"They rode with the drive of the south-easterly and scaling the Champlain water-shed sailed low. Faster, faster was the passionate purpose of that centered, surging mind, crying for work on which to feed its fresh and hungry energy. His eyes had no interest in the details of telescoping hills. He stared greedily ahead toward their destination, his estate in the Connecticut highlands. Out of the area of irregular farms of which it was made to order in a hurry rose the fashioned park of European precedent, under the restraint of pastures and woodlands, left unchanged by Grace's desire, on its outer circle."
Frederick Palmer was an internationally known war correspondent, author and lecturer, active from the 1890s through World War II. He had established a reputation reporting on the Russo-Japanese War for Collier's (in 1904-05). In 1914, he went to the British front for several months and became a lieutenant colonel at General Pershing's headquarters when the U.S. entered the War. He married Mrs. Helen Talmadge Runkle in 1924. After predicting a second world war in the mid-1930s, he reported from the Pacific theater in World War II. He also published more than 20 books - both fiction and non-fiction.
Special to The, N. Y. (1958, Sep 03). COL, PR DIES; NEWS WAS 85. New York Times (1923-Current File) Retrieved from http://wcsu.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/114552806?accountid=40083