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Coniifciicui Trust for
Historic Pres«.-r\m
Name of organization:
Danbury Preservation
Mailing address:
397 Main Street
Daribury_,__CT..__ _Oj68_UQL
Contact person, title: Steve Flanagan, President
Telephone number:
Geographic area served:
Date organized: _ _JL9_79__ _ ___ _ _ Date incorporated: 1979 April
Is your organization tax exempt? Please identify your classification under the Internal Revenue Code. Our application is pending
When your organization was first formed, what problems in the
community did you hope to address? Please list in priority order.
Stop the destruction of vgli.ia.hle architecture-.
Survey the city,__a^ smajJ.__pj^ece j a time, to see what was
Inject _P£eservation_as^ _a_j^jisj. deration in planning and zoning decis ions.
At the present time, what are the goals of your group? List in
order of priority. If your organization has prepared a "mission
statement," please attach it to this form and comment on its
relevance to your current concerns.
Exgai^jnembe^ship^jnak.eL. .Trust more diverse, pffectlvef and able_.t-,Q. reach
desired goals. Take an advocacy role in land use and local planning
d c s o s .— Geitti^Hi€-^fco--cajba-log-tnrr--a-r;chitectural ~freYirEag"e-~E>y doing
eiinresource ^u^X^Yj3,- _ __^25£^inate_^]LjL_jLike_j|ij|dted_.^^
servation coj^id^rj^j3nj_J3ecgjne_^n_ jLntec[ral jpa^ri^ of ^ompiun i ty 1 i f ^ T
What major services, programs or activities does your organization
currently provide? jge htost a series of speakers on presejcva±irm, most]y
from other cities where it has been successful i.e. New London, Waterbury,
Mi4dlet-Qwn-.— -We-^>r-Mrt—a—t-itrice- -yearly Newsletter for our membefsT"
We^ h j _ ^ j _ ^ v j ^ t ^ j _ ^ r ^ t : i
DeveTopment agency to conduct historic & architectural resource surveys
of—i©c-a4- -neighborhoods-.----Tire—1 n £ o r ma t ton" i ~ 5 d ^ " : r ~ R i e veiopment,
community development, planning and zoning departments and agencies
and is available for the public. Also, we are preparing a nomination
for a local, downtown historic district; a National Register district.
Local Preservation
Organizations in CT.
Page 2
Have these programs been successful in meeting local preservation
needs? Please comment. We have established ourselves as local "experts'
on preservation and are working hard to build a constituency.
Have you worked cooperatively with other organizations in your
community or region during the past two years? Please identify
the organizations/agencies and comment on your experience with
these groups. Yes, we have been consulted by the Planning Dept. of
Danbury, the Redevelopment Agency, and were instrumental in getting
established the Danbury Downtown Council, made up of businessmen,
building owners, and civic minded people to revitalize and organize
the downtown.
If adequate resources were available, what other programs would
your organization like to provide? Workshops for homeowners on
restoration, legal aspects of preservation, tax incentives, a resource library, a land and restoration or adaptive reuse project,
more publications, map & photo reproduction, more speakers, to start with,
What was your organization's budget for the last completed fiscal
What is your current budget?
For the last completed fiscal year, please identify the percent
of your budget supported by each major category of income as
shown below.
Percent of Budget
Memberships and Donations
Government Grants
Foundation Grants
Corporate Grants
Special Events
Other: (Please specify)
How many dues paying members does your group have? i n o approx.
Please list the categories of membership and the fee schedule.
See membership brochure enclosed.
Local Preservation
Organizations in CT.
Page 3
How many people serve on your board of directors? Fifteen
How often does the board meet each year? Once a month plus s pecial events
Please identify the major committees of your board.
Survey's membership, editorial, executive (made up of officers),
special events i.e. Speakers, annual dinner, etc.
Do you have a paid staff? If you do, please list the title of
each staff member and indicate if it is a full or part-time
position NO, unfortuneately
Please identify the major strengths of your group. An energetic,
dedicated, and talented group of individuals. We have accomplished
a remarkable amount, considering our limited funds, time, and membership.
Please identify the major weaknesses of your group. We meed a larger,
more local membership. We have a chronic shortage of funds. We
need a hands on project to act as a focus for our group and for
preservations status in the community.
Please provide any additional information you feel may be helpful
to other preservation groups in the state and any general comments. Please comment on the programs and services of Connecticut
Preservation, the National Trust and Connecticut Historical
Commission, and use the reverse side if necessary. How can
these groups serve your efforts more effectively? We have to use
every resource available to us. This means learning what the above
jlisted groups do, can provide, and can aid us with. We must educate
ourselves and use what is available to the fullest extent.
Information provided by:
(Name and title)
Steve Flanagan. President
1 Willow Lane
Danbury, CT. 06810