Horace Purdy Journal June 1869 Entry (Still Image)
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JUNE 01 TUESDAY - Pleasant and hot. After breakfast, I hoed out the oats in four rows of potatoes for Father Griswold. I then took the lesson books, catechisms, etc. which I bought yesterday in New York for the Sunday School down to the church and a “Singing Pilgrim and Leaves” down to Mrs. Horace Crofut at the foot of Liberty Street. I got my clock at T. B. Fanton's (where it has been to be cleaned) and the papers at Swift's and then came home. In the P.M., I went into the street to engage Mr. Sayers to plow out potatoes for Father Griswold tomorrow and to Knox's paint shop to make arrangements for graining my sitting room. I then came home and commenced scraping off the old graining preparatory to putting on the new. After tea, I planted over parsnips, also some corn. I then went into the street and engaged some butter at Holmes' to come tomorrow. I mailed a letter this morning to William Hayes. At tea time, Charles Hayes paid Gussie $24.00 for board. JUNE 02 WEDNESDAY - After breakfast, I went with Charley to his shop (The Sewing Machine Factory) and borrowed of him a scraper to scrape off the old graining in my sitting room. I worked at it until the middle of the P.M. when I went up to Knox's for paint for priming preparatory to graining. I worked until 11 o'clock at night in order to finish putting on the first coat of paint. Gussie went to the Sewing Society in the evening. Louise held lamp for me a part of the evening. It has been showery today. George came in the morning and borrowed my fish lines to go fishing. The New York circus which travels by railroad has showed here today. JUNE 03 THURSDAY - Pleasant and warm. Charles Hayes (our boarder) last night thought he would change his boarding place. He arranged for a place in Montgomery Street and paid a week's board in advance. He came back while I was painting and after further consideration, concluded to stay with us. He however, stayed at the new place last night. He went to Bridgeport on a trip today and returned after tea this evening. Mr. Pond and I ground the scythe, sickle and two carvers after breakfast this morning. I worked for Father Griswold this forenoon, hoeing out his corn and potatoes. After dinner, I took a nap and then took Georgie with his straw hat down to the shop and pressed it over for him making it good as new. From there, we walked up to John Cosier's office where I had a little more talk with him about buying his business and then Georgie and I came home. After tea, while it was cool and pleasant, I worked in my garden until it was dark. Gussie and Louise went up to Mrs. McNeil's this P.M. to see about some dress making. They called a few minutes at the cemetery before returning. JUNE 04 FRIDAY - After breakfast, I wrote two letters - to William Hayes, 31 Downing Street, and Hiram Benjamin, 151 Fulton Street. I sent them to the Office in time for the morning mail by William Blissard. I helped Father Griswold hoe his garden for a while in the morning until the sun became hot about 10 o'clock when I came in and commenced putting on our sitting room, the second coat of paint for graining. Bell took Georgie up to Mallory's Shop with her but returned in time for dinner. I did not finish painting until 6 o'clock. I have to go for more paint before I can finish. I went to market in the evening. It clouded over in the P.M. and before night it rained a little. Father Griswold talked with John Cosier about me buying his leather cutting business. I wished him to see him and give his opinion concerning it that I might have the benefit of his counsel, to say nothing of his approval which is very desirable. He does not object to the movement. While in his study this evening, I signed a certificate on the back of my note of $1,200.00 to the Savings Bank stating that he (E.E.G.) had paid such note and acknowledging my indebtedness to him for said amount. JUNE 05 SATURDAY - Muggy in the morning. Sunshine and two hard thunder showers in the P.M. I went down to see John Cosier in the forenoon and pretty much concluded to buy out his share of his business. Mr. Sherman, the grocer, came up about 11 o'clock for some pie plant. I let him have 7 lbs. and Mr. Pond 10 lbs. at 3 cents per pound. After dinner, I took a short nap and then took Georgie for a walk with me into the street, to John Cosier's office, to the depot at the arrival of the 3:15 train, expecting H. B. Benjamin from New York who promised to bring my old account books, etc. from my old store. He did not however come. I then walked down to the shop and then home again just in time to escape a hard shower. In the evening, I went again to do some marketing and to see if H. B. Benjamin came on the train. George and Bell went to New York this morning. JUNE 06 SUNDAY - Pleasant but cooler. I attended church in the forenoon. Gussie came down to Sunday School with Georgie. After school, I came home with him. After supper, we all took a walk up to E. S. Davis' new house on Rose Hill. We met Henry Ely's wife and child up there. We came home by Mallory's shop and Elm Street. We called on Robert and Maria Cocking before coming home. I went to church in the evening and slept during most of the sermon. Put on underclothes. JUNE 07 MONDAY - Pleasant but cool. I put on my underclothes again yesterday morning and I find them quite comfortable. I went down to the shop this morning and got my pocketknife which I left there one day last week. I saw Mr. Crofut and told him that I was sorry that I could not pay him the $60.00 I owe him but promised to pay as soon as I received my money from the sale of the New York business. He expressed himself satisfied. I also saw D. P. Nichols and told him the same regarding $24.61 which I owe him. I spent most of the day with George Barnum (John Cosier's partner) helping him. When I came home, I went over to Ed. James to look at some clothing which he wants to sell me. I saw nothing that suited me. After tea, I transplanted dahlias and one tomato plant from a pot. Gussie has been growing this plant all last winter. At noon, I wrote to Carlton & Lenahan ordering half dozen Vol. 1 of “Two Years with Jesus”. Dr. Thompson's son Thomas was buried this P.M. at 2 o'clock. I have felt cold today and have the headache. I stayed at home in the evening and let Gussie go to market. JUNE 08 TUESDAY - I have worked in the shop today. There was shower of rain (but no thunder) about 7 o'clock this morning. Another with thunder as I was returning to the shop after dinner. After work I selected a hat for Mr. Pond and brought home to him. On my way home, I left a copy of “Outlines of the U. S. Government” with David Hoyt at the Railroad Repair shop. He promises to pay next Tuesday, a week from today. Kit is $2.00. I called at John Cosier's office also as I came home. I am yet undecided about buying him out. After tea, I spaded the ground over (or rather forked it over) between my potatoes and early cabbages. Gussie went to market in the evening with Susan Brayman and I stayed at home. I directed an envelope for Susan to send to John at Walpole, Mass. in care of Gill & Sons. The hat for Mr. Pond was $3.00. I charged it to him as I am owing to him on a book account. JUNE 09 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and warmer than it has been since last Saturday's thunder showers. I went to the shop this morning for my pocket rule which I left there yesterday. I called at Cosier's office and came home and worked in the garden until noon. After dinner, I wrote Henry Day at 61 Carmine Street, New York about sending a package to me which was last Saturday left there for me by William Hayes. It is my old account books, papers, etc. pertaining to my business in New York at 68 1/2 Carmine Street. I went into the street, mailed the letter, and left a copy of Philip Phillips new singing book, “The Standard Singer” at Ed. Allen's to send to B. Lockwood in Bethel. I called again on John Cosier and told him that I would not buy him out after considering the matter as I have done. I pulled weeds in my garden before tea. In the evening, I went to the church to vote on the question of Lay representation. I voted against it. There were 85 votes cast, 65 for and 20 against it. Gussie attended also. Louise came down and stayed with Georgie to let us attend. JUNE 10 THURSDAY - A little sunshine in the morning but it soon clouded over and before noon commenced to rain. I began in the morning to mow the grass in front of my place, Father Griswold’s, and N. C. Ponds, also to trim out, draw a line, cut a straight edge, and repair the walk. Mr. Pond offered me $3.00 a day to do his front walk. I worked until 4 P.M. when the rain stopped me. This morning, while over to Mr. McDonald's for milk, he (Mr. McDonald) spoke to me about not paying my church seat rent. I think he is meddling with what is none of his business. If he has been directed by the Leaders and Stewards to speak to me about it, I think that they treat me unkindly at least for I am as well aware as they that I owe for the seat and have not been able to pay but will as soon as I am able and they ought to know me well enough for that. I have had the headache nearly all day but have worked out, nevertheless. I did not feel able to go into the street in the evening, so Gussie went and did the marketing. George Stevens' son, Frank, who has not long been out of the penitentiary yesterday stole $200.00 from Graham, the carpenter and this morning, Officer Crosby arrested him. After tea, I wrote to my successor in New York, Henry Day, to see if he can send me some money soon. I am owing Mr. Pond, $100.00. He has a note to meet on the 15th inst. And I would like very much to pay him and thereby help him on the note as he spoke to me about it this morning. He is a kind good fellow and will not force me at all if I do not get the money for him, but he ought to have it and I very much want to pay it for it is a long time past due. Gussie mailed the letter for me this evening. JUNE 11 FRIDAY - Pleasant with the exception of a little splatter of a shower in the P.M. and again in the evening. I finished working on Mr. Pond's sidewalk this morning. I spent the rest of the day drawing with Alfred Gregory's horse and wagon and wheeling on a barrow sand for Father Griswold's and my sidewalk. I spent a short time while waiting for the horse in hoeing my garden. I was very tired at night. Father has gone to Ridgefield and Mother has come over today to stay overnight with Frank Bouton. Tomorrow she will return as far as here and spend the day. JUNE 12 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I had work in the shop until noon. I came home to dinner and while eating it, Ambrose Hill came in with his spring bed model. I had a talk with him about canvassing New London and Windham Counties. I went over home with him and examined one in use on his bed. We had some talk about working the thing together, canvassing this county and then going to New London and Windham. I took the model home with me thinking to operate a little with it. On my way home, I stopped to see George Starr about what Mr. McDonald told me was said derogatory to my character and good name in a meeting of the church officials about my unpaid seat rent. He disbelieves McDonald's story and promises to set matters right next meeting of the Leaders and Stewards. I cashed Oscar Serine's account this morning. It was $4.00. We could not make change, so I gave him a $5.00 bill. This evening, he saw me and paid me the dollar. I went into the street this evening and got a letter from George in Brooklyn. He is yet very weak from his sickness (the Jaundice). He has but little work and is anxious to get out of Brooklyn. Mother has not been here today as expected; for what reason we know not. As I came home this evening, I called at Mrs. Wilcox's on Deer Hill to see if Mr. H. B. Benjamin had come from New York and if he brought my package of account books from the Carmine Street store. I saw him but he forgot my parcel. JUNE 13 SUNDAY - Pleasant. I went down to Sunday School at noon. It being our Concert Sunday, I distributed my papers before the exercises commenced. I delivered to L. W. Bartram the half dozen “Two Years with Jesus”, 1st Series which he ordered last Sunday. The $1.50 for these, he could not pay, having no money with him. After school, I came home with Georgie. After dinner, Charlie took a walk with Theo. Bradley. Gussie went to the Band of Hope (Ed. Note: The Band of Hope was a temperance organization for working-class children, founded in Leeds, England in 1847.) and I walked over to John Bouton's and to John Morris' new house with Georgie. JUNE 14 MONDAY - Rain most of the time until after dinner when it finally came off pleasant and hot. I had work in the shop until noon. I started out about 3 P.M. with the model to canvass for the Connecticut Spring Bed Bottom. I sold one to Henry Barry the first call I made. Almon Hickok, I think, will take one also. Several others spoke favorably and may buy. Before returning home, I called to see Alvin Hurd, who is very feeble and will not probably be any better. He is I think about 74 years old. I received by this evening's mail a letter from Yonkers, New York from George Hendrickson with $2.60 enclosed, the amount of his bill for picture frames I made for him before selling out in New York. Before retiring, I made out a receipt for the amount and enclosed with a note to him. I also wrote to George and enclosed 50 cents for him to go over to New York at 10 Grove Street and collect a bill for me from Mr. Tater. I wrote to Daniel Minnerly, my old gilder, for $1.90 he owes me for a frame he made for a friend. He is with my successor, Henry Day at 61 Carmine Street. Knox sent a man today to grain our sitting room. JUNE 15 THURSDAY - Muggy with a little rain, also warm sunshine. I had a half dozen hats to finish at the shop this morning. I took the model for the spring bed with me to the shop thinking I might canvass a little when I finished my work. I talked a little with Mr. Mansfield about laying in my winter's supply of coal. I being out, ordered a half ton of Carmel Ridge which came in the afternoon. Just at night, I canvassed a little for the spring bed. I took an order for one from Frank Larson. I went over to the depot this evening, expecting that my account books would be sent by someone from New York, by H. B. Benjamin, but saw nothing. The bill I sent yesterday to Carlton & Lenahan to be receipted was returned this evening all right by mail. David Hoyt this evening paid me $2.00 for “Outline of U. S. Government” which I a week ago delivered. Temperance Strawberry Festival this evening at Concert Hall. Gussie attended. WEDNESDAY JUNE 16 - Pleasant. I went down to Andrew Knox's in the forenoon and got a 1/2 pint of varnish. In the afternoon, I varnished the sitting room which was grained the day before yesterday. I also varnished my secretary and the parlor chairs. Gussie has had Susan Brayman helping her clean the stairway, wash blinds, scour tin ware and can 5 pineapples. She and Gussie made chowder for dinner. I went to the depot in the evening to see if H.B. Benjamin sent my package of account books which William said he would leave at the store (61 Carmine Street) to be sent to me and which Mr. Benjamin promised to send or bring to me. They were not sent. Louise brought a letter to me from the evening mail which was sent to me for New York purporting to come from Gumbridge & Company, 69 Wall Street. I doubt such a name could be found if one tried to do so. The thing was offering counterfeit U. S. Treasury Notes - $200 for $15, $1,000 for $50, and $2,000 for $80. Who the man can be who presume to draw me into such unlawful business, I cannot tell. I spoke of it to Ambrose Hill when I went in the evening to talk about the Connecticut Spring Bed business. We have pretty much made up our minds to take New London and Windham Counties and go on there to canvass for them. Before retiring, I showed the New York communication to Father Griswold. I think tomorrow, I shall put it into Officer Crosby's hands. JUNE 17 THURSDAY - Pleasant. I have canvassed all day for the spring bed. It pleases all who have seen it. Nelson Nickerson's child was brought here this P.M. from Stratford for burial. This evening, I put the counterfeiter's letter into Charles Crosby's hands. I went to the depot this evening but saw no one from New York with my store account books. I returned home and took my spring bed model and called in West Street to see Mr. Coe and Robert Redfield. Coe thinks he will take one. JUNE 18 FRIDAY - Pleasant and warm. I have spent today in canvassing for the spring bed. I sold one to James Olmstead at the Sewing Machine Factory. I went up to E. S. Davis to sell him some of them. They have not yet completed their house and cannot yet fit up their beds but there is a good prospect of selling them some, I think. Father and Mother were here to tea. After tea, I went over to Olmstead's in River Street and measured his bedstead for his spring bed. About 10:30 this evening, Saul Flieg and Theo. Bradley drove up for Charlie Hayes to go and ride with them. Charles was in his room partly undressed to retire. He came down and went with them. JUNE 19 SATURDAY - Pleasant and hot. Charlie Hayes went to work without his breakfast because we did not get it in time. I carried it to him. I have canvassed all day for the spring bed. Received a letter from George stating that he went to see Tator about my bill and gave him my receipt for the amount ($4.00) to bill an account which he owed to Tator and he will pay me. I went to market in the evening with Gussie. I came home with the things and then went over to see Ambrose Hill about the spring bed affair where I stayed and talked until nearly 11 o'clock. Hiram B. Benjamin brought my old account books from New York this evening. I met him coming from the depot and took the books from him. Bell took Georgie up home with her to stay all night. JUNE 20 SUNDAY - Warm but showery. A hard thundershower about 6 o'clock. Bell came down with Georgie in time to dress him for Sunday School. I did not go down until noon. Brother Burch preached to the Sunday School children this morning and took a collection for the school amounting to $8.45. I let Theo Bradley count the school, etc. for me to see if he could do it for me as I am intending to be away over a few Sundays soon. Bell came home with Gussie to supper. Gussie went to church in the evening while I stayed home. I took a letter from the Office last evening for William Franklin. This evening I mailed it to George. JUNE 21 MONDAY - I grafted Fannie's lemon tree with orange this morning, also Gussie's. I met Ambrose Hill at the Jeffersonian Office this morning at 8 o'clock to arrange for some printing on the bottom of posters advertising our 'Connecticut Spring Beds'. It was putting our names on the bottom of them as agents for the same. Joe Ives and his salesman Ed Allen tried to run down the beds to me claiming that they were good for nothing. They either lied or the beds they had were a condemned lot for the Connecticut Spring bed is a success, in fact, superior to any other kind. This is my opinion, as it is of all who have used them except Allen and Ives, and they having other kinds to sell, of course say all they can against ours. Almon Judd wants me to put one in his bedstead in competition with John Raymond's. Ambrose received a dispatch from D. R. French, the general agent in Bridgeport, and this P.M., took the 4:15 train for Bridgeport to see what he wants. It commenced raining about 5 P.M. and continued through the evening. I went to market this evening and before coming home, I went to Homer Peters and had my hair cut. Charles Hayes received a dispatch from New York this morning on business. He took the noon train for the city. JUNE 22 TUESDAY - Stormy. I worked in the shop until about 3 P.M. I then on my way home from the shop met Ambrose Hill and we went to see David Osborne and took an order for a spring bed. He (Hill) came home with me and we made out my first order of 7 and in the evening, I mailed it to the manufacturer, T. G. Twitchell in New Haven. I went over home before tea with Hill and got my new model, leaving the old one with him to put in a new spring. Our church having a Strawberry & Cream Festival this evening, I acted as one of the doorkeepers. After it was over, I went home with Florence Polly up to William Scofield's. JUNE 23 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. I finished my work in the shop about noon. A part of the P.M., I canvassed for our spring bed. I sold to H. B. Fanton (1), Hanford Fairchild (3), and Daniel Starr (1). In the evening, I went to our festival. I attended door a part of the time. I guessed on the weight of the cake. Seven of us guessed the same. JUNE 24 THURSDAY - Pleasant. I worked a part of the A. M. in the shop. I finished mowing my dooryard this morning. When I came from work, I raked it up and carried it off. I met Ambrose Hill at the Depot on the arrival of the freight train. We expected 19 spring beds from New Haven, but they did not come. I canvassed a little for the remainder of the P.M. and then worked until dark hoeing in my garden. Charlie Hayes came from New York by the 3:15 train. Louise M. Jones called here about noon just after Gussie went up home. Bell came down just at night with Georgie. He has been staying up there for the last two days. JUNE 25 FRIDAY - Pleasant. I hoed in my garden in the morning. In the forenoon, I went over to E. W. Benedict's at Beaver Brook to sell him some spring beds. He did not order today, but I think he will. I took an order from William Jabine at the Danbury Savings Bank. I went in the P.M. and measured his bed. Henry Day was in town today. I saw him at the depot this P.M. as he was going away. His business is improving and will try to get some money for me soon. After tea, I went over to Robert Cocking for some cabbage plants and sent them out. I wrote a duplicate of our last order for beds of T. E. Twitchell in New Haven and mailed it to D. R. French at Derby. He is the general agent and the one we deal with and by his consent, we order direct of Twitchell the manufacturer and then send duplicates of all orders to French. I went into the street in the evening and mailed it. I took a walk to Ambrose Hill's house about 9 o'clock, but he had not returned from Newtown, so I came home again. JUNE 26 SATURDAY - I went over to Ambrose Hill's in the morning after hoeing a little in my garden, but not finding him at home, I went to Andrew William's machine shop to get a thumb screw put in a brace which I want to take with me to New London County next week to use in putting in spring bed bottoms. I went from there to the shop to see about my pay. Joe White (one of the firm) asked me about some money I borrowed from them last December 4th. I told him that as soon as I got money from the sale of the New York store, I would settle it. This seemed satisfactory. I went over to T. R. Hoyt's and measured his bed for spring bottom. I canvassed a little and went back to the shop to get my pay -$4.81. I then came home. Gussie received a paper from Eliza in California. We expected 18 beds this evening by freight but did not receive them, so Ambrose and I canvassed a little in the P.M. We sent off another order for 6 by the afternoon mail. I went into the street in the evening and bought a pair of low cloth patent leather tipped shoes for $2.00. I called a few minutes at the Wooster Guard Festival at Concert Hall and then came home. Gussie went into the street also in the evening. JUNE 27 SUNDAY - Muggy in the morning. A little sunshine in the middle of the day. From 3 to 7 P.M., we had three thunder showers, a hard rain with each. I went to church in time for Sunday School at noon. After school, I came home with Georgie, leaving Gussie at the church. I bought of our Superintendent, B. F. Bailey, a “Fresh Laurels” (Ed. Note, a Sunday School hymnal) for Gussie. JUNE 28 MONDAY - Thunder showers this morning. The sun finally came out scalding hot. I went over to see Ambrose Hill in the forenoon. We went downtown together. We took an order of bed springs of Noah T. Hoyt. After dinner, we went to the depot. Our bed springs came, 18 of them. Six of them go to Newtown; The other twelve we delivered and put up as follows: Peter Starr, David Osborne, Swertfager, (editor of the Jeffersonian), W. G. Randall, John Cosier, S. C. Holley, James O. Olmstead (he being away when we went there to put it up, we left it for tomorrow), J. W. Jennings, Frank Leason, Henry Barry, Noah T. Hoyt, and one for myself. It was 10:30 at night before we finished our work of putting up. We had a little trouble with Barry's and Leason's. At the factory where they are made, they got the names exchanged, Barry's name on Leason's and Leason's on Barry's. The trouble was not serious however, as they lived as near neighbors. We took an order of James Ryder's wife while putting up Peter Starr's. We used one ordered for Henry Stevens for Noah T. Hoyt's bed, so before retiring, we ordered one for Noah T. Hoyt's in place of one ordered for him and one for Mrs. James Ryder. JUNE 29 TUESDAY - Pleasant and hot. I slept on our new spring bed last night for the first time. We like it very much. Ambrose Hill called before breakfast to read a letter to me which he received last evening from T. E. Twitchell, our spring bed manufacturer in New Haven. He states that the last lot we ordered and expected today he cannot send until the last of the week for want of slats. He has 5,000 which he expects this week and there will be no delay hereafter about filling our orders. I fitted some bits and a screwdriver to our brace this morning. After breakfast, James Olmstead drove up here and took me in and afterword, Ambrose and we went over to his house and put in his spring bed bottom for him. He paid me as soon as the work was done. From there, we went down to Noah T. Hoyt's and finished putting in his which we did not complete last night. Ambrose went to Newtown this P.M. with six beds. I canvassed a little this P.M. I took an order this morning from Mr. Pond for a set of springs. Being very tired this evening, I stayed at home and let Gussie do the marketing. JUNE 30 WEDNESDAY - Muggy. Some sunshine and showers during the day. Ambrose came home from Newtown this noon. In the P.M., we finished fastening in their bedstead springs for P. Starr and David Osborne. While at David's he gave us another bed order. We made new crossbars for David Osborne's bed. The trouble was owing to wrong measurements done by himself. I had 5 tons of coal put in today ' Council Ridge. Ambrose took tea with us. I wrote another order for 6 spring bed bottoms, a duplicate of the same I sent to D. R. French, the general agent. I shall mail them tomorrow morning.
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