A fictional account of the Danbury Fair in written in phonetic vernacular. Most records of this work attribute it to Mrs. Peter E. Osborn; however, the 1894 listing from the copyright office credits the work to Mrs. Peter M. Osborne (https://archive.org/details/catalogoftitleen22918libr/page/n247/mode/2up?q=Danbury). Peter M. Osborne was a Danbury Justice of the Peace and a member of Peck's mayoral administration. He was married to Sarah Ann Eliza Osborne nee Osborne of the Long Ridge area on the Ridgefield/Danbury border. Mr. Osborne was a Civil War veteran having served in the 95th New York Infantry and the 18th New York Cavalry. An audio snippet is provided read by an actor familiar with a Danbury regional accent which the author was trying to capture.