Horace Purdy Journal November 1869 Entry (Still Image)
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NOVEMBER 01 MONDAY - Pleasant but cool. Just before night we had a little flurry of snow. I went over to Groton to see a Mr. Rockwell about a set of bedsprings. In the evening, I mailed an order for 7 spring beds. NOVEMBER 02 TUESDAY - After breakfast, I prepared two iron rods for Mrs. Chappell's bedstead on Hope Street. I took the 11:20 A.M. train for Mystic where I arrived about noon. I secured a boarding place with Mrs. Giddings, a widow on the Mystic river side of the bridge. I commenced canvassing, took 2 orders, and arranged for headquarters at Watson & Bidwell's News Office. They also keep the Mystic River Post Office. My bed at Mrs. Giddings is in the attic. NOVEMBER 03 WEDNESDAY - The first morning at Mrs. Giddings at Mystic River. After breakfast, I filled out circulars for use here. I took an order for a bed in a schooner from Captain J. F. Tribble. NOVEMBER 04 THURSDAY - Pleasant and warm. Smoky, like Indian Summer. I canvassed as usual for the spring beds. I partly arranged with H. Ellis, General Agent for New Jersey Mutual Life Insurance Company about commissions when I take the agency for Fairfield County. In the evening, I was examined by Doctor Alfred Coates for a policy on my own life for $2,000. In the evening, I upset my inkstand on Mrs. Gidding's table spread. NOVEMBER 05 FRIDAY - Pleasant and warm again until towards night when it rained a little. I talked more with Mr. Ellis about the life insurance business as I am contemplating going into the business. I canvassed during the day for my beds. I received a letter from Mr. Twitchell concerning a shipment of beds to New London. The letter was directed to Mystic and therefore taken to the head of Mystic as it is called here. It was brought down to Mystic River by the stage driver, I having sent by him for it. I should have had it directed to Mystic River instead of Mystic. I took the 6:15 P.M. train to New London. I went to Mr. Moore's 28 and a half State Street and arranged to stay overnight. I took tea with them. NOVEMBER 06 SATURDAY - I stayed at my old boarding place at Mr. Moore's last night. I found 7 beds at the depot for me this morning. I delivered them and put them up during the day. I took another order from Mr. Conkey, 17 a half Huntington Street. I received a letter from Gussie. She says Georgie has diphtheria. I mailed a check to Mr. Twitchell for $27.76 Rain in the evening. NOVEMBER 07 SUNDAY - Sunshine, clouds, and snow squalls. After breakfast, I wrote to Twitchell and commenced a letter to Gussie. I went to the M. E. Sunday School in the forenoon. After dinner, I called on Mr. Simpson at 15 Blinman Street and took a walk with him. After tea, I finished my letter to Gussie and as I went to prayer meeting in the evening, I mailed it. NOVEMBER 08 MONDAY - Cold. I collected for 2 beds put in Saturday. I took from Starr & Farnum another 1,000 circulars. While at tea at Mr. Moore's, Mr. Ellis called to see me on his way to Mystic. I packed my effects and went over with him. In the evening, I signed an agreement between Ellis and me. NOVEMBER 09 TUESDAY - I went with Mr. Ellis to Dennison & Parker's Insurance Office to see a grape picker. I took Mr. Parker's order for a spring bed. After dinner, I canvassed a little. NOVEMBER 10 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. Canvassed as usual. I received a letter in the P.M. from Gussie. Also, one from Mr. Twitchell that he had shipped 9 beds to me here. Enclosed was the receipted bill for the last lot. I exchanged slippers with Henry Chesbro. The ones I exchanged, I bought of A. Stanley Smith in New London. They were too large. NOVEMBER 11 THURSDAY - My birthday -34 years old. Corns on my feet trouble me so I cannot get out to canvass. I repaired Mrs. Gidding's door latches for her. I received a letter from Mr. Ellis in Norwich with a blank enclosed for some friends of mine to fill out regarding my application for insurance. I wrote to Gussie and enclosed the blank for Mr. Pond to fill out. I hired a team and went to the depot, supposing my beds were there but they were not. I was disappointed as well as having the expense of the team for nothing. NOVEMBER 12 FRIDAY - I hired a horse again of Mr. Stanton this morning and got my beds from the depot, nine beds in eight packages. I finished putting them in a little after dinner. I canvassed the remainder of the day. The letter I wrote yesterday to Gussie with the blank enclosed for Mr. Pond to fill out, I mailed today. I wrote for my boots, gloves, and salve. I called in the evening at Nelson Lamb's; also, at L. B. Lamb's for pay for beds. NOVEMBER 13 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I took the omnibus this A.M. and went up to 'Head of Mystic', so called, to canvass for the bed springs. I took an order for three from A. B. Taylor. I returned in time for tea. After tea, I went over to Nelson Lamb's and got three pints of cider for 15 cents. This morning, I mailed a check to Mr. Twitchell for $33.20 and deposited the amount in the Mystic River National Bank. NOVEMBER 14 SUNDAY - Stormy. Snow, but it melted as fast as it came. I stayed indoors all day and rested my feet. I have been nearly crippled all week with my feet owing to the small shoes I am wearing. William Morgan handed me $7.25 for the spring bed I sold him. After tea, Mr. Morgan, Robert and Mary Shannon and Ella Giddings and myself had a sing. Mrs. Ellis assisted us also. NOVEMBER 15 MONDAY - Cloudy in the morning. Clear and colder towards night. Sent by the 5:30 mail an order for 12 beds. Bought pocketknife for 50 cents. After tea I paid Mrs. Giddings $6.00 for one week's board. Did not go out in the evening. NOVEMBER 16 TUESDAY - Georgie is 5 years old today. A cold but pleasant morning. Received a letter from Mr. Twitchell with a receipted bill enclosed for $33.20. In the P.M., I visited Mr. Beebe's ropewalk on the hill east of the village. NOVEMBER 17 WEDNESDAY - A hard rainstorm until about 2 P.M. when it cleared away and was splendid in the evening. I talked life insurance a little with Robert Shannon in the harness shop where he works. NOVEMBER 18 THURSDAY - Thanksgiving Day. Dinner at 2 P.M. at Mrs. Giddings. She got the things cooking, and then went out to dinner, leaving her daughter Ella to take up and serve it. In addition to an excellent dinner, Mr. Ellis brought some assorted nuts and I some figs which we put on the table to finish up with. In addition to these, he sent out for some cider. We had a jolly time. We tried to be 2 hours in eating our dinner, but at an hour and a half, we were completely satisfied and gave up. We nearly turned the house inside out. When Mrs. Gidding came home in the evening, we told her we were nearly starved, and she believing it, set the table again. We made believe to eat a little but were then bloated from an overabundant dinner. A letter from Mr. Twitchell deferring the shipment of my last order until the 19th or 20th. NOVEMBER 19 FRIDAY - A letter from Gussie about sending my boots. She told me of the sudden death of Andrew Williams' wife. In the evening, I called at A. B. Lamb's and got my boots. He brought them over from Mr. Moore's in New London where Father Griswold sent them by express. In them were my gloves, 2 handkerchiefs and a roll of salve. Before retiring, I spread a plaster for my corns. I answered Gussie's letter and enclosed $10.00 to her. NOVEMBER 20 SATURDAY - Rain and a high southwest wind this morning. The tide and wind combined swelled the Mystic River to an alarming extent. It cleared off about noon. In the P.M., I walked over to Noank to prepare a little for canvassing next week. I came back to Mystic on the 8 P.M. train. Tea being over, Mrs. Gidding set the table again for me. NOVEMBER 21 SUNDAY - I darned a pair of socks before putting them on this morning. I stayed indoors and read during the day. In the evening, I attended the M. E. Prayer meeting at their conference room which is their old church opposite their new one. NOVEMBER 22 MONDAY - I walked over to Noank this morning to canvass for my spring beds there. I sold 5 and took the evening train back to Mystic. One of the 5, I sold to John Palmer who built the famous yacht for James Gordon Bennett that crossed the Atlantic to England. NOVEMBER 23 TUESDAY - Rainy. A letter from T. E. Twitchell with a bill for 12 beds due here this evening. This P.M., I went down to 'Old Field' to see Capt. Robert Walker about putting in a spring bed in his new ship he is building for the California trade. I was too late; he had bought another kind. I wrote this evening to Henry Day notifying him that his Life Insurance premium comes due on December 2nd and urging him to keep the premiums paid as that policy is all that I have as security for the notes that he gave me. NOVEMBER 24 WEDNESDAY - A rainstorm. Delivered and put in 8 beds. Three of this lot are for A. B. Taylor at Head of Mystic who will take them from the depot himself. I mailed the letter I wrote yesterday to Henry Day. Mr. Ellis came this evening and brought my insurance policy and delivered it over to me. NOVEMBER 25 THURSDAY - Pleasant but cold; ice half of an inch thick. After breakfast, I put in springs for K. C. Holmes and collected for one bed from G. D. Minor. I then took the omnibus for upper Mystic and put in three for A. B. Taylor. I returned to Mrs. Giddings late for dinner. Took an order from H. D. Chesbro. Mr. Ellis helped me bring a set of springs for William R. Fisk and put them in for him. I ordered 10 more beds and enclosed a check for $46.36. NOVEMBER 26 FRIDAY - Received a letter from Gussie and answered it. William Morgan helped me write it for fun. Wrote to Twitchell ordering one more bed for Mrs. Dudley in the lot not yet sent. I wrote to William H. Hayes. I went over to Stonington in the P.M. and established headquarters at J. T. Stevens' News Office. NOVEMBER 27 SATURDAY - Went over to Stonington on the 7 A.M. train. Took dinner at the Hotel. I came back to Mystic in the P.M.; the rain having stopped my work. After tea, I went to the depot with Edwin Reynolds and talked about insuring his life. Established headquarters at J. T. Stevens News Office. NOVEMBER 28 SUNDAY - I had to mend my socks again this morning before putting them on. After dinner, I went with Robert Shannon to his shop and spent most of the PM reading. After tea, we went to the Young Men's Christian Association reading room to a prayer meeting. From there, we went to the Baptist church for an evening prayer meeting. NOVEMBER 29 MONDAY - I went to Stonington again this morning and returned in the evening. I did not sell any. Letter from Twitchell with bill for beds and a receipted bill also enclosed for the last lot received. I frightened Mrs. Giddings people this evening by pretending to have a fit. NOVEMBER 30 TUESDAY - Lowery all day with some rain. I did some errands for Mrs. Giddings and fixed more doorknobs for her. After tea, I borrowed Mr. Morgan's lantern and went to the depot to see if my springs came. I found them all right.
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