Horace Purdy Journal April 1869 Entry (Still Image)
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APRIL 01 THURSDAY - Pleasant but a little cooler. I have worked in the shop. I mailed for Gussie a letter to her sister Harriet in New Haven. I received a letter from George. He has left Yonkers on account of Mr. Waring changing from fur to wool hatting. He is now boarding at 74 Claremont Avenue in Brooklyn and working for Prentice. He asks if his name is alright on the list here so he can vote. I wrote a reply and mailed it saying that he is alright and we want him here if possible. I also dropped a line to Henry Day (who bought my store in New York) and enclosed an application to the Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford to make his life insurance policy payable to me in case of his death, the policy for which I hold as security for his notes given in payment for my store. I sent it for he and his wife to sign jointly as the policy is in favor of his wife. I bought a shad at 20 cents per pound for the first time this season. It was a North Carolina shad. While in the street, Dr. Brown told me that $5.00 would be given to George if he would come home to vote. I came home and wrote another letter to him stating the fact. Charles Hayes, our boarder, gave Gussie $13.00 towards his last month's board. APRIL 02 FRIDAY - I have worked as usual in the shop. It commenced raining about 6 o'clock this evening. Joseph R. Hawley spoke this evening for the Republicans at Concert hall. Victor Benedict was at the meeting and after Hawley stood up and made an open declaration of Republican principles, denouncing the sham democracy of the present day and stating that if his life was spared until next Monday, he should vote for impartial or Negro suffrage. The meeting closed at 10 o'clock when I walked up West Street with Marshall West. Edmund Allen offers me $3,000 for my place. APRIL 03 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I have worked in the shop. Rheumatism is troubling me considerably, but so far I have kept at work. In the evening, I attended the Republican Caucus at Concert Hall. We nominated for representatives, Walter Bartram and John Tweedy. Henry Fanton, the grocer, ran for a time ahead of all the others. Perry, E. S. Davis, L. Brewster, and several others had a respectable number of votes for a time. After the caucus, a large number went up to L. J. Jackson's to present him with a picture of the first reading of the Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln in the presence of his cabinet ' size 25x40 in walnut and gilt with cross bands and ornamental corners. It is a fine thing; price, $65.00. I did not go up but saw the picture at Swift's earlier in the evening. I bought a dozen oranges of S. Holmes, corner of Main and Liberty Streets and came home. APRIL 04 SUNDAY - Cool. At noon and a portion of the P.M., we had snow squalls. Aside from this, the sun shone brightly. Father Griswold preached this forenoon. Gussie went to hear him and I stayed homer with Georgie. She came home in time to let me go to Sunday School. After school, I came home. I feel miserable with rheumatism. About 6 o'clock P.M., Susan Brayman called to see Gussie. Later in the evening, Henry Hinman came in to give Gussie Mrs. Stone's address. She then wrote to her to see if she would come to help clean house. She wrote to Southbury where we last knew her to be. APRIL 05 MONDAY - Pleasant. Election Day. George came home by the morning train from Brooklyn. I met him at the train. I borrowed John Tweedy's horse and took him with his traveling bag up home. From there, I took him to the Court House where we both voted. We then went up to the Post Office and then we came home to dinner. At the Court House, I bought 10 Colorado pens for 25 cents. I gave George 5 of them. Just before dinner, I had a talk with Father Griswold about selling my home. He advises me to do so if Edmund Allen will take it at $3,000. If so, he promises to build me another place which will cost $2,000. I went down to the polls again in the P.M. Later in the P.M., I met George uptown. I gave him the $5.00 promised to defray expenses coming home to vote and will get it again from John Tweedy or Dr. Brown. I saw Henry Day who also came home to vote. I went to Norwalk with George and Day to talk with them and returned again on the evening train. I let George take my N.Y. & N. H. railroad commutation ticket at Norwalk to see if he could use it and thereby save $1.30. When I came home, I was in a bad condition from the rheumatism. When I got home, I found John Bouton at the house waiting to see me to make out an estimate of a house as I am thinking of building if I sell my house. When he left and I tried to eat a little, I retired, feeling about used up. APRIL 06 TUESDAY - Pleasant. I got up feeling miserable. On my way to the shop, I called at the Post Office and Dr. Brown gave me the $5.00 I advanced yesterday to George. I tried to work at the shop but could not and had to give up and come home. On my way home, I stopped to see Edmund Allen. He is still in earnest about buying my house, though I have not yet set the price. I bought ## dozen lemons and when I got home, I made some hot lemonade for my cold. In the P.M., I drew up a plan for the house Father Griswold contemplates building for me if I sell the one I am now living in. The result of the election yesterday was the election Walter Bartram as our representative. John tweedy our other one, was defeated by only two votes, which gave it to Dr. James Baldwin, the Democratic nominee. Our majority (republican) can only be figured at. We elected our Governor Marshall Jewell and have a majority in both branches of the legislature. Bill for back dues for the Hatters' Association sent me by the Secretary, Edward Coday - $2.00. I did not pay it. APRIL 07 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and warm with the exception of 2 or 3 showers which were short thought it rained quite hard. I am feeling better and have worked all day in the shop. John McNamee called the shop this P.M. to raise the price of finishing velvet hats. We voted to raise them 50 cents per dozen where they were not pounced before coming to us. Mr. Crofut declared that he could not give it and sell the hats in the same market as the Jersey manufacturers and said that if we insisted on having the advance, we could get up what we had out and then stop. This effected a reconsideration of the vote which resulted in going to work at our old prices, viz, $2.50 for all coarser than No. 5 and $3.00 for No. 5 and all finer. While we were at tea about 7 o'clock, Henry Hinman came in and sat with us until I went into the street. While in the street, I saw John Bouton while in Swift's store. I gave him the plan of the house I drew yesterday to estimate the cost of building. The body of Mrs. Clark, the last of those destroyed in the Kohanza disaster was found yesterday about midway between the lower railroad bridge and the factory pond below. After coming from the street, I went over to see Robert Cocking about the pieces of glass he wants to buy at my old store in New York now occupied by Henry Day. While over there, Mrs. Cocking poured a glass of wine for Robert and me. Before retiring, I wrote a dunning letter to George Quien for the $2.25 he owes me for framing a testimonial. APRIL 08 THURSDAY - Pleasant excepting a shower in the P.M. As I went to work this morning, I mailed the letter I wrote last night to George Quien. I have had work all day in the shop. Gussie has been down to Susan Brayman's to have her help her make some shirts for me. Susan came home with about 5 ## o'clock and stayed to tea. She found Mother up to Mother Griswold's visiting. She came down to make us a visit, but Gussie being gone, she went up there. After tea, Gussie went up home with Mother and got George's clean clothes for me to take to the city tomorrow. While she was after them, John Bouton came in to give me an estimate on building a house which father Griswold thinks of building for me. I went downtown with John. Before returning, I called on Ed Allen and offered my place for $3,000 with the privilege of staying until next spring before giving possession. He is to think of it and let me know. APRIL 09 FRIDAY - I have been to New York. I expected to have some money from Henry Day on the note due yesterday but the person from whom he expected the money is dangerously ill and he could not under the circumstances get it. I collected from Benjamin Ryder, $1.35 for a sample frame I made for him. I called on Tibbels about the bookkeeper's situation for William Hayes. It looks doubtful about his securing it. I also called at Gilbert Bennett's in Pearl Street near Fulton to collect $.92 balance due for framing a picture of his factory at Georgetown, but he not being in I did not get it. I brought home Egbert Gilbert's looking glass and delivered after tea. I got the money, $3.25, which Day told me to put in my pocket towards what he owes me. I brought home two bananas. I bought for the Sunday School 9 Judd's Lessons for every Sunday in the year. APRIL 10 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I worked in the shop until about 4 P.M., then came by way of Griffing's Coal Office and paid him an old coal bill which has been standing since October 1867. The amount with interest was $43.60 which I paid to balance the account. I also gave his son, Charlie, $20.00 on account. I then went down to the Pawn Brokers and bought a quart of oysters. From there I went down to Albert Sherwood (who keeps the jail) to see if he could cash an order for me, the amount being $17.00. He could not do it. I went to market in the evening. APRIL 11 SUNDAY - The day has been pleasant thought this evening there is an appearance of a storm. I went down to Sunday School at noon, returning with Georgie after the session. Gussie stayed to communion in the P.M. After tea, we went up near father Griswold's barn to look at the ground where he thinks of building a house for me if I should sell mine. Gussie then went over to Robert Cocking's to see his wife who is sick. We both stayed at home in the evening. APRIL 12 MONDAY - I worked in the shop until about 4 P.M., then having done all I could get, I came home, stopping on the way at Jones & Hoyt to see about sending Henry Day's life policy to Hartford to have it made payable to me in case of his death. Mr. Jones not being in, I concluded to defer it until he gets home. He is expected this evening. Before tea, I did a little towards cleaning out my cellar. I attended teachers' Meeting in the evening. After the meeting, I did some marketing and came home. APRIL 13 TUESDAY - Pleasant. I had work in the shop until a little after dinner when I finished and came home. On my way home, I left henry Day's life insurance policy at Jones' office to have it sent to Hartford to have it made payable to me in case of his death. When I came home, I changed a part of my clothing and took a walk back into the street and up Balmforth Avenue to see Widow Leach's hose which has been offered for sale at $3,700. I came home to tea about 6 o'clock. Sister Harriet Purdy called about 6 o'clock and stayed to tea. After tea, I went over to Mr. Pond's for a small bottle of ink which he gave to me. Louise also took teas with us, Mother Griswold's folks being away. Gussie and Louise went in the evening to a temperance lecture in our church. It is a jubilee with the temperance organizations here. After the lecture, I believe that they are to have a festival at their hall over benedict & Nichols' store. I locked the house and went down to the Post Office, called at Swift's store for a few minutes and came home, walking up West Street with Luther Potter. APRIL 14 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. I have had work all day in the shop. After tea, John Bouton and wife called, he to see Father Griswold about building a wood house. Frank stayed with Gussie while John and I went into the street to do a little marketing. APRIL 15 THURSDAY - Pleasant, though it froze some last night. I have worked all day in the shop. Came home with the headache. Mother Griswold having company to help her quilt, Gussie was there to tea. So Charlie Hayes and I went up to tea also. I not fully able to go into the street, Gussie did all the marketing. I lent Charles Hayes $2.00 until next Tuesday. The 'Aurora Borealis' was very luminous this evening, covering the whole heavens. There seemed to be a center directly over my head from which it radiated in flashing streaks. There was a similar wonder before the War of 1861 to 1865. Whether this is an omen of another dire calamity or not, I cannot say, but it is truly wonderful. John Bouton and his carpenters today commenced building Father Griswold's woodhouse. APRIL 16 FRIDAY - Pleasant and warm. I had work in the shop until a little after noon when I came home, stopping on the way to get Henry Day's life insurance policy which Jones sent to Hartford to be made payable to me in case of Day's death. This I hold as security for the $600.00 which he owes me for my store which I sold him in New York. I cut the edges of my door yard walks and raked them off this P.M. After tea, George Fenner called and I went with him to see Mr. Pond about his boy (Fenner) entering school next term. Mr. Pond was not at home so I went with George to Borough Hall on White Street to see him. When I returned from the street, I found John Brayman at the house for a call. Before retiring, I went up and showed Henry Day's life insurance policy (which I have been having made over to me) to Father Griswold. APRIL 17 SATURDAY - No work the shop. Before breakfast, I went down and mailed a letter to Henry Day 68 Carmine Street, New York. Before coming home, I bought a hoop for Georgie for 15 cents. After breakfast, I went down to the shop. Cyrus White cashed my account so that I could come home and wait until be paid home. I spent the forenoon in trimming my apple trees. I took the noon train and went to Georgetown to get 82 cents from Edwin gilbert, the balance due me for framing the photo of his factory. He showed me around his factories where I saw for the first time, I saw wire pulling, misc. cloth weaving, hair curling and glue making. I took the next up train arriving in Danbury again at 4 o'clock. Harriet Purdy was on the train going down on her way to New York. She left one of her bundles with me to bring down with me the next time I go to the city. I finished trimming my trees before night. I stayed home in the evening and let Gussie go to the market. I rained before dinner and until about 1 o'clock. It was a refreshing shower without thunder. Pleasant again in the P.M. and in the evening. APRIL 18 SUNDAY - Pleasant and warm, the finest day we have yet had. I went down to Sunday School and returned after the session with Georgie. Harriet Mills came home with Gussie to tea. While we were at tea, Father came in for a visit. After tea, Georgie and I took a walk, stopping a few moments sat Clark Beers on Montgomery Street, thence through Stevens Street, stopping at Mr. Francis' new house and going through it with Mr. Francis. The on our way home in West Street, I stopped at Mr. Swift's gate and talked with him a short time. Our old preacher, Mr. William Hill, preached this morning and evening. I did not hear him, not being on time this morning and Gussie went this evening. I stayed home with Georgie. APRIL 19 MONDAY - Before breakfast I wrote and mailed a letter to Henry Day about a small looking glass in an oak frame for Clark Beers, also a gilt oval with an eagle top center ornament for Mr. Swift. Went to the shop, but there being no work, I came home and spent the day by commencing gardening. I planted peas, two rows of potatoes and two rows of onions. I forked over my asparagus bed and uncovered strawberry plants. Also cleaned out our rain water hogshead. In the evening, I returned for Father Griswold a pair of hedge shears and went to market. I brought for Father Griswold from the Jeffersonian Office a lot of printed circulars for distribution to his preachers on the south Long Island district, giving his appointments for 3 months to come. It has been very much like summer today, a little muggy in the morning but hot through the day. I bought ingredients for grafting wax. APRIL 20 TUESDAY - No shop work. Gussie and I cleaned the front chamber. I made grafting wax, and bought a small tub for whitewash for Mr. Pond and myself. I spaded garden enough to plant my 'Champion of England' peas. Towards night, it showed signs of rain. About 5 ## o'clock, it commenced to rain a little. It acted more like April showers than a settled rain. Gussie, Louise and Susan Brayman went in the evening to the downtown school exhibition at Concert Hall. I stayed at home with Georgie. APRIL 21 WEDNESDAY - It rained hard last night. Sunshine and showers this forenoon, but pleasant in the P.M. I had work in the shop until after 3 P.M. I came home by way of the jail to see the keeper, Mr. Sherwood, about $17.00 he owes Henry Day which Day turned out to me. Sherwood has not yet received his pay from the County. When he does, he will pay me. Before tea, I set out in place of where our old ones died some strawberry plants. I went to market in the evening. Gussie went to Sewing Society at Saul Bailey's. Louise stayed with Georgie while I was in the street. I got my hair cut before coming home. Harry Ledger's remains were today brought from Norwalk and buried. APRIL 22 THURSDAY - Pleasant but cool. I went to the shop in the morning, but there being no work, came home, stopping at the Post Office and talked for some time with Dr. Brown, the Postmaster, about the prospect of his being reappointed as Postmaster. After dinner, I started to see Henry Hurd about the order about I have from Henry Day to collect $6.72 from him but did not find him at the shop. I then went to the Bartram & Fanton Sewing Machine Factory to see if they could pay me the $5.00 from George Brockett, but they could not pay off yet, and therefore, I could get no money there. From there, I went to the shop and made arrangements for Ed Hunniston to draw my money on Saturday if I am not there. I then went up home to see Father who is about sick and gave him the ## pound of tobacco that Harriet left with me for him. I got around home about 6 o'clock. In the evening, I went to market. Before coming home, I saw Henry Hurd and collected $6.72 which I put in my pocket as he desired and endorsed the same on his note of $300.00 which was due on the 8th inst. I stopped a few moments in Concert Hall to see the velocipede riders. APRIL 23 FRIDAY - Pleasant. I have been to New York. I saw the Olympic Theater on fire. It was so extinguished that no outward signs of a fire were left visible. I brought home a looking glass in an oak frame for Clark Beers and delivered it before coming home to my tea. I also brought the 8x10 gold oval (national design) for Swift which he ordered some time ago ' price to the trade, $2.50. The oak frame for Beers was $2.00. I am to bring him an arch top gold looking glass next week when I think he will pay for both. I came to Norwalk on the 3: 45 train which gave me about an hour at Norwalk. I wanted to see Charles Purdy who works at the lock factory, but the factory was closed when I got there. APRIL 24 SATURDAY - Pleasant and warm. No work in the shop. In the forenoon, I dug up two dwarf pear trees which were dead in my yard and tore out the sink upstairs and plastered up the hole through which the waste pipe ran. After dinner, I went down to the shop, but Ed Hunniston, who I had requested to draw my pay for me had gone. So I came home and spent the remainder of the day in whitewashing upstairs. In the evening, I went to market and brought home a 3 lb. shad. O. H. Swift paid me for frames I made for him; the balance due me was $8.53. I received a note from Sigler Brothers, 131 and 133 Mercer Street, New York requesting me to pay a bill which was enclosed ' amount $10.15. My account says only $7.16. I tried to buy a key to match the one belonging to the outside door at the foot of the stairs, but could not get one. Gussie went to the milliners for her hat, but it did not suit her, so she went over to Mrs. Bradley's and they together trimmed it over again. While she was over there about 10 o'clock, we had a thunder shower. APRIL 25 SUNDAY - Pleasant but windy and cooler than yesterday. I went to church in the morning. The presiding elder, Brother Osborne, preached. After Sunday School, I came home. After tea, Gussie went to the funeral of Widow Minor, who was before marriage, Eliza White. Father came down this P.M. with a letter for me to take to New York next time I go to Harriet with $2.00 enclosed. I am to leave it at Mr. Bogle's store, 83 Barclay Street. Just before evening meeting, I took a walk over to John Bouton's. I returned in time to attend church. Brother Crawford preached. APRIL 26 MONDAY - I went to the shop in the morning, but there was no work. I took a ride part way to Brookfield with Luther Potter to get a melodeon. The day has been pleasant and warm and I enjoyed it much. I took a letter from the office for Charles Hayes from Charles Purdy from South Norwalk. I then came home and spent the remainder of the day working in my garden. I planted beets and vegetable oyster. I also set out two rows of strawberry plants and dug a part of the flower borders. While we were at tea, Mrs. Bradley came in. Gussie gave her some flower plants. I helped her carry them home and then went to market. I took a letter from the office from Fanny from New haven where she has gone to help Harriet move into her new house. APRIL 27 TUESDAY - Pleasant and warm. I have worked all day in the shop. Before tea, I dug over and raked the flower mound in front of the house. As soon as this was done, John Gray came for some strawberry plants. I helped him dig them before taking my tea. Gussie cleaned the room which our tenants used for a kitchen upstairs. I stayed at home in the evening and let Gussie go to market. I sent the letter by her to mail which Father brought down Sunday afternoon for me to take to Mr. Bogle's store in New York next time I go to the city. The letter is for Harriet and he enclosed $2.00. It being uncertain about when I should go, I sent it by mail. I also sent by her a root of horse radish to be left at Mr. Holmes' store for Widow Fred Starr. I promised it to her last evening. Thunder and lightning during the evening, and at 10 o'clock as we were retiring, it commenced raining. APRIL 28 WEDNESDAY - A beautiful day. The rain last night was light. I went to the shop this morning, and finished off the remainder of a dozen hats. There being no more to do, I came home, stopping on the way for some sugar and a small piece of lime to finish whitewashing what was our tenant's kitchen upstairs. Before dinner, I went over to Mrs. Maddon's to do some grafting for her. She for the last two years has been wanting me to do it. I grafted three trees for her, putting in 38 scions in 18 stocks. I finished for her about 3 P.M. I then did my whitewashing upstairs, after which, I spaded up a piece of my garden for a bed in which I put parsnips, carrots and a few radishes. It was about dark when I finished. Charles Purdy came up from Norwalk today and called for Charles Hayes while he was at tea. I stayed at home in the evening and let Gussie go to market. APRIL 29 THURSDAY - Stormy. It rained hard most of the day until about 4 P.M. I went to the shop in the morning, but there being no work, I came as far as the Post Office where I sat and talked with Dr. Brown until the mail came and then I came home. I finished grafting for Mrs. Maddon in the P.M. She paid me $1.20 for what I did. After this, I put up frame work for my grape vines. I set out some cabbage stumps. In the evening, I went to market. APRIL 30 FRIDAY - A heavy frost this morning. Mr. Pond and myself have been to New York today. I went for the gold looking glass frame for Clark Beers, but it was not done. I went with Mr. Pond to A. T. Stewart's and other places for a carpet. He finally bought of Stewart. He bought 50 singing books, 'Love Garden' of Mason, wallpaper of Ruckle & Trainque, 83 Sixth Avenue; also 60 feet of gilt molding, one inch wide for ceilings in place of bordering for wall paper, this I bought of Grayson in elm Street, near Browne. We took dinner at eh St. Charles Hotel. Brother George Starr was on the train coming from the National Sunday School Convention at Newark, New Jersey. Fanny was also in the train from Norwalk, coming from New Haven where she has been helping Harriet to move.
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