Danbury Directory for 1876 (Document)
Dublin Core
49 pgs, Xerox copy.
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Borough Committees,
Borough Officers,
Danbury Library and Reading Rooms,
F ire D epartment,
Name o f Residents, 'Patrons o f t he Directory,
Police Department, Secret Societes,
Streets and Avenues,
.. .
S treets a nd A v enues.
I ndex t o A d"'ertisements.
. B arnum E. L., b aggage express,
." 95
Benedict & Son, g rocers,
f ront cover
front cover
Bouton W. H., flour a nd feed,
Brothwell, t he ' H atter,
back colored
Comes George c., m arble works,
-' 96
Gillett N. P., dry goods,
f ront colored
front colored
Hawley & Sayers, undertakers,
front cover
H ull & R ogers, house furnishing goods,
back colored .
.' -Hubba:~ _& -Braai'ey, grocers,
L inster J ohn, coal and wood,
- back colored
Morris J. E., pianos a nd organs,
front colored
P otter F . J. & Co., builders' hardware,
back colored
Randall & Bradley, grocers,
Richards G. c., I ndian physician,
front and back cover
Sproul T homas, coal a nd wood,
inside front cover
vVooster HOl1se,
W right W. E., agt. grocer,
Balmforth Avenue, from W hite to N orth
Beaver, from W est to F ranklin
B lackburn, south from T riangle
Boughton, from Main to F oster
Canal', e ast from near W hite s treet b ridge
Center, from Main to T own H ill av
Cherry, from William to Division
Clark, from T own H ill av to Prospect av
Clapboard Ridge, head o f Main
Coalpit Hill, between D anbury a nd Bethel
Comstock, from Gas Works to L iberty
Cottage, from T own H ill av to S heridan
D ay, from Osborne to t he C emetery
D eer H ill Avenue, from. W est to L ong R idge r oad
Delay, from L iberty t o Railroad av
Division, from W est to W ooster
Downs, from M ain to Fairview av
Elm, from Main to -Beaver
E ast Liberty, from foot of L iberty to D. & N. R. R.
Foster, from W est to \ Vooster
F ranklin, from Main to S mith's mill
F reeman, n orth from Osborne
Gas Hill, near Gas works
. George, from D eer H ill av to Division
Grand, from Wooster to W hitlock
G ranville Avenue, from W hite to Osborne
H armony, from W est t o S tevens'
H ighland A venue, west from Beaver
I ves,Jrom W hite t o Railroad av
L iberty, from Main to E ast L iberty,
L ocust A venue, from W hite t o n ear Town F arm
:M;ain, from foot Clapboard R idge to South
Maple Avenue, from W hite t o P atch
M ontgomery, from W est to S pring
Morris, from H ighland a v to W est
Nichols, from Pahquioque av to L iberty
..' .
N orth, from Main to K ing
New, from W est t o E lm
O rchard, from W est t o C herry
O sborne, from Balmforth av to near Town F arm
P ahquioque A venue, from foot o f L iberty to Railroad av
P ark A venue, from Division to Agricultural F air G round
P leasant A venue, from Beaver to Wooster
Patch, from Main to Balmforth av '
P rospect, east from Town Hill av
Railroad Avenue, from Main to gas works
River, from E lm to Beaver
Rose, from R iver ,to F ranklin
S tarr, s outh from T riangle
S outh, from D eer H ill av to T riangk
S tevens, from New to \ Vest ·
S heridan, n orth from T riangle
S pring, from New to Beaver
Stolle, south from C ottage
T own Hill Avenue, from E ast L iberty to S outh
T riangle, from S outh to Ilear S turdevant's shop
T urner, from Main to T own H ill av
Whitlock, from D eer H ill av to Grand
White, from Main to S turdevant's shop
Wildman, from W hite to T riangle
W ooster, from Main to Division
Officers o f t he B orough o f D anbury.
l~mes F ry.
/Jt4rgllSses-"L i K . W ildman, H enry T . E arle, Abram C hichester, Abijah P. E ly, D arius Selleck, F red . S . Olmstead.
C lerk-Aaron B. Hull.
T rcasurer-Harvey Williams.
B allif-Franklin C. H oyt.
A uditors-William R. W hite, A lfred A. H eath.
Water C ommissiollcrs-Andrew Hull, David Pearce, H enry ,
-1--_ .
- 1- tA.·J.-l· 1 - 7-(~"
C ommittees
L tg-his-Earle and O lmstead.
S trcets-Olmstead, S elleck and Wildman.
P olice-Ely and Earle.
P arks a nd Watcr T anks-Chichester, E arle a nd Ely.
L icenses-Frederick S. Olmsleacl.
Fire DcjJartmclIt-\Vildman, O lmstead anel Earle.
F inance-Olmstead, 'vVildman a nd Ely.
N tlisallccs-Olmstead, Ely, Wildman ~nd C hichester.
Whlto, Ilea,' t he Bridge.
M ilitary.
E. Cowperthwaite.
A ssistant Foreman-Charles H. Gunn.
S ecretary-Frank P. F erry.
T reasm'er-Charles H. Crosby.
C. N. G.
C aptain-Andrew Knox.
First L ieut.-George C. Comes.
Second L ieut.-Theodore R aymond.
P olice D epartment.
Cltt'cj o f P olicc-Albert N. Steele.
P oliamclt-D. F rank R iordon, AI\'ah W. Parmelee, Thos.
Alexander, Milo Dickens, Lorenzo Bacon, Jesse D. Stevens.
F ire D epartment.
.. ---
Cllief E llgilleer- Thomas A. Lounsbury.]
E llgineer-E. K . Patch.
W hite S treet, u uder Borough Hall.
F orematt-L. L. Hubbell.
A ssistant Forcma1l- W. K. Patch.
S ecretary-A. B. Cable.
n -easurer-E. R. Gilbert.
) [all1, .!Jove W est "tree t.
P astor-Rev. Joel
H ough.
"roostCI', nenr
s troe t.
F oreman-Thomas F . Fay.
A ssistant F oreman-William H. Simmons.
S ecretmy-Frederick D. F ry.
Trea.l'urer-Morris Meyers.
\\~e:o'l ~tl'eet.
n eal' D eer Hill
i lL
P astor-Rev. S. B. H ershey.
,,"'cst, n ear ) Iuin s treet.
R ector-Rev. A rthur Sloan.
Mllin bh'eet, n ear F ountain P ark .
P astor-Rev. ~inn.
..} <,
C- -
~/. ; '
, I-_
'- '
, / ,~(, - t.., .. ,L
P ublic S chools.
B oard of School Tmstet·s.
b elow WeHl. s treet.
E li F H endrick, M. D*~;;Jf L. D. B rewster, P res.,
..., ..
S amuel T weedy,
E .]. P artrick,
L. P. T readwell.
J? M unson H odge,
0f!..~ ~ ,
s treet, o pposite P llhquloque Dank.
P astor-Rev. A ndrew C. H ubbard.
L iberty, n eal' :\[aill l"tl'eet..
P astor-Rer. ] . L. D arsie.
Prillcipal-"M. S mith, w ith t wenty-one a ssistants.
Prillctplll-..l<::' __H~Oddl, w ith five as~istallts.
- ---
..........._ -
L iberty s treet.
P astor-Rev. D. M unson H odge.
) [ain, n enr COrnel' o r E lm ~ treet .
S ervices o n t he S abbath a t t he u sual hour.
P rest'dent-Edgar S. T w eedy.
S ecr,·taryalld T rcamrer-H. T. H oyt.
L ibrarian-Charles S anford _
T he R eading R ooms, w hich a n; frce to all, a re o pen frum 9
A. M., to 9 P. M.
Muin, c orner P atch s treet.
P astor-Rev. Willia~ B. P urdy.
T he L ibrary c ontains, a t t he p resent' t ime, aLllllt t hree
thousal1~1 v olumes. T he t erms o f m emhership a re $ 1 .50 p er
y ear. T he h ours for o btaining b ooks a re from 3 t o 5 a nd
- from 7 t o'9 o 'clock. P. I'vL
" COZY H OM ·. 1
B anks.
P resident-G. E. G reene.
V ice-Presidmt-C. H. 'vVinton.
S L'crctm),-L. F . A bbott.
T rmslfrer-Georgc E. B rush.
] )i\'idend Dny 8- Fir,t Days in .Tllile 'lillI Del·embe,·. Discollut D "y.-Welln. , LI,,)'. ,,"11
8 .tlll'd. )"". C apUal-* 'J27.000.
P resident-Lucius P. H oyt.
C asltier-J a bez A msbury.
T eller-George H. W illiams.
S ecret so~s.
CRpitRI-*~50,OOO .
j )j"jde,"l n "y"-Ilt o f ) rll .l·
flays lIud
,,"rl X .. vombcl'.
U NION L ODG E, N o. 4 0, F . & A . M.
D igcOllllt D ay"-\Vcclne"-
F rank R . N ash, W. M .
S amuel T weeely, S . W .
P eter W . A mbler, J . W.
~amuel C. H olley, T reasurer .
J ames H . ' Welsh, S ecretary.
M atthew W. S cott, S . D.
C yrus B. B allard, J . D.
W illiam R. M ortin ' er, S. S.
R obert T appan, J. S.
Milo D ickens, T yler.
G eorge C. C omes, M arshal.
P rcsidml-Barnabas A llen .
C asltier- 'vV . P. S eeley .
Teller-fy,L H. G riffing, J r.
P resident-Frederick S. W ildman .
Vice-PresidCllts-Ec1gar S. T wcedy, W illiam R. W hite.
S cocla,]' a lld T rcasllrtr-H enry C. H.yclcr.
P l'esidC/it-S. C. H olley.
C rofut.
T ntstc"s-George E . R yder, W illiam H . C lark, 'vViliiam ] .
R ider, A lmoll Juelel, F . H . A ustil l, N nrman H odge, Freel. A .
H ull.
Secretar), a lld li'CIlJ'II ,",r-L. P . T readwcll.
J ames H . ' Welsh, M. E . H . P riest.
J ames B. W ildman, E. K ing.
'Villial~l B. B rowll. E . S crihe.
E dward S. D avis. T reasurer .
Samuel Gregory, Sw'd Bearer.
James B. Wildman, Warde.r.
Samuel Tweedy, 3d Guard.
Ezekiel Eaton, 2d Guard.
Jesse D. Stevens, 1st Guard.
Milo Dickens, Sentinel.
E. D. Ritton, Secretary.
Charles H. Gunn, Capt. Host.
F rank R. Nash, Prin. Sojourner.
Alfred B. Knapp, R. A. Capt.
J esse D. Stevens, G. M. 3d Vail.
Samuel Tweedy, G. M. 2d Vail.
Charles I . Allen, G. M. 1st Vali.
Milo Dickens, Sentinel.
t; .
Edmond Tweedy, Th. Ill. G. M.
Joseph Treadwell, Rt. Ill. G. M.
James H. Welsh, Ill. G. M.
E. D. R itton, Treasurer.
William G. Randall, Recorder.
Charles H. Gunn, Capt. Guard.
Frank R. Nash, G. Condo
Milo Dickens, G. Sentinel.
Samuel Stebbins, E. C.
James H. Welsh, Gen.
Charles H. Gunn, Capt. Genrl.
Frank R. Nash, Prelate.
Edward S. Davis, Treasurer.
Charles I . Allen, Recorder.
Orville H. Swift, Sen. Warden.
Alfred B. Knapp, Jun. Warden.
Samuel Barnum, St'd Bearer.
r5 ;
Peter W. Ambler, Worthy Patron.
Mrs. V. Walbridge, Worthy Matron .
Mrs. Martha Stevens, Associate Matron.
Mrs. Libbie Steele, Conductor.
Mrs. W. G. Randall, Associate Conductor.
Mrs. P. W. Ambler, Treasurer.
Alfred B. Knapp, Sec'y.
Mrs. J. Northrop, Warder.
Mrs. Katie Manley, J eptha.
Mrs. H . Lane, Ruth.
Mrs. J. Godwin, Esther.
Mrs. T. McKay, Martha.
Mrs. J. Bussing, Electa.
Milo Dickens, Sentinel.
Henry E. Comes, C. P.
E. D. Ritton, H. P.
I ra W. Stillman, S. W.
James I. Adams, ] . W.
H. L. Crofut, Scribe.
John H. Cosier, Treasurer.
a t G rand ArlllY Hall, e ,'ery Wedne.day.
William F rank Page, D. D.~: C :/-Gardner E. Greene, C. C. _.J - .~ "'.. .
Charles L . Halstead, K: of R. and S.
• ••
P OST J AMES E . M OORE, No. 18, G. A R.
Meets In B enedict B rolhers' Uull , e \'ery ' rhursday evenIng. " .
Post C ommallder-E. S. Davis.
A djutant-W. F. Page.
Temperance S ocieties.
~Ieet l it
LiIH'fl")' G,'ou'HI ••
A bbott Abijah, paper box maker, Montgomery near S tevens
A bbott David P., farmer, h Mill Plain R oad
A bbott Edgar, bds 6 W hite
A bbott Ezra, hatter, h Main ab Franklin
Abbott Ezra B., farmer, h Middle River
Abbott Howard A box maker, Montgomery near S tevens
A bbott J ohn P., hatter, h Main .near P atch
A bbott Leander F., hatter, bds Main ab Franklin
Abbott Porter, laborer, h F oster cor Bank
Abbott Silas, farmer, h Middle River
Acker Jacob, carpet weaver, h Wooster ab Main
Adams E. N. Mrs., bds E. R. G ilbert's
A DAMS J AMES I., agent Adams' Express Co., D epot
Building, h Balmforth av
Addis H enry A , grocer, Franklin ab Rose, h do
Addis S eth D., h Rose cor River
Addis Wilson S., h atter, h River near Beaver
Agnew Arthur, bds Thomas Boyd's, P rospect
Alexander Thomas T., 'hatter, h Main near T urner
A lgers Preserved Mrs., h Wildman
Allen Barnabas, pres. Pahquioque Bank, h Division
Allen Charles B., brakeman, h Delay
Allen Charles I., messenger, Adams' Express, bds All . .-; l
Allen Edmond, clerk, h Main, n of Congo C hurch
Allen George, tinner, h Wooster cor F oster
Allen John, hatter, h E lm cor Beaver
Allen Joseph W., h atter, h O rchard n ear George
Allen Stephen, laborer, h Miry Brook
Allen William, tinner, h W ooster cor F oster
A ltenbrandt Leonard, furrier, h Beaver cor R iver
A mbler Arthur, blacksmith, bds Isaac S. Miller
Ambler Chester G., clerk, bds Mrs. D. T. Ambler's
Ambler D. T. Mrs., h Elm ab River
Ambler Rev. Edward c., weigh master, h Montgomery near
Ambler Edward S., h atter, h Balmforth av n ear P atch
Ambler George, hatter, h Division near W ooster
A mbler P. W., tinner, h Stevens near W est
A msbury J., cashier, Dan. Nat. Bank, h Main ab the bridge
Anderson Albert, bowling alley and billiards, Railroad av cor
Ives, h do
A nderson Albert Jr., h 175 Main
Anderson Ford H., tip printer, h W est ab D ibble
A nderson William E., h Ives n ear W hite
A nderson William H., h W est
A nderson William H., laborer. h W est ab Divison
Andrews Charles E., (Andrews & Parsons), h Main
Andre\vs Charles S., h Main cor Bank
Andrews James, laborer, h O sborne
A ndrews & Parsons, hardware and house furnishing
Main opp Danbury Nat. Bank
Anson Charles T., marble cutter, h Spring n ear New
A nson 'William H., marble cutter, bds M. A. A nson's
A rmstrong Edward, driver, h Ives n ear \Vhite
A rmstrong Mary Jane, h F ranklin n ear Main
Ashworth George, dyer, h near W ooster C emetery
Atkinson Alfred J., painter, A. K nox & Co
A ustin F. H., (Austin & Son) , h W hite n ear borough line
A ustin F rank T., clerk, bds F. H. A ustin
Austin Martin, carpenter, h North ab borough line
A ustin O . E., p roprietor vVooster H ouse
A ustin Willis H., ( Austin' & Son), h W hite.
A USTIN & S ON, d ry goods and carpets, Mam cor L Iberty
A VERILL A RTHUR H., lawyer, Main next Dan. Bank,
A VERILL R OGER, lawyer, Main next D anbury N at. Bank,
h do
Ayers H arriett Mrs., h Main cor T urner
Babbitt Dunning, (E. Babbitt & Co.), h Boughton
Babbitt E. Mrs., millinery, 157 Main, h Boughton
B ABBITT E DWARD & CO., hides, tallow, &c., B oughton
Backus Orrin I., farmer, h Miry Brook
Bacon Joil11 W., supt. D. & N. R R , h Main opp. 1st Congo
C hurch
Bacon Lorenzo, cartman, h Bethel turnpike
Bacon William H., teamster, h Wildm~n's Block, Ma111
Bailey Aaron T., h South Main ne~r ~llrner Hou~e
Bailey Benjamin ]., supt. O . BenedIct s, h E ast L Iberty
Bailey Charles, h W hite
Bailey Ebenezer G., h L iberty opp. Comstock
Bailey Eli, sash maker, bds Town Hill av
Bailey F rank H., case maker, h Town Hill av
Bailey George F., hatter, bds Wm. E. Bailey's
Bailey Gould, bds Benjamin Bailey's
B ailey]. M., (Bailey & Donovan), h Osborne
Bailey Warren, laborer, h Main ab Franklin
Bailey Welford S., h atter, h E ast L iberty
Bailey William E., mason, h E ast L iberty
B AILEY & D ONOVAN, prop's D anbury News, opposite
W ooster H ouse
Baker Charles Mrs., h North Main ab bridge
Baker W arren, t eamster, h W ooster near William
Baldwin A rthur R , (Baldwin Bros.), bds W est cor O rchard
B aldwin B. N ., bookkeeper, h Balmforth av
Baldwin Bros., druggists, E xchange place, Main
Baldwin Charles E., h M iry Brook
Baldwin E dward M., (Baldwin Bros.), h W est c or O rchard
Baldwin J., h W est c or O rchard
Baldwin N athaniel S., h T riangle
Baldwin J ames B. Mrs., W est c or O rchard
Baldwin S . G. Mrs., h O rchard n ear W est
Ball Charles, h Main
Ball F erris D., hatter, h Main opp. Wooster H ouse,
Ball George a nd L acey, h Great P lain
Ball S arah Miss, h Main ab F ranklin
B allard Alfred, picker, h Main below T urner
Ballard Cyrus B., clerk, h U nion
B allard John, box maker, h Main n ear W est
B almforth C. Mrs., h Balmforth av cor P atch
B anks E lliott, farmer, over O. P. Clark's, Main
B anks J ames, picker, h Boughton n ear F oster
B ANKS T HOMAS E., m eat m arket, Main cor P atch, h P atch
B arber G eorge W., h Mill P lain
B arber M . L .. c arpenter, h L ake av
B arber W. H., carpenter, h W est
B arber W illiam S., h atter, h C entre n ear Main
Barclay Mary Mrs,. h Main ab P atch
B ard John, h atter, h S pring a b New
Barlow Daniel P., h atter, h Balmforth av
Barlow L ucinda Mrs., h Main ab F ranklin.
Barlow Mercy R. Mrs., h S pring ab New
Barlow William E. and William H., hatters, h Locust av
B arnes K ate Mrs., h T own H ill av., cor E. L iberty
B arnes L. A Miss, h Main cor Bank
Barnes S . J., c lerk, bds Mrs. K ate B arnes
B arnett J., b utcher, h W ildman's Block, Main
B arnum A birom a nd A rthur W., h P embroke
B arnum C harles, machinist, bds F annie C rosby's
B ARNUM E . L EWIS, b aggage express a t A dams'
office, h D eer H ill av near W est
B arnum E dwin a nd E lina A , h K ing
B arnum F. W., druggist, Main cor White, h Balmforth av
Barnum G. A , foreman, h Main ab the bridge
B arnum George W., 1st, skivers and sweat leathers, White, h
Maple av
Barnum George W., 2d, (Barnum & Co.), h S pring n ear
Bar.num Grandison A , h N ew
Barnum Hendrick, elevator, Canal, a nd g rocer, Main c or E lm,
h Main near P atch
B arnum H eury C , h at finisher, h E lm c or N ew
B arnum Hiram, h Great P lain
B arnum J ane A Mrs., h W est c or Montgomery
B arnum L eRoy, h Main n ear D epot
B arnum Lebbens J., h Maple av
Barnum L. S. Mrs., h D eer H ill av n ear W est
B arnum M. L., h M ontgomery n ear W est
B arnum Nathaniel & Co., varieties, O pera H ouse block
Barnum Nelson J., clerk, bds L. J. Barrium
Barnum Samuel A , h W illiam cor W est
B arnum Timothy, engineer, h R iver
B arnum Virgil E., (Barnum & P erry), h S outh Main below
T urner
B arnum & Perry, d ruggists, 193 M ain
B arrett N ancy Mrs., h South Main n ear S outh
B arrett William, laborer, h Main below T urner
B arry Henry, carpenter, D eer H ill av near G eorge
B artlay John, laborer, h Beaver n ear E lm
B artram Coley, farmer, h Franklin
Bartram George c., clerk, h Balmforth av
Bartram Gurdon, musician, h Division
13ar trani J ames, driver. h W es t a b t he bridge
Ba rt ram L e vi W'J farme r, h Division
Bartram P hce be M rs., h Main n ea r T urn er
Basse tt E li zabet h Mrs., bds Marti n W. F orbes
Bass ett F rank T., mac hinist, h W est cor Mo ntgo mery
B assett J ohn H enry, laborer, h Osborne
Bates A T., lawyer, Main opp W est
B ates Benjamin H ., h S tarr's Plains
B ates George, stage driver, h Main cor South
Bates J. T., lumber dealer, Canal, h S tarr
B ates $ tephen, farmer, h S outh n ear S tarr
Bates William H ., hatter, h William n ear W est
B axter George W., b utcher, h \ Vhite n ear D epot
Baylis Edwin, furrier, h Beaver near E lm
B EAL J. A , pianos a nd organs. 5 O pera H ouse block,
Town Hill av cor P rospect
B eard Betsy Mrs., h S pring n ear New
Beard J ohn F., farmer, h W hite
Beard J ohn P., h S pring n ear New
Beardsley D avid B., blacksmith, S. Main near South, h do
Beckerle Lewis, hatter, h P ahquioque av
Beckerle William, h atter, Railroad av., h F ranklin
B eckett Charles, hatter, h 193 Main
Beckett H.enry, h P leasant n ear W est
, B eckett W alter, h P leasant n ear P ark av
Bedient William A , p ainter, h Boughton near F oster
Beebe J ames H " saddler, Main opp Depot, h T own H ill av
Beilharz Chris., carriage maker, bds H. Tine's
Beers Albert, shoemaker, h Main cor S outh
Beers Arsina Mrs" h N orth Main
Beers J , Clark, box maker, h New near Stevens
Beers L eander Mrs., h New near Stevens
Began James, tailor, bds O . T, Polley
Belden R, A , ( Th e Hull & Belden Co,), h Balmforth av n
W hite
Bell Alfred, mason, h E lm near Beaver
Bell Andrew, furrier, h R iver n ear E lm
Bell George, blacksmith, h Beaver near Elm
Bell Joseph, cartman, h W hite
B eltair Mark, hatter, h Maple av near U nion
B enedict A lbert G., (L. S. B. & Son.), h D eer Hill av
B enedict A lbert Mrs., h Main a b P atch
B enedict Arthur, merchant, h Mountainville
B enedict Asahel, hatter, h S outh M ain below T urner
B enedict Brice, hatter, h Division opp f ieorge
B enedict Bros" boots ~nd shoes, Bacon's block
Benedict Charles, h D eer H ill av n ear W est
B enedict Charles, 2d, h atter, h Montgomery near Stevens
Benedict Charles H., teamster, h Main a b t he bridge
Benedict D. M., (Benedict Bro? ), h W hite
B enedict Edgar, h Main next Savings B ank o f D anbury
B enedict E dgar W., h atter, h W hite a b Balmforth av
Benedict Egbert, h Mountainville
Benedict George, laborer, h Ives n ear W hite
B enedict Ge'oI:ge H" farmer, h Mountainville
Benedict George V" laborer, h S outh n ear Main
Benedict Gran ville W., machinist, h W est ab the bridge
Benedict H. Mrs., h Main next S avings B ank of D anbury
B enedict Helen Mrs., h Division cor P ark a v
Benedict John F., hatter, h W hite n ear T riangle
B enedict Levi S., (L. S. B. & Son.), h W est n ear D eer Hill av
B ENEDICT L . S. & S ON., g roceries, teas, &c. , Main cor
Liberty [ See adv.]
Benedict Nathan Mrs., h W es t ab t he b ridge
Benedict Philander, cartman, h Ive s n ear W hite
B enedict Phcebe Mrs., h Main opp F ranklin
B enedict Samuel W. Mrs., h E lm near R iver
B enedict T hea. H., (Benedict Bros.), h D eer H ill av
Benedict Thos. C., farmer, h W es t o pp Division
·Benham M. Mrs., dress maker, £65 Main, h do
Benjamin Charles, hatter, h S outh c or T own Hill av
Benjamin George, h D eer H ill avo o pp T urner
Benjamin G. B., Jr., teller Savings Bank o f D anbury, h South
Benjamin William S., h D eer H ill av o pp T urner
B ennett A bner W., pop b eer maker, h Ives n ear Railroad av
Bennett, Alonzo. h atterl h W illiam
B ennett Charles, (N. Barnum & Co.), h Division opp
B ennett Eunice Miss, h Franklin opp Rose
B ENNETT E . P. and W. C., physicians, office
D eer Hill av near W est
B ennett James, teamster, bds John H. Stow's
B ennett Thomas M., h Mill Plain
Bennett William H., hatter, h Pleasant near Wooster
Bernd Bros., tobacconists, 233 Main
Bernd Henry, (Bernd Bros.), h Delay
Bernd Jeremiah, (Bernd Bros.), bds Wooster HOl1,$~
B erry Judson, brakeman, h Elm
B erry Philo, farmer, h Westville
Betts Aaron, farmer, h Starr's Plain
Betts H. Burr, conductor, h Liberty cor RailrQad av
Betts Lockwood Watson, bds William Betts
Betts William, hatter, h River near Elm
Betts William N., clerk, bds River near Elm
Bevans Charles, hatter, h North
Bevans Eleazer, hatter, h Coalpit Hill
Bevans Frederick, laborer, bds Beach T. Wilson
Bevans Russell, hatter, h Balmforth av near Patch
Biddiscombe Henry, musician, h Division
Bigelow A. D., clerk, bds Jeanette B. Jackson
B IGELOW C HARLES H., insurance, 2 07 Main, h~ M
Biggam Thomas, laborer, h foot of D eer Hill av
Birdsall Sheldon, meat market, Elm, h King
Bishop Amos, h Main cor Franklin
Bishop Edward, cigar maker, h Elm ab Main
Bishop Jerome, carpenter, h Stevens near West
Bishop Joseph B., painter, bds Sarah Bishop's
Bishop Sarah Mrs., h Elm opp Main
Blackburn Robert D., h Beaver Brook
Blackman Edwin, hatter, h Clark
Blackman Ezra S., millwright, h Clark
Blackman F. S., jewelry, South Main bel Court House, h
l3lackman Jonas, (M. D.), h Division nea,r Woost~r
Blaikley David, hatter, h River n ear R ose
Blizard Abram, h Pembroke
Blizard Albert, driver, h W hite
Blizard George, hatter, h W est near Division
Blizard Jacob, clerk B. C. Sherwood, h New
Blizard Nancy Mrs., h New opp school house
Blizard William H., hatter, h W est n ear Division
Bloom George W., tinner, h Wildman's block, Main
Bloomer Floyd, carpenter, bds Isaac S. Miller's
Bloomer J. B., carpenter, h N orth ab Balmforth av
Blun E. M., clerk, bds T urner H ouse
Boland Reuben, hatter, h O rchard n ear W est
Booth Abel Mrs., h Wooster near Division
B OOTH D AVID B., lawyer, over Danbury Nat. Bank, h
D eer Hill av
Booth Henry, hatter, h Division near Wooster
Booth L . E., teamster, h South Main
Booth Nelson H., hatter, h Pleasant
Bordt Frederick B., h atter, h E ast L iberty
Borman Frederiek, hatter, h North Main ab bridge
Botsford E. W. Mrs., bds John W. Bacon's
Doughton John W., carpenter, h George ab O rchard
Boughton Lucius H., h Boughton cor F oster
Boughton Lucius H., Jr., clerk, bds Lucius H. Boughton's
Boughton William, miller, h Stevens n ear W est
Boughton William A., b~ot treer, h Stevens near W est
Bouton Erastus Mrs., h New near Stevens
B Oll ton Foster, engineer, h Main cor E lm
Bouton Marcus E., h atter, bds New near Stevens
Boutoll Minott, hatter, h New near Stevens
B OUTON W. H., flour and feed, W hite cor Ives and Middle
River Mill, h Middle River, [See adv.]
Howdy Frank, dyer, Franklin
Bowdy }. S., fish and oysters, Concert Hall, h Town Hill av
Bower: Frederick, dyer, h Hiscock cor Grand
Bowes Dennis Mrs., h Franklin
Bowlan Charles, carpenter, h Bhi.ckburn
Boyd Thomas, hatter, h P rospect
Bradley' Charles H., carpenter, h P leasant n ear P ark av
Bradley David, carpenter, h George near Division
Bradley Eliza Mrs., h Division near W est
Bradley George F., mason, h George ab O rchard
Bradley George F ., (Randall & B.), h Division near P ark av
Bradley Hannah Mrs., h Pleasant
B RADLEY H., livery stable, Main ab bridge, h Balmforth a
Bradley Philo S., h atter, h George ab O rchard
Bradley Theodore B.,. bookkeeper, bds George Di~'kens
Bradley William F., painter, bds Philo S. B radley's
Brady Edward, hatter, h Boughton
Brady J ohn Mr s., h Elm near Beaver
Brady R ob ert H., hatter, h River near Rose
Braithwaite Char~es, silver plater, h Maple av
Bray Rev. B. P., a ss't pastor St. Peter's c hurch, h C entre
B rennan John, hatter, h North
Brennan John J., furniture dealer and undertaker, Main
Bridge, bds W ooster H ouse
Brennan Joseph, farmer, h Mill Plain
B rennan Luke, hatter, bds Michael Henry's
Brennan Patrick, laborer, h Comstock
Brennan Patrick J., hatter, bds New opp Stevens
Brewster H. A Mrs., h Main b et F ranklin
B rewster L yman D., (B . & Tweedy), h Main 3d from
B REWSTER & T WEEDY, lawyers, over Savin gs Bank
D anbury
Bristol Lewis, hatter, h Boughton near F oster
B rockett Edward S., h Middle River
Brockett E leanor Mrs., h Division near W est
Bronson Barlow B. and Hawley, h Mill Plain
Bronson O rrin L., hatter, h Division opp P ark av
Brooks William H ., hair dresser, Elm near Main, h Elm
B rotherton Theodore, hatter, h North
Brothwell George F., h Spring ab New
B ROTHWELL, T HE H ATTER, Main 2d South of P .O.,
h N ew cor Elm [ See adv.]
Brown Charles T., laborer, h Main
Brown Charles, hatter, h William near George
Brown Edward A , physician, O\Ter Hull & Morris, h Delay
Brown Edward F., cigar maker, bds Dr. E. A Brown's
Brown E llen Mrs., h W ooster ab William
Brown George F., hatter, bds Mrs. Ellen Brown's
Brown George T., hatter, h S pring ab New
Bro'wn J ames B., hatter, h Spring ab New
Brown John, painter, h West near Pleasant
Brown Melvin B., hatter, Spring ab New
Brown S. T., confectioner, W est near Main, h do
Brown Wallace, brakeman, h Franklin ab Rose
Brown William, cart man, h Elm ab River
Brown William C., druggist, b~s Delay
Brown William W., hatter, bds William Brown
Brownley John, driver, h Comstock
B RUNKER S AMUEL, grocer, South near Main, h do
Brush Alonzo, meat market, White near Main, h River
Brush Chester c., hatter, h Main ab Franklin
Brush C. H., post office clerk, bds C. C. B rush
B rush F erdinand and John, hatters, h W ooster
Brush George E., hatter, bds Alonzo Brush's
Brush H arriett Mrs ., h Maple av ab U nion
Brush J. Peter, farmer, h 'Wooster
Brush Zopha r, c arriage maker, b W'orth near K napp
Bryan J ames H., p a in ter, h N o rth opp BalmIorth av
13ry nl.) J ane Mrs., h D eer H ill a v opp T u rn er
Hu c klO g hnm H e nl Y, carpet weaver, h Beaver near E lm
B uckley A . Marshall, b 10 W hit e
Buckley Harriett Mrs., h Town Hill av
.Buckley I ra S., h atter, h O rchard near W est
Buen..George, carpenter, h Pleasant near P ark av
BUlkley E. M., bookkeeper, N. P. Gillet,t, bds N. P. Gillett's
Bulkley H oward Mrs., h Comstock
Bulkley William, p hysician, Main n orth o f C ong C hurch
Bull Mary Miss, manager Industrial School, Town Hill av
C ottage .
B undy Alphonso, mason, bds H orace E. D ean's
B urdick George W ., h atter, h N orth a b Balmforth av
Burdick J ohnathan H., bookkeeper, h P latt
B urke A nn Mrs., h R iver n ear Rose
Burke Edward, clerk for William B. S harp
B urke John, h atter, b ds P atrick B urke, J r
B urke P atrick J., hatter, h Bethel t urnpike
B urke William. Elss't c lerk of Common PI,e3rsand lawyer,
T urner H ouse
B urke W illiam, 2d, mason, h Comstock
Burns Edward, hatter, h Cottage
Burns James, hatter, h W ooster a b Main
B urr D aniel D., h P ark av
B urr D. E., prop. W ooster H ouse stables, h E lm n ear R iver
Burrows H enry D., hatter, bds W illiam O. B urrows'
Burrows William 0 ., h atter, h F oster c or W ooster
B ussing J ohn W., h atter, h R iver n ear R ose
B utler Benjamin F., carpenter, h W ooster n ear P leasant
B utler F rank D., hatter, bds S. G. R aymond's
Butler George W., h P atch n ear Main
Butler H ubbel ] ., florist, h S outh Main cor Main
Butler J ames Mrs., h Railroad av
Butler Nelson J" h atter, h F ranklin a b R ose
B utler Oliver, laborer, h F ranklin n ear R ose
B utler S tephen D., hatter, h Main n ear S outh
B utler Susan Mrs., h Main near Boughton
- Buttery I ra, engineer, h Main ab F ranklin
B yers John, brakeman, h Comstock
Byers John, laborer, h P ahquioque av
Byington Charles A., h atter, h S outh n ear Main
Byrone John, h Griffing's lane
C able A rthur B., m achinist, b ds B. C. C able
Cable Benjamin c., h atter, h L ocust av
Cable E lmer 0 ., h atter, bds H . C. Cable
;Cable Horace C., florist, S pring n ear B eaver
Cable John, foreman, h S tevens n ear W est
C able Mary Mrs., milliner, 165 Main, h do
Moses, hostler, h Bank n ear F oster
J ames, h Pem b roke
hill Michael, hatter, h Grassy P lain
han Charles, broker, (N. Y.), h P earl c or P leasant
lahan J ames, hatter, h George near W illiam
C aliahan John, hatter, h George n ear William
C ampbell J ohn M., c arpenter, h T urner n ear Main
C anary William, porter a t T urner H ouse
C andy T homas, carpenter, h D elay
C anier J amp-s, h atter, h Beaver n ear E lm
Canfield Edward J., clerk, B enedict Bros., bds F anny C rosby
Canfield Charles and John, hatters, h Mill P lain
C anfield William c., driver, C. D eKlyn, h o ver A lbert S cott's
C nragher J ames, furrier, h W est a b P leasant
G arley G eorge H., bookkeeper, h Crofut
Carll J oseph M., laborer, h S outh n ear Main
Carlson William A., h atter, h Comstock
C arpenter J ohn, hatter, h S outh c or South Main
Carrigan A chsah Mrs., h New n ear S tevens
Carroll Bryan, hatter, h W o'o ster n ear W illiam
Carroll William, mason, h T urner n ear Main
C ary C hristopher, h M iry B rook
C asey H onora Mrs., h S outh Main n ear S outh
C hambers J ohn, horse shoer, N ew n ear S tevens, h do
C hambers R obert H., driver, h W illiam c or C herry
C hambers R obert W., b lacksmith, h New n ear S tevens
C hamplin George a nd R ichard, h IYes n ear W hite
Chapman Charles H., boots and shoes, 235
School house
Chapman Elias, h Bank near F oster
Chase Alanson, blacksmith, Centre, h C omstock
Chase Charles, carriage maker, North, h do
Chase Charles F. Mrs., h S pring ab New
Chase R obert, hatter, n North ab Balmforth 'av
Chase William H ., carriage maker, bds Charles Chase's
Chatterton George, boot maker, bds J . R. Darling's
C hichester Abram, hatter, h S outh
C HICHESTER G EORGE A., grocer and m eat
W hite opp W ooster House, h W hite. . .
C hichester George E., leaf tobacco, h Balmforth av
Chichester Lebbens R., bds Wooster House
C hichester Levi W., h atter, bds A. Chichester's
Chittenden H . M. , (C. & Peck), h Balmforth av
C HITTENDEN M ORGAN, p attern maker, Canal, h
forth av
C HITTENDEN & P ECK, p attern makers
yers, Canal
Clapp F annie E. Mrs., h Main near T urner
Clark Enoch, hatter, bds George Hubbell's
Clark Ezra, shoemaker, h Main opp Congo C hurch
C LARK F RANK P ., physician, Main opp 1st Church,
William H. Clark's
Clark Franklin, hat trimmer, bds Martha C lark
Clark George H ., hatter, h Mountainville
Clark H enry F., (Sherman & Co.), bds Martha Clark
C LARK J EREMIAH, grocer, Elm cor New
C lark J ohn, hat finisher, bds Jeremiah Clark
Clark Levi Mrs., h Maple av
Clark M artha Mrs., boarding house. h Elm cor New
Clark Martin E., carpenter, h S outh opp Main
C lark O. P., h Main cor Patch
Clark Samuel G., h atter, h Main below Wooster
Theodore, box manufacturer, h Montgomery n W est
Wm. A., hatter, h Deer Hill av cor Wooster
ark Wm. H., dry goods, Union Bank building, h S Main
Wm. M. Mrs., h Division cor West
Wm. S., h D eer Hill av cor George
L ASON A. T., physician, Main opp 1st Congo ch, h D eer
H ill av
George C., painter, h S outh M~i~
Robert, florist, George n WIlham, h do
Alexander, I?ason, h Elm 11 Beaver
• • r uCKy• .,1l Charles, h atter, h West n P. E. C hurch
Luke, hatter, h White ab Locust av
Henry, hatter, h D eer Hill av
eman Wm., hatter, bds Lott Hagan
g an Wm., tailor, h White cor I yes
ns John Mrs., h Triangle
ns Peter, hatter, h Triangle
John P., turner, h Franklin
Michael, hatter, h Triangle
well William, hatter. h E ast L iberty
E S G EORGE c. , white marble work, White, h Balmforth av
Henry E., supt. D anbwy Marble Works, h Elm ab
Ira S., cigar maker, bds Mrs. Keros Comes
John, h Middle River
Keros Mrs., h New opp school house
stock Anson, gunsmith, Main, h Westville
II toc k Charles H., packer, bds William P. Comstock
Lucy L. Miss, bds Dr. Bennett
stock Wm. P., Main bel Wooster
Wm. S., bds. D r' Bennett's, D eer H ill av
Richard, (Merritt & Cone,) bds Wooster House
John, boot ma!cer, h N orth of borough line
""UI'1Oll::1I James, hatter, bds James Flynn
nelly Daniel, hatter, h S tevens n W est
Connelly James, hatter, h D eer Hill av
Connelly Stephen, farmer, bds William Connelly
Connelly William, hatter, h W hite
Connor John, hatter, h Ambler's Hill
Connor Patrick, laborer, h Canal
Connor Susan Mrs., h River n Beaver
Cooper Gilbert, barkeeper T urner House, h George n Will'
Convery Joseph, hatter, h Franklin near Rose
Convery Mary Mrs., h Franklin n Rose
Conway John, hatter, h Town Hill av cor C lark
Corbin William, machinist, h Division n W ooster
Corning David, blacksmith, h Town Hill a v
Cornwall Charles A., p rinter, h L iberty "
Cornwell L ucy Mrs., bds Dr. Edward Thompson
Cornwell Theodore, hostler, h W hite cor Main
Corrigan Terrence, laborer, h N orth Main
Corsa J. W., pop beer manu£ and painter, Bank n Main
Cosier David 5., undertaker, Main st. bridge, h Main
Cosier George Isaac, h Main opp F ran klin
Cosier G. H., r eal estate, Mai n s t b ridge, h George
Costello B ernard, mason , h r F red Olmstead, N ort h
Costell o E dward L., h W hite
Costello James, hatter, h Cottage n ear S tone
Couch H. E., photographer, Exchange place, h 165 Main
Couch Nathan, carriage trimmer, h Main near P atch
Coughlin Bartholomew, tailor, h Benedict's lane
Courtney Patrick, hatter, rear J. B. Bloomer's, N orth
Cowan John, hatter, h West near Division
Cowan Joseph, hatter, bds J ohn Cowan's
C OWPERTHWAIT B. E., insurance agent, Main, h
Cowperthwait George E., h Main ab Franklin
Cowperthwait George E. Jr., bookkeeper, bds D. D.
Coyle James, hatter, h S outh
Michael, laborer, h Town H ill ~v
K ate Mrs., h T urner n Main
ne William H., florist, h George n ear O rchard
Charles A., m aster mechanic, h Balmforth av
James, hatter, h S outh near St~rr
Michael, hatter, h S outh n Mam
Michael J., truckman, h S outh below S tarr
William, engineer D. & N. R R , h Balmforth av
ig W. B. Rev., pastor Disciple's Church, bds E. S. M oms
John, farmer, h Freeman
R. T., horse shoer, h White n borough line
" . .., wf,n . .t1 David B., Mrs., h Elm ab R iver
rd 'John Rev., h W est ab William
Caroline Miss, bds John W. Bacon
rofut Charles H., (G . C. & Son), h S pr!ng n ear Bank
rofut George, (G. C. & Son), h n ear Mill Plain R oad
R OFUT G. & S ON, flour, feed a nd grain, T yler's block,
Harris L., insurance, h Franklin near Main
Henry, (H. C. & Co.), h cor D eer Hill av and W est
t H enry & Co ., fur hat manufactulers,. .R ailroad av, salesrooms 74 Greene st., N. Y.
rofut William 5., h S outh
C atharine 5., h Montgomery near S tevens
Charles H., (Crosby & H eath), h Franklin near Main
Fannie Mrs., h S pring ab New
George, h Stevens c or Harmony
J. P. Mrs., h Montgomery near Stevens
ro by O. M., ( 0. M. Crosby & Co.), h Montgomery
Crosby O. M. & Co., seeds men and florists, W hite n ear
Wooster House
Crosby Phineas D., h Main below Franklin
Crosby & H eath, office, Main opp T own Clock
C rotty James, l aborer,h Nichols
Crotty John, hatter, h D eer Hill av
Crow J ames C , colorer, h R iver near. RO~<f
Crow J ohn A , h atter, h River n ear Rose
Crow Michael, hatter, I i S outh
Crow Thomas, hatter, h Grassy Plain
Cuff John, laborer, h Triangle
Cummings Charles T., bookkeeper, h S outh Main
Cunningham James, mason, h Montgomery near W est
Cunningham James, h Mill Plain
C unningham Mary A Mrs., h Montgomery near William
Cunningham Philip, laborer, h Town Hill av
Currid Job, bds Lawrence Currid
Currid Lawrence, hatter, h Town Hill av
Cnrrid William, J., hatter, h S tone
Currie George E., hatter, h Railroad av
C urry John, coachman, h Main ab Franklin
Curtiss Alfred A , h atter, h Main" cor S outh Main
Curtiss Alfred Mrs., h Main cor S outh Main
Curtiss A rthur E ., shoe cutter, bds Maple av
Curtiss Betsy Mrs., h Division near George
Curtiss E . A Miss, h Elm ab River
Amos, h Mill Plain
nn Edward H., hatter, h Rose Hill .
John T. Mrs., h New cor Spring . .
nragan Michael, boots and shoes, MalO o'pp Savings Bank,
h Comstock
Richard, furrier, h Comstock
i ng Caroiine Mrs., h Wooster cor Division
Ing John R., boot maker, h Main ab Franklin
J. L. Rev., pastor Disciples' Church, h L iberty
hy F., clerk J. E. Morris,.h New near Stevens
Julia A Mrs., h New near Stevens
Alexander A , hatter, h Elm n ear Beaver
is AlIcll J., hatter, h North ab Balmforth av
Hurton, h Mountainville
avis Elizabeth Mrs .• h Main near W ooster
A VIS E. S., paper box manufactory, River, h Franklin cor
F ar View av
Michael, furrier, h T urner n ear Main
av! /! Mrs., widow, h Brush Hill Road
vis Oliver, shoemaker, h New near Stevens
is William J., carpenter, h Montgomery near W est
Edward H., hatter, h Main ab Franklin
James. hatter, beTs William D ay
J esse W., mason, h Balmforth av near P atch
ay J ohn Mrs., bds Rollo Nichols
Josiah L., driver, h Spring near Beaver
William, keeper Wooster Cemetery, h Balmforth av
John and Thomas, hatters, h L iberty
11 Horace E., teamster, h Town Hill av
F orcst Charles, p ainter, h Deer Hill av
Hiram, h W hite
T. J., conduct.or, h New 0PP School house
Iyn n. F., clerk for Charles D eKlyn
n C., baker and confectionery, opp Savings Bank
. Cornelius, h B Road
log Charles J., machinist, h Granville av
D akin] ohn and Thomas, h Railroad av
Daley Charles E., box maker, h Osborne n ear Cemetery
D aley Isaac B., h W ildman's block, Main
Daley Orson, c arpenter, h Osborne cor Cemetery
Daly George, employe, Charles H. M erritt
Dame Dennis, boot maker, h North Main
Danbury Savings Bank, Main near W est
D anforth] o hnathan E ., h atter, h Spring near Beaver
Daniels Edwin, h Main near North
Daniels Elizabeth Mrs., h Main near S outh
Daniels H enry L., h S outh Main
Daniels William A , prop. D anbury Nursery, - Main near N
D eming R ichard, iaborer, h W est n S tevens
D emuth Calvin, batter, h T riangle
D emuth T heodore, hatter, h George c William
Depew James B., hatter, h Division
Deveau George, hatter, h S pring ab New
Devine Michael, hatter, h Wooster n Division
Dexter George, fireman, h Nichols c L iberty
Dibb1e"Hoyt, saloon, h R iver n R ose
Dibble I ra 5., farmer, h W est cor Dibble
Dickens F . W , (U. S. N.), h Division cor P ark av
Dickens George Mrs., h Division c P ark a v .
Dickens George, hatter, h S tevens a b New
Dickens H arriett Mrs., b Ives near Wllite. .
D ickens Milo, b aher, b R iver n Elm
Dickson Robert, laborer, h rear J. B. Bloomer's, N orth
D iedrich Fabian, hatter, h R iver n ear Beaver
Diggins Cornelius, pounceI', h W ooster near Main
Dikeman Daniel, hatter, h William 11ear W est
D ikeman George, batter, Pabquioque Hotel
Dikeman Harvey, hatter, bds Mrs. Rachel Dikeman
Dikeman J ohn H ., h Main
Dikeman O ra Mrs., h Main near Patch
Dikeman R achel Mrs., l'l William near W est
D ilbert John, laborer, b Benedict's lane
Dillon James a nd P atrick, batters, h N orth n ear Main
Disbrow "Betsy Mrs., h Rose c Franklin
Disbrow Charles E., hatter, bds Gould S. D isbrow's
Disbrow David, hatter, h N orth ab Balmrorth av
D ISBROW G OULD 5., flour and feed, Main
W est n ear Division
Doane William, h N orth ab borough line
Dobbin Walter, laborer, h Beaver n Elm
Dobbs Frederick, hatter, h S tone
D odd Katie Miss, bds Ferris D. Ball
Doerr Leander, laborer, h T urner n Main
Doir E. M., picker, h Town Hill av cor Liberty
Donaway U, B., clerk, bds A. G. B enedict
Donnelly Bernard, laborer, h Comstock
Donnelly Michael, hatter, bds T homas D onnelly
Donnelly Thomas, hatter, h S tarr n ear S outh
Donovan T., (Bailey & Donovan), h Main cor Franklin
D ORAN B ROS., boots and shoes, 169 Main
Doran Charles, ( Doran Bros.), h George c Orchard
Domn James, (Doran Bros.), h Boughton
O RAN J AMES & B ROS., grocers, Pahquioque Block
Doran John, h at finisher, h S heridan
Doran Martin, (James Doran & Bros.) h Prospect
Felix, wiper, h Cottage near S tone
D ougherty John, hatter, h ' rriangle
Doukenski Michael, bds T urner H ouse
Downs Daniel,laborer, h Wooster ab Main
Downs David, hatter, h off W hite near Railroad
Downs Eliza Mrs., h Elm a b R iver
Downs Frederick B., bds George Downs
Downs George, (Lacey & Downs), h Main opp N orth
Downs John, hatter, h T own H ill av
Downs Samuel M., h Middle R iver
Downs S eth A. h atter, h W est c or Orchard
Downs William, barkeeper Z. Mead's
Doyle Andrew, hatter, h T riangle
Doyle Frank, barkeeper P atrick R eiley
Doyle Jo~n, laborer, h N orth M ain
Doyle Margaret Mrs., h Ben~dict's lane
Drew Stephen, h Middle R iver
Drcwell John, hair dresser, W ooster H ouse
unne Mary Mrs., h Main n ear W ooster
Duavc Michael, tinner, h L iberty
D unham Benjamin F rank, c arpenter, h F oster n ear West
Dunham • r ederick H., carpenter, b W hite ab Locust av
D unn J ames, laborer, h S outh M ain
D unn T homas, mason, h N ichols near L iberty
D unning C alvin R., hatter, h R iver
D unning R ob'ert,· saddler, h Clark
D unlevy Daniel, laborer, h Sheridan
D uole,vy Thomas, hatter, h C lark
D urant Willi.am L., h Mill Plain
D uman James, laborer, h Whi te near Blackburn
Dwyer P atrick and Stephen, h Mill Plain
E arle Frederick, hatter, bds H. O. E arle
E arle H enry, gas fitter, h Elm ab River
E arle H enry O. and W akeman, h Benediot's lane
E arle J ohn T. Mrs., b S pring ab New
E aston Daniel A. Rev., h Deer Hill av near West
Eaton E ze kill, hatter. h Locust av
Eaton George W., batter, bds William A. L yon
Eaton William, bds William A. Lyon
Edgerton H enry J., h atter, h Main near T urner
E dge tt Edward, laborer, h N orth near Main
E dgett Charles H., teamster, h C entre n ear Main
E dgett M ary]. Mrs., h Franklin ab Main
E d wards Albert. h Beaver Brook
E lder Caroline Mrs., h Highland av
Elligott B ridget Mrs., h Prospect
E lligott John, hatte r, h Sheridan
E lligott P atr ick, hatter, h Prospe~t
E lli ott E d ward and John, bcls P atrick Elliott
E lli ott P a trick, hatter, h Sh eridan
E llis Harmon, carpenter, h Foster near West
E llison 1 ichal'd, furri e r, h R ose Hill
Elwell Andrew J., bo ot maker, h Balmforth av cor Union
E lwell Edward, printer, bds A. ]. Elwell
E lwe lJ F rank J'J h Maple av .
Elwell J ohn B., clerk, h Cemetery
E lwell Lewis and Mil es H., b C. R idge
well Samuel H., h Westville .
Iwell William H., clerk, h Balmforth aV 'near N orth
" <"'vn,,"I George, employee D r. Bennett
Rosalinda Mrs., bds Daniel Benedict
E ly A. P., carpenter, White n ear Maple av, h do.
A. P. Mrs., milliner, opp Town Clock, h WhIte
y H enry c., h at manufactory, h Elm ab R iver
Iy j ohn G., hatter, h Rose Hill
Lucy M. Mrs., h rear Peck & W ildman
William A., law student, h ' Elm
William B. Mrs., h rear P eck & Wildman
j oseph J. , hatter, h Division n West
zea Philo, hatter, bds S. Elzea
7.en Sylvester, hatter, h West n Division
Izea William S., h Middle Brook
sign Manly, carpenter, h S tevens near Wes t
nglish Elizabeth Mrs., h W est c or Division
nnal'ts Fred., brakeman, h E ast L iberty
rickson Charles M., h atter, h W est near P leasant
Gustave. gardener, h N orth a b borough line
J~cob , clerk, bds Augustus H oyt
John, hatter, h George n ear William
James, h Mill Plain
Ann, h Cherry cor William
s Woodbury Mrs., bds Harrison F lint
ld Alonzo, h Stevens ab New
Fairchild Benedict N., h Elm
F airchild Beers, hatter, h S pring ab New
Fairchild Edward P ., h Balmforth av cor W hite
Fairchild E. S., h W hite cor Balmforth av
rchild Francis, h North ab Main
irchild Levi B. and Lorenzo, h S pring
39 .
F airc hild Stanley C., h atter, h Stevens ab New
F ancher J ohn T ., h T own Hill av
F an ning Bridget Mrs., h C ottage n ear Stone
F anni ng F rank. b arkeeper T ume r H ouse
Fanton Bros., fo unders and machin~sts, Canal
F anton E. Miss,l1 E lm ab Main .
F anton H enry N., (Fanton Bros.), h Main c Elm
Fanton J. H., ( Fanton Bros.), h Spring near New
F anton N ancy Mrs., h. Main ab F ra nklin
F AN T ON T . B., w atches and jewelry, 2 [3 Main
bury Library, h Main
F arnam H oward, clerk, F . W. Barnum
Farrell Timothy Mrs., b S outh Main
F ay A nn Mrs., h L iberty n . Main
F ay Bernard, hatter, bds Mr s. A nn F ay .
F ay T homas, engineer, h Liberty near Railroad av
F ay T homas F., furrier, h Boughton
F ayerweather T he M isses, h Stevens cor I:Iarmony
F ayerweather W. P., hatter, h Rose cO.r R iver
F eehan Timothy, laborer, h N orth Malll
F eeks T haddeus, furrier, h Morris
F enn V an R., hatter, h Sprin'g ab New
Fennell T homas, tailor, h T own Hill av
F enner George B. , h atter , h Elm near Main
Ferguson Alonzo Mrs., h D elay
Ferguson Melissa Miss, h F ranldin
F erris R eed, hostler, h Main I. e!ow F rank lin
F erry F rank P., box cutter, b Highland av
F erry George, hatter. h West oPP William
Fields J ennic, b inder, bels F annie C rosby
F ields Isaac T. and Wi lliam R., h Mill Plain
F inch William R" d yer, h S pring near N e w
. F innegan Patrick, hatter, h Sheridan
Finucane Nancy Mrs., h Railroad av
F iset A lphonse, shoemaker, h North Main
f i llhc: r C;:ha.rles E., h Ml'\il1
s her.Mary Mrs., h S outh Main near T urner
Patrick, h atter, bds Mrs. Mary F isher
William, laborer, h P atch n ear Main
John, laborer, h Railroad av
William J., tailor, h William near C herry
Matthew, engineer, bds Michael H enry
ons Daniel, dyer, h Highland av
mmons D aniel R., hatter, h Highland av
e r Griffin, hatter, h Town Hill av
Theodore B., hatter, bds Griffin Flagler
Patrick, h atter, h Spring near Beaver
James H., hatter, bds Wooster R ouse
Ing John, driver for Thomas Sproul
g Patrick, furrier, h William near George
n t Harrison, fur dealer, Mill River, h Main opp Franklin
Int T . W., printer, bds Wooster House
nn James, hatter, h L iberty
. John. hatter, bds }. Malady
Patrick, laborer, h Wooster near Main
Patrick, h~tter, h T urner n ear Main
Thomas, hatter, h C ottage n ear S tone
L SOM J OSEPH H., photographer, 1 61 Main, h do
Abel, hatter, h Town Hill av
E dgar K , printer, bds Grandison D. F oote
Edward, hatter, bds Abel Foote
Grandison D., hatter, h Main ab Franklin
George P., h atter, h Railroad av
Thomas W., machinist, h River near E lm
S TER B ROS., lumber, doors, sash and blinds, Delay
r Benjamin, coal dealer, h P leasant n ear P ark av
or J ames F., machinist, h P leasant
r Joel G., ( Foster Bros.), h Prospect cor Liberty .
ter Martin W. bookkeeper, h Liberty
S ally Mrs., bds M. W . F oster
T imothy H ., ( Foster Bros.), h Town Hill av
Charles W.'ahd Ge'orge,'h Mill Plain
F owler James L., clerk, bds John L. Gr~ffin
F rancis William, hatter, h W est cor Stevens
F raser Andrew, brakeman, h North Main
F raser J ames D., farmer, h Montgomery
F reel John, hatter, h Triangle
Freeland August, laborer, h Beaver near Elm
Freeland James, farmer, bds Mrs. John Freeland
Freeland John, clerk, bds Mrs. John Freeland
Freeland John Mrs., h South near Deer Hill av
F remont Edward, cigar maker, bds Dr. Brown
Friedman C. E., bookke'eper, h Main near 1st C01'lg. Ch
Fritz Frederick, currier, h Mountainville
F ry Charles W., hatter, h New near W est '·
F ry Jacob H. and Robert W., h Miry Brook
F ry James, carpenter, Centre near Main, h do
F ry J ohn, h New near West
Fuller Alfred E., messenger, h Bank near F oster
Gaffney Edward, laborer, h Wooster near William
Gaffney John, h atter,'h N orth Main
Gagahan John, boot maker, h Main cor P atch
Gage David, blacksmith, h George cor Orchard
Gage Eliza Mrs., h Benedict's lane
Gall Abram, laborer, h Railroad av
Gallagher James, laborer, h S outh Main
Gardner Frank, (Gardner & Co.), h Main
Gardner G. H . & Co ., meat market, Main near Franklin
Garrett William A., music teacher, 5 Opera H ouse bl
S tevens
Garrison James, laborer, h Main opp Danbury Nat. Bank
Garvey Michael, hatter, h Prospect
G aunt Joseph c., painter, Cherry near William
Gibson Edward, hatter! h Pearl ~or Division
James, bridge builder, h Town Hill av
E gbert W., h Division near G eorge.
L BERT E. M., grocer, N orth opp Balmforth av, h do
ilb ~ rt E. R., boarding house, I st S outh o f old P ost Office
George H ., h atter, h Middle River
William W., hatter, S outh
John, laborer, h Nichols near E. L iberty
espie Lydia Mrs., h Benedict's lane
L LET N. P., d ry goods, Main opp Town Clock, h F oster
n ear We'st [ See adv.]
on Thomas, picket', h W est n ear Pleasant
Patrick, mason, bds Michael H enry
J ames; h atter, h Franklin ab Rose
ty Owen, hatter, h T urner
. Augustus, laborer, h Franklin
r Carlos W., rri~chinist, h S pring ab Beaver
H enry N., porter, h L iberty near Main
Roswell B., c arpenter, h Franklin
William 0 ;, t urner, h White near Main
George, farmer, h S pring ab New
win George, marble cutter, bds A nn T yler
James, harness and saddles, Main opp D anbury Nat.
Bank, h U nion
win William H., h atter, h ne~r W ooster Cemetery
Joseph, furrier, foot D eer H ill av
Charles £ ., h atter, h Franklin
J u\.,u a le F rederick W., mason, h Grand n Wooster
odfell ow John, baker for C. D eKlyn
J ohn, furrier, h T urner n ear Main
] ohn, grocer, T urner n ear Main
Philip, h atter, h Railroad av
uld Ammon, mason, h North ab borough line
1Iid E dward D., hatter, h S pring ab New
bert H erman, h atter, h F ranklin
A bner K., h atter, h O rchard n ear W est
B ernard, laborer, h F ranklin
Graham John, varieties, White near .Main, h do
Graham L . C. Mrs., h Main cor Elm
Graham William E., clerk, bds A bner K. Graham
Granniss Sidney, hatter, h North near Balmforth av
Graves George W., h White ab Granville av
Gray Ellen K., h D eer Hill av cor Wooster '
Gray George, carpenter, h Town Hill av
Gray John, Jr., hatter, h Beaver cor Spring
Gray John, watchman, h Franklin near Main
Gray Watson C., clerk, h Stevens near Harmony.
Gray William, watchman, h Spring near B eaver'
Gray Sarah, (Gray & Holley), h Montgomery
Gray & Holley, milliners and dress makers; Main
Green Annis Mrs., bds Calvin R. Dunning
Green Darby, hatter, h Stone
Green John A., hatter, h Montgomery near Stevens
Green John W., supt. T. Mfg. Co., bds Wooster House
Green Mrs., widow, h L iberty near Main
Green William F., hatter, h River near Beaver
Greene Gardner E., clerk, 239 Main, bds Jeremiah Clark
Greenwood Jacob, (Greenwood & Co.), h Delay
Greenwood & Co., clothiers, 0PP Town Clock
Gregory Elizabeth Mrs., h Montgomery cor Stevens
Gregory Emeline P. Mrs., h West cor New
Gregory Hiram p., h Middle River
Gregory James S. and John P., h Middle River
Gregory Preston and Samuel, h Middle River
Griesbeck Emil, upholsterer, h Main below Wooster
Griffin Daniel, hatter, h White
Griffin E. S., blacksmith, S outh near Main
Griffin H. E. Miss, milliner and dress maker, South of
Griffin John, bds John L. Griffin
Griffin John, laborer, h Franklin ab Rose
Griffin J. H., farmer, h White near Main
Griffin J. H., fish and vegetables, 223 Main, h White
G RIFFIN J OHN L., grocer, Main ab Franklin, h do
Griffin Mary J. Mrs., h Osborne
Griffing M. H., h Main opp Baptist Church
Griffing M. H. Jr., teller, bds M. H. Griffing
Grimes Arthur, hatter, h Locust av cor Osborhe
Grimm Maria Mrs., h River near Rose
Griswold Edwin E. Rev., h William
Grunstein Emanuel and, Jacob, h White
Gunn Charles H., hatter, h S pring near New
Willis F., hatter, h Stevens near Harmony
Curtis, fruit dealer, bds B. G. Hack
ack Benjamin G., fruit dealer, 3d North of Depot
Hackett John, shoemaker, h Main cor White
Hackett Richard J., shoemaker, h Liberty
Hagan Arthur, hatter, bds Lott Hagan
Hagan James G., hatter, h Main near Patch
Hagan Lott, tailor, h Town Hill av
Dennis, hatter, h Town Hill av
Michael, hatter, h Town H.ill av
Reuben, fuller, h Montgomery near West
F. T., merchant tailor, Hull's block, h do
aley James, mason, h Turner near Main
Hall William, furrier, bds John Linster
Hall William L., blacksmith, Railroad av, h Middle River
A LSTED C HARLES L., druggist, 189 Main, Benedict's block, h Elm near Main
7 0iUUllwn A. W., h atter, h White ab Blackburn
Hamilton G. Norris, hatter, h North Main av North
Hamilton William, machinist, h White ab Blackburn
Hamlin E. G., (Hamlin & Son), h W est
Hamlin George, dyer, bds Mrs. Enoch Moore
Hamlin Isaac G., (Hamlin & Son), h West n~xt P. E :Churcq
Hamlin's Gallery of Art, I JJ Main
Hancock Joseph, h Franklin
Hanneberry Patrick F., grocer, h Liberty
Hanley Honora Mrs., h Wooster ab Main .
Hanley John, carpenter, bds George Hubbell
Hanlon Timothy, laborer, h Beaver near E lm
Hannon William, h River near Rose '
Hanretta Michael, barkeeper, h Main itear Bridge
Harden Patrick, laborer, h Railroad a.i'
H ardy Mary Mrs., h Beaver near Elril
H armoriW. T., bookkeeper, h Balmforth av
Harris Edwin, hatter, b,Mountainville
Harris E. M., millinery, 2~9 Main, h Delay
Harris Seeley, farmer, h Mountainvi11~"
H art William, hatter, h Summit
Harvey Edward H., hatter~ h Mountainville
Harvey H enry Mrs., h Mountainville
HarVey James, painter, h L iberty near Delay
H atch John M., (Wieand & Hatch), h Main ab Franklin
H atch Mary and Julia Misses, boarding school, h S Main
H atch Na~cy Mrs., bds Susan F. H ateh
H atch Susan F. Miss, h Stevens n ear W est
Hatfield Warren, hostler, h Ives near Railroad av
Haviland Daniel, boot fitter, h Franklin ab Rose
Haviland James M., shoemaker, h S tone
Haviland Levi, painter, h Town Hill av cor Liberty
Haviland Michael, h Bethel Turnpike
Haviland William, farmer, h S outh
H awes B. E., baker and confectioner, 1 2 W hite, h do
Hawes Henry, h Liberty
Hawley Abel S., (Hawley & Sayers), h W hite near Main
Hawley E zra H. driver, h Montgomery
Hawley F. G., blacksmith, Railroad avo h George
Hawley John G., clerk, h White
Hawley Joseph H" h Montgomery near W est
Hawley Lydia Mrs., h Spring n ear New
Hawley Melinda, widow <;;eor~e R., 1} Main opp P atch
Hawley Samuel W. Mrs., h Main ab Patch
H AWLEY & S AYERS, undertakers, Whi.te near Main
Hawthorn A..D. and Hasley J., h Elm ab River
Hawthorn John, shoemaker, h Benedict's lane
Haynes Martha Mrs., h S outh Main
Haywood Levi T., painter, h Centre near .Mam
Ha~lctt William, hatter, h S outh n ear Mam
Henth Alfred A., deputy sheriff, h Liberty cor Nichols
Hefferman Michael, laborer, h Main near Wooster
John, laborer, h Bea\rer near Elm
~CI,IIL.'"I''''''' Christian, hatter, h S tone
nzelman Matthias, hatter, bds Chris. Heinzelman
mings Thomas, painter, h Main cor South Main
nderson William, hatter, h Franklin ab Rose
rick Eli F., h Deer H ill av
enry Mich!lel, moulder, h Railroad av
H enry Thomas, laborer, h Beaver near Elm
Henry William, laborer, h Turner near Main
Bergen Bridget Mrs., h Boughton near Foster
Hergen James A., hatter, bds Bridget Hergen
George M., clerk, h Stevens near H armony
rahey Rev. S. B., past. \ yest st. Congo Church, bds Dwight
E. Roger/>
Lydia, widow Harvey, h White
Ickok Clark, hatter, h William near George
ickok George B., h Miry Brook
Hickok Henry; shoemaker, h George near Orchard
I I ickok William F " h atter, h S outh near Mmn
Hickox Almon, boots and shoes, Main near Bank, h D eer
lIil1 av
Higby Lavina Mrs., h Triangle
Higgins Lawrence, hatter, h S outh 'Main below Turner
lliggins Robert F., clerk, bds Timothy Higgms
l-liggins Timothy, .hatter, h White
Hill G.. C. Mrs., bookkeeper, bds P. D. Crosby
Hill Mary Mrs., h Stevena ncar W est
H ill William, hatter, h .East L iberty
H ine E dward, h atter, h W est n ear D ivision
H inman G ideon E., h atter, h L iberty n ear R ailroad av
H iscock C aroline Mrs., h C enter n ear Main
H iscock R obert S., laborer, b ds Mrs. C aroline H iscock
H itchcock A drian D<, h atter, h R iver n ear E lm
H itchcock J ane E lizabeth, bds Maple av
H itchcock M yron, u lldertaker, h F oster c or B ank
H ITCHCOCK W. H ENRY, b aggage e xpress a nd bill
a t A dams E xpress C o., h E lm
H itchcock W illiam H., h atter, h E lm n ear M ain
H oag A bbie a nd J ulie, h Ives n ear W hite .
H obby J ackson, farmer, h W illie n ear P ark 'av
H odge D. M. Rev., past. U niversalist C hurch, h D eer H ill
H odge G eorge W .• b artender, h N orth a b Balmforth av
H odge J oshua, h N orth n ear B almforth av
H odge N orman, hatter, h N orth a b B almforth av
H odge R euben C., c letk, h N orth n ear B almforth av
H odges G eorge, h Blackburn
H odnott A lfred H., h atter, h W hite c or B lackburn
Hoffman Adam, tailor, h C lark
H olley A. B., (S. C. H olley & Co.), h Balmforth a v
H olley J ennie, ( Gray & H olley), h M ontgomery
H olley S. C., (S. C. H olley & Co.), h W hite n H .. R. R.
H QLLEY S. C. & CO., wool h at m anufacturers, R iver
H ollister T . S., clerk, h T own H ill a v
H olloran Dennis, laborer, h Bethel t urnpike
H oimes D rusilla' Mrs., h E lm a b R iver
H olmes J ohn M., clerk, b ds M arietta H olmes
H olmes P eter M., hatter, h F ranklin 0PP R ose
H olmes R. B., boot maker, h D elay n ear R ailroad av
H olmes S teven Mrs., h E lm n ear B eaver
H olton P liny, s ash m aker, bds S arah L ewis
H opkins C harles A., h atter, h B almforth ay n ear W hite
H opkins E dward, bookkeeper, h G eorge n ear William
H oran E dward, hatter, h T own H ill a v
H ornblower Josiah R., h S outh Main
Hornig Jean. h airdresser; W ooster House~ h C omstock
H orton Emily N. Mrs., h Balmforth a v
Hotchkiss H. E. Mrs;, milliner, E xchange p lace
H OUGH B. A., lawyer, Main opp D anbury N at. Bank, h
West cor N ew
Joel J. Rev., p astor 1st Congo C hurch, h Main o pp
Pahquioque H otel
gan P atrick, h atter, h S tarr
li se James, carpen ter, h North a b b orough line
owarlh Simeon, h atter, h Highland av
owes George, carpenter, h W est n ear Division
oy Nathan c., b lacksmith, h Willie n ear P ark a v
o yt Alanson A., carpenter, h K ing
t A lbert A., b rakeman, bds William F . H oyt
y t A lbcr t. h atter, h E lm n ear R iver '
oyt Asa. cartman, h S tone
l oyt A ugustus, hats, caps and furs, Main opp D anbury N at.
Bank, h D eer H ill av
t Charlcs, h atter, h S tevens ne!lr W est
o yt Charlcs H., h atter, h S outh Main
oyt Charlcs IVlel ville, bels Ph il o S. H oyt
oyt Curtiss C., mason, h JO·vVhite
Daniel, box maker, bcls C harles H . H oyt
o yt David H., h C ottage n ear T own H ill av
oyt E li '1'., h Main below F ranklin
r oyt Eliza Mrs., bels F ranklin C. H oyt
t E sther Mrs., bels M. H . Griffing
y t F ranklin c., clerk, h T own H ill av
oyt Gcorg-c E ., jeweler, 2 03 Main, bels H . A. H oyt
y t George L., b utcher, bcl s A sa H oyt
o yt G . M., fur h at m anufactory off 'vVhite, h Main ahove
the bridge
oyt George P , farmer, h 'vVooster a b F oster
o yt George W ., carpenter, h Main a b F ranklin
y t G ranville W., hatter, h W est
H oyt H enry A., shoema~er, h W illiam c or G eorge
H oyt H enry T ., (Ives & H oyt), h M ain n ear F ranklin
H oyt H enry W., b ookkeeper, b ds M rs. E zra H oyt.
H oyt H oratio S., h atter, h O rchard n ear G eorge
H oyt H oward S., f armer, h G reat P lain
H oyt J ohn S., b ds A lbert H oyt
H oyt J osie M iss, m usic t eacher, h S outh
H oyt L ewis S. Mrs., h T own H ill a v
H oyt L ucius H ., h atter, h vVest c or S te\'ens
H oyt L . P., p resident D anbury N ational B ank . .h M ain
t he B ridge
H oyt N oah T., ( T. R. H oyt & Co.), h T own ~i11 a v
H oyt P hilo S., f urrier, h ' S ummit
H oyt R ichmond, h atter, b ds G iles H oyt
H oyt R ussell Mrs., b ds T . G ranville H oyt
. H oyt S tephen, m ason, h T riangle
H oyt T heodore, h N orth l\Iain
H oyt T homas J., h K ing
H oyt T . Granville, h lViain a b t he B ridge
H oyt T homas R., (T. R . H oyt & Co.). h T own H ill a v
H oyt T . R. & Co., g rocers, M ain 0PP C oncert H all
H~yt W illiam F ., hatter, h S pring a b N ew
H oyt vVilliam R , c arpenter, b ds W illiam F. H oyt
H oyt W illiam 0 ., h atter, h W hite n ear T riangle
H oyt \JVilliam O land, m usic t eacher, h E lm n ear R iver
H oyt W illiam P., h atter, h E lm c or B eaver
H oyt Z erah. h atter. h M orris
H \lbbard A. C. Rev., p astor B aptist C hurch. h
Congo C hurch
H ubbell G eorge, c arpenter, h B almforth av
H ubbell L. L., tOWI1 c lerk a nd life i nsurance,
B ank o f D anbury, 11 Lilx:rLy
H u gle O lto, w atchman for F. S. Blackman
H uldike O tto P aul, h atter, h ) !orth 1\'1a1n a b B ridge
H ull A. B ., freight a gent. D . & N. R. R., h ~Iain n t he B
H ull A ndrew, ( Hull & M orris), h S pring
H ull C harles, ( Hull & R ogers), h W est c or D eer H ill a v
H ull E dward S., b ds J arvis H ull, M iry BrQok
H ull F rederick A ., ( The H ull & B elden Co.), h B almforth a v
H ull George, h M ain o pp D epot
H ull I saac a nd J arvis, h M iry B rook
H ull L aura Mrs" b ds F. S. B lackman
t ull Mary J ane, h M iry B rook
l ULL & l 't'lORRIS, s toves a nd h ouse f urnishing g oods,
Main. 3d S outh o f W ooster H ouse
U LL & R OGERS, h ouse f urnishing g oods, !\1ain o pp
W est [ See adv.]
umiston G eorge D., h atter, h G riffing's block
I u miston William W ., b artender, h G riffing's b lock
u mphries W illiam. h atter, h S tevens a b N ew
i unt D ominick. laborer, h R iver n ear B eaver
l tnter J ames , farmer, h D elay
I ltl1tington A. B., bookkeeper, R T . H oyt
lIrd I Ienry E., h atter, h M ain c or L iberty
urel V rana Mrs. , b ds R ussell B evins
ltrd William, h atter, bds J. H . Griffin
lIrlburt H ugh M., g ardener, h C emetery
u rlburt Lucy l\'Irs., bds F oster B outon
ul'lburt W, Eo, c ustom h ouse, ( N . Y.), h F ranklin
ltsk Alfred, p ainter, h N ichols
usk Jaco);, h C emetery
usk Jacob, furrier, h M orris n ear H ighland av
l Iskd J ames, laborer, h O sborne
u tchings \ Villiam H ., h atter, h !V1ain below \ Vooster
. ratt A lfred H . h atter, h C ottage c or T own H ill a v
tt i\!fred H . h T own H ill
t J a mes, p lumber, h M ain c or P atch
y att J ames, h vVhite
I ves E . Mrs., h O sborne n ear C emetery
. Ives G eorge Mrs., h Main n ear S avings B ank
I ves G eorge E ., b ds M ain
I ves I saac W., ( D. & B. H at C ase Co.), h Main
I ves J. M., ( Ives & H oyt), h Miry Brook
I ves J oseph H ., b ucket p umps, Canal, h O sborne a b Ce
I ves & H oyt, h ouse f urnishing goods, 0PP D anbury L i
J ackson A bby Miss, h Bethel turnpike
J ackson F rederick S., c lerk H . C. C able
J ackson J eanette B. Mrs., h Railroad av
J acobus W illiam, m erchant, (N. Y.), h H eaver n H ighland
J aquith W illiam F ., sole c utter, h Sheri~lan
J arvis F oster, c arpenter, h C entre
J e'Bine W illiam, h M ain ab t he B ridge
J ennings B arlow Z., h atter, h G eorge cor O rc h ard
J ennings F rederick S., h atter, h P ark av cor P leasant
J ennings H . N., hatter, h H ighland av
J ennings I saac N., h Division near vVooster
J ENNINGS M .. c arriage m aker a nd livery, C entre,
t ory, C oncert H all, h C entre
J ennings W ales R., hatter, h \ Vest a b l \Iontgomery
J e well C harles A , farmer, h l\'I ain a b F ranklin
J ewell W illiam, c igar m aker, bds 167 IVI\lin
J ohns vVilliam, tailor, h S outh l\Iain
J ohnson G eorge, l aborer, h M ain next Baptist C hurch
J ohnson R euben, h \ \"estville
J ones E . M., supt. W. A.. & A M. W hite, h B eaver
J ones J ane Miss, h l\Iontgomery n ear 'vVest
J ones J ohn E ., h atter, h B almfurth av
R ichard E ., Mrs., h P leasant n ear W est
S arah Miss, t eacher, b ds Mrs. R. E . J ones
ones Timothy,~insttranee a gent, o ver D anbury N at. Bank, h
ones~William A , d rug c lerk, h R iver c or B eaver
oy Abram H., f armer, h Balmforth av
oy Elizabeth Mrs., h E lm n ear N ew
oyee Charles, shoemaker, h n almforth a v n car N orth
J oseph A , l aw s tudent, b ds C harles J o yee
mId Almon, varieties, Main o pp C oncert H all, h do
udd E. S., news room, 2 1 I M ain,opp D anbury L ibrary, bels
A. J udd
mId F rederick F., h atter, h D ivision n ear G eorge
mId M artha E ., h Balmforth a v
udd T heodore F., h atter, h Elm a b N ew
uelson David, h M aple av
a ne
Cornelius, h atter, h T riangle
Daniel, laborer, h S outh
J ames, farmer, h Grassy P lain
Jo hannah Mrs., h G rassy P lain
John, h atter, h L iberty
J ohn, hatter, h S outh
Michael, h atter, h T riangle
M ichael a nd M ichael H., h atters, h S outh n ear S tarr
Michael, laborer, h S outh
J anc P atrick, f armer, h G rassy P lain
T homas, h atter h G rassy P lain .
K anc T homas , Jr., h atter, bc1s M ichael K ane
K eating M ichael, h atter, bcls Mrs. A nn F ay
n g Patrick, tailor, h C ottage n ear S tone
e r G eorge B., h N ew o pp S tevens
c cler F rank W ., p rinter, b ds D eer H ill av cor T urner
K eeler Mrs., widow, h Middle River
K eeler T imothy, g unsmith, h Main below F ranklin
K eiper Edwin, cigar maker, bcls 167 Main
Kelley Ellen l\'lrs., h S outh
K elley John, hatter, h T own H ill av
Kelly J. Madison, tinsmith for Hull & Morris, h W illie
K elly Michael, laborer, h Railroad av
Kelly Philip, laborer, h S outh n ear Main
Kellogg Norman. mason, h 'W ildman
K emp Clarence. p atent r ights, h Pleasant near W est
K enny B ridget Mrs., h W ooster ab Main
K enny E llen l\'lrs., h E ast L iberty
K enny J ohn, hatter, h W ooster
K enny Michael, hatter, h N orth Main ab Bridge
K enny T homas, hatter, bds Bridget K enny
K enny T homas, laborer, h R iver n ear E lm
K err P eter, laborer, h N orth n ear Main
K etchum J ohn H., clerk, h Montgomery
Kimball H . S. Mrs., h Elm a b R iver
1 in smiU WUli a m, labor er , h Main below W oos t er
( JC..-W n M. , ( l le' n & P orges), b i n Bridgepo rt
" 1Gei;;&Porge s, fancy goods and milli nery, [ 91 Main
K lin e eopo d c utt er for B. R osenman
lumpf A ug ust us, f urrie r, 11 B eaver n ea r R iv er
K lumpf William, laborer, h H ighland av
K napp A. B., coal and wooel, Main, be!s Maple av
K napp A bijah 0 ., foreman, h Main ab F ranklin
K napp A lexander, hatter, h North near Balmforth av
K napp E lijah, teamster , h P leasant n car \V est
K napp E zra P ., hatter, h H i ghland av
K napp G eorge \V., dl ;i ver, h ? \orth
K napp H armon. carpente r. h ;\Tain a b F ranklin
K napp I ra D .. d eliverer, h S t evens co r Montgomery
K napp I ra S., h P atch cor Balmforth av
K napp J ohn, carpenter, h W est 0PP Division
K napp J ohn, laborer, h C rosby
K napp J oshua G., b ds P eter R obinson
Knapp }. O scar, boot maker, h Main ab Franklin
Knapp Minerva Mrs., h S tone
K napp Norman, furrier, h Beaver, Rose Hill
K napp Philo A , d rpenter, P atch, h S tevens a b New
K napp & B rother, carpenters, P atch n ear Main
A , p ainter a nd p aints a nd oils, W hite, h Elm
H annam M., l aborer, h N orth Main
Orrin, farmer, h W ooster n ear William
Daniel, carpenter, bds S arah Lewis
Joseph, chair repairer, h over E . M. G ilbert
Carrie Mrs., bds A P. E ly
Lacey W. F ., physician, Main nea r C e nt re, b do
William F . J r., p hy sician, h Ma in near Cen tre
& D own s, fur c utting ane! forming, R h' er
E dmund, laborer, h C lark
E dmund J r., h atter, h C lark
Michael, boot maker, h P atch n ear Main
Patrick, h atter, h TO\V11 H ill av
Charles H ., block maker, h Ma in a b F ranklin
Ch a rl es H ., 2c1 , hat ter, h Main below T urn er
George F ., enginee r, h S p ri ng a b New
George N., h atter b Bank n ear F oster
J osep h, h at ter, h N orth ab B al l11 fo rth a \
nmb Charles A., h atter, h R iver n ear R ose
b Charles W., h atter, h R iver n ear Rose
l C HeIllY, h Main cor N orth
rkin Ellen Mrs., h Main below T urner
n G eorge F., carpenter, h S tevens n ear \Vest
Peter, cigar maker, h Bacon
tin Amos, hatter, h N orth n ear Main
llritz Frederick, hatter, h R iver n ear R ose
Lavin P atrick, h atter, h Cottage near S tone
Law John, stone cutter, h rear J. B. Bloomer's, North
Lawrence 'William G., shoemaker, h 2 2 [ M ain
L ayman George c., h atter, h 13. Brook
Leach W illiam I\1rs., h Beaver cor S pring
Leach William T., driver C. D eKleyn, h Balmforth
Lee Alexander, painter, h l ves n W hite
L ee Enos, c arpenter, h F ranklin cor R ose
Leeson J ohn A , mason, h George ab Orchard
Leimer Raymond, tailor, 2 25 Main, h N orth Main
L ennox James, florist O. M. C rosby & Co., h over store
L ent J ohn S., h atter, Pleasant near ' Nest · ,
L eonard John, boot maker, bds Main cor P atch
L eonard Julia A. l"lrs., h Main below W ooster
L eonard P atrick, shoemaker, h l\Iain cur N orth
L eonard W illiam H., student, bds Julia A L eonard
Lessy Eliza Mrs., bds George 'vV. B arnum
Lessy O rrin B., h N orth Main
Lessy R. A. Mrs., dress maker, h : 'Iain n orth Congo
L ester J ohn, hatter, bels T urner H ouse
Lewis F rederick A., h atter, h Cherry 0PP O rchard
Lewis John, baker, h Elm near Beavcr
Lewis R obert J., h atter, h N orth ab borough line
Lewis S arah Mrs., b oarding hot:sc, y l n orth of. D. & N. R.
d epot
L ight George, hatter, h Griffing's block
Linster Elizaheth : 'hs., bds J ohn L inster
L inster James, clerk, bds, J ohn L instcr
LI~STER JOH;'I.T, coal and wood office,
Comstllck [ See adv.]
Linster Richard, clerk, bds .r o hn L instcr
Linxveilcr Joseph, tinner, h South Main
Lobdell Edward, hatter, h ~ ew opp School H ouse
Lobdell Harriett, dress maker, h ? lhin c or T urner
Lobdell Lewis S., hatter. h W hite n ear T riangle
Lobdell N athan T., laborer, h William n ear George
Lockwood John, h atter, h N orth
Loomis G eorge B., h atter, h S outh
L ounsbury T homas A:, clerk, h W hite
L ounsbury W illiam H., clerk a t M erritt & C one's
J. vcless J ames, hostler, Ii W ildman's block
W ENBERG B ROS., m illinery and fancy goods, 149 Main
berg Marcus, ( L. Bros.), bds T urner H ouse
wenberg Solomon, ( L. Bros.), b ds T urner H ouse
Robert, tailor, bds O. T . Polley
dane C atharine Mrs .• h S tone
Michael, hatter, bds Catharine L ydane
nch C atharine a nd Michael, h Grassy Plain
ch Daniel, hatter, h South n ear S tarr
nch James J., hatter, h T riangle
ch Margaret Mrs., h Elm n ear B eaver
ch Mary Mrs., h S pring n ear B eaver
nch Michael, h S outh n ear S tarr
nch William H., h atter, h S pring n ear Beaver
Benjamin, merchant, (N. Y.), h P ark av
n Rebecca Mrs., h R iver n ear E lm
11 William A , m achinist, h R i,'er n ear E lm
s John, skin picker, bds Michael H enry
tIe F rank E., w ashing machines, h Elm ab River
tIe Mary Mrs., h Elm ab R iver
hie A deline Mrs., h Cherry n ear William
c F rank, b lacksmith, bds L . S. Barnum
e H ettie Mrs., h Balmforth < \\'
en Ellcn Mrs., h Cherry cor William
ager Leopold, paintcr, h Clark
M ary J., teacher, bds L eopold Mager
honey Daniel, tailor, h H ighland av
M ahoney Frank, boot maker, bds J ohn R. Darlin~
M ahoney K ate Mrs., h T urner n ear Main
Mahoney Thomas, hatter, bds Michael H enry
M ahr R ichard, hair dresser for Charles' S chleyer
Main S amuel A , machinist, h W hite
M alady John, boarding house, Benedict's lane
Malarkey Mary Mrs., h T urner n ear Main
Mallinson J ohn E., dyer, h S pring a b N ew
Mallory C harles A , (Mallory & Son), h M ontgomery
M ALLORY E. A & S ON., fur hat manufacturers,
cor Beaver, h New next school house .
Mallory W . E., prop. Bethel Press, bds E. A Mallory
Manion John, hatter, h N orth a b borough iirie
Manion Mark, driver, h E ast L iberty
Manion Timothy, laborer, h W ooster n ear F oster
Manley Daniel B., h atter, h Ambler's Hill
Mansfield George, mason, h P atch n ear Maple av
Mansfield H enry \V., carriage maker, h S tevens
Mansfield Levi K., h Maple av n ear U nion
Mansfield Lewis H. and Oliver, h K ing
Mansfield Philo F., carpenter, h W ooster
Mansfield Thomas hatter, h foot D eer H ill av
Mansfield William, clerk, h S tevens
M arks William, furrier, bds Alfred J. Brooks
M ARSH E. H. & CO., w ashing compound, W hite, h
M arsh Isaac, hatter, h N orth n ear Main
Marsh John, picker, h W est a b Division
Marsh Philo J., h C edar Nook
M ARSHALL H ORACE, u ndertaker and
Main cor C entre
M artin F rank, h atter, h W ooster a b Division
Mason Charles B., grocer, (N. Y.), h Franklin opp R ose
M cAllister Colin, s hoe maker, h S outh n ear Main
McAuley C atharine Mrs., h Grassy Plain
M cBryan Edward, tinner, bds E. R. G ilbert
McCann Charles F., hatter, h E ast L iberty
McCann Raish, laborer, h South n ear Main
McCarthy Charles, laborer, h Railroad av
M cCarthy D onal, laborer, h Railroad av
McCarthy John, laborer, h Comstock
McCarthy John, laborer, h P atch
McCarthy P atrick, laborer, h S outh
McCarthy S amuel Mrs., h W ooster n ear F oster
McCarthy Timothy, hatter, h T own H ill av
McCauley William, (96 'years old), h Boughton
McCluskey Dennis, laborer, h Boughton
McCluskey William, laborer, h L iberty
McCorkle Thomas, hatter, h Main ab F ranklin
r t Hugh, fur cutter, h Beaver opp R iver
McCoy Dennis, furrier, h T urner
James, laborer, h River near Rose
McCredie Frank, hatter, h Elm ab River
McCredie Matthew, laborer, h Elm a b R iver
McCue Cornelius, h atter, h Morris n ear H ighland av
McDermott Charles, h atter, bds J ohn C allahan
McDermott James, hatter, h C herry n ear William
J ohn, hatter, h Morris n ear H ighland av
l "r'''''' ' '' M ary 1\1rs., h W est a b Division
P atrick, h atter, h S pring a b New
ott Terrence, laborer, h T own H ill av cor Clark
T homas, hatter, h C ottage n ear S tone
Allen, blacksmith, h W est n ear William
McDonald Theodore, ( White & M.), h W est n ear O rchard
F rank, h atter, h S outh n ear Main
cEvoy Mary Mrs., h W hite cor C rosby
c Farlan Frederick, employee D. B. Crosby
M cFarlan P atrick, h atter, h W ooster n ear F oster
McGarrigle Terrence, mason, h Main near S outh
a tt J ane Miss, h D eer H ill av near W est
nniss P eter, h atter, h South n ear Main
nruss R ose Mrs., h Patch n ear Main
McGlone Dominick Mrs., h MOJ1tgomery
McGlone P atrick, shoemaker, h S outh cor S tarr
M cGlone William, laborer, h' S outh cor S tarr
M cGrath A nn Mrs., h ousekeeper Rev. J ohn Q uinn
M cGrath Edward, clerk, bds F annie Crosby
M cKay David and James, h Beaver Brook
M cKay F rank S., b utcher, h Ives ~ear R ailroad av
M cKay George, mason, h N orth n ear Balmforth av
McKay J ohn a nd S amuel N., h Beaver Brook
M cKay W illiam H., h Osborne
McKeever John, furrier, h D eer H ill av
McLEA~ B ROS., d ry goods, P ahquioque b lock
McLean David, (McLean Bros.), h New n ear W est
M cLean John, clerk, bds Robert M cLean
McLean P eter, clerk, h Montgomery
McLean R obert, ( McLean Bros.), h D eer H ill av
M cMahon B ridget Mrs., h S outh n ear S tarr
McMahon J oanna Mrs., h Main near \Vooster
McMahon Michael, hatter, bds F annie Crosby '
McMahon P atrick, laborer, h Town Hill av
McMahon Patrick, watchman, h P rospect
M cMahon Thomas, laborer, h C ottage
M cN ab James, furrier, h D eer H ill av 'near S outh
M cN ally Bernard, shoemaker, N orth Main, h do
, McNally P eter, h atter, h William near George
McNally S arah Mrs., h T urner n ear Main
McN amee John, teamster, h T urner n ear Main
McNeil C harles W.o clerk, bds J ames W . McNeil
M cN eil James W., hatter, h Railroad av
McNiff James, hatter, bds William Colgan
McPhelemy E dward, saloon, W hite opp Ives, h Town Hill av
M cPhelemey Michael, saloon, W hite n ear Main, h do
Mead Ezra, h Brush H ill road
Mead H enry, h Mill P lain
Mead Mary Mrs., h S tevens ab New
M EAD Z., billiards and restaurant, Main near depot, h
S pring
M eath Charles A., hatter, bds 6 W hite
Meath Thomas, crimper, h S pring ab New
Meder C harles H . Mrs., h Elm a b River
Meder Ch~rles H ., hatter, h C entre n ear Main
Meder J ohn G., hatter, h Elm ab River
Meder William R., hatter, h Beaver cor S pring
M eeker Daniel Mrs., h George cor William
Meeker Daniel W., hatter, h C herry c or George
Meeker H elen Miss, h Main below Wooster
M eeker John G., f ur h at manufactory, Canal, h G eorge cor
Melville Thomas, hatter, h Beaver n ear E lm
Melvin Patrick, laborer, h S outh Main near S outh
Melvin P atrick, grocer, S outh M ain near South, h do
Melvin Patrick, J r., hatter, bds P atrick Melvin
Mergendahl J ohn, carriage trimmer, bds T urner H ouse
M erick M. F., M rs., h S outh M ain below T urner
M erritt Charles H., (M. & Cone), h Main below F ranklin
M erritt Gilbert, carpenter, h William near W est
M erritt William H., picker, h New
Merritt William H., hatter, h Grand n ear W ooster
M erritt & Cone, boot and shoe manufacturs, N orth Main
Merson R obert R., miller, h Mill P lain road
Merson William, h F ranklin n ear R ose
Merwin A. W., foreman, bds F annie C rosby
M eyers Jacob, (Jacob & M. Myers), h L iberty
M EYERS J ACOB & M., cigars and tobacco, 2 25 M ain
Meyers Julius, clerk, bds S amuel M eyers
Meyers Morris, (Jacob & M. Meyers), h L iberty
Meyers S amuel, clothing, E xchange place, h L iberty
Miller Albert, butcher, h F oster n ear B ank
Miller Francis, helper, bds Isaac S Miller
Miller Gurdon H., fireman, h Mountainville
Miller I saac S., h L iberty
Miller John, hair dresser, P ahquioque H otel, h Boughton
Miller John, hatter, h P atch n ear M ain
Miller J . H., saddler, h Liberty
Miller Mary Mrs., bds Richard Daragan
Miner James, h T own H ill av
Mitchell H . B., machinist, h Balmforth av
Moegling Louis, dyer, White, h W hite c or B almforth av
Moffit Edward, hatter, h N orth cor. Balmforth av
Monahan Joseph, machinist, h Montgomery
Monahan Mary Mrs., h Benedict's lane
Monroe David, mason, h N orth ab Balmforth av
Monroe George, hatter, h Nortb a b b orough line
Mon~oe Sandy, teamster, h Balmforth av
Monroe Stephen, carpenter, h Cemetery
Montego Soledad Mrs., h New opp school house
Moore James, laborer, h N orth Main ab bridge
Moore James, hatter, h Sheridan
Moore John, gardener, h P atch n ear Maple av
Moore J ohn L. E " ~atter, h Elm n B eaver
Moore T he Misses, h Stevens cor Harmony
Moore S ylvester L., engineer, h Railroad av
Moran J ane Mrs., h Comstock
Moran John, hatter, h Town Hill av
Moran Mary Mrs., h T urner n ear M ain
Moran Patrick, hatter, h C lark n ear T own H lll av
Moran Peter, laborer, h W ooster n ear William
Moran Peter, hatter, h Comstock
Moran Thomas, mason, h T urner n ear Main
Moran Thomas, teamster, h Comstock
M OREHOUSE A , sewing machines and supphes, Bacon's
Block, h Maple av
Morehouse John, farmer, h W hite a b Blackburn
Morell Victor \carriage maker, West, h O rchard c or George
Moriarty Ti¢'o\hY H., foreman, h N orth a b b orough line
Morgan Philander Mrs., h W ooster c or F oster
Morgan William E., batter, h Elm near Beaver
Morae George and George 2d, h N orth
Morris E dgar S., (Hull & Morris,) h Stev~ns ab New
Morris Elijah, hatter, h Mill Plain
Morris Francis, coachman, h Cherry near William
M ORRIS J. E., pianos, organs, &c., 2 O pera H ouse Block
Morris James, painter, bds Sarah Lewis
Morris John B., hatter, h Wooster ab Pleasant
Morris Orlando, h atter, bds G. A C hichester
Morris O rlando T., h Balmforth av cor U nion
M orris Sarah E., h Town Hill av cor C ottage'
Morris Theodore S., butcher, h Elm a b R iver
M orris William S., butch~r, h S tevens near H armony
M orrison S. W., merchant tailor, opp I st Congo C hurch, h
W est
Morse E zra S., bookkeeper, bds I ra Morse
Morse Ira, cutter, h South
Morton A lbert J " machinist, h D eer H ill av
Mould Thomas A., laborer, h Deer Hill av
Muldoon Bridget Miss, h Elm a b R iver
Mulvehill John, laborer, h T urner n ear Main
Mulvehill Patrick, hatter, h South M~in n ear T urner
M urdoch A gnes Mrs., h D eer H ill a v
M urphy J ohn S., hatter, h C enter
M urphy Martin, furrier, Brush Hill road
Murphy Michael, laborer, h Triangle
Murphy Michael, grocer, S outh Main near T urner
M urphy Michael, grocer, South cor T own H ill av
Murphy William J., hatter, h Cottage near S tone
M urray James, grocer, Prospect, h do
Murray James, laborer, h Canal
Murray Mary Mrs., h Prospect
Murray Peter, laborer, h Nichols near E ast L iberty
M urray Thomas, laborer, h South
Murray Patrick, hatter, h E ast S outh
Myers Henry, hatter, h "Vooster n ear Division
Myers John, hatter, h Canal
Myers Y atte Mrs., h Liberty
M ygatt J ane A Miss, h D eer H ill av
N ary Thomas, batter, h S outh Main
Nash Adeline Mrs. h P leasant n ear W est
N ash F rank R , machinist, h P leasant n ear W est
N ash Patrick, mason, h W ooster a b W illiam
N ash Thomas, Jaborer, h Railroad av
Nash & Raymond. fish, oysters and vegetables, W hite opp
W ooster H ouse
Neall James, furrier, h W est I leal' P leasant
N eall Thomas, furrier, h W est n ear P leasant
N eall Thomas, 2d. furrier, h B eaver a b 'Spril1g
N ewbery H enry, hatter, h S tevens n ear W est
N ewbery J oho W., s tone cutter, bds H enry N ewbery
Newman Samuel T., machinist, h S prin g a b N ew
I ichols Charles, h air dresser a t W ooster H ouse
Nichols David P ., h Main cor B oughton
N ichols E. P., ( 0. M. Crosby & Co.) b ds D avid P. Nichols
Nichols Rollo, ( H. Crorut & Co.), h D eer H ill av
Noble Joseph A., m achinist, h C omstock
Nolan J ohn n., h atte r, h P ark av ab P leasant
Nolan William, h atter, bds J ohn Cowan
N oonan J eremiah W., fuller, h Elm a b R iver
N orman Charles R , t iuner H ull & R ogers
N orman William, h atter, h N orth a t borough line
N ords Benjamin c., 11 Uuion n ear Maple av
Norris D ., h atter, h Beaver. R o se H ill
N orris Edward, hostl er for P. S. O sborn
Noo'is F rederick M rs .. h L ib erty n ear. 'fa in
N rris George £.. b utcher, 11 Bou ghton
N rris John, farmer, h l\-lill P lain
N orthrop Am.os, teamster, b N orth n ear Balmforth av
N or throp H enry \V., c utter, h Ive n ear W hite
N ortbrop I saac, bds H arriett B rush
N orthrop John B., c arpenter. h C omsto ck
N orthrop L ucretia Mrs., h P rospect
N orthrop S eth, hatter, bds Matthe~ S tevens
N orthrop W arner H., carpenter, h S outh M ain
Norton C ynthia Mrs., h Elm ab River
Norton Sarah, dress maker, 161 Main, h Elm
N ostrand E sther].. h W hite n ear Main
Nowitzky H. R . clerk, bds T urner H ouse
N owlan James, laborer, h W ooster
N utt J oseph, machinist, h Pleasant near W est
O akley George T., h atter, h Main
O akley Morris, shoemaker, F oster cor Bank
O 'Boy B ernard. hatter, h Sheridan
O 'Brien Charles, h atter, h Gas H ill
O 'Brien Daniel, h D eer Hill av
O 'Brien J ohn, engineer, h Railroad av
O 'Brien Patrick, laborer, h Griffing's lane
O 'Connor J ohn T., engineer, h E lm n ear Beaver
O 'Connor P atrick, hatter, h W ooster a b Main
Odell ·E. H., principal South C enter School, bds C. F. C ummings
O 'Donnell M~chael, h atter, h C omstock
Ogden E lizabeth Mrs., bds A lbert Miller
O lcott M. D., music teacher, 165 Main, bds H. C rofut
Olmstead F ernando c., c arpenter, bds Fred. S. O lmstead
O lmstead F rederick S., b uilder and contractor, \Vhite, h
N orth
O lmstead G eorge E., h atter, h S pring n ear Beaver
O lmstead l-liram, h atter, h Rose H ill
O lmstead J ohn A., box maker, h Main c or B ank
O lmstead J. 0 ., r ubber bucket pumps, L ocust av
O lmstead Lockwood, h S tevens c or New
Olmstead W aters F., h Division cor P ark av
O lmstead W illiam H ., c arriage maker, h Stevens cor New
O 'Rourke P atrick, h atter, h S outh Main n ear S outh
O rmsbee T ruman, h atter, h P latt
O sborn D avid Mrs., corsets, Main, h do
O sborn E lias N., h arness maker, h S ummit
O sborn H arvey L., painter, h Elm
O sborn H enry B., c arriage ~aker, h Balmforth av 11 U nion
Osborn L eRoy, foreman,?h E lm a b River
O sborn P. S., P ahquioquJr f{otel and livery, Main
O sborne A rthur, b ds 6 W hite
O sborne C harles, clerk, b ds Division cor W est
O sborne D ora Miss, h S outh n ear l\'lain
O SBORNE H ARVEY, v ariety store, Main, opp S avings.,
Bank, h E lm [ See adv.]
O sborne H arvey L ., c arriage maker, Main .
O sborne H , B., c arriage m anufacturer, White, h Balmforth av
O sborne J ames, h Division cor W est
O sborne J . H enry, p ainter, h S tone
O sborne R ichard, h Division cor W est
O sborne S ylvester C. Mrs., h S outh n ear Main
Osgood J ames H ., painter, h Cottage near S tone
O tis Charles H., machinist, h Locust av
O tis E dmund C , m achinist, h L ocust av
O tis F rancis H., machinist, h L ocust av
P AGE WM. F RANK, pub. of " Globe" and printer, 25 I
Main, h F ranklin n ear Main
'Palmer J ane Mrs., h E lm c or R iver
Parks vVallace B., h C enter n ear Main
Parmelee A lbert W., h Balmforth a\'
P armelee M ary A. Mrs., h S pring ab New
P armelee S. C., c lerk, h S pring a b New
P arrott E ugene H., clerk H. R. R., h E ast L iberty
Parslow J ohn H., packer, h William cor C herry
P arsons Abel, mason, h G eorge c or O rchard
P arsons Alfred, mason, h C herry o pp O rchard
P arsons A ugustus, hatter, h S outh
P arsons David, mason, h S outh Main n ear S outh
P arsons E dward E., (Andrews & P.), h C emetery
P artrick Charles and William, bds Mrs. J ohn P artrick
P artrick E dgar ] ., insurance, h Main n ear P atch
P artrick J ohn Mrs., h C enter n ear Main
' Patch A nthony W , m achinist, h S tevens a b Ne~
P atch E dward, tip printer, h L iberty
P atch William, hatter, h Main cor F ranklin
P atchin A rthur M., mason, h Town H ill a v
P atchin S arah 1\Irs., h Main c or L iberty
P aterson F rederick, mason, h N orth
P aterson J ohn \V., s hoemaker, h Ives n ear W hite
P atrick R obert, mason, h N orth n ear K napp
Pavey J ohn, f.'!'Iuer, h G eorge n ear W illiam
P earce D avid, h Main next U nion S avings' Bank
P earse George, laborer, bds William S tevens
P eck A mmon T., comb maker, h W hite
P eck C olay, ( Chittenden & P.), h W hite a b Granville av
P eck J ohn C , f..rmer, h S tevens n ear W est
P eck S. S., (P. & W ildman), h S tevens n ear H armony
P ECK & W ILDMAN, g rocers, Main opp Wooster H ouse
P eet H enry, h M iddle R iver
Penfield D avid G., civil engineer, h Main below F ranklin
Penfield E. G. l\lrs., h M ain below F ranklin
Penfield Sophia, physician, Main below F ranklin
P enny Hy!'(m H., bds Mrs. C E, P enny
P enny C. E. Mrs" h S pring n ear B eaver
P epper P aulina Miss,. h N ew opp S tevens
P erry 1<'. V , ( Barnum & P,), h S pring cor New
P erry H enry, t inner a nd roofer, Main opp W ooster H ouse, h
P erry P hilander, h Middle R iver
P eters Lewis, hatter, h S outh n ear Main
Peters L yman H., hair dresser and intelligence office, Main, h
Liberty cor Town Hill av
P etit David, cartman, h Elm near Beave: '
Petit H eber R., h atter, h Elm ab River
Phelan James, hatter, h Liberty
Phelan Martin, mason, h Main near T urner
Phillips Eliza Mrs.,.h Town Hill av .
Phillips H arriett C. Mrs., h Montgomery near W est
Pickering Charles B., engineer, h Railroad av
Pickett A aron J., h atter, h Division near P ark av
P ickett A rthur, h~tter, h George near Division
P ickett Orlando B., h atter, h Division
Picks Charles, hatter, h Beaver 'ab S pring
Pike L uther M., e ngineer D. & H. R. R., h Liberty
Pilsbury Benjamin Rev., p astor M. E. Church, h Main
Pilsbury Benjamin c., Lds Rev. Benjamin Pilsbury
Pine \Villiam, colorer, h Cherry cor O rchard
Platt Lyman, collector, h Main ab Franklin
P latt Mary A. Mrs., h W ildman's block, Main
P latt William, employee Mrs. Charles Rider
P laut Jacob A., (J. D. P laut & Bro.), bcls W ooster House
P LAUT J. D . & B RO., fancy goods and milJinery, Exchange place
PolIcy Eliza Mrs., h Rose Hill
Polley H enry, carpenter, h Wooster n ear William
P OLLEY O. T., merchant tailor, 1 27 Main, h Balmforth av
Pomeroy Charles VV., h atter, h Cemetery
Porges L., (Klein & Porges), bds Wooster H ouse
P orter vVilliam, hatter, h Main 0PP F ranklin
P otter F . G., (F. G. P otter & Co .), h N orth
P OTTER F. G. & CO., builders' hardware and wooden
ware, W hite n ear Main [See adv.]
P ott'er J oseph M., pianos and ~rgans, O pera H ouse block, h
P otter vVilliam, laborer, h T urner
P ratt A lbert D., foreman, h E ast L iberty
P ratt Charles, laborer, h S outh n ear Main
P ratt John, farmer, h,Brush Hill road
Pugsley Benjamin, hatter, h Highland av
Pugsley E dward H., hatter, bds Main
P ugsley Mary Mrs., h W est n ear Division
Pulling A lbert, conductor D. & N. R. R., h Elm near River
Pulling H iram, hatter, h Franklin near Main
P urdy Amos, h William cor George
Purdy A ugustus, hatter, h River near Beaver
P urdy Caleb M., c arpenter, h Morris cor Highland av
P urdy George 5., hatter, h Liberty near Main
Purd'y H. H art, c arpenter, h P ark av ab Pleasant
Purdy Horace, insurance agent, William n ear George
P urdy William B., painter, bds William cor George
P urdy & Williams, dress makers, Liberty near l\Iain
Putnam L aura Mrs., h Maple av
Quien Edward, hatter, h North near Knapp
Quien George, hatter, h D eer H ill av cor Wooster
Quien Henry, hatter, h Clapboard Ridge
Quinn James, laborer, h Bethel Turnpike
Quinn James D., carpenter, h S outh n ear Main
Quinn James E., hatter, h P atch
Q uinn Michael, laborer, h W est ab Division
Q uinn] ohn Rev., pastor St. Peter's R. C. Church, h Center
Quinn Patrick, laborer, h Comstock
R ANDALL & B RADLEY, groceries and provisions, Main
n ear W est [ See adv.]
R andall W illiam G., (R. & Bradley), h Balmforth a v
R atchford D aniel, h atter, h SouthRatchford J ames, n atter, h T aylor's l ane
R atchford W illiam P., h R iver n ear R ose
R au C harles E., shoer'naker, Main n ext D epot, h do
R ay G eorge, h atter, h W hite n ear T riangle
R ay H ahnah Mrs., h S outh Main below T urner
R aymond A mmon, h Mill Plain
R aymond A. B., ( Nash & R.), h B almforth av
R aymond C yrus, l eather c utter, h W est n ear P leasant
R aymond C yrus Eo, h atter, h R iver n ear E lm
R aymond G eorge M., mason, h Main a b B ridge
R aymond J ohn ·D., h atter, h Ives n ear W hite
R aymond J ohn M., hatter, h Ives n ear W hite
R aymond M artha A" b ds L aura B. P utnam
R aymond S amuel G., c arpenter, h M ontgomery
R aymond T heodore, carpenter, bds C. E . R aymond
R A Y MOND W ILLIAM W., m anager T urner H ouse, Main
c or T urner
R EAD H ENRY L., m arket, Main c or W est, h T own H ill
R ead G eorge P., h N orth a b Halmforth av
R ead J . H anson, b ds H enry L . R ead
R ead W illis, water wheels, h N orth ab Balmforth av
R eed A lbert H., clerk, h Main cor E lm
R eed Art~ur P., ( Reed, S tevens & Co.), bds c. H . R eed
R eed C harles H., h W est c or New
R eed G eorge, miller, h Main ab F ranklin
R eed L etetia l'drs., h E lm c or Main
R erd, S tevens & Co., s hirt m anufacturers, New n ear W est
R eid C harles H., p attern a nd model maker, Canal, bds T urner
H ouse
. R edmond J ames, colorer, h George lIear W illiam
R einhart A dolph, hatter, h D eer H ill av
R enwick V ictor D., p rinter, h W hite c or B almforth av
R eynolds O scar, carpenter, h \<Vest n ear D ivision
R ice F . P., t ile m 'f'g arid m asons' m aterials, R ailroad av, h
T own H ill a v
R ice J ames T., s addler, b ds S amuel R ice
Ric;:e S amuel, s hoemaker, h R ailroad av
R ICE & F OSTER, l umber a nd b uilders' hardware, W hite "
R ichards C harlcs,'laborer, h R ailroad av .
R ichards E. Mrs., h W illiam n ear W est
R ICHARDS G. c., I ndian p hysician, I75 M ain h d o
R ichardson E dward S., c lerk W . H. B outon, h L ittle R iver
R ichie A bel, furrier, h P rospect
R ichmond J ohn, e mployee D r. W . F . L acey
R ichmond W illiam, moulder, h P atch
R ider C harles M rs.,' h S outh M ain n ear S outh
R ider G eorge E .. h W est W ooster
R ider W illiam H., d entist, b ds W . ] . R ider, W est
R ider W . J., d entist, o pp T own clock, h W est
R idge J ohn W esley, h atter, h L iberty
R ightmire G eorgc, p rinter, b ds W ooster H ouse
R iley J ames, l ahorer, h R iver n ear M ain
Riley Matthew, laborer, h M ain n ear ' Wooster
R iley M ichael, h atter, h R ose H ill
R iley P atrick, s aloon, W hite, h d o
Rilos W alter, h ostler for H awley B radley
R iordon D ennis F., h atter, h L iberty n ear M ain
R ITTON E. D., p hotographer, Main o pp R eading R ooms, h
S tevens
R oberts J . B., s hirt m anufacturer, h E lm n ear R iver
R oberts P aul A., m ason, b ds H orace E . D ean
R obinson A gnes Mrs., h Elm a b R iver
R obinson A rthur G., bookkeeper, bcls P. R obinson
R obinson c., fish a nd o ysters, W hite n ear Main, h F ranklin
R obinson C harles S" c lerk, b ds C harles R obinson
R obinson H . M .. w atches a nd j ewelry and booksell~r, Main
c or L ibert)', h D eer H ill a v
R obinson H . T ., h atter, h E lm n ear B eaver
R obinson J ames, tailor, bds R iver Ileal' M ain
R obinson James T., hatter, bds H. T. Robinson
Robinson Joseph W., h atter, h E lm cor R iver
R obinson Melissa Mrs., h Main cor 'White
Robinson P eter. (P. R obinson & Co.), h Balmforth av
R OBINSON P. & CO., c utters o f hatters' furs, Canal
Robinson W arren, driver, bds Polly C. S tow
R obinson William D .• h atter, h E ast L iberty
Rochford Daniel, laborer, h Main below W ooster
R ochford James, laborer, h Taylor's lane
Rockwell B urr E., h L iberty n ear l\'lain
Rockwell Charles J., b lacksmith, h Town Hill av
Rockwell F rank, driver, h S pring ab N ew
R ockwell J ohn T., h Division opp P ark av
Rockwell Joseph W ., laborer, h W illiam n ear W est
R off Ben. M., news a nd varieties, P. O. B uilding h S tevens
R off George IV1., c arpenter, h Montgomery near S tevens
R off H orace A., s alesman, h Montgomery
Roff J ohn G., h atter, h S outh
R ogers D wight E., (Hull & R.), h W est n ear D ivision
Rogers Eliza l'drs., h W ooster n ear Division
Rogers O. A., w atch maker, 0PP R eading Rooms, h Main cor
Granville av
R OLAND B URR, s ewing machines a nd findings, Main n ear
t he bridge, h Main cor F ranklin
R oome Elizabeth, box maker, h Main ab F ranklin
R oome George, box maker, h F ranklin
R ooney James. carpenter, h C ottage c or S tone
R ooney John, hatter, h S outh c or S tarr
R ooney Lawrence, saloon, Main near T urner H ouse
R ooney IVlatthew, laborer, h S pring ab New
Rooney Maggie lVIiss, 11 T own Hill av
Rooney P atrick, h atter. h S outh c or S tarr
R ooney P atrick Mrs., h Cottage cor Stone
Rooney Thaddeus, hatter, h W ooster a b William
Roseboom Betsy Mrs., h F ranklin cor R ose
Roseboom Burton L., saloon, 225 Main, h S outh Main
R OSENMAN B ERNARD, m erchant tailor, 163 Main, h
159 do
R otherforth Williain; b utcher h Division
Rour~ J oseph, s tudent, h Main cor P atch
R oura P aul Mrs., h N ew opp School Ho~se
R ourke J ohn, h atter, b ds A nn F ay
R undle S amuel H., (R. & W hite), h D eer H ill av
R UNDLE & W HITE, wool h at manufactory, River
R uscoe P hrebe Mrs., h Main below W hite
R ussell Gardner, boot maker, h Main ab F ranklin
R ussell J ohn K., boot maker, bds Gardner Russell
R utan ~ynear, b oot maker, bds Mary Barclay
R yan A nthony, laborer, h Beave~ n ear E lm
R yan H arry, b rakeman, bds S arah Lewis
R yan J ames, laborer, h W est a b Division
R yan J ames, g ardener, h E ast L iberty
R yan J ohn, h atter, h " Turner n ear Main
R yan J ohn, h T own H ill av
R yan J ohn, moulder, h opp Catholic cemetery
R yan S tephen, h atter, h T urner n ear Main
R yan T errence, h atter, 'h Clark
R yan T homas, h Beaver Brook
R yan ' Thomas, 2d, h Coal P it H ill
R yan W illiam, h atter, h W hite n ear Main
R yder G eorge E., farmer, h W ooster opp Division
R yder H enry c., sec'y Savings Bank o f D anbury, h Division
R yder J ames, D anbury Marble W orks, M ain
S anders T heodore, engineer, bds 22 I Main
S ands J ames, laborer, h Railroad av
Sanford C. H ., librarian Danbury Library, Main
Sanford Edward, tailor, bds Sarah Lewis
Sanford E dward E., salesman, h Locust av
Sanford Joel B., a nd Joel fl., Jr., hatters, h Balmforth av near
Sanford L eGrand Mrs., h Main a b F ranklin
Saunders Stevens, hat blocker, h William near West
Sayers James, cartman, h Railroad av
Sayers Robert, (Hawley & S.), h Liberty
Scanlon 1 ames, gardener, h Deer Hill av
Schathnan Elias, clerk, 175 Main, h Bank
Schleyer Charles, hair dresser, Main next Depot, h Elm a b
Schondorf Charles Mrs., h South near Main
Schoppaul Henry, baker, Main north of Depot, h do
Scofield Julia A , h F ranklib opp Rose
Scofield Theodore, tinner, h Stevens near W est
Scofield Wi~liam T., hatter, h W est cor Stevens
Scollins Frank, hatter, h South Main below T urner
Scollins Rosa Mrs., h Beaver near Elm
S COTT A LBERT, harness and saddlery, Main, h George
Scott Albert L., drug clerk, bds Albert S cott
S cott Eli, gardener, h Cherry opp Orchard
Scott Gaylord, bds P eter Robinson
S cott George, fireman, h S pring a b New
Scott Howard B., law student, bds Albert Scott
Scott John, engineer, h New near West
Scott John, hatter, North cor Balmforth av
Scott John, 1r., clerk Tweedy M 'f'g Co., bds John S cott
S cott Matthew W., engineer, h Montgomery
Scovell Seth, fireman, h E ast L iberty
Scribner Charles S., hatter, h South Main below T urner
S cribner David, laborer, h Wooster near Pleasant
S cribner Henry, farmer, h Pleasant cor P ark av
Scribner Mary Mrs., h South Main below T urner
S cribner Oliver S., clerk, bds Mrs. Sylvester Scribner
Scribner Sylvester Mrs., h Elm a b New
Seaman Edmond W., hatter, h North cor Main
Seaman Lewis H., hatter, h North ab Balmforth av
S ears Charles E., hatter, h South
Sears 10seph A , c onductor H. R. R., h E ast L iberty
S ears Marietta Mrs., h Mill Plain
S ears Samuel, hatter, bds Charles E. Sears
Seeley A. Cooke, bookkeeper, h Main below Wooster
Seeley C. A Miss, bds Mrs. 1 ulia A Leonard
Seeley Thomas, hatter, h Montgomery
Seely W. P., c ashier Pahquioque Bank, bds T urner H ouse
Seeman John, painter, h 2 25 Main
Seifert A ugustus E., h atter, h Orchard near George
Seifert Joseph, hair dresser, h E lm n ear River
Selleck Arthur, laborer, h Wooster near Willis
Selleck Darius, farmer, h Division cor George
Selleck E than S., carpenter, h Wooster near Division
Selleck Eugene, carpenter, h Wooster near Division
Selleck Frederick, clerk, bds Darius Selleck
Selleck Polly A Mrs., bds Daniel A Benedict
Selleck Oliver F., carpenter, h P leasant n ear Wooster
Selleck Theodore S., florist, White, h do
Selleck William, h Wooster near Pleasant
S enior H enry M., h Mill Plain
S erre Joseph, conductor, h East Liberty
Seymour Charles H., hatter, h Main ab Franklin
Seymour Charles and H enry, h Mill Plain
Shaffer Cyril, heeler, h Main ab Franklin
Shail George, hatter, h South Main
Shannon Robert, hatter, h Spring near New
S harp W alter A., carriage maker, bds T urner H ouse
S harp William Bo, grocer, South near Main
Shear A senath Mrs" h L iberty near Railroad av
S hear F rederick A , h atter, h L iberty n ear Railroad av
Sheffield A rthur A , boot maker, h North
Shelvoy Owen, hatter, h White near Triangle
Shepard E mily Mrs:, h Main ab Franklin
Shepard Ira, hatter, bds 6 White
Shepard I . W., carpen ter, h S outh
Sherman Carrie Mrs., h Balmforth av near W hite
S herman George H., h S outh Main
S herman G. B., foreman, h D eer Hill av
Sherwood Albert, keeper County Jail, Main cor Wooster
Sherwood B. C., grocer, Griffing's block, h Wooster
Sherwood Charles, clerk, bds Montgomery cor S tevens
Sherwood William T., hatter, bds William n ear W est
Shetcle F rank, laborer, h Cottage near S heridan
Shields John, cigar maker, bds D. P. Brown
S hort Charles G., mason, Main cor S outh
Shufeldt J. 0 ., s up't Rundle & White, h Rose Hill
S humaker Selina Mrs., h Division near George
S ibert William, hatter, bds Highland av
S iegler Casper, Jr., hatter, h Triangle
S iegler Michael, hatter, h White cor Canal
Siemon Charles H., painter, h Center near Main
Signor George, hatter, h S pring n ear Beaver
S ignor H enry S., h atter, h Mountainville
S ignor Thomas, Jr., machinist, bds T. P. S ignor
Signor Thomas P., hatter, h E ast L iberty
S ignor William B. Mrs" h Main ab Franklin
S ignor Willis P., hatter, h Mill Plain
Simmons Charles, painter, h Center near Main
Simmons Edward, hatter, h Wooster near William
Simmons Philip and Philip Jr., h Wooster near Willialll
Simmons William, h atter, h Wooster near William
Siver William ] ., hatter, h George near Orchard
Slauson George, hatter, h North near Knapp
Slauson James, hatter, h North near K napp
Sloan A rthur Rev., rector St. J ames' Church, h Delay
Small John, clerk for William Small
Small William Mrs., grocer, S outh Main near S outh
Smith Ahaz B., painter, h Bethel turnpike
S mith A J., ass't postmaster, h Main oPr> F ranklin
S mith A lbert T., clerk, 205 Main, bds W. H . C lark
S mith Carroll, hatter, h Griffing's block, Main
S mith C. H., clerk 193 Main, bds S arah Lewis.
Smith Charles H., h Franklin near Rose
S mith Daniel, carpenter, Cottage, h do
S mith D wight A , clerk, h Franklin opp S mith's Mill
S mith E dward J., hatter, bds Daniel S mith
S mith Eliza Mrs., h Wooster near Wiiliam
Smith E lmer B., mason, h P ark av cor Willie
S mith F rank B., h atter, h North near Main
S mith George L., carpenter, h Main cor Liberty
Smith J. M., supt. public schools, bds W est cor D eer H ill av
S mith J ames c., machinist, bds Almon H. Joy
S mith J ohn, farmer, h P atch n ear Main
S mith J ohn R , saddler, bds S arah Lewis
S mith Lawrence, hatter, h Town Hill av
S mith L yman hatter, h Comstock
S mith Patrick, h atter, h Town Hill av
S mith R ichard E., blacksmith, h William near George
S mith Sidney H., comb maker, h over Albert Scott's, ' Main
S mith Sarah' Mrs., h Elm near Main
S mith T . Edwin, baggage master D. & N . R R , h W est next
O pera H ouse
S mith Thomas, hatter, h S outh Main
S mith Thomas, carpenter, bds Sarah Lewis
S mith T homas 2d, h atter, h Triangle
S mith William, hatter, h West ab P leasant
Smith 'William 2d, hatter, h River near Beaver
S myth Samuel A , h atter, h Elm cor Ri ver
S myth S arah Mrs., h Elm cor River
S myth T homas F., trimmer, h New ab S pring
Sniffen Charles, hatter, bds Geo. Benjamin's
Sniffen R oyal C., hatter, h Main cor T urner
Sniffen Samuel C., h atter, h D eer H ill av
S outhworth J ohn A , h P rospect
Spain J ohn a nd J ohn Jr., hatters, h Town Hill av
Spain Thomas, hatter, ~ Town Hill av
Spain William, h Town Hill av
Sparks James H., hatter, h R iver near Beaver
Sparks Walter c., h atter, h R iver n ear B eaver
Spencer Charles F., saloon, Main cor P atch
Sprague Daniel, milkman, h O sborne
S prague George, mason, h Osborne
Sproul Charles, h atter, h S pring near New
Sproul John, driver, h E ast L iberty
S PROUL T HOMAS, coal and wood, Main opp Wooster
House, h Liberty [ See Cover.]
Squires Eunice, teacher, h Main near D epot
Stahl Sylvester, engineer, h River near E lm
S tapleburg John H., furrier, h Franklin, R ose H ill
Starbuck Sidney, produce, h George near William
S tarr Charles E., farmer, h Main opp S tarr
S tarr Charles F., h 137 Main
S tarr Daniel, hat blockmaker, E lm n ear Main, h Spring ab
S tarr Eiiza A nn Mrs., h River cor E lm
S tarr Edward and F rank M., h at. blockmakers, bds Daniel
S tarr
S tarr Frederick, market, Main, h Elm ab River
S tarr F rederick Mrs., h Elm a b River
S tarr George, h Elm near Main
Starr J ohn B., h Main opp W est
S tarr John H., laborer, h Railroad av
S tarr Orlando, machinist, bds Eliza A nn S tarr
S tarr Peter, hatter, h Elm near River
S tarr William H., farmer, h Main opp Wooster House
Stebbins A. 1\1., Mrs., h Main near Boughton
Stebbins Mary Miss, h Franklin opp Rose
Stebbins Samuel Mrs., h Main cor C enter
S TEBBINS S AMUEL, lumber, hardware and m 'f'g supplies, Main opp West, h Main cor C enter
S teele Albert M., bookkeeper, h Main n ear C enter
Steele Orinda Mrs., h Bethel turnpike
S teele Simeon, employee H. B radley
Stephenson Morris, h Stevens near W est
S tetson Joseph, machinist, h Balmforth av
Stetzel David, cigar maker, h 167 Main
Stevens Andrew J., hatter, h Main ab Franklin
Stevens Charles, fish and oysters, Liberty, h P leasant
Stevens Charles H., hatter, h Montgomery cor W est
S tevens Darius, (D. S. & Co.), h Elm
S tevens D. & Co., l umber manufacturers, W hite
S tevens Edward P., (Reed, Stevens & Co.), h Maple av
Stevens Erastus, h Main cor P atch
S tevens E zra B., furrier, h River near R ose
S tevens G. Edwiu, h Rose Hill
S tevens George, bookkeeper, h Orchard n W est
S tevens George E. a nd Theodore L., h Westville
Stevens Howard P., painter, bds T urner H ouse
S tevens Hugh, furrier, bds John Callahan
S tevens Jared, watchman, h Triangle
Stevens Jesse D., hatter, h Balmforth av near P atch
S tevens John, laborer, h Main ab Franklin
Stevens Jonathan, (D. Stevens & Co.), h Steve~s
S tevens Joseph H., bds William Stevens
Stevens Julia A., (S. R eed & Co.), h W est cor New
S tevens L ewis B., carpenter, Stevens near H armony
S tevens Lydia Mrs., bds Rev. J ohn Crawford
S tevens Matthew, h Liberty opp Comstock
S tevens Michael c., carpenter, h Main n ear T urner
S tevens Nirum ] ., h F ranklin near Main
Stevens Steven, h Spring ab New
Stevens Thomas C. Mrs., h Maple av
Stevens Turner, machinist, River, h do
Stevens William, hostler, h C herry near William
Stevens William, hatter, h South Main below T urner
S tevens William E., bds William Stevens
Stevens William H., carpenter, h Maple a v c or U nion av
Stevens William W., printer, bds E. McDonald
S tevens William W., hatter, River near Beaver
Stevenson George, blacksmith, bds H enry T ine
S tewart James, engineer, h Balmforth av
. Stewart Robert 0 ., h atter, h Railroad av
Stillman I. W., (S. & Wheeler,) h Town Hill av
Stillman & Wheeler, market, Concert Hall
St. J ohn Berlin, prop. D anbury and Brewster Stage, h South
St. J ohn George, hatter, h S outh Main bel T urner
St. J ohn S arah P., bds George St. J ohn
St. J ohn William, hatter, bds George St. J ohn
S tocker Mary K Miss, bds F. W. Tweedy
Stokes Martha Miss, teacher Industrial School, h do
S tone Amos J., hatter, h Mill Plain
Stone E li W. Mrs., bds S outh Main
Stone George, hatter, h Bank n ear F oster
S tone H arry, h Comstock
S tone J ohn, miller, h Bank n ear F oster
S tone Lewis, hatter, bds J ohn Malady
S tone Mary K , b ds William H . S tarr
S tone Russell W., hatter, h W hite cor Blackburn
S tott George, painter, h Wildman
S tott John, furrier, h L iberty
S tout J ames, hatter, h S outh n ear Main
Stow J ohn H., h W est cor Main
Stratton E dgar A , h atter, bds N orth
S tratton George L., foreman, h North ab Balmforth av
Street Philip P., h atter, h River near Elm
Stremen Jacob, hatter, h S tone
S tuckey George, furrier, h Beaver near Spring
Stuckey John, furrier, h Beaver near E lm
S tuckey Samuel, hatter, h Beaver near E lm
S turges A P., s hirt dealer, Main opp R C. Church
Sullivan Dennis S., h atter, h River cor. Elm
Sullivan John, hatter, h S tarr cor S outh
S underland William, carpenter, Spring ab New
S utton Moses B. Mrs., h Franklin ab Rose
S utton William, carder, h River near Beaver
Sweeney John, hatter, h S outh n ear Main
Sweeney Mary Mrs., laundress h Triangle
Swift O. H., mail agent N. & D. R R , h P leasant av
Swift Robert, shoemaker, h Main
S yse R obert, watchmaker and engraver, bds T urner H ouse
T albot Patrick, h at former, h Town Hill av
Talcott Samuel, h Division near George
Tappan Robert, hatter, h North ab boroug'h line
Taylor Angeline Mrs., dress maker, Main cor Liberty
Taylor Charles I., c arpenter, h S outh
T aylor Eliza Mrs., h Harmony cor Stevens
Taylor Elnathan H., h P rospect
T aylor Evan H., h D eer H ill av
Tayior F. c., p atent rights, h Osborne
Taylor Frederick A , p rinter, bds 6 White
Taylor H arriett Mrs., h Stevens cor Harmony
Taylor Henry, furrier, h Highland av
Taylor James A , painter, h George near William
Taylor James H., carpenter, h S outh
T aylor James S., h W hite ab Granville av
T aylor Lemuel, farmer, h S outh
T aylor Mary Mrs., h Division cor P ark av
Taylor Welford J., bds James S. T aylor
Taylor William F., lawyer, Pahquioque block, h D eer Hill av
Taylor & Crawford, painters, 'White cor Crosby
T argett Edwin, carpenter, h New opp school house
T argett John, hatter, h Spring near Bt-aver
Thacke~ James, carpenter, h Beaver cor Spring
T hatcher Isaac, hatter, h Main cor S outh
T HE H ULL & B ELDEN CO., machinists' tools, machinery and forgings, Canal
T he N inety-Nine C ent Store, 0PP B aptist Church
T HE T WEEDY MFG. CO., fur and wool h at manufactory,
Rose cor River
Thompson B., c arriage maker, Railroad av, h Main
Thompson Edward, physician, S outh Main below T urner
T hompson H. E. Mrs., millinery, 193 Main
Thompson Sidney, hatter, h Beaver cor Elm
T hornton C. H., dentist, Main cor Liberty, h George near .
T horp Emily Mrs., bds Norris Hamilton
~ J ohn, hatter, h Stevens cor New
-+t~y J ohn K , mason, h Stevens cor New
T iger Michael, hatter, h T urner n ear Main
T INE H ENRY, carriage maker and blacksmith, Balm10rth
av near North
T itus William, hatter, h S outh n ear Main
Tobias Calvin, blacksmith, Crosby, h Center
Tobias H enry H., carpenter, h Main ab White
Tobias Mariette Mrs., h Center near Main
Todd O. A G., lawyer, Main opp 1st Church, h Town Hill av
Tompkins Reuben, hatter, h S outh n ear Main
Toohy Patrick, picker, h Main below T urner
T orpy Catherine, widow, h Cottage near S tone
T orpy Malachi and Daniel, hatters, bds Catherine T orpy
T ownsend Clark, box maker, h Franklin
Townsend Eugene, hatter, bds E. R. Gilbert
Townsend J ames K , foreman, h Rose cor Franklin
Treadway Betsy Mrs., h Railroad av
T readwell] oseph, hatter, h Center near Main
Treadwell L. P., cashier, h Elm n ear B eaver
Trowbridge A A , watches and jewelry, 2 03 Main, h Franklin
Trowbridge C. D., dressmaker, Hull's Block, h Town Hill av
Trowbridge F rank H. Mrs., h Montgomery near \Vest
T rowbridge James, h TowlI Hill av
Trowbridge Mary A Mrs., h Franklin opp Rose
Trowbridge Truman, hatter, h S tevens near \ Vest
T rue Mark, hatter, h S outh Main near S outh
T rue Sidney, s tone cutter, h Pleasant n ear West
Trumbull William E., hatter, h Orchard near George
, T urner Benjamin c., hatter, h Wildman
T urner Ebenezer, turner, bds B. C. T urner
T urner H. S., d entist, over L. S. Benedict & Sons, h do
T URNER H OUSE, W . W. Raymond, manager, Main cor
T urner
T urrell Nathan, h Elm near Main
T uttle Albert, hostler, h Main cor White
Tuttle Jerome, washing machines, h North Main
Tweedy A E. Mrs., h Main ab Franklin
Tweedy E dgar S., h Main ab the brid,ge
Tweedy Edmund, (T. Mfg. Co.) h Mam ab the ~ndge
T weedy Frederick W., bookkeeper, h S outh ~a1l1
T weedy John, insurance and postmaster, h Mam ab t he b ndge
Tweedy Maria Mrs., bds Main ab Franklin
Tweedy Oliver P., h Main below Franklin
Tweedy Samuel, (Brewster & T.), h Main 3d a b t he bridge
Tweedy T. E., (T. Mfg. Co.), bds Mrs. A E. Tweedy
\ Tweedy W. H., (T. Mfg. Co.), bds Wooster House
k '- . T weedy T he Manfg. Co., fur and wool h at manufacturers,
R iver and Rose, salesroom, 1 00 G rand St., N ew York
T yJer L uke Mrs., h Elm ab N .ew,
T yrrell Silas, shoemaker, h Wlldman s Block, Mam
Valley Joseph and William, h Crosby
V anHouten C. H., h atter, h Bethel Turnpike
V anScoy G. F rank, hatter, h S outh n ear Main
V anScoy George, hatter, h Ives near Railroad av
Van W ort H annah Mrs., h Triangle
Van W ort P eter, mason, h P leasant n ear Wcst
Veats Elam, h North near borough line
Veats Silas B., carriage maker, h Main ab Franklin
Vibbard George A , c arpenter, h Cemetery
VonGal Jacob Mr~. and Jacob, h E ast L iberty
Von Gal George and Lewis, hatters, h E ast L iberty
Vradenburg J. H. t carpenter, h William n ear W est
W aite J ohn H., laborer, h River near Rose
W albridge Cordelia Mrs., h Liberty
Walker William, fur cutter, h Beaver near Elm
Wallace Alexander, contractor, h W hite ab Locust av
Wallace John, shoemaker, W hite cor Crosby
W arbrook J oanna Miss, h W ooster n ear William
Ward Bernard Mrs., h North near Main
W ard H ugh B., h atter, h South Main below T urner
W ard John, tinner, h E ast L iberty
W ard Lewis, carpenter, h E ast L iberty
\Varren Edward, carpenter, h George ab O rchard
W arren Hulc1ah M rs., h Bank cor F oster
. Warren Jacob, biacksmith, bds James Barlow
W ashburn Nelson D., mason, bds O rrin L . Bronson
Washbu~ William Mrs., h rear P eck & W ildman's
Waterman Charles B., h atter, h Bethel turnpike
_ W aterman Ezra, laborer, h S tarr
W aterman George, farmer, bds Timothy \ Vaterman
\Vaterman John, hostler P. S. Osborne
Waterman T imothy, mason, h Bethel turnpike
W aters John, hatter, h Beaver, Rose Hill
W aters Michael, hatter, h North l'.'lain
W atson Rulandes, laborer, h Foster
W atson W, G., s tation agent H. R R , h Balmforth av
W ay A rthur, hatter, h Elm ne~r R iver
W ay J ohn R., engineer, h River near Elm
W ebb A rthur H. and Frances c., h E ast L iberty
W ebb George W., h atter, h Cottage near Town Hill av
W ebb William H., h,William
Webb William H., Jr., hatter, h William ab George
W eed Charles B., h atter, h Division cor Pearl
Weed Oscar, clerk, bds Jeremiah Clark
W eed T heodore M. t h S tevens ab New
W elby Charles B., freight clerk, bds H enry W elby
Welby H enry; furrier, h Morris near Highland av
W elsh Edward, laborer, h E ast L iberty
W elsh J ames H., hatter, h W est n ear Division
W elsh J ames, sexton St. P eter's Church, h 'Center
W elsh J ames Jr., farmer, h T urner
W elsh Michael, laborer, h P rospect
Welsh T homas, hatter, h P rospect
W eser Frec1erick, hair dresser, 8 White, h N orth Main
W eyl H enry, clerk, h 149 Main
W haley Edwin, hatter, h Morris near Highland av
W heeler Amzi, h Beaver Brook
W heeler I ra M., (Stillman & W.), h Main near P atch
Wheeler Moses A , h atter, h Main
W heeler Solomon, laborer, h T urner
W heeler Thomas, hatter, h Main cor T urner
W helan J ohn, hatter, bds William Colgan
W hite C. B. Miss, bds Balmforth av cor P atch
White Charles, hatter, h River n ear R ose
W hite C harles H., h Stevens near W est
W hite C harles H., bookkeeper, h W est cor Montgomery
,-Whit(}.J.;lal1t::Mr:s~~h ~ Spring n ear N ew
W hite C yrus A , h TO\vn Hill av
W hite C yrus A. Jr., carpenter, h New opp school house
W hite E zra H., h S pring near New
W hite G eorge H., painter, h Rose Hill
W hite G eorge C., ( Rundle & White). h Main ab F ranklin
W hite J udson, peddler, h Elm ab River
W hite L oisa Mrs., ,JrWest;-"Q.lJ~iobb.le
W hite N. L., ( White & McDonalc1), h Granville av
' '---.
W hite T homas T., bookkeeper, h Balmforth av near W hite
l.i te William A ugustus, physician, bds Town Hill av
A., local e ditor" News," h S pring
. A & A. M., furriers, Beaver
.W hite W illiam R ., h Main ab t he B ridge
.White ·William R. Jr., b ds William R. W hite
W hite William W. a nd W ilbur F., h L. R idge
W HITE & M cDONALD, l awyers, Main cor W hite
W hitely J ohn, skin puller, h Bethel T urnpike
\ Vhitlock George F., packer, h Division near W ooster
W hitney W arren, e ngineer, h Railroad av
\ Vhittlesey E. R., contractor, h S outh M ain below T urnel
W ieand & H atch, cigar manufacturers, 3d south of depot
W ieand J ohn L., (W. & H atch), rooms Taylor's block
vVilcox A rthur, h atter, h Elm a b R iver
Wilcox Charles H., bookkeeper, G. S. D isbrow
W ildman A nnie Mrs., h Main ab F ranklin
W ildman Alexander, h Main opp D epot
W ildman A N., (S. C. H olley & Co.), h M ain ab bridge
W ildman' E dgar L., c arter, h Beaver, R ose H ill
W ildman E unice Mrs., nurse, Ives n ear W hite
W ildman F annie Mrs., h N orth Main
W ildman F rederick S., farmer, h vVest c or Main
W ildman H enry, s tudent w ith Dr. B ennett
W ildman H enry L ., livery stable, W ildman's block, Malll
W ildman H ibbard, h Main near Elm
vVilclman H iram B., hatter, h Beaver Brook
W ildman H orace Mrs., bds W illiam S underland
W ildman H ubbell, clerk, h Elm ab New
W ildman J. B., ( Peck & W .), h S prillg n ear N ew
vVildman J ohn VV., wood dealer, Main ab Bridge
\Vilclman L. K" p rinter, h Main n ear T urner
vVilclmall L . p" music, 4 O pera H ouse block, h Great Plam
vVildman L ucius S., h atter, h Division cor W est
vVildman N athaniel H., h Main o pr D epot
W ildman Samuel c., farmer, h S outh Main
S usan K , a gent W eed S ewing Machine, Main 0PP
depot, h do
W ildman T homas G., farmer, h W est cor Main
W ildman Watson, h atter, h Maple av
W illiams A ndrew J., machinist, h Montgomery near W est
W illiams George H., teller D anbury N at. Bank, b ds H .
W illiams
\Villiams H arvey, secretary and t reasurer N. & D. R. R., h
D elay
Williams H enrietta A , h air work, a b H orace M arshall
W illiams R ichard, hatter, h F oster
W illiams Willett, blacksmith, h W illiam
Willman Barbara, fancy store, S outh o pp Main
W ilson B each T., laborer, h S outh n ear M ain
W ilson D aniel E., h Mill Plain
W ilson F rederick L., jeweler, bds T urner H ouse
\Vilson G eorge W., h' F ranklin c or R ose
\Vilson J ames, shoemaker, h E lm n ear B eaver
W ilson J eremiah. h Beaver Brook
W ilson J ohn, music teacher, h D eer H ill av
W ilson M atthew, porter, h E ast L iberty
W ilson Sheldon P., h Miry Brook
W inans H enry, t eamster, h Delay
W indisch George, tailor, 6 W hite, h Beaver
W inton C harles H., hatter, bds Mrs. S arah W inton
\ Vinton S arah A , h L iberty n ear M ain
W inton H obart, h atter, bcls Mrs. S arah W inton
Wood A leatha Mrs., h S outh Main
vVood K D., mason, h W est
vVood E ugene, hatter, bds S arah L ewis
Wood George, hatter, h North ab borough l ine
\Vood H iram, hatter, h Cottage n car S tone
\Vooel L aura Mrs., h S outh
vVooelin M ary Mrs., h Beaver cor S pring
vVoodruff W arren, farmer, h Town Hill av
W OOSTER H OUSE, O. E. A ustin, prop., Main cor W hite
W orden George, blacksmith, h Great Plain
W right George, bds William E. W right
W right George W., hatter, h Liberty
W RIGHT W ILLIAM E., grocer, house and sign painter,
W hite cor Ives, h Liberty [See adv.]
W right William L., h Mill Plain
W yer J ohn, laborer, h Clark
W yer J oseph, hatter, h Clark
. , , - ---- _ _ •
.. ,
.. ,
Y ates Benjamin D., painter, River near Rose
Young E. Edward, clerk, h Montgomery
Young Marion, laborer, h L iberty
Y oung Nicholas, hatter, h White near Canal
Young William H enry, h E im near Beaver
F oster B rothers, Delay street
D eKlyn Charles, Main street
Zorkowski Samuel, tailor, Main 0PP Savings Bank
D oran Brothers, Main S treet
- Potter F. J. & Co., W hite s treet
Rice & F oster, W hite s treet
J ennings M., C enter n ear Main street, and Concert Hall
T ine H enry, Balmforth avenue
Gillet N. P. & Co., 183 Main
M eyers Samuel, 159 Main street
Polley O. T., 127 Main street
L acey & Downes, River s treet
R obinson P. & Co., Canal s treet
W hite W. A. & A. M., B eaver near River street
L inster John, Main cor \Vest s treet
Sproul Thomas, Main street opp \Vooster H ouse
H alsted C. S., 189 Main street
B enedict L. S. & Son, Main cor Liberty street
Brunker Samuel, South s treet
C hichester G eorge A., 'White n ear Main street
C lark J eremiah, Elm cor New street
Gilbert E. M., N orth street
Randall & Bradley, Main cor W est s treet
W right William E., agent, W hite cor I yes s treet
A ustin F. H. & Son, Main cor Liberty street
Gillett N. P., opposite Town Clock
A ndrews & P arsons, Main street
Hull & Morris, 3d south of Depot
H ull & Rogers, 147 Main opposite W est s treet
A dams' Express Co., n orth of Depot
Barnum E. L., a t Adams' Express and 'Wieand & H atch's
Hitchcock H. W., at Adams' Express
Brothwell T he H atter, 239 Main street
G illett N. P., 183 Main opp Town Clock
H olley S. C. & Co., R iver street
Mallory E. A. & Son., R iver cor Beaver street
Runelle & 'White, R iver street
T he Tweecly Mfg. Co., R ose cor River street
Bouton \Villiam H., White cor Ives street
Crofut G. & Son, Taylor's block, Main street
Disbrow Gould S., Main street bridge
S cott Albert, Taylor's block
B abbitt Edward & Co., Boughton street
Ban ks Thomas E., Main cor Patch street
C hichester George A., W hite near Main street
Garden!!r G. H. & Co., Main near Franklin street
T urner House, Main cor ,Turner s treet
Wooster House, Main cor White street
T he I ?anbury News, Main street
T he Globe, Main street
Bigelow C. H., 2 07 Main street
Cowperthwaite B. E., Main street
Knox A., White, n ear West s treet
. . . W right William E., W hite cor Ives street
''' ~~
A verill Roger and A. H., near Dan bury National Bank
Booth David B., over Danbury National Bank
Brewster & Tweedy, over Savings Bank of Danbury
Hough B. Au opp Danbury National Bank -'
White & McDonald, IVlain cor W hite s treet
A bbott Abijah, Montgomery near W est s treet
Davis E. S., River street near Tweedy M'f'g Co.
Gillett N. P., 183 Main street
Bradley Hawley, Main street above bridge
C hittenden Morgan, Canal s treet
Chitteuclen & Peck, Canal S treet
Rice & Foster, W hite street
Comes George c., W hite s treet
Danbury Marble Works, Main street
R itton E. D.,
2 19
Main street
rBennett E. P. & W. c., D eer Hill av
Clason A. J. and F. P. Clark, Main 0PP Town Clock
R ichards G. c., (Indian), 175 Main
• •0 ;
Beal ] . A., 5 O pera H ouse block
Morris ] . E ., 2 O pera H ouse block
o moe o ve't> ZO VRQ w s kl' s Glot h n g $ tore; 178 M a n S t.
Morehouse A., Benedict's Uock, Main s treet
Roland Burr, Main s tre et bridge
a la InlWllug l l illm an d CJ)l\4tuultonal T~ea~~ n lii nO 1'I\ U t O ar~ , l r llie d lailiee JJ! n ol
too Otr ."'''Ull C~'. Il'he n octa r Will I 6e.,11 en ~ lr ~ lIllh IBth e c al O. R'OO or Ob nrge • • .AJ1I9,
all dleJW" o f ·thll 1I8I\d 1J~1' t urililiJ l llyof, 1111 KI" OOY . 'Murrh, B to nr, hUIli; AlIt llma,
a O r\l IiilI Il,Ery~ IP OI A8, TUIII !>1'tI of II U'li ln!l e. Snn .Rbll ulP. l t hoijlD oU <I1I. I i J[~, GnlVcl, Pilei,
.Noul'll g In, t) r o.p ~y. &0. D r. ',RIcha rds' Me dl ~ h le1i ( or t h'o q,l to o r J) lsolIS(!\! p oe »lIkl"to F ibDuil oa can n o! ),0 equjlli lid. A ll oo nslI)I&Uona .tTletly cotlfldOlltill.L ..Pllt lenl8 " Jallet! 8~ i htllr
' tol ta oncee whon d!lhlrqd. CO yillWIl C/1t Ilrii1"'e)(liqlJ nn ~'O I\ at. meo, fr oo o f ·ohtll-ge . 'l:lio
Jilori, trilatli ri ll dI 8 e ~ Be D . Rcnte o r ohronio, lIud O
xaDi.lii.C8 the {l1\t1ont without .llI klng n quos-
H ull & R ogers, Main opp West· s treet
Hull & Morris, 3d door south o f D epot
Meyers ] . & M., Main street, south of D epot
O sborne Harvey, Main street opp Savings Bank
i3rennan ] ohn J.. Main street bridge
Hawley & Sayers, W hite s tre et
Marshall Horace, Main s tr eet
Lehigh, Locust lafountain, Lacka.wanna and John's Coal.
C oal d elivered to a ny p art o f t he T own o r ,- Borough in g ood a nd s atisfac_
to ry o rder.
Office ·cor. Main and West Sis. and at Yard on N. H. &. H. R. Ro,
Marsh E. I-I. & Co., (universal), W hit e s tr eet
Ba[[a[B' Delivered to all parts of Danbury and Vicinity,
P otter F. ] . & Co., W hit e street
P roprietor.
Co., and. Wieand &. Hatch's Cigar Store,
\VlwlcHa1c alll1 Hotnll dea 10" III
:({frT r Jt(\Il® §
f\(D(Q e
JP>Jl't\{]) ~T i1. § ft((]) Ull
Oarriage and HOlJse Paints and O%rs, Oils,
Vllt~ISIIIIS, llllllSlIJlS, l'Ar~R HANGINGS,
K croscne L amjls a nd F ixtu res, &c"
G E0RGE C. C O¥ES; ;
\~V © Jr lli~ §J 5J
N C: \ I' StO\'CIl~
& Co. '~ P Inning .1IHl,
~ralllll :lct IlI' CI':-; o f
e ve r), \ 'al'icty or
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