Fernandina, Fla. March 14th, 1863
Dear Father,
I received your short epistle
with much pleasure and am happy
to hear that you are all well. I am
sorry to hear that Sam is sick.
This morning we heard through real?
sources that fighting Joe Hooker
had whipped the rebels on the Potomac
if that is the case it is glorious good
news, it is much to [sic] good to be true.
When we hear of any such thing it
is generally the reverse when the truth
is known. I hope that it is so.
It is time that we did whip them,
they are so rotten at the mouth? is
the reason. They are not like the
old Federals of 76. I wish they were
this accursed rebellion would have
been ended long before this if that
had been the case. There is a large
expedition at Hilton Head, S.C. that
will soon visit Charleston or Savannah
I ? they will raise both places
to the ground. Its really beautiful
here, not quite as cold as it is
where you are. I have not seen
a flake of snow for two winters,
I hope before next winter that the
war will be ended. Amelia
will probably read you her letter
still there is no news in there?
even as there is no news to write.
Owing to the lateness of the hour
I shall be under the necessity of
putting a veto on pen and ink
until I receive an answer for you
with much love to all -
I am your affectionate son, Leonard
Please write soon