Horace Purdy Journal July 1869 Entry (Still Image)
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JULY 01 THURSDAY - Pleasant but cold. I have helped Ambrose Hill hoe out his potatoes today. I took dinner with him. I mailed an order this morning to T. E. Twitchell for 6 more beds. I also mailed to D. R. French a duplicate of the order. I went into the street in the evening. I ordered another half bushel of the garnet potatoes and paid for both, bringing the mail for Mr. Pond and Father Griswold. JULY 02 FRIDAY - Pleasant but still cool. I hoed in my garden before breakfast. After breakfast, Ambrose Hill came over and helped me build a framework to keep my tomatoes off the ground. Before dinner, I commenced putting some soil thinly spread over my sidewalk to help pack the sand which I a short time ago put on the walk. In the P.M., Ambrose and I completed repairing our sidewalk. After dinner we went up to Samuel Holby's to take the extra springs out from his beds. We finally concluded to leave it until tomorrow and then put 3 more springs in Father Griswold's bed. JULY 03 SATURDAY - Showery in the morning; also in the P.M. The sun has shone about half the time. I sawed and split up some old boards, brush and broken bean poles which lay near the woodhouse. I then went into the street to try to collect for some beds we have been putting up, but I could not get a cent. In the P.M., we expected 12 sets of bed springs but they did not come. About 4 P.M., I put a new string on the flagpole at Father Griswold's house and ran up his Stars and Stripes. I lowered it again about dusk. I went into the street in the evening. Gussie also went to market. We saw John Brayman who had just come in on the train from Walpole, Mass. to stay over Sunday with his family. In the Jeffersonian printed yesterday, Frank Page advertised John Brayman's name as having bought a bag of flour last February 15, promising to pay in one week and not having done so to the present time. Charles Hayes, our boarder, gave Georgie two packs of torpedoes. The boys are shooting crackers today about the same I suppose as they will next Monday. The day has been since noon extremely warm. JULY 04 SUNDAY - Pleasant and warm. After breakfast Charles Hayes and I went over to Oil Mill Pond for a wash. I went down to Sunday School at noon. I gathered from the teachers their quarterly statements of pennies contributed by their classes. I am to arrange them in the form of a report to be read at school next Sunday. I opened and emptied the Infant Class box from which I took $3.74 as their collections for the last three months. I came home with Georgie after school. We had our first mess of peas from the garden for dinner today. After dinner, I took a nap and then took a walk until about 7:30 . On my walk, I stopped a few minutes at Daniel Manly's , also at Ambrose Hill's gate, talked a few minutes with his wife and then met Ambrose before I got out of Stevens Street. When I got home, I found John Brayman at the house. I talked awhile with him and then went up to take down the flag at Father Griswold which I ran up this morning and has been flying all day. JULY 05 MONDAY - Pleasant and not extremely warm. The Fourth has been observed today. I have sold 6 beds today one to George Starr, Walter Fayerweather, Charles Stevens, Henry Booth, Fanny Griswold and a small one for Father's lounge. While canvassing for my springs in the P.M., I called up home and took Father's order. On my way home, I called at Robert Cocking's. His wife treated me in Robert's stead to a bottle of ale. In the evening, I went down to the park to see the fireworks. From there, I went over to Ambrose's to see about going to Bethel tomorrow. We have concluded to go. Charles Hayes went to New York today on the "Nelly White" - an excursion. JULY 06 TUESDAY - I wrote last evening to George, offering him work canvassing for our bed springs provided he was doing scarcely enough in Brooklyn to pay his board. I mailed the letter this morning. The day has been pleasant. Ambrose Hill and I went to Bethel this morning on the train to canvass for the spring beds. We stayed all day and came home on the evening train. We sold 7 beds. JULY 07 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. In the morning, I split some wood in the wood house. I commenced cropping the ends of my tomato vines. Ambrose and I went in the forenoon to the box shop of E. Davis for two boxes for our models. We called at E. S. Davis to get the measure of his bedstead preparatory to ordering his bedspring. She concluded to wait until she got a new bedroom set before giving us an order for bedsprings. In the P.M., Ambrose and I took a walk up to Elwell Fink's farm to measure a bedspring for them. After tea, he came over and we went to Henry Booth's to see about putting springs in his bedstead. We arranged for it and came home and ordered 15 more beds. As Ambrose went home he took the order to the office; also a duplicate of the same to the general agent, D. R. French. JULY 08 THURSDAY - Pleasant. Ambrose came over after breakfast and we went over to Isaac Jennings and took out his middle row of springs in the bed we sold him and adjusted the others properly, the third row being too much for people no heavier than he and his wife. From there, we went over to Henry Booth's and planed some extra fixtures in order to put a set of springs in and old round barrel cord bedstead. After dinner, I waited for Ambrose to come over and go with me to sell the beds. I waited until after 2 P.M. and then started alone. I sold one to E. Thompson, the truss maker; also one to Harry Hornblower. After tea, I went over to see Ambrose and found that he had gone away by the Brookfield cars to Bridgeport, Stratford, etc. trying to collect some money due him for trees. JULY 09 FRIDAY - Cloudy with the appearance of rain in the morning. After breakfast, I plucked the runners from my strawberry plants. I then took a walk over Town Hill with my model, taking measures as I went of Mr. Collins' bedstead. I visited Sharp's store, Ira Morse, Col. Chichester's house. Both want spring beds but did not order this morning. After dinner, I started for the depot, but was caught in a thunder shower before I got there. So I stopped at Isaac Jennings's Agricultural Warehouse in West Street near Main. After the shower, I proceeded to the freight depot to see if our spring beds came, but they did not. Davis Hoyt sent me up to his house to measure a bedstead for a set of springs, but his wife objected to getting them when I went there so I went away without measuring the bed. JULY 10 SATURDAY - Pleasant and warm. I spent most of the forenoon in preparing fixtures for Henry Booth's bed and making an arrangement for carrying tools, bits, etc. for putting in spring beds. I went to the depot on arrival of the freight train at 1 3/4o'clock, expecting a lot of spring beds, but they did not come. I spent a part of the P.M. in canvassing for our beds. I went between 4 and 5 o'clock over to Ambrose's and found that he had returned on the 3 1/4 train. I went to market with Gussie in the evening. JULY 11 SUNDAY - A considerable air stirring, but very warm. By far the warmest day we have had yet, I think. Bell came down at meeting time with Georgie who went up home with her yesterday and stayed last night. I went down in time for Sunday School and took Georgie with me. After school I came home with him. I read to the school the first quarterly report of their collections by classes. Only 14 out of 30 teachers reported to me so that my report was meager. The teachers did not all understand the new order of things. We had our first lobster of the season for dinner. We had a thunderstorm between 5 and 6 P.M. which cooled the air and made the evening pleasant. JULY 12 MONDAY - A beautiful morning. Before breakfast, I wrote and mailed an order for 4 spring beds to T. E. Twitchell and a duplicate of the same to D. R. French. After breakfast, I wrote to Carlton & Lanahan for a June, 1868 number of The Ladies' Repository for Jemima Marsh. I took an order in the P.M. from Lyman Keeler and George Rundle for a spring bed. Ambrose Hill and I took the 6:30 train on the New York Northern & Housatonic railroad for the Brookfield junction, thence to New Milford to canvass for two days to canvas for our spring beds. We put up at the New England House. We saw E. Wildman in the evening who is there working with Jarvis Polley building a tobacco warehouse near the depot. JULY 13 TUESDAY - We rose this morning and took breakfast at 6 o'clock. I must say that the landlord needs some of our spring beds, for the one I slept on last night squeaked enough to alarm all in the house. We canvassed all day and advertised the beds as best as we could. We sold 7 before night, which was for the first time, we think, good. Mist and fine rain during the evening. JULY 14 WEDNESDAY - Showery with mist and fine rain all morning; cloudy all day. We sold enough to make 9 before noon. We mailed an order to Twitchell before taking the noon train for home. We ordered the 9 sent to New Milford as soon as possible. We arrived home just in time to meet the freight train on which we expected beds from New Haven but they did not come. I came home, took dinner, did some writing and then went over to Ambrose Hill's. JULY 15 THURSDAY - Fine rain and mist in the forenoon. Having a hard headache, I felt but little like canvassing, so I wrote on mucilage paper the figure $6.75 to put over the $6.50 on our advertising posters. I went down to the shop for a little while in the forenoon. After dinner, I went to the depot to see if our spring beds had come. They did not come, so I went from there down to the Pahquioque Factory again and had a wide black band put on my round crown pearl cass. hat. After tea, we had a hard thunder shower. After the shower, I went over to Ambrose Hill's to look over our company books together. When I came home, I brought the advertising posters home with me. I received from Carlton & Lanahan a bill of Ladies' Repository for Jemima Marsh. Before I retired, I enclosed the amount for mailing to them in the morning. JULY 16 FRIDAY - I sent to the Post Office early by Fred Lewis the note with pay enclosed to Carlton & Lanahan for The Ladies' Repository. I canvassed a little in the A.M. with going around and changing the error in print of the posters - $6.50 for an 8-slat bed ought to be $6.75. Twenty of our beds came by freight train. Noah Hoyt delivered our beds for us. I worked until after 10o'clock last night putting up beds. I went up and put in Father's lounge springs, the last thing. I found them in bed. They both got up and helped me. The day has been extremely warm. JULY 17 SATURDAY - Pleasant but not so extremely warm as yesterday. We have spent about all day putting up the balance of our twenty spring beds. We finished up by taking Horace Cable's horse and going up to put up Lewis Elwell's bed. In the evening, Gussie and I went to market, after which I went over to Ambrose Hill's for a short time before retiring. JULY 18 SUNDAY - It has been a little cooler today; not so much sunshine. I picked peas and dug potatoes for dinner and then went down to Sunday School I came home again after school. After dinner, which was about 4 o'clock, Gussie and I walked over to Ambrose Hill's where we stopped a few minutes and then went up to the cemetery. On our way home, we stopped a few minutes at Andrew Williams. I there helped Andrew's sister lift her father out from his bed and set him in a chair, Andrew himself being away. Old Mr. Williams is a cripple and needs help in and out of his bed. In the evening, I helped Mother Griswold shift some bedding and then I made up her bed as I thought it was best for the springs under it. After this, Charles Hayes and I took a walk up on Deer Hill to Father's. JULY 19 MONDAY - A little rain in the morning. I wrote and mailed a letter to Mr. Twitchell about spring beds before breakfast. Mr. D. R. French, the general agent of the state, came on the train from Derby. He came to see Ambrose as he is going to leave the business; also to see George Ambler about taking Hartford County. I received from Carlton & Lanahan my bill receipted for The Ladies' Repository which I sent for Jemima Marsh. JULY 20 TUESDAY - Before breakfast, I wrote to William Hayes at 415 Hudson Street, New York, to see if he could collect from Joseph Wheeler $8.00 for me. Also to see if he had heard from Tobias Stork regarding the $20.00 he owes me for looking glasses. After breakfast, I measured Albert Scott's bed for a set of springs, and then took my satchel of tools and went over to Horace Cable's. We put a spring bed in the wagon for John Wheeler in Newtown, and with Mr. French, the general agent, we started for Newtown to put up the bed and take a slat to J. H. Warner in Sandy Hook where one was lacking when Hill put up his bed. The bed being 3 rows of springs it did not work well so we took out the middle cross bar and shifted the head and foot springs, making it a regular 2 row bed which now gives satisfaction. We sold 7 beds, two on our way over this morning to Benedict and Osborne and 5 in Newtown and Sandy Hook. We arrived home about 6:30 o'clock this evening. In the evening, I went up to see how Father Griswold likes his 3 row bed; he likes it very much. JULY 21 WEDNESDAY - Rain early this morning. It finally came off pleasant. After breakfast, I went over to Ambrose Hill's and we looked over our company account to see how the business stood before he left for Brooklyn. He left on the noon train. Horace Cable and I started about 11 o'clock with his horse and carriage over into Miry Brook where we canvassed a little for our spring bed. We returned about 2 P.M. without selling any. We both canvassed a little about town in the P.M. In the evening, we went up to George Scott's and secured an order from him and Widow Fanton. Measurements to be taken on Saturday. Elias Stevens, Harriet and Josie came by the train this evening from New Haven. JULY 22 THURSDAY - Pleasant. Horace Cable harnessed his horse in the morning and we rode up to Pandanarum to canvass for our spring beds. We rode downtown to George Raymond's and William E. Bailey's for orders. Before coming to dinner, I stopped at Charles Reed's and sold two. We sold 7 today besides spending all the P.M. putting up a lot of 8 which came on the freight train. We put up 8 of them leaving E. Thomson's until tomorrow morning, they not being at home this P.M. JULY 23 FRIDAY - Pleasant and warmer than yesterday. Horace Cable and I went to Bethel today with his horse to put up spring bed bottoms. As we went, we stopped at E. Thompson's and put up his which was left over from yesterday's batch of 8. It took us until noon to finish putting up the lot down there. We finished up the P.M. canvassing there and on our way home. I received by the evening mail a letter from Mr. Twitchell that he today shipped for us 11 beds. I went round to Horace's and showed him the letter before coming home. JULY 24 SATURDAY - Before breakfast, I wrote and mailed a letter to Charles Peck, harness maker in New Milford concerning spring beds sold to him and others requesting him not to disturb them at the depot as we would be there the first of next week and put them up. We canvassed for beds in the forenoon and sold 5 before dinner, 3 of them to Charles Decklyn's family. I had Daniel Starr saw our 4 half circles for me to attach to William Leach's round rail bedstead in putting in his spring bed bottom which we did in the P.M. Eleven beds came on the freight train. We put in7 in the P.M., viz, J. F. Burgen, H. B. Fanton, Albert Scott, T. R. Hoyt, William Leach, George L. Smith and Edgar L. Benedict, leaving Lockwood Olmstead's on account of it being a cord bedstead and Twitchell not sending the right castings. Also Burton Osborne's to Stony Hill and Henry Willis of Newtown. In the evening, we went uptown to George Scott's and measured a bedstead for springs, after which I saw Walter Fairweather at Peck & Wildman's store. He acknowledged the superiority of the bed and pronounced himself highly pleased with it and paid me for it $6.00. Before retiring, I tried to write up my books but was so tired that I gave it up and went to bed. JULY 25 SUNDAY - Pleasant and warm. Gussie got Georgie ready for church and let him go in the morning with Josie Wheeler to hear Brother Burch's sermon to the children. I went down and heard the last end of the sermon and stayed to Sunday School after which I came home with Georgie. After dinner which was about 4 P.M., Gussie went to the Band of Hope and Georgie went with me for a walk over to Horace Cable's. Gussie, after the Band of Hope, went to Mrs. Bradley's and stayed until evening meeting time. I stayed at home in the evening. I wore my white linen pants to church today for the first time of the season. JULY 26 MONDAY - Before breakfast, I wrote and mailed to T. Twitchell an order for Lot No. 3 ' 13 beds, also a duplicate to Mr. French, including Lot No. 2 to Newtown and Danbury ' 10 beds. Total Lot No. 2 and 3 ' 23 beds to French. After breakfast, Horace Cable came over and we went to Henry Booth's and put in a safety bar under the springs we put in his bedstead. They not being at home, we got in the window, did the job, and came out the same way. We then went over to Lockwood Olmstead's and put his springs into a cord bedstead. This took us until noon. It was showery in the A.M. After dinner, it rained for a time very hard. After the rain, Horace and I went down to Ezra Stone's (over Avery Raymond's market) and put in 2 new slats in place of 2 which were split from careless handling between New Haven and here. From there we went over to Ambrose Hill's and fitted to and put up the springs (3 rows which we took from T. R. Hoyt) in his bed after changing them from 3 to 2 rows. After tea, I went over to Henry Booth's and got paid $6.00 for his bed. I then went into the street and mailed a letter Mrs. Hill found in the street. I took one from the Office for Bell from George. JULY 27 TUESDAY - Horace Cable and I drove to New Milford this forenoon. We arrived there about 1 o'clock. There were 2 or 3 hard showers during the P.M. which interfered somewhat with our work putting up beds. We put up the nine and got the pay for all except one to Michael Mc Niff. We drove back as far as Lanesville where we put up for the night with Nelson Knowles. JULY 28 WEDNESDAY - After breakfast at Mr. Knowles' this morning, we commenced to canvass in Lanesville a little. We took orders for 4 beds, one for Mr. Knowles, one each for his two sons, James and John, also one for Henry Chase. After dinner, we drove down to the Iron Works, canvassing as we went, but sold not a bed until we got there where we took an order from Lewis Ives for one. We left the Iron Works after 6 o'clock, arriving home about 8 in the evening. I found 2 letters waiting for me, one from William Hayes in reply to one requesting him to collect for me if possible $8.00 from Joe Wheeler and $20.00 from Tobias Stork. The other letter was from D. R. French with a bill for beds for Lots 1, 2 and 3 amounting to $115.25. George Ambler called in the evening to see me about Hartford County. He and Booth are going. JULY 29 THURSDAY - Before and after breakfast, I wrote up Cable & Purdy's books, copying orders in the order book, etc., also wrote to French acknowledging receipt of first bill to Cable & Purdy for beds comprising Lots 1, 2, and 3 amounting to $115.25. I went to the Danbury Bank at 10 o'clock and got a draft for $100.00 and mailed it in the P.M. mail to D. R. French. Showers early in the morning, but pleasant the remainder of the day. Horace Cable helped me canvass before dinner and in the P.M. We expected 13 bedsprings this P.M. by the freight train, but were disappointed, so we canvassed for more orders. JULY 30 FRIDAY - Pleasant and not very warm. Horace Cable and I went to Bethel this morning to collect pay from Beers Blackman and George Osborne. Blackman paid me but Osborne deferred it until next week. We took three orders, Farnum, Greenwood and Tom Wheeler. We expected our beds by freight but were again disappointed, so in the P.M., Horace went out to Mill Plain to collect money for fees. I went with him to canvass for our beds. We took an order from John Corning for one. Georgie went to Bethel with us this morning. I broke another crystal to my watch this P.M. JULY 31 SATURDAY - Horace Cable and I went over to Newtown to put up spring beds. We put up 4 and brought home the fifth one which was made the wrong size. We arrive home again about 1 o'clock. We fed the horse. I ate dinner with Horace after which we took the horse and went to the depot for 13 beds which came on the freight train. We delivered them and put up all but three. We worked until about 8 o'clock in the evening putting up three for Charles Decklyn. We received a letter from T. E. Twitchell stating that he had sent us the 13 beds. He wants us to send him money as fast as we can.
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