Bishop is bored. He's worried he'll have to stay in the army longer than expected. Amos is getting better. He sent along a ring for Eddie.
Napoleonville La.
May 9th 1863
My Dear Wife
This morning I am troubled to know how to pass the time pleasantly and I have come to the conclusion that I cannot find a pleasanter way than to write to you.
We have discussed the Probabilities as to our getting out of the service in June and we cannot arrive at any conclusion, the hopes that we have of getting out are based on Our possession of the original Muster Roll signed by the U.S. Mustering officer, dated the 30th day of June. now we intend to try to get this Muster Roll before Gen. Banks and we think that he cannot help but Recognize it. we think we shall have difticulty in getting it to Gen. Banks because the Col of our Regt. was not mustered in until the 14th of Nov. Capt. Jenkins has gone away now I think to see about this Business. When I ascertain anything about it I shall of course acquaint you of it immediately, and now my dear if we should be unsuccessful and not be able to get out of the service until the 14th of August it will make it impossible for me to join you as soon as I was in hopes to I think we shall be able to ascertain certainly within a month. now my darling I do not like the idea of spending 6 weeks longer in this climate just in the most sickly season which we should have to do if we have to stay until August. but my darling we shall have to trust in providence that he will preserve us and unite us again, there is talk now that we are to be moved again and that the Regt. is to be got together for a move somewhere.
I am glad to hear that Amos is getting well again. When you see him again please give him my respects. and when you see Mother give her my respects. tell the dear children that I think of them and want to see them. I sent a Ring in a letter that I sent by the mail this morning you can make what disposition you please of it. I think that perhaps it may fit Eddie. I did not polish it very nice. Eddie can do that by rubbing it with some chalk and a piece of Buck Skin. My health continues the same. has Nathaniel returned to Danbury yet? Give Fannie my respects.
I donot know my little darling how I shall content myself to stay until August away from you but if I cannot get home of course I cannnot help myself My dear I try to regulate my conduct by the rules of propriety so that I can meet you with self respect and keep my conscience clear. My wife I find much gratification in the possession of you as my wife and I derive much happiness from your love and loving you in return is a pleasure although I feel anxious about you to think what might happen in my absence if [youj were to be sick or taken from me. No doubt you feel the same to me my darling and all the consolation we can have is the hope of soon meeting to part no more in life. My dear I always remember with gratitude your kindness to me after I enlisted, how cheerfully you submitted to my embraces when perhaps you yourself did not desire it. I hope my darling that I shall never prove ungrateful to you and I remember you for doing your duty to our family and I long to clasp you to [myj breast and impress a kiss of devotion on your loving lips,
that you may be happy and that we may be soon united again is the earnest prayer of your devoted Husband
J.D. Bishop