Danbury Evening News - February 2, 1889 - Special Borough meeting to petition Legislature for bonds. (Document)
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A special business meeting was held in regard to petitioning the legislature for permission to issue bonds not to exceed $200,000. The Warden explained because the legislature convenes once in two years the necessity for funds during this time would be necessary to keep pace with Danbury's growth. Also, a committee was appointed to purchase a new fire engine.
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TUw Bimmsh to to Bonded.—A Steam
A Franklin Street House Damaged
A Rare Op
If you win It you t
." • Flrefpng^ls Coming. I
lor you will posses?
Person% passing near th^««paet
The special borough meeting last even- Kranklin street and Fairview avenue, most elegant sidebo%
ing was short, spicy and decisive. It about half past eight last evening, no- an extension table 0
ticed amoke issuing from the rear of 34 and six chairs to ma
Fofert, That the board of warden and bur- Franklin street, a small dwelling stand- A beautiful decorate
gesses are hereby authorized to petition the ing on the bank above the railway tres- 100 pieces, all of whic
legtBlature for permission to issue bonda, not to
exceed $200,060, during tne next two years, but tle. Thinking that it arose from a of by chances at the
before any action cau be taken a special borough troublesome stove, no attention was val. Look at them
meeting must be called. . Voted, ThatL.it. Hopkins, warden; John El- paid to the occurrence, until the smoke play in t he window o
wood, chief en/Rineer; and Euj?ene Terrett, increased in volume.
borough clerk; / be appointed a committee to
A Bad
It was then found that the place was
purchase a new and jjood fire engine.
I'ofrd, That tie contract with Patrick Burke, seemingly unoccupied and t hat there William Richards
jr., be ratified. •
The meeting was largely attended and *ra* some cause for the smoke, farther •rtrvet. On Wednesd
there was none of the usual hesitation than a stove. Qoing to the JJrear of the ng oysters, he ran
about deciding the questions, and sure- house it was discovered that the wood- palm of his hand, a
slight wound.
ly rib one went to sleep during the ses- work in the basement was on fire. The
Yesterday it began
sion, for it Was one of the liveliest meet- neighbors quickly broke open" the door
and pacing pattx of water procure* became inflamed, an
lugs* held in some time.
from a (-house near by, attempted to agony of paiu with
Warden Hopkins presented the first subdue the flames, which had by thi year ago that he met
business ot the evening, which was hi time gained considerable headway. A oident, and was laid
regard to petitioning the legislature fo small garden hose was also brought into
permission to Issue bonds not to exoeet use, and by this assistance the flre wa
4 4 No rosin " in Bru
$'.lOOjOOO, for the purp >se of paying fo
brought under control.
" No rosin " in Bru
any improvements or ariytningi which Meanwhile an alarm was aoundeV
may arrive in the future. The warden
No rosin except at
from ox
explained that it was not as many sup- calledbout. 14 and the flre departmen
firemen arrived 4 4 No rosin " in Bru
posed, that the borough was to give there all that could be seen was suiok
bonds for t200,000. It was brought before issuing from every crack and crevice
4 4 No rosiax" in Bru
the meeting at this time simply Chief Elwood set to work to locate th
Good rosin at Hoy
because the legislature meets but once
seat of the trouble, an(l while doing s stairs. f
in two years. Danoury is fast growing,
two companies put streams on the built
and its wants and necessities are keeping AB soon as possible the chief
constant pace with its growth, and ordered the streams off, and prevented
the people wish to extend the sewers, the destruction of everything in the
mustjfbe done, or th$ sanitary au- house. _ S
thorities of the state will compel us to The flre, which probably originated
do so, it must be paid* for. 8ut>h im- from a defective chimney, caused conprovements wjill cost from $60,000 to f 80,- siderable damage to the kitchen and
OW.~T6-day The borough If good for any room above, and burned a hole through
reasonable sum of money and can borrow the outside wall of the house.
it, but at not less than five per cent, The building was occupied by Albert
by issuing bonds they can get a pre- Cook, and owned.by E. S. Davis.
miuhaiOf four per cent, on these, bonds, Mr. Cook arid fajtaily were out during
or tbey emu ^)la|e them opcmHae mar- the evening, and did not learn of tht
ket It/foor >per ^ eejii,, tliual saving one flre until their return home. Their los«
per cent. The 10th of February is the is on the furniture t-nd is probably covlast day in which new billa can be pre- ered by Insurance, through the agency
flQT,*«/i tr» t.h« leeislature, and this the
nf Theodore Hovt.' Mr. Davis' loss on
by issuing bouda they can get a pre- Jook, and owned .by E. S. Davis.
mium^ of four per cent, on these, bonds, Mr. Cook and fajtoily were out d
or they can i>la6e them upon t he mar- be evening, and did not learn of the
ket littoar 'per = oe&t., t hus saving one flre until their return home. Tfleir loss
per cent. The 10th of Februaiy is the is on the f urniture 4nd is probably covlast day in which new billa can be pre- >red by insurance, through the agency
sented to the legislature, and this the of Theodore Hoyt. Mr. Davia' loss on
warden explained was the reason for the house 'will be about 8200, which is
calling the meeting.
insured with Bigelow & Stevens.
ChajrteBuW. Murphy inquired the preseut amount of the floating debt of the „ f -•••
A Correction* . i
borough. The warden answered that
he was unable to find Treasurer Wil- THE NEWH is in receipt of a c ommuniliams yesterday/but the debt w as soinc- cation from the workmen employed on
Vh4re in t he neighborhood of $125,000. the Hawley building, W hite street, de! Li P. Trcadwell asjked what portion nying the statement in THE WEEKJLV
of itiiat was chargeable to the sewer and EWS that the mistake of one of the
workmen in drinking m uriatic acid, the
Mr. Hopkins replied that it was about other day, was caused by the keeping of
140,000 for pavements and $25,^00 for a similar jug c ontaining liquor, in the
This powder never vai
After a few more questions and opin- We gladly correct the misstatement, :y, strength a nd whole*
cal t han o rdinary
ions of the paving, matter L. P. Tread- but the error u ndoubtedly would not competition w ith t k lud£
have happened if the reporter had not weight, alum or pbosp
well made a motion »s < gfren above re»
been denied admission to the building, cans.
garding bonding, theJaoro^gh.
106 \T
Howard Taylor said that he under- arid in oonsequeuc« was obliged to get
stood that the bonding of the borough his i nformation from another source.
was to pay for permanent improveA Social Event.
ments, and not for such things as repairing of roads. It was tojarrange matte
A pleasant sociable and birthday What Your Friends i
so that the present generation could party was held last night, at the resia Matter of V ii
pay its share of the expenses of per- dence of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wright,
be f ound a
manent improvements, and the next, No. 8. Durant etreet, to celebrate the of Below w ill encouragtr
l ettcrw of
its portion.
occasion and in honor of the fifty-fourth Son, of 756 Broadway, N
A vote was taken with the result given birthday of Mrs. E. Wright. The pleas- The subjoined nd u eigh
jourfriendH a
above. Warden Hopkins explained ures of the evening included dancing, men you k now and e*te'
straightforwardness, an
that in building tho new fire depart- sing and games.
a party to any deceptioi
ment building on South street, Patrick One of the most noticeable and enjoy- tor o tUerH cau be done f
longer: surt'er w
Burke, Jr., had kindly given the bor- able features of the occasion was a sheet jour very door hen the i
ough the right of way to sewer across and pillow case dance by two ladies and
his property for a term of fifteen years gentlemen, w hich proved amusing to M. McPhelemy,Wh
asking only the nominal spm of two the lookers-«n,and was nicely executed. Discovery wasour bottl
fan. I took f
dollars a year. It was voted to ratify iAIter enjoying the dunce for a while me. I a<Mse all to t r
the contract made w ith Mr. Burke by the guests adjourned to the next room complaint. I t 18 an hoi
the ^warden and burgesses. .
where tables were spread, containing a John Chasnbwra a*
IA introducing the next fubjeot the variety of eatables that the appetite or ai yeara w ith pain in m
warden said: "The next business be- palate could desire nothing more. Af- traUon. Sr., as as ery wo
w s ent t
fore-youvgenttemeri, is in regard to 'the ter disposing of the good things the par- tton of a f riend. I toe
purchase of A steam flre engine. This ty re-adjourned to the parlor for danc- fully, and rail say It hat
Can now work ail day 1
islan old subject which has been brought ing. The music w ua • furnished by many remedies a l l t o »<
w'uie. I
up before you twice during the past Thompson and Wright, and it gave did the work fme aobt
one r un nee
few months, and the matter has been great aatiafactiou to t he thlrty,-ftve choose.*
eo thoroughly aired t hat no one here i» couple* whO'tripped to their playing,
Seth A. D owns, 80
'- to: vole .on the question Mr, aujd Mrs. Wright received several covery has done wonde
- ° \e gave tftp coat of a s ubstantial hich
Useful and [steamer, w presents. It was talk to tne about n f or
in P anbury w hat it
late when the party broke up.
ttx)ublcd by rheumatist
is in the neighborhood of $4fQQO, and
to" vote ,on the
S«th A. D own*. SO
and Mrs. Wright received aeyeril very^ has done wond
t fftneatKjut
uk>f dl land substantial presents. It was telfc anhury whatit ifor
In D
He gave tfcp cost of a -steamer, which late when the party broke up.
troubled by rheumatis
s In the neighborhood of Ss^QOO, and
• -•
spoke of an offer of a second-hand enBprpffjpn
gine, warranted, which could be pur- William Lattin, of the firm of Lattin Discovery has entirely
Uetulaclie.s t hat 1 had d
MIL chased for $1,900
, Sturdevant, was tendered a very Over twenty chroyic
Gtiajific ^V ^ lurpfyy moved piat tbe leasant surprise by his employees, at Howes' Medical l)isco\a
warden and bm?gegife* Uu *» m ^wi/ped to
home, Jn Starr's block, last evening. Full quarte. One i
into purchase an engine, and his motion was
And at the same time fcfr. L attiu gayo GUI f n ,'Hi M ollUU: U , U v
Sou, seconded. Henry ,B. Hawley amended
his ineu eyen more of a surprise than, Sold by H o<U n e, t h
mot|6u by inserting the words "uew
they gave him. Having severed his congood,7' HlUjJiW ^ rPhelemy ofl^rfter ed an amendment appointing the war- not-lion >viJ h the fir in M r.kati i a is a bout
ears den, chief engineer and clerk, which to remove to >few Haveu, nua k nowing
this the men intended to present him
s in was accepted.
B on Willis Reed then took the floor and wit h a token of their esteem.
tjjted protested againts purchasing an engine According to agreement they assem?, BO on tiie-gtound of jts weight. He said if bled early last evening, and called on FOK S ALE— Ho^.se j
any we were to purchase owe enjoin*} M their employer. After a few m oment^' jeuti uf *» ^t < u u frt^ri
pptsvty on M
tedi- should purchase three. One ' to be cor>v,ersaf>lon ttye H1?" weye Invited; ^o, ti» In v^rioiiH »<(n stjtM1
j -variM ol
jnd- placed on »4)cer Hill, another in West t«ke off their coats and siwnd the evenWs
£hird on Town pill. ing, but they thought they would
$500 on Real
and before leaving piade their
$iwo u u real ej^au- i i
the answers in prograw when I»awyer
the ward W. Taylor arose, and in a few
wiu- common sense, rigbt-to-the-point re- Mentioning casually t hat he had been Onc-balf honse on P
packing up his furniture, ilr. I^attin
n ( Jailleld ave.
inarks, laid -before., .the meeting a steamer asked the men to step in th<» next room house fourther p aritculf
arm tut an ftta0a$fj|ia.iifHM)Mity. said it was
Room 4, I>*i)il)u
and see how he was progressing. They
bus- cheaper to procure u x u'ttU
aid so, a$id f ^u p ^my |he^ \uru U> be THE T EXAS
they to do so, for various reasons.
surprised, for thek|e before them was a
!S 1 1
K. Bw*86i?ld a id E. A. Mallory handsomely arrauged supper table, with of Corsecana, Texas,KI
w a t r pre»- supper awaiting them. They did not 7 per cent. Interest, ]
National Park P .ank ai
a aecond'invitation toicnake theinpeck oot
01*1*3 then A.
a prominent msurr
right the
remembered by those present.
had $o w a\ a d^v for
B as- auoe agent held ft
Nrtifcf' ^HrvU'uU'l* an
n, M
was the length of the hall, and llually both
The Children and Temperance.
Room 4, D anburv N at.
each wound up witlh ^Di*eamlxig at tt»e: top of
their voices in order to prevent the There are few departments of tctnheard. There were peiiince work mow i mportant or hoper
ful t han t hat carried on in behalf of the
t be- calls of "Qrdcp"1"
Vo^ug. *ho ^ itfttui
Mrs Just an comparative quief, wa^ ob"|»iued l>eoome th^QaniU'^t ma»,ur.e ytjav^, Hue i beg to announ
thw arbiters of i
tUc nul>Uc in guu<
each some one Qrle4,''^ir^l1'^alarBl WM
cupy my old staut
Thesouln^tng of th«
Union early saw the necessity for work
Perry's Bl
along this line, and nrgetl that «)ecilic
tned iiudH-n^ <st*iid pipar thfi b^il, tt *wa8 insinictiou on temperance should have
with a large line <
its place in the public schoql* and Sal)supposed ]Lo i b,e^ >fc hoax to
fpanels Qf the steamep ajjray.
It is due i6 tha ind^a.tUiah'lt* offoiit^ qf
Wlu*u t))o*e pp^sent took tbt'ir seai| Mi*s. Mary1 H. ficinr,' or Bd»^on, th^l
they hjiye seougid laws t^at'reQu^re t-he purposes, and hoii
all »i-ders at s
exe- |again, the subject wa*
teacbiug t>! h ypjenp
aded Hed. After half the audience had leffc enoe to the e&ecia of wilft sptHJittl referalcohol u non f hP
Ided, the hall, it was discovered that the human »vstem, in t-hirty«*ix stales and
peeling had not properly adjourntd, territories. This is obligatory in schools
reoeh lug United 8t ates support.
The Bible is the. text boWiu our 8uneach!
day-gpbools, It declares that
H. M. RC
Real Estate.Fir
... r,
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