Statement of David Bradley
Made at Danbury Conn.
Friday, Jan [6]['91]
Statement of David Bradley
Made at Danbury, Conn.
Friday Jan 16, ‘91
David Bradley. I am a policeman on the Danbury Police. I was presents at time of fire at Osborne’s Lumber Yard on Dec 20, box was pulled by Officer Diltmer (sp.), who I understand was first informed of the fire by night watchman at Meekers factory on Canal St. at about 1:30 am on Dec 21, and during the time that Osborn fire was in progress yet under control my attention was attracted by some men on Maple Ave calling out fire. I looked and could see flames bursting out of the sheds back of Reed and Becke’s (sp.) shop and on the R.R. side. I struck box #27 and then hurried to the fire, it is only about three minutes walk from where I was to this fire. A New England freight engine was on Maple Ave crossing at the time so that some delay was caused to Hose carriage in getting across. Also a delay was caused by having to pull up the wet hose by hand. I cannot say who was first at the fire. I have understood that the fire was discovered by an Engineer on New England R.R. Oil waste was claimed to have been found at the fire by [page break]
(Page 2 ) John H. Ellwood, an ex member of Kohanza #2, now a member of Kohanza Social Club.
I saw a man named Daniel McCreedy well known in this city, coming down Maple Ave. at between 11 and 12 midnight on the night of Dec 20th. I did not see him again. McCreedy has done two trips to State Prison for burglary and was once arrested for burning George Barnums barn here in the city, but that was quite a number of years ago. The charge was not proven, yet it was evident to everybody that he was guilty.
I know Howard Stevens but do not think he is guilty. I know all persons that are suspected, but do not know who to blame it upon. I have been detailed at different time to do special duty at night in fire district to look out for fire bug, but have not yet caught them. [page end]