Chicago, Jan. 23d, 1891.
Joseph M. Ives Esq.
257 Main St.,
Danbury, Ct.
Dear Sir: --
The following you will please find report of Opt. P.L.G. whom I detailed to make investigations regarding the record of Edward Jennie who is alleged to have been employed at the Insurance Patrol on Monroe Street near La Salle, four or five years ago:
Thursday, Jan. 22nd, 1891.
Today in Chicago.
At 4:55 p.m. I left the agency and went to the Fire Insurance Patrol on Monroe near La Salle St. and saw Capt. O’Neil; of whom I inquired concerning Edward Jennie. In reply he said, “I have been in the service for eight years and in that time have not known of anyone by the name of Edward Jennie being employed here. However, you had better go up to the office and see the superintendent, as he possibly may remember of such a man being here prior to my time.”
I immediately went to the office and on making known my business to supt. Shepherd, he informed me that there had been no one of that name in the Insurance Patrol service for the last 15 years.
I then returned to the agency and reported.
Yours Respectfully,
Pinkertons Nat. Det. Agency,
by W. A. Pinkerton
Gen’l. Supt. West’n Div.