Horace Purdy Journal July 1868 Entry (Still Image)
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JULY 01 WEDNESDAY - I have been to New York. I came home by steamer to Norwalk to bring a looking glass frame for Mr. Jackson. I sat up until about midnight, cutting plate and fitting and fastening in the new frame. Mr. Pond assisted me. JULY 02 THURSDAY - Very warm. I have worked in the shop. After tea, George helped me to carry the glass to Mr. Jackson's and hang it. JULY 03 FRIDAY - Very hot; a heavy shower commencing little before 4 o'clock and lasting an hour or more. The rain fell in torrents accompanied with hail. The mercury stood from 90 to 100 in the shade. JULY 04 SATURDAY - Another hot day. I went to New York and took to William Hayes about 3 quarts of strawberries. I returned on the 12:15 Express from New York and arrived here at 3:45. The Catholics held a picnic in Keeler's Orchard on Deer Hill. The 'Grand Army of the Republic' held one in McDonald's Woods at Oil Mill Pond. Gussie attended the G.A.R company. With what was expected, it was a failure. It has been very hot. Georgie has been up home on Deer Hill today in order to let Gussie attend the picnic. He is to stay overnight. The Democratic Convention meets today in New York at the new Tammany Hall between 3rd and 4th Avenues on 14th Street. A salute was fired this evening at sundown at Rose Hill by members of the G.A. R. JULY 05 SUNDAY - Very warm again. After breakfast, George and I went over to Oil Mill Pond to wash. Georgie being up home, we all attended church in the morning. While we were at tea, Father came with Georgie. Showers around us with heavy thunder and lightning but no rain here. Georgie has a bad cough. I went over to West Street to Mr. Wood's to get a recipe for a cough syrup to make for Georgie. JULY 06 MONDAY - A pleasant warm day though more comfortable than yesterday there being more breeze. I had work in the shop until nearly 6 o'clock. I went down to Swifts with two 10x12 one inch Rose and Gilt frames and cut them down for Fanny to make 8x10's of them. I went to market in the evening. JULY 07 TUESDAY - Cloudy. No work in the shop. I took the 12 o'clock train and went to New York, arrived a 3:20. I took the 4:30 train back again. The shone when I got to the city. Before I arrived home, we had a summer shower. George met me at the depot with my overshoes and an umbrella. JULY 08 WEDNESDAY - Lowery; muggy and hot, but little sunshine. I have worked in the shop. I have filed my saw which belongs to the store after I came from work. After tea, George went to market for me and I took F. G. Jackson's old looking glass frame to his house which I have had since I made his new one. Before bedtime, I went up to Father Griswold's and had a talk with him about my business affairs. JULY 09 THURSDAY - Thunder shower this morning early. Went to New York. William started today with his regiment for Norwich. Horatio Seymour was today nominated for President and Blair for Vice-President. JULY 10 FRIDAY - Pleasant. I have been to New York. We had Dr. Bulkely for Georgie. I talked with Mrs. Willard about learning Gussie to preserve flowers. I brought a package from John Carpenter in New York to Charlie, his brother, in Burnett & Stone's store. JULY 11 SATURDAY - Pleasant but hot. I have been to New York. As I went to the depot this morning, I carried to Charles Carpenter at Burnett & Stone's store, 4 rolls of salve. The store not being open, I left them at Benedict's Shoe Store. William returned this P.M. from his excursion with the New York 7th Regiment to Norwich. I delivered 6 Bead Walnut and Gilded frames to N. Tibbel this P.M. I came near being left by the train in New York this P.M. Gussie moved our bed upstairs today and put my secretary in the bedroom. JULY 16 SUNDAY - Before breakfast, George and I went over to Oil Mill Pond and washed. I went to church in the morning and to Sunday School. Gussie went in the P.M. to the Communion Service. Before its close, it was nearly broken by an alarm of fire. A Mr. Beers on Balmforth Avenue owned the house. A part of the house was nearly destroyed. After tea, Gussie went with Mrs. Rowan to see Mary White, an old schoolmate. JULY 13 MONDAY - Very warm. HOT! I have worked in the shop. After tea, George and I trimmed the edges of the walk in front of the house. Father Griswold's and Mr. Pond's front also. I wrote to Southmayd & Company, my agent for selling my store and enclosed $2.50 for advertising in the Herald, which with $2.00 given him when I arranged with him to try and sell the business makes $4.50. George took it to mail for me. I also wrote to E. Wing, West Goshen to send an improved washing machine for the one we have had of the first lot, it being imperfect. JULY 14 TUESDAY - Pleasant but very warm. The mercury stood at 95 in the shade. I worked until after 3 P.M. in the shop. As I came home, I bought a quart of Old Stock imported ale for Georgie. The doctor ordered it for him. I sent to the office this morning the letter I wrote to Mr. Wing. JULY 15 WEDNESDAY - Very warm again today. I have been to New York. I left our washing machine at Ridgefield Station for Mr. Wing this morning; he is to send another in its place. I delivered more frames to Tibbels' and received $34.00, the amount of his bill. Hannah Gregory and Mary White from Dover, New York were here to tea. They were old Amenia school mates of Gussie's. George and I went across to Mr. Green's about 11 o'clock and took a wash in the brook and then retired, being nicely cooled off. JULY 16 THURSDAY - Warm, but more comfortable there being a breeze. I have worked in the shop all day. JULY 17 FRIDAY - Pleasant but a little cooler. I have worked in the shop all day. I went to market in the evening. JULY 18 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I have been to New York. I took a small bundle for Elisha Morris to be called for at my store. I put in a 10x17 looking glass plate for Robert Cocking and built two small ones. I brought them home with me and delivered them this evening and got my pay for them. Dan Rice's Circus has been here today. George went to Yonkers. JULY 19 SUNDAY - Pleasant. As I went for milk this morning, I carried to Mr. McDonald the 3 cents worth of Children's Tracts which I got for him yesterday in New York. George went to Yonkers yesterday and is consequently not with us today. I went to church in the morning. Brother Burch preached to the Sunday School. I came home after school. Gussie came down at noon and stayed in the P.M. After tea, Father came down with Georgie who has been up there since yesterday. We stayed home in the evening. JULY 20 MONDAY - Cloudy; east wind and misty and fine rain just at night. I have worked in the shop. William Carlson drew my pay - $12.00 ' on Saturday and gave it to me today. Bell drew George's pay at Montgomery's today and left $10.00 with Gussie for board. He expects to return from Yonkers tomorrow. Gussie went to market this evening. JULY 21 TUESDAY - Cloudy; east wind but no rain. I have worked in the shop. George came home from Yonkers on the evening train. Thought I lost my pocketbook at A. E. Fuller's Market, but found it at home. The seventh Anniversary of the 1st Battle of Bull Run. JULY 22 WEDNESDAY - I have been to New York. Cloudy in the morning with fog. Sunshine in the middle of the day. Warmer than the last two or three days. Mrs. Stewart went home this morning from Father Griswold's. I escorted her to the city. I saw her on a 3rd Avenue and Fulton Ferry Stage and left her. Elisha Morris' wife was put in my care also. She took the boat at Norwalk where I turned her over to John Cosier who was going to the city. I framed and brought home Hanson Smith's and George's Soldiers testimonials and brought them up with me at night. JULY 23 THURSDAY - An east wind and cloudy most of the day, but no rain. I have worked in the shop. In the evening, I went to market and paid Charles Griffing for the ## ton of coal I owed him for. JULY 24 FRIDAY - I have worked hard in the shop. JULY 25 SATURDAY - A heavy rain last night. I have been to New York. The day has been fine in New York, though it has rained here about two o'clock; also about 7 this evening and again between 9 and 10 o'clock. I had some conversation with William Hayes in the store about buying me out. Gussie met me in the street after the train arrived and I went with her to market. JULY 26 SUNDAY - Before breakfast, George and I went over to Oil Mill Pond and took a good wash. I went to church in the morning. Gussie came down at noon with Georgie to Sunday School. After school, I came home with him and left Gussie to the afternoon meeting. After tea, Gussie, Georgie and I took a walk up West Street into Stevens and Spring Streets. JULY 27 MONDAY - Pleasant. I have worked in the shop. After tea, I went up to F. G. Jackson's to see about the $20.00 he owes me for the looking glass frame I made for him July 2. He promises to pay it this week. From there, I went up to Agnes Keeler's to see the size of the three pictures I framed for them last summer; also to inquire the price of braiding a hair watch chain for John Cave in New York. From there, I went to market. The proprietor of the Turner House failed this morning. The sheriff was there and attached his property. JULY 28 TUESDAY - I have worked in the shop. A shop call after dinner to put the price of No. 7-6-8-and 4back again to the old price, we having made a deduction on these qualities during dull times about 6 weeks or two months ago. We got the price on all except the No. 6 which Mr. Crofut would not give the 2%, but we agreed on 1% advance. Elijah Morris and myself were the committee to wait upon the boss. I worked all the P.M. in misery with a sick headache. Gussie went to market in the evening. I cut George's hair and helped Mr. Pond set out celery plants. JULY 29 WEDNESDAY - Went to New York. Levi Wildman came to the store to see my business. He thinks of buying a business of some kind. I got two pounds of coffee and one pound of tea at the Great American Tea Company. I brought up two pictures to Oscar Serine which I framed for him ' 'Lost' and 'Saved' in Rose and Gilt. I delivered them after tea and then went to Mr. Richards for my boots and shoes for Georgie which he has mended today. JULY 30 THURSDAY - Pleasant. After breakfast, I turned grindstone for Mr. Pond to grind his scythe up to Father Griswold's barn. I have worked in the shop. Today has been the first for a long time that we have had full work in the shop. After tea, Bell came home with Georgie. He has been up to Grandmas since yesterday. Gussie went to market in the evening, while I, being tired, stayed home. Gussie bought a pair of heeled slippers - $1.15. JULY 31 FRIDAY - Pleasant and warm. Real Dog Days' weather. I have worked in the shop. Oscar Serine cashed my account - $20.00. In the evening, I called to see F. G. Jackson per agreement to get my pay for looking glass frames but he was away to New York. I went to market in the evening.
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