Horace Purdy Journal, September 1862 Entry (Still Image)
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9/1 George and Cousin Edmund Palmer stopped on their way to the cars. Cousin Edmund took our old gun to remember George by. George goes to Camp Aiken, of the 17 th volunteers at Bridgeport. The Regiment expects to start for Washington tomorrow. I received a letter from George this evening and he says they go without fail and wants me to come down in the morning train which I expect to do. Father picked a bushel of crab apples for me this afternoon. I carried some over to Aunt Louisa, to Abel, and to Mrs. Baxter as presents. I carried some over also to Burr Bradley and Mrs. Eames, Mrs. George Bradley, Mrs. George Dickens, Mrs. Briggs, Julia Pine and Noah Hoyts store. For these I expect pay but could not make change with some and therefore had to trust them.Gussie and I went into the street in the evening and got caught in a shower. I went up home after 9 o'clock to tell our folks we should go to Bridgeport without fail tomorrow but they had retired. I got a good drenching before I returned home. 9/2 Rose early and took the cars in company with Mother, Father & Isabelle to go to Bridgeport to see the 17th Regiment off to war and George who is in Company C., Capt. Moore. When we arrived we found they would not go today. We found Uncle Stephen in the next field adjoining the 17th with the artillary. He was sent for on account of his wife being sick and mother went with him and in the afternoon he had a fine boy born to him, his first child. Mother stayed with his wife all day. We went from camp in the afternoon to Mrs. Beardsley's, an old friend of mother's, and staid to tea. Before tea we borrowed a baby carriage and took Eddy with us and visited P. T. Barnum's old place and all around the premises and then visited his new place. We did not go around it but looked at it from the walk. We went to camp again and after dress parade George procurred a pass and came to the city with us. He went with us to Mrs. Beardsleys and he and I went to the center of the city to do a little business and then came back to Mrs. Beardsley's. Then he went back to camp. 9/3 We stayed at Mrs. Beardsley's last night. After breakfast went up to camp and found Uncle Stephen and Mother. Phebe Palmer also made her appearance. Regiment had breakfast at 6 and struck their tents at 7 o'clock. Mother and Phebe went with me to Mrs. Beardsley's and around 11 o'clock we went to the railroad crossing on Broad St. to see the regiment get on board the cars. It was noon when the train left. They we all in good spirits. The last thing I did for George was to fill his canteen after he was in the car. After, Mother and Isabelle went to Mrs. Beardsley's to dinner while Gussie and I went to the Atlantic Hotel to dinner. After we called on Brother [Meiley]. We left Bridgeport at 5 o'clock and went to Stamford to visit Aunt Abigail. 9/4 I felt very tired last night and did not rise very early this morning. Phebe came home from Bridgeport between 11 and 12 o'clock. After dinner Phebe borrowed a carriage and we took Eddy up town on a walk and to the new cemetary. Mother went to Portchester and returned around 5 PM. At 6:10 we took the cars for Norwalk to return home. Aunt Abigail gave me a sled to bring home for Eddy. We arrived safely home around 8 o'clock. 9/5 Did not go to the shop today. Stayed home to do some work. Went up to John Pollitts today with 4 quarts of crab apples and came home with some slips from flowers and plants. Spent considerable time looking for Sherman Disbrow to have him put in my coal today. When I found him he could not do it. I went to Rittons and got the rest of George's photographs. I left 3 with Edith Newman for his friends and gave another to George Starr as he directed me to. Eddie had a fall and hurt his head quite bad. After dinner I went digging potatoes in my garden. After tea I carried Burr Bradley's carpet bag back to him, which I borrowed for Mother to go to Bridgeport. I went to the post office and to market and commenced a letter to George before retiring. 9/6 Worked in the shop and on the way home to dinner took a letter and paper out of the post office from George. They were mailed from Baltimore while on the way to Washington. Gussie went up home in the PM to help Mother make crab apple jelly. I went to the post office and market in the evening and Abel came home from New Haven in the evening. 9/7 I went down to the 9 o'clock prayer meeting but the church was locked and there was no meeting. Brother Crawford preached and I attended Sunday School and came home to let Gussie go in the PM. A collection was taken at Sunday School to buy a library for the 17th regiment. We took in $2.84 and Brother Starr made it $3.00. After tea I wrote a letter to Cousin Charles Mills and finished one to George. I gave George's picture to Edward Barnum and one to Father Griswold's family and one to Abel. I went to prayer meeting in the evening. 9/8 Warrants are being served today on all military subjects to appear at the Town House on next Wednesday to draft men to fill the quota of the town for the last call for troops to serve for 9 months. I went to the post office in the evening and got a letter from George. They are at Fort Marshall, Baltimore MD. 9/9 Abel went back to camp this morning. I was up late with my writing and did not get up in time to go to the depot and see Abel. I worked as long as I could see in the shop. George Lovelace, the constable, has been to the shop serving notifications to military subjects to muster at the Town Hall tomorrow at 9 o'clock to be drafted. After tea I wrote a little more in my letter to George and went to the post office and mailed it. 9/10 The drafting was to come off at 9 o'clock, but to give them more time to volunteer, they adjourned until 3 PM. They assembled at that time and adjourned til Saturday. When they adjourned we lacked 8 men, and to make the quota this evening we lacked 4. The present prospect is that by Saturday the quota will be full. Ellen Dare came and took tea with us and went down town with us in the evening. She is to stay with us tonight. 9/11 I came home to dinner from the shop and Gussie and Ellen Dare called at the shop in the PM. I went out to the [Store] house with them and we all weighed ourselves Ellen 100, Gussie 106 3/4, Baby 21, Myself 111. They went up to the cemetary. After tea I went to the post office. Ellen is still with us and we are enjoying her visit very much. 9/12 I came home to dinner and brought home a letter from George from Baltimore. He stated he was about sick and they haven't had what they were entitled to from the Commissary in the food line. He wished me to send him a box of provisions. I got a letter for Eleanor Dare when I came home at night. I answered George's letter in the evening and mailed it. I got a can of oysters prepared for long keeping and a paper of pepper to send in a box to George next week. 9/13 I carried my dinner to work, but on account of Sherman Disbrow, came home to prepare the way to put coal in the cellar. On the way I stopped at the post office and got a letter from George acknowledging my second letter. He did not get the first since I sent it to Washington and they stopped in Baltimore. Went to market and the post office in the evening. 9/14 Attended church in the morning and Brother Crawford preached. it being Sunday School prayer meeting at noon, I did not stay. Gussie went to PM and evening. I wrote a letter to George at Fort Marshall, Baltimore MD. Mother called on her way to meeting and went with Gussie. 9/15 Worked as usual in the shop and received the Baltimore Clipper from George. I went to the market in the evening and left extracts of 3 of George's letters at the Times Office for the print. 9/16 I came home to dinner and Harriet Wheeler was with us for dinner. On my way home at night I stopped at Benedict &Nichols and bought ticking for 2 shop aprons. I took care of Eddy in the evening to let Gussie and Cousin Mary Purdy go into the street. I counted over the scholars of the Sunday School also in the evening. 9/17 Worked hard in the shop all day. On the way home I took a letter from the post office from George. Enclosed was a picture of Fort Marshall which headed the sheet of paper on which he wrote. He used 2 other sheets of paper and it was a good long letter. I mailed a Danbury Times to him and a short letter which I wrote at Mr. Swift's office in the evening. I enclosed 25 cents worth of postage stamps to him. 9/18 I have worked as usual in the shop. Good news from Gen. McClellan by telegraph. There was a terrific battle at Sharpsburg at which the Rebels were severely beaten. 15,000 of them were taken prisoner with 9 batteries of artillery. It is reported that they are surrounded and will be annihilated. I had a letter from George this evening. He wants $5 drawn from the bank and to have 75 cents used for 6 more cartes de visites for him. I wanted to send a treasury note and there are none smaller than $5, I sent the $5 and 25 cents worth of stamps and reserved 75 cents from $6. I sent it from my own pocket to avoid drawing any from the bank and give him a chance to send it to me when he gets paid off, provided I am not obliged to use it before and compelled to draw it. 9/19 I came home to my dinner. Moses Baxter built my bridge over the ditch this forenoon. In the evening, Mother Griswold took care of Eddy and Gussie and I bought a basket of peaches, $1.12 and 6 glass jars to put up the fruit air tight. 9/20 Worked as usual in the shop . On the way home stopped at Rittons to see about another $1 worth of George's carte de visits. Mother and Gussie I found up at Mother Griswolds and we took tea up there. By a letter received today by Cousin Frank Boughton from John, I learned that George is sick in the hospital in Baltimore. David Bradley is also sick and with him there. George had a considerable fever when he gave up and went there. I called in to the Singing School a short time this evening. 9/21 I attended church in the morning. Chas. B. Ford, the Ridgefield preacher preached for us all day. I came home at noon and Cousin Mary Purdy took Eddie to her house so Gussie and I attended church in the PM. I was too sleepy to benefit from the sermon. We did not go to meeting in the evening. I finished my letter to George and sent it by Mother Griswold to the post office. Gussie wrote to Cousin Eliza in Cal in the evening. 9/22 A good day to work, it not being so warm. Gussie put up her peaches in airt tight jars and Bell came down and took care of Eddy. I went to market in the evening and saw Josiah Day from the 17th Regiment, Fort Marshall, Baltimore. He came home upon getting news that his wife was not expeted to live, she having the heart disease. He told me George was able to be about camp again although he had been very sick. Gussie took a colored lithograph of Fort Marshall from the post office today that was sent by George. Major William [Meagling] from the 11th regiment came home on the freight train. He was wounded, the ball passing through the bone and entirely through the leg. He was wounded in the late battle on the upper Potomac while McClellan was driving the invading Rebels under Jackson & Lee across the river from Maryland to Virginia again. 9/23 I was rather late to the shop this morning. In the paper we had a Presidential Proclamation of freedom to all slaves in the rebellious states after Jan. 1, 1863. I went to market in the evening and to Starr Baldwins to see Josiah Day about sending a package to George when he returns tomorrow or the next day. I commeced to make up the package when I returned home. Gussie received a letter from Elizabeth Mead in the evening. 9/24 Wednesday. Joseph Young came the shop to work for the first time since his wedding last Wednesday PM. He gave $1.00 to the shop to spend for beer. I came home to dinner and just got back to the shop when Josiah Day called to tell me he was to start for the Regiment in Baltimore on the passenger train and would take a package for me to George. I left my work in time to go home and put it up and give it to him at the depot. It contained 1 gross of letter paper, a can of oysters, a bowl of crab apple jelly, a paper of pepper, 1 box of Brown's Bronchial Troaches, 2 boxes of Palmer's boot blacking, 1 roll of Griswold's salve, 5 cartes de visites (ordered by him at Rittons) in a letter, the Danbury Times, and 3 Sailors Magazines. Gussie went to the Depot and after the train left we went to look for a bedstead and wash stand which we bought at Joe Ives' and 7 1/4 yds carpet for bed room $4 which we bought at Benedict & Nichols. I took a letter at noon from the post office from George for Mother. Mothe called on her way to class in the evening and Gussie opened and read the letter to her at her request. George was well again. Their rations are miserable, nearly all the meat is stinking and some of the hams are full of maggots. I went to class in the evening. Brother Chittenden led. 9/25 I worked in the shop as long as I could see. Joe Ives delivered the bed and washstand. B&N also sent the carpet. Gussie spent the day up home and I got my supper. Before I finished Gussie came and had taken a letter from George from the post office. I went to market in the evening. Before retiring I pulled out the tacks in the parlor carpet to prepare for cleaning. 9/26 Jane Pine is helping us clean house today. I came home to dinner and helped Jane shake the parlor capet and I finished the whipping. I then planed off the edges of the floor boards that had warped and sprung and then put down the carpet. I went back to the shop and worked as long as I could see. After tea I put the sitting room stove in its intended position but the pipe was too long so I took it to Charles Hull's to be cut. I took another picture from the post office from George of the Missouri volunteers. 9/27 Saturday. On my way to the shop I carried my stove pipe to Charles Hull's to be shortened again. I also bought a 1/2 yd. of carpet, not having bought enough last Friday. Worked hard and late in the shop. I brought the stove pipe when I came home and put it up before tea. Gussie went up home in the PM. I went to market in the evening. 9/28 Sunday. Brother Crawford preached in the morning. I sat up in the choir in George's seat. Gussie went in the PM. After tea I wrote to George and Gussie wrote to Elizabeth Mead and Ellen Dare. I carried them to the post office but did not stay to evening meeting. I returned home and retired early. 9/29 Worked in the shop. Received a letter and picture, The Soldier's Dream, from George in Baltimore. I answered his letter in the evening and mailed it . I carried down to Curtis Bennett's the 3 pictures which George has sent home to be framed. Isabella came down to take care of Eddy while Gussie washed. She stayed nearly all day. 9/30 I came home to dinner and got out my cider barrel and rinsed it. At 4 o'clock it was taken away to Ridgefield to be filled. I engaged 12 bushels of potatoes of James Fowler.
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