the street to see French's Circus come in. They went into my office in Bedient's Photograph Gallery, but because of the storm they did not parade in the street. After dinner I went into the street again and talked life insurance a little. In the evening I went over to Horace C. Cables to look over our old spring bed accounts. We finally straightened up the books by his paying me $4.47 to balance accounts. 5/12 I spent most of the day talking life insurance. Sold 24 lbs of [Be] plant to J. W. Jennings. Rheumatism had troubled me towards night and this evening. 5/13 I suffered last night with rheumatic pains and have been troubled with it today. This PM I called at the Wooster House to consult the agent for Flaggs Instant Relief. He applied it to me but I can see as yet no benefit from it. 5/14 Very lame this morning with my rheumatism. I spent the great part of the day talking life insurance at Foster Bros. Shop, Rail Road shop and Sewing Machine factory. In the evening William Barlow paid me in my office $6.50 for a spring bed I put in for him last week. I talked with Mr. Morris, the music teacher about life insurance in the evening at Mr. Hamlin's store. He then walked up home with me, it being about 11 o'clock. The evening was pleasant and the air fragrant with apple and other blossoms. I felt better of my rheumatism before night. Georgie went home with Bell this PM to stay until tomorrow. Pond brought turf for the door yard. 5/15 Our folk went to church in the forenoon. I stayed home and went over to see John Bouton who yesterday cut his hand badly. Father came from church at noon to have me cut his hair. I did it. He stayed to supper. Bell came also from afternoon meeting and stayed to supper. After supper, Gussie, Georgie and I took a walk over to Horace Cable. I attended church in the evening. Bro. Hatfield preached to the young men. Gussie attended also. Louisa stayed with Georgie. 5/16 I brought my house blinds from Knox's paint shop and hung them. I put the new lattice over a part and spaded the remainder of the flower bed adjoining. I commenced to mak a circular mound on the grass where I took away the 3 evergreens but had to leave it over until some other time to get a load of soil to put in it. In the evening I commenced to take Charles A. Lyons application for a life insurance policy, but in order for him to get some facts about his family history, we deferred it to be finished tomorrow evening. I bought a bottle of Potters Catarah and Headache [Stuff] of an agent on the street and a wash boiler of Charles Hull on credit and then came home. 5/17 I completed making a mound in the yard the morning. Mr. Barry sent me a load of soil with which to fill it. I went out to the sewing machine factory this forenoon to talk life insurance. I talked also with Victor Morrell. He thinks of taking a policy for $5000. While at my office this evening I wrote to the Homeo. Ins. Co. asking about dividends on a 'paid up' policy. 5/18 I have spent the day working life insurance. In the evening Charles A. Lyon called at my office and I made out his application and Dr. Bulkely examined him for the policy. Before tea I set my bean poles for Limas which I shall plant loose. This morning I took 8 lbs. of pie plant down to Ike (Isaac) Jennings. He not being in, I left it on his desk. 5/19 Went to Bethel, rode down with Joe Day on his bakers wagon, rode back at night with Charles Disbrow. I went to see Thomas Wheeler about another spring bed and to canvas a little. After taking the measure of Wheelers bed he refused to take one because the price was more than his other bought last fall, it being a larger bed. I talked life insurance a little with several parties with ta prospect of success. I did not get an order for spring beds. I received by the evening mail a letter from A. Halsey Plummer, Secretary of the Homeopathic Life Insurance Co. in reply to one written a few days ago about changing the payment of premiums from quarterly to annual. 5/20 I have spent the day working life insurance. After dinner I planted lima beans and sweet corn. In the PM I mailed Charles A. Lyons application for a $1,000 life insurance policy. As I came to tea I bought a broad brimmed straw hat to wear in the garden. I spent a part of the evening at my office. 5/21 In the forenoon I took Hawley Bradley's application for a $3,000 life insurance policy, had him examined by old Dr. Bulkely and in the PM I mailed it to the company with a letter enclosed. A thunder storm about 6 PM. Before that I went over to Robert Cockings for 6 tomato plants and set them out. In the evening I went into the street as usual to my office. 5/22 Gussie attended church in the day time. After tea, Georgie and I took a walk u to Isaac Jennings new house. I attended church in the evening. Brother Hatfield preached an excellent sermon from Jeremiah 12-15. I wrote to George and to William H. Hayes and mailed them in the evening . 5/23 In the morning I bushed my peas. I commenced painting the eave trough to my house, but not having enough paint went down to Mr. Knox for more. I received by the morning mail a policy for Charles A. Lyon. After dinner I took Frederick Bradley's application for a $2,000 life policy. I had him examined this evening and mailed it to the company. 5/24 By the morning mail I received a policy for Hawley Bradley for $3,000. After dinner I carried it to him and received the first semi- annual payment of $40.05. I then went over to the sewing machine factory to tell [Col.] Ryder about what I heard of the Ex,Methodist preacher, Mr. Stebbins, agent for the Singer Sewing Machine say about infringement. This morning I had a talk with Allen McDonald about insurance of $2,000 on his life. This evening I saw Theodore in the street and talked to him about it. I did a little marketing or rather Gussie did and I bought some sugar and then came home 5/25 In the forenoon I took George Raymond's measure of bedstead for a set of springs. It's a round rail bedstead. By the morning mail I received 2 policies for Fred Bradley, $1,000 for the benefit of his wife and $1,000 for the benefit of his children. The the PM I delivered them to him and received the premiums, $45.00. I planted radishes and parsnips. 5/26 I mowed my dooryard in the morning and carried off the grass. Adams Express's man brought me a package of blotters from the home office of the Homeo. Mutual Life Ins. Co. In the PM I canvassed for the spring bed. I went into the street as usual in the evening. 5/27 In the morning I trimmed out the walks in my yard. I then took my paint pot and went down to Knox's for a pint of paint to finish painting the underpinning to my house. I received by morning mail a letter from George stating that the curling of straw hats was now for a short time good, and until it was dull again he should not come home to sell spring beds. I also received one from D. R. French saying that upon further thinking it over, that we had better not leave life insurance for selling 'New Oil of Gladness'. I got a draft from the Danbury Bank for $102.64 and enclosed it with my report to D. R. French, which is the amount due the company for all I have collected. I also wrote to George in reply to his letter telling him to make the most of his work while he has it. I also wrote to Twitchell telling him of George not being able to go to New London at present. 5/28 It has been cold and cloudy. I rode to Bethel this forenoon on a load of lumber with Frank Agnew. I found that Mr. Terry from Bridgeport, agent for the Aetna, had insured several that I had been talking to on life insurance. I collected $7.00 from Saul Ambler for a spring bed I sold him on the 4th of the month. I then took the 3 PM train for Danbury. I came home and ate my dinner about 4 PM then went up to Hurlburt or Lacey & Downs Factory and talked with a Mr. Addis and Potter on life insurance. In the evening I went into the street to my office as usual. 5/29 I stayed at home all day as usual since my clothes have been too poor to attend church. After supper Georgie and I took a walk during which I endeavored to train him to turn out his toes while walking. I attended church in the evening to hear Bro. Hatfield preach as usual. I have felt low spirited all day, brooding over my financial affairs. I sometimes think I am nearly insane or shall be. 5/30 Decoration Day. Our Brass Band and No. 1 Humane Horse (Grand Army of the Republic) went to Bethel by special train at 9 AM to join in the Bethel procession and to decorate with flowers the soldiers graves there at 12 o'clock. They returned, the Grassy Plain Fire Co. coming with them, and at 1 o'clock the grand procession formed and proceeded first to the Catholic Cemetery then to the old burying ground up town. After which they proceeded to our large and beautiful cemetery to complete the ceremony of strewing soldiers graves with flowers. I went to Bethel in the morning and after seeing their processions form I took the train home again. I went to my office where with the time I spent in the street seeing the processions I stayed until nearly 6 PM without any dinner. I received notice from the Internal Revenue collector from Bridgeport that my license for a life insurance agency was ready for me in the hands of J. Amsbury, our Dept. Collector. A large number of people were in the street, and much driving which made it very dusty. I spent the evening at my office as usual. 5/31 In the morning I took my shoes (kid) down to Daragan's to be soled. I had a little talk with George Hull about insuring. I called a few minutes at the sewing machine factory and then at the Pahquioque Hat Factory to see George P. Foot about his policy which I am still holding for him. He cannot take it until work comes up again. Just before dinner I went up to Lacey and Downs to see a Mr. Addis again about insuring his wife's life. She objects therefore I shall not insure her. After dinner I wrote to the Home Office to see about insuring people and waiting one, two or three months for payment. I also wrote concerning the same thing to D. R. French, my General Agent. I then went out on town hill and measured for Mr. Grant's bedstead for a set o springs. I then took Center St. back, stopping at Mortimer Jennings Carriage shop. I there arranged with his blacksmith, Jerome Bishop, to come to my office this evening and have an application made out for a 20 year endowment policy on his life, which he did. This afternoon I went to Danbury Bank to J. Amsbury, the Dept. Collector, and got my license (cost $10.00) for doing life insurance business. After tea I went to my office where I met Mr. Bishop and made out an application for him.
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