Record of 3 payments (2 March and 1 April) in 1891 to the Pinkerton Detective Agency. Presumably, these payments are for the "fire bug" investigation. Payments made for $120, $267, and $268.
Committee on Fire Department requests attention to the department resignations and suggests specific salaries for fire department positions. The report was passed by the Board of Councilmen, yet rejected by the Board of Aldermen.
The salaries…
Report of Fire Committee to the Common Council of the City of Danbury detailing running costs of the Fire Department and "...certain reccommendations as to its future conduct and maintenance".
The resignations of twenty-eight members of the paid Danbury Fire Department are accepted by the Council, yet a motion is carried to request that these men withdraw their resignations for one month.
Out-going Mayor of Danbury, L.LeGrand Hopkins' message to the Common Council of the City of Danbury regarding its government, expenditures, finances and improvements.
Board of…
The Fire Committee report states that, "...the department statnds to-day reorgianized, remodeled, and in an effective condition. Discipline once more controls the men and the causes of discontent have been removed." The Committee goes on to detail…
Fire Committee request for Hose House No. 1 furnace approved. Petition for "...steamer and sufficient hose, etc., was referred to the Fire Committee." Also, "It was voted that the people now occupying the house in rear of the Fire house, on Ives…