Horace Purdy Journal May 1867 Entry (Still Image)
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MAY 01 WEDNESDAY - Stormy still. I worked as usual in the shop. I went in the evening to the 1st Congregational Church to the Teachers' Convention and heard a lecture by a Mr. Gage on Bismarck and Prussia. It was very interesting. One of Handel's pieces, 'Angels Bright and Fair' was sung by a small boy during a few minutes' intermission made for the purpose. It was well executed. MAY 02 THURSDAY - Pleasant but cool. Charlotte Keeler came this morning to help Gussie cut a suit for Georgie and a toque for herself. She worked until noon. Bell was here to tea. Joseph Furbush was buried today. Bell came from meeting this evening and stayed with us all night. MAY 03 FRIDAY - Pleasant but cool. The work in the shop is pearl cassimeres, very hard. I came home at night very tired. Father Griswold this P.M. buried the remains of their youngest child, Mary Victoria, who died in 1839 and was buried in Bloomfield, the remains having been lately disinterred and brought here. Gussie went into the street this evening. I being very tired remained at home. Bell was with us last night and this morning took Georgie up home to stay tonight. MAY 04 SATURDAY - A heavy white frost this morning. The day has been pleasant. I have worked as usual in the shop. I sowed some lettuce seed before tea. Joseph Kyle gave it to me yesterday or the day before. As I went to work this morning, I left with O.H. Swift (by request of Father Griswold) to be recorded the certificate of marriage between Elias Stevens and Harriet Wheeler. Before retiring, I wrote to Samuel W. Stevens, carpet weaver in Ridgefield, about weaving our carpet. MAY 05 SUNDAY - Cool. Sunshine in the morning, but cloudy in the after part of the day. As usual, Gussie attended church in the morning, and I to Sunday School and the prayer meeting in the P.M., also to the preaching service in the evening. Brother Birch preached. After tea, Gussie and Louise went to the Band of Hope at the Baptist Church. As I went to the evening meeting, I mailed the letter I wrote last evening to Ridgefield to Samuel W. Stevens, our carpet weaver that is to be. MAY 06 MONDAY - Warmer today. Father returned my shaving knife this morning as he went to work. I worked late in the shop, it being about 7 o'clock when I came to tea. Received a letter from Edwin saying that he would procure butter for me in Ohio if I wished, price ' 23 cents per pound. I conferred with Mr. Pond about it. We concluded to wait 2 or 3 weeks before deciding about it. Gussie went into the street on some errands while I stayed at home in the evening. MAY 07 FRIDAY - Warmer, but cloudy and some rain. I worked as usual in the shop. After tea, I helped Gussie weight her carpet rags preparatory to sending them to the carpet weaver. A double Hatters' Meeting this evening, an Adjourned Special and another Special called to assemble immediately on the adjournment of the first to take into consideration the case of opening Richmond Hoyt's shop and making the same fair. I went to market but did not attend the meeting. I received by the evening mail a letter from George. He has left Prentice in Brooklyn and gone to Yonkers to work for Waring. Before retiring I answered the letter. MAY 08 WEDNESDAY - It rained very hard last night and this forenoon; not so much rain this P.M. As I went to work this morning, I mailed the letter I wrote last night to George. Gussie went to market this evening. I stayed home and made a new ramrod for my gun. MAY 09 THURSDAY - Pleasant today, though pretty cool for May. Mr. Pond borrowed a little butter of us this morning. Bell came down this morning to see if George's carpet bag of clothes to be washed had come from New York. I sent her down to the Express Office to see if they had come last evening, but they did not. She took Georgie up home with her and as he has not yet returned, I think she intends to keep him all night. I worked until after 7 o'clock this evening at the shop. After tea, I went into the street to see about a new arrangement for George's carpet bag from Yonkers instead of New York as here to fore. Before retiring, I wrote to George about it. MAY 10 FRIDAY - I sent the letter I wrote to George last night to the Post Office this morning by Charles Purdy. I worked very hard in the shop today and until 7 o'clock in the evening. Frank Bouton came this way this evening to go to the Sewing Society with Gussie. Bell brought Georgie home this P.M. She stayed with us tonight. Louise Purdy came over and stayed with Bell a part of this evening while Gussie was at the Sewing Society. I bought a bottle of E. S. Davis & Co.'s Catarrh Remedy today at the shop for $1.00. MAY 11 SATURDAY - A beautiful day. Bell stayed with us last night and took Georgie up home with her after breakfast, bringing him home again about 6 P.M. Gussie went with Mrs. Piper this afternoon to see a carpet weaver downtown about weaving our carpet. We being short of gum to spread lip paper with at the shop, we had in consequence only a half day's work. I came home and commenced making my garden. I spaded enough to put in some early Kent peas, and got the rubbish together in the garden and burned it. Emily Anderson called in while we were at tea. Louise stayed with Georgie in the evening to let Gussie and I go to the milliner's and to market. I went to the barber's to have my hair cut and get shaved. Fanny this evening brought home from H. E. Couch's, a group in a picture containing Josie Wheeler, our dead Eddie and Georgie and Fido. Robert Cocking called just as we were going into the street this evening and paid his rent due for last month - $3.00. MAY 12 SUNDAY - A beautiful day. I took Georgie to walk while Gussie was dressing for church this morning. Before breakfast, Fanny and her mother came down to show the picture of Josie, Eddie, and Georgie and Fido. Gussie came home at noon and I went down to Sunday School. It was our Monthly Concert of Prayer. I gave a written notice of our Sunday School Teachers' Annual Business meeting tomorrow evening to Brother Starr which he read to the school. I stayed to the Communion Service in the P.M. After tea, we put Georgie in his carriage and drew him up to the cemetery. We came home by way of Crofut's Factory (where I work), Comstock Street, up Liberty and home. We felt rather tired so did not go out in the evening and retired early. MAY 13 MONDAY - Cool but pleasant. I worked as usual in the shop. As I came home from work, I took from the Post Office a letter from S. W. Stevens of Ridgefield about weaving our carpet. After tea, and as I went to the Annual Teachers' Meeting at church, I returned carpet warp to Benedict & Nichols which Gussie bought last evening and was delivered today. At the Teachers' Meeting, the same officers were elected, only that William H. Taylor was made Librarian in my place (I insisting upon giving it up), so that now I am only Secretary and Treasurer. Before retiring, I recorded the minutes of the meeting, I retired about 11 o'clock. A heavy thunder shower came up while we were at the church. It stopped raining so that we got home dry, but when I retired, it was raining again very hard. MAY 14 TUESDAY - Cloudy this morning; pleasant with sunshine in the middle of the day. A thunder shower about 4 P.M. Clearing off with a rainbow. Sun setting clear. Bought a wormer for new ramrod as I came from work; put it on before tea. After tea, I wrote to Saul W. Stevens in Ridgefield in reply to one received yesterday about weaving our carpet. Wrote also to Carlton & Porter ordering 100 copies of Sunday School Life Guard Pledges for the school. Widow Barnum living in the house formerly owned by Abel, died this A.M. about 9 o'clock. I went into the street in the evening and mailed two letters and received one from George from Yonkers. I went to class just as it was out. Before retiring, I wrote an answer to Edwin's letter received the 6th instant. I wrote about Harriet's marriage, Stevens' circumstances, etc., which he requested me to do in his letter. MAY 15 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant in the forepart of the day. Another shower just at night; it was, however, light here. As I went to work this morning, I mailed the letter I wrote last evening to Edwin. I got some old black clothing of Mr. Pond this morning to help out on black rags for our carpet, we not having quite enough of that color. Bell stayed with us last night and took Georgie home with her this morning. John Morris and Walter Ligner had a fight at the shop today. It was sort of a rough and tumble fight, neither getting hurt very badly. Morris got the worst of it, Ligner being rather too much for him. I went into the street in the evening with Gussie to get some Mantilla silk which she looked at today at William H. Clark's. I brought home some porgies for the first time. MAY 16 THURSDAY - I went to the shop, but not being able to work, I came home again. The trouble being, I ate succotash for supper last night made from dried corn and beans. Mr. Pond helped me this morning to help move two stoves for Father Griswold from his house to the barn. I also trimmed back my dwarf pear trees. I came home about noon. I lay down until about 4 o'clock and then weeded my strawberry bed. I bought 5 bushels of charcoal at 20 cents. Widow Barnum was buried this forenoon. Before retiring, I wrote an answer to George's letter received on the 14th. May 17 Friday - Rain in the morning, but came off clear before night. Mr. Pond by request last evening shook my window blinds and woke me before 5 o'clock this morning. I have felt nearly sick today, but have worked all day in the shop notwithstanding. Gussie went up home just at night and got Georgie. He has been to Grandma Purdy's since Wednesday. I worked until 7 o'clock in the shop. I came home very tired. My trouble is a hard cold settled in my bones making me lame and sore. MAY 18 SATURDAY - One of the Davis men who engaged to spade my garden came to look at it before breakfast. It being too wet, I concluded to defer it until next week. I worked all day in the shop. I came home by way of the Jeffersonian Office for my paper. After tea, I spaded until after dark on one of my flower borders. Gussie and Louise went to market in the evening. Before they returned, I went also and took the Sunday School papers to the church. Brought a new key for the Sunday School Library to give over to the new librarian (William H. Taylor) who commences in the new position tomorrow. I also went to Charles Stevens and paid him $10.00 for my church seat. Gussie brought home a letter from her Cousin Eliza in California with hers and her husband's card pictures enclosed. MAY 19 SUNDAY - Pleasant. Gussie attended church as usual in the morning. A Mr. Weed from Allen Street in New York preached for us. Our new librarian, William H. Taylor acted for the first time today. I went as usual to prayer meeting in the afternoon after attending to my usual duties in the Sunday School. Bell came home with us to tea. After tea, we took Georgie in his carriage and went over to Mr. Lynes' to see Robert Cocking and wife, calling as we went at John Bouton's . We brought home some splendid 'Panzas' which Robert gave to us. We showed them to Mr. Pond. I went to church in the evening and heard an excellent sermon by Mr. Weed. MAY 20 MONDAY - Stormy. I worked as usual in the shop. Wesley Ridge yesterday while walking down to the Mountain found in the woods across the small brooklet running down the side of the mountain from a place called 'Let off' the skeleton of a man. A portion of his clothing was left, not being decayed. Not a particle of flesh, not even a hair was to be found. It is a mystery how he came there or how long since it occurred. The bones today, I understand, were brought to Dr. Lacy's office. Gussie went in the evening to look up help to clean house. I spent nearly all the evening in Mr. Pond's barn holding lamp for him to make sash for open grated windows for his cellar and to mend Mr. Fenning's spading fork. MAY 21 TUESDAY - Cloudy this morning, but before night it came off clear. About 2 P.M., George made his appearance to me very unexpectedly in the shop. He came home last evening from Yonkers. Mr. Waring, the man he works for, is changing a cog wheel at his engine for a belt which will take about two weeks or more before they will get to running again. He today got shopped at Tweedy's foul shop (Brick Shop) where he will work until he is wanted again in Yonkers. He and Bell came this way to class this evening. He went home with Lottie Keeler and Bell came here to wait for him. I was very tired tonight but went into the street to return a pair of shoes, which Gussie brought home with another pair which she kept for Georgie. I found Bell and she walked up with me. MAY 22 WEDNESDAY - Stormy this morning. Before breakfast I dug a place in my garden large enough to set out seven tomato plants which Robert Cocking brought me yesterday. I have taken cold which has settled in my bones and makes me feel lame and sore. I could scarcely work today but did, having to work as long as I could see to get up my stint which was 2 dozen pearl cassimeres. I came home very tired. The sun shone a few minutes this P.M., but soon disappeared again leaving it cloudy. MAY 23 THURSDAY - Pleasant again. A little shower of rain about noon and then pleasant again during the day. We had but one dozen of hats today which I finished at noon. I cleared out the vault of our privy and laid up anew in mortar a portion of the stone work. Mr. Stevens (the gardener who is working for Father Griswold) helped me turn over the building. Mr. Pond helped me put it back again. MAY 24 FRIDAY - Pleasant. Before breakfast, I replaced the boards which divide my garden from the path to the woodhouse which were broken down yesterday by moving the privy. I had only a half day's work in the shop. As I came home from the shop, I found Robert in the street and rode up with him. I paid him for 6 tomato plants sold to Mr. Pond which I collected for him this morning, 42 cents. I went into Parmalee & Sherman's' to see the curious pig, a malformation which Ed Hull gave them. It was dead. It has a trunk like an elephant, only one eye directly in front over the nose the side of the head and the nose and mouth resembling the human species. In the P.M., I made a step for the privy and made the east flower border on the walk going to the woodhouse. Gussie went to the Sewing Society this evening at Daniel Starr's. I went into the street to see Burton Davis about spading garden for Mr. Pond and me tomorrow. I left word at his house to come on in the morning. MAY 25 SATURDAY - Pleasant until just at night when it commenced raining a little about 7 o'clock. Burton and Wharton Davis worked for Mr. Pond and me making garden. I paid them $5.00 for the work, $2.50 each. Mr. Pond and I divided the bill; my share was $2.75. My work in the shop lasted all day. I planted before dark, beets, parsnips, salsify, Blue Imperial Peas, cucumbers, and radishes. George came down with little Georgie who has been up to Grandma Purdy's since yesterday morning. George went with Gussie to market in the evening. MAY 26 SUNDAY - It was raining hard this morning. It stopped, however before church time and the sun shone a little for a few minutes at a time. With this exception, it was cloudy all day and quite windy too. For the first in a long time, I went to church in the morning and came home after Sunday School to let Gussie go in the P.M. This is owing to my giving up the Librarian's duties which enables me to leave soon enough to let Gussie go in the afternoon. I wrote to the Book Room ordering another copy of the Sunday School Advocate for the remainder of the year for Peter Starr. Also repeating the order of the 14th inst. For 100 copies of 'Sunday School Life Guard Pledges' which I have not yet heard from. After tea, Gussie started to go to see Susan Brayman who we heard was sick. I sent the letter to the Post Office by her as she went. She returned by way of my folks on Deer Hill between 6 and 7 o'clock while it was raining very hard. While she was gone, Mr. Pond came in and stayed a little while with me. I took the Sunday School Record Book to school with me and the Superintendent (George Starr) read from it the election of officers and the Annual Reports of the Superintendent, Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian which was a portion of the business transacted at the Annual Meeting and was recorded. MAY 27 MONDAY - A beautiful day. I helped Mr. Pond grind his scythe before breakfast by turning the stone for him up at Father Griswold's barn. I had only a half day's work at the shop. On my way to work in the morning, I met Mr. Swift and he proposed to me to buy out his picture framing business provided that he goes to New York as he thinks of doing. I talked with again in the evening. In the P.M., I planted pole beans, summer squash and sweet corn. I mowed my dooryard just at night. Gussie and I went to look at wallpaper in the evening, but did not suit ourselves. We went up to see Andrew Knox and engaged him to paper our sitting room. On our way home, Gussie stopped at Rudd's Shoe Store and bought a pair of slippers. I went over to Mr. Potter's store and talked with Mr. Swift about the picture framing business until she came from the shoe store. Wrote to Edwin ordering butter. MAY 28 TUESDAY - I raked up my dooryard grass this morning. I had work all day in the shop on black cass. hats, the first I have had in some time. The day has been hot ' 80 degrees in the shade. I came from work very tired. After tea, I planted one row of blood beet seed and I went to market in the evening and brought home a 4 pound shad, some sugar and a small piece of whitewash lime as we are thinking of cleaning house tomorrow. As I went to work this morning, I mailed the letter I wrote last evening to Edwin ordering 100 lbs. of butter. Bell came here and stayed through the evening to wait for George to come and go home with her which he did about 10:30 o'clock. MAY 29 WEDNESDAY - Our house cleaner, Maggie McCarthy, came today and cleaned the sitting room and the bedroom. I went to the shop and finished off three hats which I had left from yesterday. The being no work today, I came home and assisted in cleaning. George had no work in the P.M., so he helped me tear off the old sitting room paper. Mr. Pond got some red eye bush beans and divided with me. I planted them just at night. The came up a shower before I finished them. I went down in the evening to see Mr. Swift about taking his picture frame business, but he was too busy and could do nothing towards taking an account of stock so I came home and went over to Mr. Lynes' where Gussie had gone to spend the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cocking while George, who went with her, went down to the pond with Charley to fish. I got there about 10:30 o'clock. It was about 12 before they stopped fishing and we started for home again. MAY 30 THURSDAY - Our cleaner came again today and cleaned the sink room. I have been about down sick with headache, though I have spent most of the time in Swift's store. Charles Bennett talked with me about going in company, and he put in silverware, provided I buy the business. I did not think favorably of it. I went down to Mr. Evert's in the morning for a pot of soft soap. I applied to the Savings bank for $600.00 to go into business with. Gussie went to E. Davis to look at wallpaper just at night and was caught away in a shower. She brought home samples. I received 200 Life Guard Pledges for the Sunday School today. I retired early with a sick headache. MAY 31 FRIDAY - No shop work. Cloudy in the morning. It came off clear, however, about 9 o'clock and has been a beautiful day. Our house cleaner came again today and cleaned the parlor. After getting them started in their work, I went over to George Starr's with 200 Life Guard Pledges for Sunday School scholars to have him sign them as superintendent of the school. I talked with him about me buying out Swift and about the prospect of procuring more from the savings bank. From there, I went over to Davis' shop with the samples of wallpaper which Gussie brought home last evening and ordered some of the samples which we selected; he sent it to us at noon. I took a walk with Davis up to his lot on Franklin Street, where he is about to build him a house. From there, I called at Mr. Swift's store to talk more about his business which he has thought about selling to me. He is yet rather undecided about the matter. He goes to New York tomorrow to see more about the business he contemplates going into if he sells here. I also talked with F. S. Wildman, one of the directors of the Savings Bank about the money from the bank. About 5 P.M., I rode with Kellogg over to Theodore Lyons to show him where to buy straw for horse bedding. I received a letter today from Carlton & Porter saying that they had forwarded the 100 Sunday School Life Guard Pledges. About dusk, I helped Mr. Pond trim some of his apple trees. I went to market in the evening.
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