Horace Purdy Journal May 1869 Entry (Still Image)
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MAY 01 SATURDAY - Stormy, rain. I had one dozen hats to finish today, which I did before 11 o'clock. I then drew my pay with Edward Stevens' (which I gave him in the P.M. at Concert Hall at the Postmasters caucus) and came home. After dinner, I helped Mr. Pond paint his sitting room until 3 o'clock when we both went down to the Concert Hall to the Postmaster's Nominating Caucus. It was the most spirited affair of the kind I ever attended. The place was crowded, notwithstanding it rained hard. There were 586 votes cast and after three ballots, Dr. Brown was nominated by a majority of 25 over P. D. Crosby who was the only opposing candidate on the third ballot. The candidates who ran on the first ballot were Brown, Crosby, Christian Quien, O. H. Swift, Allison Smith, S. G. Bailey, William Montgomery, Theo Dibble, Erastus Stevens, E. E. Wildman, and for a joke I suppose, Homer Peters got one vote. I went to market in the evening and mailed a reply to Sigler Brothers which I received a few days ago with my bill enclosed. I received a letter by the evening mail from George stating that he had moved and giving us his address, which is now Houston Street three doors from DeKalb Avenue in Brooklyn. MAY 02 SUNDAY - The storm still continues, and it is cold. Fruit buds are in danger. I went down to the church at noon, but on account of the storm, there was no Sunday School. I stayed until about 1 o'clock talking with Brother Burch, Scofield and Donnelly in the Sunday School Room and then came home. This cold rainstorm compels us to keep about as much fire as in winter to keep us comfortable. We did not go out in the evening. Before we retired, it cleared off. MAY 03 MONDAY - The day may perhaps be called pleasant on account of the cold rainstorm being broken up, but it has been showery at times during the day. I went to the shop and had a dozen hats to finish, No. 6 Pearl S. Brim, 4 and a half Round Brown. I finished them at noon and then came home. I spent a part of the P.M. in digging around my trees in the front yard and digging up a Catalpa tree. I went down to the Post Office on the evening. MAY 04 TUESDAY - More clouds than sunshine, the same as yesterday. Cold enough for overcoats. I went to the shop in the morning, not expecting work, but found enough to last until about 2 o'clock. So instead of coming home in the morning to finish cleaning the small bedroom, I was obliged to defer it until tomorrow. I came home from the shop feeling about used up with rheumatism. I got a little mortar and stopped broken places in the wall upstairs, preparatory to whitewashing tomorrow. In the evening, Gussie went to market with Susan Brayman and I, not feeling able to go, stayed home. While they were gone, John Brayman came in and spent the evening. Charles Hayes went to the depot this morning with Charles Purdy and concluded after getting there to go to New York which he did, taking Ira Odell with him. He returned by the evening train. I received a letter by the evening mail from Sigler in reply to one written a few days ago in regard to my indebtedness to him. MAY 05 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and warmer. Just at night, there was a little sun shower which produced a rainbow. I finished cleaning the small upstairs bedroom and appointed the tin roof on my piazza. I worked a part of the P.M. and evening for Mr. Pond, tearing off paper in the parlor in the afternoon, sandpapering the walls and painting in the evening. When Charles Hayes came home to tea, He paid Gussie $20.00 for board and me $2.00 which he borrowed from me two weeks ago or more. The paint I used on my tin roof was colored remnants Mr. Pond had which when mixed made a good color for a roof. MAY 06 THURSDAY - Pleasant. I went to the shop in the morning, but there being no work I came home and Gussie and I cleaned the pantry. Besides this I grafted some strawberry apples (sent from Canton) into Father Griswold's trees, also ones in my own as well as one for Mr. Pond. I also spaded a piece of my garden. I ordered half ton of coal of Thomas Sproule which came just after dinner. After tea, I helped Mr. Pond put up his gilt molding in his parlor. I spent the evening holding lamp for him to paint his parlor. MAY 07 FRIDAY - Pleasant. There not being much prospect of work in the shop, I gave the day to Mr. Pond by helping him clean house. He offered me $3.00 for the day. I feeling pretty tired, did not go to market in the evening, but let Gussie go instead. MAY 08 SATURDAY - Pleasant and warmer. I went to the shop this morning. There being no work, the foreman, Victor Benedict, cashed my account and I came home and spent the day working in my garden. In the P.M., Father called for some potatoes for seed which was promised him by Mother Griswold. I planted some Early Rose potatoes, some sweet corn, and some Prince Albert potatoes. MAY 09 SUNDAY - Pleasant. I took Georgie with me just before close of morning service to attend the Sunday School Gussie arrived soon after. When I returned from Sunday School, I made out my report for the Annual Sunday School meeting tomorrow evening. When Gussie was getting dinner, I had to take Georgie in the bedroom and punish him for being saucy to his mother. After dinner, which was about 4 P.M., I took the Sunday School report I made out over to George Starr, I spent about an hour over there talking to him. As I came home, I saw James Wood at his house. He walked over home with me, took a look at my garden, and then came I the house. Gussie having started for church while we were in the yard, he stayed a short time with me in the house. Before he left, John Brayman came in and spent about half the evening with me. Gussie attended the Baptist church this evening. MAY 10 MONDAY - Pleasant. I had work in the shop until 3 P.M. I came home by way of Bartram & Fanton's Sewing Machine Factory to get $5.00 which George Brockett owed me and gave me an order on Col. Ryder, the paymaster, to get. They had no money. I went to Andrew Knox for a little patent dryer for some paint at home to paint the wall in the pantry. After coming home, I went down to the jail to see the keeper and got $17.00 from him (Sherwood) which he owed Henry Day and he hands over to me to collect, in payment part of what he owes me. He promises it to me the last of the week. He told me how to plant Black Seed onions I came home and planted them as an experiment. I attended Sunday School Meeting in the evening. It being the annual meeting, officers were elected. I was reelected Secretary-Treasurer. Before retiring, I painted in the pantry and copied minutes of the last meeting which kept me up until 1 o'clock. MAY 11 TUESDAY - Pleasant and hot. I have worked all day in the garden. Came near being sun stroke this P.M. from working in the sun. I had a severe headache to retire with. MAY 12 WEDNESDAY - Still pleasant and hot. Before breakfast, I wrote two letters to New York, one to William Hayes about collecting for me, the other to Henry Day who bought me out, about making a looking glass frame for Clark Beers, also about letting me have some money. I sent them to the Office for the morning mail by Mr. Short. I have worked hard again all day in my garden and have finished spading all except a part of the borders. I have not been away from the premises for two days. Today, Mr. Pond and Mr. Barry bought the land situated within George Street and Cherry (Ed. Note: Cherry Street is now Aaron B. Samuels Boulevard) except for the Rider place and one lot on Cherry Street. It extends east as far as William Street including the limestone ledge. They bought it in order to control it and keep Irish shanties off it. A little more breeze this P.M. and the evening is delightful. MAY 13 THURSDAY - Pleasant in the morning. Showery in the P.M. and in the evening. I had one dozen hats to finish at the shop. I came from work about two o'clock, stopping for lima and bush beans and Champion of England peas to pant over where the first planting failed. I came home and planted cucumbers and squash, bush and pole beans, and Champion of England peas. I also worked at digging flower borders after tea. A shower caught me before I finished the job. I went to the Post Office and to market in the evening. Fuller and Betts today bought out Osborne's Market & Grocery. Swift told me late this evening that George came home by the evening train; he is sick. MAY 14 FRIDAY - It rained hard last night. Pleasant today. I have been to New York trying to collect bills. I drew $12.00 (and interest for nearly two years on the amount) from the Manhattan Gas Company which was deposited as security for gas when I took the store in New York. I called on William Hayes at 15th Street between 9th and 10th Avenues at Heath & Smith's. Also, on Taintor's at Sugar House opposite for a bill of $4.00 He promises to send it next week by mail. I brought home an arch top gold looking glass frame for Clark Beers, also 10 yards of cord and 4 nails for him. I have not yet seen George on account of leaving early for New York and home late. I found Gussie sick in bed when I got home with a terrible sick headache. Set out early cabbage plants this morning. MAY 15 SATURDAY - It has been showery at times during the day. I had part of a day's work in the shop. As I came from work, Edmund Allen came up with me to see my house. Robert Cocking yesterday left with Gussie five nice tomato plants, a present for me. I set them out this morning. I bought at the shop today three of “Tilden's Perforated Tomato Plants” of John McNamee, some of John Canfield's raising. I paid 5 cents each. I set them out this evening. I went over to Clark Beers after tea with the looking glass I brought for him from New York. The frame was $10.00. A smaller one in oak delivered April 23rd, $2.00, 10 yards of cord, $1.00 and 4 nails, 40 cents. Total, $13.40 which he paid me. The plates were old ones which he had, and I made the frames. The money being due to Henry Day, by arrangement with him I kept and endorsed on his note of $300.00 which was due on May 8th. While in the street in the evening, I saw Albert Sherwood (Jailer). He paid me $17.00 on order from Day which I also endorsed on the note. We had a hard thunder shower about 6 P.M. accompanied with hail. MAY 16 SUNDAY - Pleasant in the morning, but while we were at Sunday School, it commenced to be showery. I came home with Georgie in the rain. I went down at 8 o'clock to the church with an umbrella and waterproof cloak for Fanny, Gussie and Louise having got home before I started. While Fanny and I were coming home, it stopped raining. The sun shone before we were through tea. Another thunder shower with hail about 5 o'clock. George came down this morning about 11 o'clock to see us. I left him to go to Sunday School with Georgie. MAY 17 MONDAY - Pleasant but cooler after yesterday and the day before. Thunder and hail. I worked until breakfast time sharpening pea bush. I went to the shop in the morning expecting to find but little work but was surprised to have enough to last me all day. I earned $5.87. After tea, I bushed my Daniel O'Rourke peas. I stayed at home in the evening to let Gussie got into the street to do some marketing, etc. I today received another circular from William Chichester, 266 Broadway. He wants agents to sell different articles for him - patent bluing, starch polish, the American pocket timekeeper, and many others. MAY 18 TUESDAY - Pleasant. I have had work in the shop until noon. After dinner, I planted radishes, Tom Thumb peas, and a second crop of sweet corn. I finished out the afternoon by spading out the flower border next to the grass flat. George, still being home sick with jaundice, was with us to dinner. He stayed with me in the garden part of the P.M. and then went up home. Charles Hayes, our boarder, went to Redding this P.M. with James Olmstead, his employer to take a colt. He did not get home in time for our tea, so we ate alone. He came later in the evening. I went to market in the evening. Before coming home, I called at Charles Crosby's and paid my taxes. It was $17.10 and 1% additional since May 1st, making $17.27. MAY 19 WEDNESDAY - No shop work. Before breakfast, I wrote to William Hayes directing him to call on Saturday on Joseph Wheeler (painter) on Carmine Street between Bedford and Bleeker Streets and collect for me $8.00. I went down and mailed it. I bought some whitewash lime and came home to breakfast. Susan Brayman came over to clean house. She worked with us all day and we cleaned and put in order again the parlor and bedroom. It commenced raining about 9 o'clock and continued all day. We shook and whipped the carpet just in time to escape the rain. George came down in the forenoon. He did intend to return to Brooklyn this P.M., but he is not feeling well enough. I persuaded him not to go back until he feels able to work. He has concluded not to go before Saturday and will perhaps wait until next week. I allowed Susan $1.50 for her day's work to stand against what John owes me. She came over again in the evening and helped Gussie cut out garments for Georgie. I did not go out this evening but sent to the Post Office by Charles Hayes who brought a letter for George from Brooklyn. MAY 20 THURSDAY - Pleasant. I went to the shop in the morning, but there being no work, William Hutchings and I took a walk up to the shoe factory where we saw the working of a pegging machine for pegging boots and shoes. It is a curiosity. On our way up there, we stopped at the Sewing Machine Factory for me to see Charles Hayes about collecting for me from their paymaster $5.00. He had not yet got it. While waiting for the morning mail, we stopped a short time at the selectmen's office and listened to a trial that was going on before Philander Comstock - a case of assault and battery between Tom Kenny and another Irishman. After dinner, I let Georgie walk down to Main Street with me to get a piece of Walnut molding 2 porcelain knobs and a cornice hook for putting up Mother Griswold's looking glass. I whitewashed Mother Griswold's kitchen. I then with Georgie and his hoop went over to Mr. Henry Crofut's and got some lettuce plants from Robert Cocking. After tea, Charles Hayes and I went up and moved Mother Griswold's stove from her kitchen to the wood house. I then went into the street and paid E. Allen for the 2 porcelain knobs I got there. After returning from the street between 9 and 10 o'clock, I set out my lettuce plants by moonlight. MAY 21 FRIDAY - I have been to New York. I went down to Murray Street and bought one dozen geographies for Mr. Pond. I also called at No. 6 Warren Street (Mr. Gideon Powell's Store) and left a package from Gussie for him to take to his wife containing a baby suit which she lent to Gussie for Georgie to wear while he was a baby. I took dinner at No. 14 Cortlandt Street. I then called on James Wood at No. 5 Cortlandt Street. From there, I went to the lower end of Vesey Street near Washington Market and bought a bunch of bananas containing 46 for 50 cents, such as retail for 8 cents each. I bought a 16X20 oval rose and gilt for Swift, which I left at his store as I came home from the depot. This morning was one of the pleasantest, but between 1 and 2, it commenced raining and continued all the remainder of the day. Susan Brayman and Louise Vintz were in while I was getting my tea. We ate bananas together. I carried some over to Mr. Pond one for he and his wife. We ate bananas and talked for a while when I came home and made ready to retire. Gussie today bought material for pants for a nice new suit for Georgie. MAY 22 SATURDAY - Cold and still raining in the morning. I went down to the factory but there was no work. Our foreman, V. W. Benedict, cashed my account for $9.00 and I started for home. I stopped for a few minutes at John Cosier's office in White Street. From there, I called at Swift's and arranged to go to New York by the noon train. I came home, got an early dinner, and returned to Swift's store. I got a pattern for a gold square spindle with the top light arched and took it to New York with me and ordered my successor, Mr. Day, to make it. I expected a half dozen 8x10 oval gold scale and ribbed frames to be done for Swift, but they were not. I called on Jo Wheeler for $8.00 which he owes me and promised to pay today but could not get it. A plumber from Bleeker Street came into the store while I was there with a bill for $1.00 against me for plumbing. I was not aware that I owed it but suppose that I do. I was too short of money then and postponed payment. On the train coming home, I fell in with a brother of Dr. Kendrick who was in a New York regiment in the same brigade with George's regiment (the 17th Connecticut) down south during the rebellion. He was a surgeon and amputated a foot for one of the 17th's boys on Folly Island, South Carolina. After I got home this evening, George and Bell called. George borrowed of me a shirt to wear tomorrow, he not having brought an extra one from Brooklyn, he not expecting to stay but a few days, but not fully able to work, he concluded to stay until he feels better. MAY 23 SUNDAY - Pleasant. I took Georgie with me to Sunday School, Gussie coming soon after. Gussie stayed to the P.M. prayer meeting. After meeting, she made fish chowder from halibut, the first chowder she ever made. It was very good. After dinner, she took a walk with Susan Brayman and I with Georgie up to Oscar Serine's and around in Division Street, through George Street and home. MAY 24 MONDAY - A beautiful day. I not having any shop work, I took Georgie to New York on a pleasure trip for his benefit. This was his first railroad ride and his first visit to New York. He was highly pleased, though it made him very tired. I took the 12:15 express from New York and arrive home at 3:15. I bought 29 yellow bananas for 52 cents on the corner of Bleeker and Carmine Streets. I went to the Sugar House on 15th Street between 9th and 10th Avenue and saw Mr. Tator again about the $4.00 he owes me for frames. He wants to turn the account with George, who he claims owes him. I am not willing, and George is to see him as soon as he can and settle affairs after which he promises to pay me. I mended Georgie's broken hoop and worked in my garden, and also put up patent clothesline fixtures after I got home in the P.M. The Wooster Guards had a target practice and parade today. MAY 25 TUESDAY - Pleasant and warm. I have had work in the shop today ' 2 dozen full stiff 'Jack-Ups'- $5.50 which is probably all I shall get this week. I finished my work about 3 P.M. and came home. I fastened Mother Griswold's sink to the floor before tea. After tea, Mr. Barry, John Brayman and Mr. James with me moved Father Griswold's furnace stove from the sitting room to the lower room. John and Mr. James helped me move our sitting room stove up to Father Griswold's barn. I then went down to market. I there dressed 3 porgies for John Bouton for 10 cents. I then dressed 3 for myself after which John and I walked up West Street together. MAY 26 WEDNESDAY - Hot. We have cleaned the sink room and sitting room today with the help of Susan Brayman. There came up a hard thunder shower about 4 o'clock which interfered somewhat with getting things put away in their places again before breakfast, I wrote and mailed a letter to Crowell and Powell speaking of my indebtedness to them and giving reasons for not paying them. George is sick in bed. He has been draining a blister in his side for jaundice of which he is suffering. In the evening, I went into the street. I walked up to John Cosier's to see him (by request of him today) on some business of which I was ignorant of, he not mentioning what the business was. He not being home, but having gone to class meeting, I waited outside the church for him. He wants to sell out his leather cutting business and will give me the chance if I want it. I brought home a little brimstone for Mr. Pond to smoke out some currant worms. I went over before retiring to John Brayman's to see Mr. James about some clothing which he wants to trade with me for a peddling box formerly made for sifters. It being so late and he being in bed, I did not disturb him. MAY 27 THURSDAY - Cooler this morning and cloudy with some indications of rain. I went to New York for a half dozen gold 8x10 oval frames for Swift which Day has been making for him, 3 of them scale and ribbon and 3 of them rose and ribbon. I went in the morning to Fulton Market with Stephen Holmes. There I looked for a bunch of bananas I found plenty of them, but the price was too high. I went from there over to Vesey Street near Washington market and finally bought a bunch of 44 for $1.50. This was higher than I expected to pay but could do no better. Mr. Pond is to take half of them. It came off pleasant at noon. I came home on the Boston Express 12:15 from New York; arrived home at 3:15. I saw Fred Shears in Norwalk and spoke with him about seeing some of seeing some of Adam's Brothers journeymen to see if there was a chance for George there in their new factory which they are soon to commence in. After arriving from New York, I took Georgie up home to see George. He is able to be dressed today. While up home, I gave Father $5.00 towards the $15.00 I owe him. When Georgie and I returned from Father's I commenced mowing my door yard for the first time this season. Before tea, I took my bunch of bananas over to Mr. Pond's and divided them. He took half and added 20 cents extra for my trouble. I worked late in my yard and let Gussie go to market in the evening. MAY 28 FRIDAY - Cold and cloudy. I went to New York today. I called at William Hayes 31 Downing Street about my account books but concluded not to take them today. I called on Joe Wheeler about $8.00 he owes me but did not get it. I went to Charles Hayes' old boarding house in Hudson Street for his old straw hat and brought it to him. I went down to 98 Chamber Street and bought 1/2 gross small flags, 4x6 for Swift at $1.45 per gross. I bought a French loaf of bread nearly a yard long and brought it home as a curiosity. I bought an arch top gold spindle for Swift which Day has been making for him. Warren Bouton and wife were on the train from Cannon's. They had moved from Beaver Brook, he to turn the mill at that place. Smith Barnum's remains were brought up on the train form Norwalk arriving here at 3:15 (this was the train that I came on). It rained on my way to New York this morning but stopped before I got there and just as we arrive here in the P.M. it commenced again, this being a hard thunder shower. I waited awhile at Swift's store for the shower to be over and then I went to John Cosier's leather cutting shop in White Street to see him about buying out his half of that business. It was nearly 6 o'clock before I came home. After tea, I wrote to William Hayes about collecting bills from John Carr and Joseph Wheeler. I went into the street and mailed it. I called at Swift's and the walked up West Street with him. MAY 29 SATURDAY - Cloudy in the morning. It cleared away about 11 o'clock. I went down to the factory in the morning; there being no work, I had my account cashed by V. W. Benedict for $6.00 and then went up to John Cosier's office and talked more with him and George Barnum, his partner about buying out Cosier's interest in the business. I came home before dinner and finished cutting the grass in my door yard. While in the street, I saw Col. Ryder, treasurer of the Sewing Machine Company and got the $5.00 he owed me by transfer from George Brockett's account. I saw him as he came from the Danbury Bank with money in his hand. After dinner, I took Georgie into the street to see the procession formed at Military Hall to parade the street and visit the soldiers' graves in several burying grounds and the cemetery to decorate their graves with flowers. While in the street, I called at Swift's and collected pay for frames I had made for him at Day's in New York to the amount of $10.75. I came and raked off my door yard and carried the grass to the compost heap. I then set a new clothesline post north of the house near the cesspool. After tea, I hoed in my garden until dark. Gussie went into the street and I stayed at home. Before retiring, I oiled my walnut picture frames. MAY 30 SUNDAY - A southeast wind and rain by showers all day. I went down to Sunday School at noon and returned after the session. We had dinner at 3 P.M. after which Charles Hayes (our boarder) and myself walked over to the new town poor house. We heard that Mr. Pond was to conduct religious service there at 4 o'clock, but after getting over there, we were in doubt as to he being there, so we returned without going in. We had a drizzling rain on our return. I did not go out in the evening. MAY 31 MONDAY - Thunder shower about 6 o'clock this morning. I have been to New York today, the last on my commutation ticket, it having expired today. The day came off very hot. I have done a great deal of running in the city. I called on Sigler, also on Ferguson & Walker and explained how I cannot until Day pays me for my store, pay them. I made it all satisfactory with them. In the morning, I called on William at Heath & Smith, 400 West 18th Street between 9th and 10th Avenues and arranged with him to collect and finish up about business I could not do today. I intended to bring home my ledger and daybook and bundle of bills and receipts, but when I called in the P.M., Mrs. Hayes was out so I came home without them. I went to Tibbels' and also at the Book Room and bought for the Sunday School, Judd's Lesson and catechisms. Also, a set of 4 picture lessons for the infant class. I bought of Philip Phillips one “Singing Pilgrim & Leaves”, also for sample one of his new books just published, “The Standard Singer”. John Cave paid me $4.05 which he owed me. I went into Nassau Street, also at 18 Wall Street at A. N. Lancaster to see if I could find a customer for Oscar Serine's farm in Jasper County, Iowa. I could accomplish nothing for him. I wore thick clothing and got about overdone with the heat. Coming from the depot this evening, I met George and Fred Shears. I spoke with them about a shop for George at Adams in Norwalk. Fred promised to do all he can for George through a friend who works there. I received by the evening mail another bill from. P. Nicols & Company of $24.61 which I have owed him about a year but cannot pay him until I get my money from the sale of the store in New York. I called in the morning at 232 West 18th Street between 7th and 8th Avenue at the residence of George Talmadge to see where I could find him. I got the desired information and found him and cart standing at No. 4 Murray Street. He could pay me nothing. I tried to get his note for the amount, $63.00, but he did not want to now. He promised to pay as soon as he could pay very soon, would give me a note. Before retiring, I wrote to William about leaving my account books at the store at 61 Carmine Street for Mr. H. B. Benjamin to call for next Saturday and bring to me.
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