Danbury Preservation Trust, Board Meeting audio, 1995-05-26 (Oral History)
Dublin Core
~62 minutes; 1 microcassette
Oral History Item Type Metadata
Time Summary:
There is no financial report; Meeting brought to order; Minutes of last meeting approved; Skip to financial report- no financial report; Have no checkbook because had to refile for corporation status because had been defunct; Then need to bring checkbook and certificate to bank to get finances back in operation; Have between $2,500-$3,000 dollars; Not sure if they need to refile with IRS; Attorney suggested they play dumb with the state to determine if they need a new tax id, etc.; Found list of old members - six years old; Going to compile a mailing list; Need to formally pass a resolution which decides which persons are signatories on the bank account; Need to get a corporate resolution from the bank as well; Checking bylaws to determine if the proposed resolution is already in bylaws; Rewording bylaw article 8; Will talk to Mayor regarding the information meeting with Senator Dodd in coming week; Hoping to have Dodd event during Preservation Week, which is second week in May
Discussion of possibility of new brochure; Discussing possibility of raising amount of dues - last rates set 15 years prior; Movement to double rates; Discussion that might still be too low; Family dues will be $25, individual $15, students $5, and senior citizens $10; In past membership was mostly an even split of individuals and families; Patron raised to $50, corporate raised to $150, Sustaining raised to $500; Don’t think brochure will be ready by the time Dodd speaks, so planning on having a fact sheet present; Want to update logo as well, 17 years old; All listening to answering machine message; New logo should be catchy, appeal to kids, etc.; Decide to create a sub-committee to create logo; Should take direction from New Milford’s recent logos; Simple roof and a hand was suggested, or an umbrella
Most creative board members suggested for subcommittee; Tomorrow's meeting regarding castle; Talking about a castle friend in England; Discussing prospective builders, developers, etc for outbuilding on castle grounds; Walking tour for fall suggested; Annual dinner suggested for spring; Discussion about exhibit about flood of 1955; Roger Baldwin photos from downtown found in office; Herb said he’ be interested in creating new exhibit for DPT that would be on display in Danbury Public Library, open in May 1996 and run for 3 months, 2 dimensional; Form passed around asking for volunteers to conduct interviews, etc. for exhibit; Herb interested in creating exhibit book as well; Have VCR running all day of oral history interviews related to flood suggested for exhibit
Suggested that WCSU facilities be used for this; Reminder that the relationship of the trust is the redevelopment of downtown after the flood
Side B; 31:00-40:00
Redevelopment office took a photo of each building before they could rip it down and rebuild it; Going to check if those photos are still around; Herb needs a list of at least 15 people willing to be interviewed; president is hoping for list of folks who will agree to audio interviews and group that will agree to video interviews; Discussing possible interviewees; Save money by using someone else’s photos that have already been enlarged; All forgot they were taping themselves; Suggesting to still interview people who do not want to be taped or videoed; Suggesting WCSU host, record and edit video interviews; Continue to discuss potential interviewees; Trying to keep mtgs short
List of bills that will need to be paid when treasurer gets checkbook; President will coordinate informational meeting; Community feedback tells them that people really loved their newsletter and walking tours back when they were functioning; President asks board if they would like to adopt creating a newsletter again, she is willing to serve as editor to start; President throws out ideas of things that might be in the newsletter and that it go out twice a year; Board has interest - decision to schedule another meeting to coordinate that; President presents chart she created of each board member and lists of activities that each board member can get involved in; President goes down list stating board members and what activities she’s matched them with; States how this address short range goals and once they are up and running again, can address long term goals; Asked for volunteers to put together committee to address mission statement, politics, etc; Question as to whether they will again get involved with surveys of town; Only area not surveyed was mill plain, but not sure what historic buildings are left there or where money would come from; Surveys are at museum; Again suggesting that they get interns from WCSU to work on their projects, such as updating surveys
Discussed keeping abreast of current legislation - also suggested that WCSU students should do this; Janick said if they could solidify projects he would see what students he might have that would want to be involved and could handle the projects; Discussed aesthetic of new RR station and suggested they should keep an eye on old station; It was asked whether school has any role in what happens downtown re: design and development; It was decided Danbury is too large to tell people what they can and can’t do downtown; Someone states that just because it’s an old building anyone can buy it and put whatever they want in that building in Danbury; Public mtg April 3rd to discuss City Center Danbury 2000 and Beyond; Much discussion regarding the Walgreens that is slated to go in on Main Street; Argument that modern buildings will become old and each building depicts the time that it’s from
Agreement that suggestion can be made to Walgreens and hopefully Walgreen will choose to incorporate elements of an older style building; Discussing various building previous building projects in town; Tape Ends
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