Horace Purdy Journal December 1867 Entry (Still Image)
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DECEMBER 01 SUNDAY - Very cold last night; cool today, but pleasant. Georgie being up home, we both went to church in the morning. Before dressing for church, I went down with the 17 Singing Books I bought in New York for the Sunday School. We had some excellent singing at noon under the leadership of Brother Lockwood. We came home at noon and in the P.M., we went up home to dinner and brought Georgie home with us. Just before evening meeting time, Susan Brayman came in. She walked down with me as I went to church. Brother Birch preached a good sermon after which they held a short prayer meeting. Gussie wrote in the evening to Edwin's wife. DECEMBER 02 MONDAY - Went to New York again today. Just as the train left this morning at 6:30 o'clock, it commenced snowing and threatened a hard snowstorm, but it snowed only a little, about a half inch here and less in New York. The sun came out about three o'clock in New York and the evening was fine. The engine gave out while we were in the upper tunnel in New York this morning and we were detained nearly a half hour. One of the cylinder heads blew out. We waited for the next train which then pushed us down to 42nd Street. Daniel has not yet returned to the store and work is put back on that account. I went down to No. 12 Cortlandt this P.M. to see Mr. Clark about the note due him on the 9th inst. As I fear I shall not be able to meet it. DECEMBER 03 TUESDAY - The tenth anniversary of our wedding. Sunshine and clouds but no storm. I worked in the shop. When I came from work, I went up to W. F. Olmstead's to see him about making application for me at the Union Savings Bank to renew my note of $400 which is in there. After tea, I took to Mrs. Barlow in Liberty Street, the funeral wreath I have been preserving for her. which was on the coffin of her infant child. I did not get the pay for it. I mailed a letter to William W. Hayes, my man at the store. Called at Swift's store; bought meal and buckwheat flour for pancakes. When I came from the street, I found George at the house waiting for me. After talking over the matter, he concluded to write to Yonkers to a shop mate to whom he sold some frames for me and see if he could not get the pay for them to help me out in meeting notes. I went down and mailed it before retiring. The Band of Hope gives an exhibition this evening at Concert Hall. DECEMBER 04 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant but cold. I have worked in the shop today. I called this P.M. at the Union Savings Bank to see if at the Board meeting last night they decided to renew my note of $400 and found that they did. I fastened the tin leader to the house which carries the water off from the sink upstairs. We moved the stove from the sitting room into the parlor preparatory to cleaning tomorrow. After tea, I drew up a copy of an advertisement which I am thinking of having put in the paper. I took it into the street with me, but found the Jeffersonian Office closed. I called a few moments in the auction room under Concert Hall and then came home. Before retiring, I took my note for renewal up to Father Griswold for his endorsement and left it for him to hand in tomorrow and take up the old one, as I am going to New York tomorrow. DECEMBER 05 THURSDAY - Pleasant. I have been to New York today. Daniel, not having made his appearance, we have hired another boy for the present, if not permanently. I did a great deal of running in the city today and am very tired tonight. George has been helping Gussie clean the sitting room and pantry today. Father Griswold attended to the renewal of my note at the Union Savings Bank for me today. I refunded the interest to him this evening after returning from New York. DECEMBER 06 FRIDAY - Cloudy, but not very cold. I did not rise until about 6:30 o'clock this morning. Before breakfast, I went down to mail a letter to William at the store in New York with one enclosed to Mr. Clark about the $5.00 he promised me if I would meet my note due him on next Monday. I was too late for the morning mail. I have worked in the shop today. George helped Gussie clean the sink room this forenoon. High wind in the forenoon and rain in the evening. I went to market in the evening. DECEMBER 07 SATURDAY - Pleasant. I went to New York again today. I bought one dozen more Singing Pilgrims and Musical Leaves for the Sunday School and let William Hayes have one at the store, bringing home 11. Mrs. Bartram was on the train from New York. Gussie, Louise, George and Hattie Mills met me at the Depot, George and Hattie having come on the same train with me from Bethel. Gussie stopped at the dressmakers and before she came home George and I killed our favorite cat 'Prince' to get him out of misery. He has been sick about 2 weeks with no prospect of ever being better. We had him buried before Gussie came home. After my supper, I went over to Mr. Pond's with three of my new singing books and we had a sing together. Before I came home, I borrowed for a few days $100 to meet a note on Monday in New York. DECEMBER 08 SUNDAY - Pleasant but cold. Gussie attended church in the morning while I stayed home with Georgie. George came down in the morning and went with Gussie. I took Georgie up to Mother Griswold's a little before 12 o'clock to wait until Gussie should return while I went to Sunday School. I delivered another batch of 11 books 'Singing Pilgrim' and 'Musical Leaves' to members of the School's sacrament in the P.M. which I attended. George called after tea while I was up to Mother Griswold's. He went over to Aunt Louise's before I returned Mother Griswold came down to stay with Georgie in the evening to let Gussie and I attend church together. DECEMBER 09 MONDAY - Pleasant but very cold. I have been to New York today. Bell went there today for the first time. George, being on his return to Yonkers, he took her with him by way of steamboat from Norwalk to New York. When they landed (about 11 o'clock), he took her up Fulton Street and on the Broadway Bridge. From there, they walked up Broadway to Barnum's Museum where they stayed until after 3 o'clock and then came over to the store for Bell to go with me as far as Stamford which she did by the express train. We left George at the store to take a later train up the Hudson River Road to Yonkers. I took up my note to Henry Clark today - $125 with interest. I brought a wreath home with me from New York to put in Swift's window on exhibition. DECEMBER 10 TUESDAY - The thermometer early last evening stood 4 degrees below zero. I woke this morning and found it snowing. Not so cold today. I have worked in the shop. It came off pleasant before noon. As I went to work in the morning, I left my boots at Daragan's to be mended and called for them as I came home from work. A letter from William Hayes that Nunnebacher in Pell Street had not enough Walnut molding of the pattern I ordered; the 72 22x28 frames of for Smith & Rand Powder Co. He made 60 of them and waits to hear about using another pattern. I wrote to William after tea, giving directions about it and mailed it as I went to market in the evening. DECEMBER 11 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. I have worked in the shop. I worked late to finish up my work as I am going to New York tomorrow morning. I came home late and very tired. I stayed at home in the evening to let Gussie go to market. DECEMBER 12 & 13 THURSDAY & FRIDAY - Very cold. It was snowing very hard when I rose. I went to New York. The storm increased during the day. The wind blew terribly. I took the train at 27th Street for home at 4:30 o'clock. We had difficulty in getting up to 42nd Street with horses. After attaching the engine, we went as far as 49th Street and could get no farther on account of Harlem trains on the track ahead and ice at the street crossings. We finally, however (after Mr. H. B. Fanton and myself went to the Reunion Hotel on the corner of 42nd Street and 4th Avenue for something to eat) got under way a little after 11 o'clock, and after a great deal of difficulty we arrived at Mamaroneck about 4 o'clock Friday morning when the water in the engine tanks was exhausted and we could get no farther. We suffered for fuel to warm us and many for food. There was not wood enough at 27th Street to properly supply the cars for even an ordinary trip and no snow plow for the engine. There was evident mis-management all around. We were obliged to lie at or around Mamaroneck Station until about 1:30 o'clock P.M. on account of the inability of the Superintendent of the road ' Hoyt. The engines which were sent to Stamford at noon for water could just as easily been sent in the morning if Superintendent Hoyt had so directed. When we finally got underway again, the passengers held an indignation meeting on board and passed resolution censuring the officers of the road and particularly Superintendent Hoyt, who was on the ground and did so little to assist us. A committee was appointed to see that the resolutions were printed in the New York papers. They were still acting on the matter when we arrived at Norwalk which was about 3 o'clock. There I found Brother Birch who came from Stamford on the same train. We went over to Bixbee's Hotel and stayed by a good fire until the Danbury train came down which waited until 8:30 o'clock for another train from New York. We arrived in Danbury at 10:30 o'clock. Thursday P.M. as I went to the Depot, I went to Philip Phillip's at Broadway Union Square for a dozen Singing Pilgrims and Musical leaves combine for our Sunday School which I brought home with me. (Marginal Note: 30 hours coming from New York to Danbury detained on the cars on account of the snow). DECEMBER 14 SATURDAY - I went to New York again this morning and delivered 72 frames to Smith & rand Powder Company at 170 Broadway and got my pay for them. As I came home, I went again to Phillip Phillips for 10 more singing books. The trains came through with little trouble tonight though they were a little behind time. I am nearly used up tonight. DECEMBER 15 SUNDAY - Pleasant and not so cold. I went down to the church before breakfast and carried the music books I brought from New York for the Sunday School. Neither of us attended church in the morning. I went early to Sunday School. Gussie came soon after with Georgie. After delivering most of the music books to subscribers, I found that a part of the book was differently arranged from others I had previously procured for the school. Most of the music was there, but the pages did not agree. I took a few of them back again and am to see Phillip Phillips about the matter when I go to New York again. Feeling very tired and weary, I came home again after school with Georgie. Father came down and made us a call after he had eaten his dinner but before we had eaten ours. We did not go to church in the evening, but retired early. DECEMBER 16 MONDAY - Pleasant. The sleighing is splendid and is being improved by many. I am troubled with rheumatism in my right leg. I have worked in the shop today. Robert took down the tin leader which carries off the water from their sink upstairs; it being froze up solid. He has thawed it out today and in now ready to put it up again. As I came from work tonight, I stopped at Mrs. Barlow's on the corner of Liberty Street and Railroad Avenue and collected the remaining $12.00 for preserving and framing the wreath which she owed me for. She, being away, has left it with her mother. I went into the street in the evening to see about buying 4 gallons of kerosene oil. Mother Griswold is 71 years old today. DECEMBER 17 TUESDAY - It was a little red in the east as the sun rose this morning, but since then the day has been lowery and towards night misty with indications of rain. As I went to the shop this morning, I took my can to Benedict & Nichols for 4 gallons of kerosene oil which I got on credit for 65 cents per gallon, the price for small quantities being 70 cents. I had about a half day's work in the shop, after which I got Tom Signor to finish a Cass hat for me made from a California Full Stiff Pearl which I spoiled by cutting the brim too small and got it colored and blocked on another shape for my own use. Cal Chichester curled it for me and I brought it home when I came. Before tea, Fanny and I made some arrangements about mats and frames for some pictures she wants me to get for her in readiness for her by Christmas day. After tea, I went into the street to see Mr. Couch about repairing an oil portrait of Nathaniel Cable. Also, I went to the Jeffersonian Office and left an advertisement for preservation of flowers. I returned home about 7 o'clock to let Gussie go into the street to do some trading. DECEMBER 18 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant. I have been to New York today. Before going to the store this morning, I went to Phillip Phillips with 6 singing books, 'Singing Pilgrim and Musical Leaves' of the first edition which he gave me last week by mistake in place of the last edition. I left the 6 and made arrangements to return other 16 and get in their place next Saturday the same number of the last edition. I have been kept very busy at the store today making frames, etc. I brought home two mats for pictures for Fanny. Gussie has been up home to Father Purdy's today. She drew Georgie up on his little sleigh. DECEMBER 19 THURSDAY - Pleasant but very cold. I have worked in the shop today doing my yesterday's allowance with that of today which kept me busy until late. As I felt very tired in the evening, I let Gussie go into the street to do some marketing for me and I stayed home. She brought home a few more small Christmas toys for Georgie to the amount of 34 cents. Fanny came in about 9 o'clock with her mother's photograph for me to frame in an 8x10 polished walnut spring pattern which I did and charged her $2.00, my price at the store - $2.75. DECEMBER 20 FRIDAY - Very cold last night. The mercury last evening stood at 5 below zero. It commenced snowing this morning and continued to moderate with more or less snow during the day until evening when it was mild and pleasant and cleared away. I have had work all day in the shop. Joe Day came to the shop for his brother Henry and solicited some money from me on what I owe him for meat. I gave him $10.00. As I came from work, I stopped at Avery Raymond's and got a singing book to take with me to New York tomorrow and exchange for a later edition. Also stopped at Wesley Burritt's for one. I attended a Teachers' Meeting at 6 o'clock in the middle classroom to make arrangements for the coming Sunday School Festival on the 26th of December. Before retiring, I entered the doings on the Sunday School records. DECEMBER 21 SATURDAY - I have been to New York. I took Father Griswold's large photograph with me and framed it in a 16x20 Walnut & Gilt Sperry's pattern. I brought it home with me at night. I returned 5 more singing books to Phillip Phillips before going to the store in the city and expected some of the last edition in return for them but he had none. He expects a supply of them daily. I have been very busy in the store. I borrowed a punch of Mr. Fanton (the shirt man) this evening to use on our Sunday School tickets as a private mark to prevent the use of such as are in other hands. We contemplate using the old tickets to save expense next Thursday. After tea, we went over to Mr. Pond's to see their new baby and to show them picture of Father Griswold which I brought from New York. From there, we took it up home and hung it for Fanny. DECEMBER 22 SUNDAY - Warm and muggy with some rain which with the snow on the ground makes the walking very bad. Gussie has been home all day with the sick headache. I went to the church in the forenoon and spent the time in the basement punching heart-shaped holes in the old Sunday School exhibition tickets to prevent fraud by using old ones now in the hands of many who never returned them from previous exhibitions. After Sunday School, I came home and stayed with Gussie. Father came down after tea for a call. He took the letter from Bell for Mother which we took from the Office last evening. She wrote from Port Chester. Just before tea, I went for Dr. Bulkely for Mother Griswold who has been complaining all day. DECEMBER 23 MONDAY - Pleasant. I went to New York. Mrs. Nathaniel Benedict went to New York. I accompanied her to the city and saw her safely on the 4yth Avenue horse cars. I have been very busy again at the store. I had the sick headache in the P.M.I had a talk with Daniel Minnerly and finally consented to take him back again in my employ. I returned 4 more Singing Pilgrims and Musical Leaves combine to Phillip Phillips, making 15 of the 22 returned. His other (the revised edition) has not yet come. Before I left home this morning, Mr. Pond came in with a note for me to sign for $1,000 at the Danbury National Bank. I did it to accommodate the firm to which he belongs, Steven Sunderland & Company. They are to endorse it and get the money as they have notes coming due for lumber before they can get any money for the new school house which they are building. The note is drawn for three months from December 3rd. They confidently expect funds before this note matures, and I consider the risk small. I would have not done it for any other man, but he (Mr. Pond) has several times favored me and I feel it would be unkind to refuse him. DECEMBER 24 TUESDAY - I went to New York again today. James Maynard came to the store to see me today. He was under the impression that I kept bouquets preserved for ale and wanted to get some for John Wanderville in New Haven to put in his confectionary store. I walked with him over to Broadway and there left him and returned to the store. After dinner, I went down to E. D. Hill's Coal Office to order another to of coal and to settle up for the wreath I preserved for him. I balanced it by taking coal. He would give only $10.00 for the frame which was $3.00 less than I intended. I saw James Maynard again at Norwalk as I was coming home. I intended to send some circulars with him to New Haven for distribution but forgot them when left the store. Before retiring, I helped Mr. Pond prepare a Christmas tree in his barn. DECEMBER 25 WEDNESDAY - Christmas Day. Georgie had a good time this morning when he found his stocking full of toys, candy, etc. I went to the shop after breakfast, but it was closed; no work to be done today. Father came down and took Georgie home with him this forenoon. Gussie went to church in the P.M. to help dress it in green. I went to the Depot and paid the remaining $28.00 on the $38.00 for my commutation for 6 months ending June 1st. I took Augustus Hoyt's horse and sleigh and with Fred Shears went down to Whittlesey's Evergreen Hill and got some ivy for dressing the church. I went up home for Georgie just at night and stayed to tea. In the evening, I drew up a roll of the Sunday School Scholars for use tomorrow evening at the exhibition. Gussie went to the church again in the evening to assist in further dressing the church. The day has been cloudy and warm. The snow has wasted fast; about 9 o'clock in the evening, it began to rain. DECEMBER 26 THURSDAY - Rain last night, but it cleared off pleasant and warm this morning. The snow has wasted fast today and the sleighing is about used up. I have worked in the shop. As I came from work, I bought a pair of rubbers at Daniel Benedict's and got trusted for them. After tea, I went directly to the church to assist at door keeping at the Sunday School Exhibition. We had a very good time. We took in about $60.00. Georgie went with us. He took a part with other three-year-old children. He got to sleep after his part was played. We drew him down and back in Mr. Pond's baby carriage, ours being broken. DECEMBER 27 FRIDAY - The ground was frozen a little this morning and the sun shone pleasantly for a time but before noon it became cloudy but no rain. The snow has wasted very fast and it is very muddy. I have worked in the shop. James Wallace Pine presented the shop with two books as a testimonial of his regard for the men who have shown him such kindness and encouragement in getting his books (poems) before the public. The books were 'The Cotton Family' and 'Bayard Taylor's Travels'. As I came home from work, I took the wreath of D. E. Hill's from Swift's window and carried it to Mr. William's office at the depot in readiness to take with me to New York in the morning. After tea, I went to market. DECEMBER 28 SATURDAY - I have been to New York today. It was raining hard when I started. I took D. E. Hill's wreath back with me as he now wants it delivered. It came off pleasant before I arrive in the city and the remainder of the day was delightful, except the wind. I came to the 27th street depot by way of Phillip Phillip's at Union Square, but his music books 'Singing Pilgrim and Music Leaves Combined', 30 of which I ordered, he has not yet got from his printer. Bell was at Norwalk waiting for me. She was just returning from her visit at Port Chester and Stamford. Father met her here at the depot and Gussie met me to assist in carrying the music books, but I required no help of that kind. DECEMBER 29 SUNDAY - Pleasant. The ground was frozen this morning, but at church time it was very muddy. I went in the morning to church. Gussie came down to Sunday School with Georgie at noon. After school, I came home with him. At noon, Henry Hoyt gave over to me the money taken at the Sunday School Exhibition on Thursday evening, $59.00. There are as yet two scholars to make returns of tickets sold with which we hope to make the amount over $60.00. Bell came here to tea from church. After tea, I went over to Mr. Pond's a few minutes. I attended church in the evening. The attendance was good. Brother Birch preached a good sermon. DECEMBER 30 MONDAY - Colder. It has frozen all day. I have worked in the shop. Elijah Morris came with me from work to see frames at the house to select one for a picture of his father-in-law which he wants me to frame tomorrow at the store and deliver to his folks at their residence at 40 Suffolk Street. I returned to the street and exchanged $34.00 in currency for bills for the Sunday School, the same being money taken at the Christmas Exhibition. Mr. Pond, not having been obliged to use the note of $1,000 (which I lent my name to for him to raise money for a short time for Steven Sunderland & Company) gave the same back to me this evening and I gave back his personal note of same amount which he gave as security. After tea, I killed the turkey which Father Griswold gave to us as a New Year's present. I also went over to W. Olmstead's with some samples of frames for him to select fro for some frames he is contemplating getting. I then went into the street to get some raisins, eggs, etc. for New Year's. DECEMBER 31 FRIDAY - Pleasant (or rather, not stormy) as there was but little sunshine. The day has been cold. I have been to New York. I took down with me a picture for Elijah Morris and framed for him and delivered to 40 Suffolk Street. I had the company of Dr. Brown and wife to New York this morning. They were on their way to Newburgh to spend New Year's Day with her folks. I invited my headman at the store, William H. Hayes, to come home with me and spend New Year's Day, but he could not on account of the expense accept the invitation though much he would like to.
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