Horace Purdy Journal February 1867 Entry (Still Image)
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FEB 01 FRIDAY - It did not freeze any last night and today has been the first thawing time we have had this winter. Instead of the familiar squeaking of the snow, it is tonight soft and sloppy. Water is running in the streets. I went to work this morning feeling nearly sick with my cold and expected to be obliged to return home before night but stayed the day's work pretty well and stayed as usual as long as I could see. I stayed at home in the evening and let Gussie go to the Sewing Society. I sent by her to the Post Office a letter to George, acknowledging the receipt of his letter and the gold bracelet for Harriet. I still hold the bracelet and wait to hear from him and wait to hear from him as I wrote him that I thought that he should sell it and use what it would bring him to help him pay his debts. FEB 02 SATURDAY - A little colder this morning than yesterday. Cloudy in the morning with the appearance of rain, which it began doing about 11 A.M. It was trifling until along towards night when it increased and rained during the evening. We were limited in our work today and I got home from the shop a little earlier. On my way, I bought a pair of rubbers at Benedict's for myself. I saved 25 cents by buying large sized ladies' heeled instead of men's rubbers; they cost me only 10 cents each. Mr. Pond took his hams and mine over to Mr. Olmstead's today to be smoked. Gussie made her first bread today from the new barrel of flour Mr. Pond got for me of Eli Hoyt. We like it very much. After I came from work, I went over to Mr. Pond's and paid him $8.00, the balance of the $18.00 for flour which I owed him. Before retiring, I made out a written statement of Sunday School Centenary Funds forwarded and children's medals ordered. Brother George Starr sent me word to do this and give it to him tomorrow. FEB 03 SUNDAY - Cloudy, foggy and very bad walking. The large body of snow is melting fast. Gussie attended church in the morning and rode home at noon with Mr. and Mrs. Swift. I went to Sunday School at noon and to the prayer meeting in the P.M. There were four forward for prayers George S. Bailey and two other Sunday School boys, W. Ely for one. I carried an account of Sunday School Centenary Funds as forwarded by me to the Book Room, 200 Mulberry Street, New York and gave to Brother Starr to send to William C. Hoyt, the secretary of the Centenary Commission as he had requested Brother Starr to do so. After School, I made out an account of the Children's medal received and sent to Brother Starr in the evening by Fanny also. I wrote to Carlton & Porter ordering another copy of both Sunday School Advocate and the Sunday School Journal and enclosed 65 cents for the same. Before tea, I went over to Mr. Blair's on Stevens Street to see if 'Bird' had been there since last Friday as he had been missing since then. They had not seen him. I had a severe headache in the evening and did not go out. There was lightning and some thunder last evening. FEB 04 MONDAY - It froze a very little last night. The snow has melted very fast again today. I have worked all day in the shop. As I went to work in the morning, I mailed the letter I wrote last evening to Carlton & Porter. The church pews were rented this P.M. at 2 o'clock. Gussie went and secured one for us. We gave up the one we have had for the past six years and took No. 33 directly across the aisle, the old one - No. 31 - having been raised to $20. We now pay the same as last year - $18. It clouded over just before night and in the evening began to rain. Bell was here this P. M. and stayed with Georgie while Gussie was at the church and stayed to tea and then went to meeting and then returned here to stay all night. Before retiring, I finished reading 'Six Months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln' by Carpenter. FEB 05 TUESDAY - It is still thawing - melting snow and mud, clouds and a snow squall just before night. I had work all day in the shop. A small girl going from school this P.M. fell from the timber that spans the stream by the factory as she was attempting to cross. Several of the men rushed to her assistance, but Walter Signor, being in the advance, helped her out of the water. After tea, I went into the street for some salt peter and took with me 200 pennies to exchange for currency. I disposed of 150 of them. While in Mr. Reed's Shoe Store, Arthur showed me where he had charges to me a pair of child's shoes - 75 cents. I disputed the account and after coming home, I referred to my expense book and found that I had paid for them. Before retiring, I poured off the old brine from my beef and made a new one, packed the beef over again and poured on the new. FEB 06 WEDNESDAY - It froze a little last night . The day has been pleasant and the snow has melted fast. I have had work again all day. As I was taking my leave this evening, the same fellow (a stranger to me, Charles Stevens by name) who brought me a letter from George, the bracelet, and a letter and paper for Lottie Keeler on January 29th came again and brought me another note from George in which he states that he has changed his boarding place from 346 Carlton Avenue to Myrtle Avenue, No. 115. I sat down and answered George's letter immediately and sent it to the Office by Gussie who was going to market. Before retiring, I sorted over my apples. Paid Mr. Cypher for spreading lime for Father Griswold. He owed me $1.00, so I let it balance Father Griswold's account and Father Griswold will pay me. FEB 07 THURSDAY - Another beautiful Spring day, although it is still winter. I worked all day in the shop. After tea, I went into the street to see Charles Reed and explain to him the error of charging to me a pair of child's shoes on 6th of last July. I saw his son, Arthur and explained it to him. He made it all right by crossing it off from his book. I bought a pocket comb of O. H. Swift and then went over to the church where a protracted meeting is being held. George Carpenter was converted while at the altar. After meeting, I told Mrs. Bradley of the seat in the church Gussie selected for her and us last Monday - No. 32. She was feeling very badly over some words she had in the shop today with Mrs. Bigelow. FEB 08 FRIDAY - Pleasant this morning, but a little before night it commenced raining and continued through the evening. I have worked hard all day in the shop. I came home by way of the Jeffersonian Office and got my paper. I stopped at the news office and got a bundle of papers for the Sunday School. FEB 09 SATURDAY - Cloudy and foggy through the day. I t commenced raining about 7 P.M. and continued through the evening. I have worked all day in the shop thought I have scarcely felt able to do so on account of rheumatism. 'Bird' (Henry Blair's dog) made his appearance again this morning after an absence of 8 days. He looked as if he had hard treatment somewhere. We gave him some breakfast and then I chained him in his house. After tea, I took my lantern and went through the rain and mud to the Post Office. When I returned, I took for the brine a piece of beef for smoking. FEB 10 SUNDAY - I awoke this morning and found it had cleared off, the wind blowing strong and cold. The mud was scarcely frozen in the morning, but before night it was very hard. Gussie attended church as usual in the morning. I went down to Sunday School prayer meeting at noon and stayed to the communion service in the P.M. Several of the new converts were baptized and William Purdy and William A. Bouton, also Charles H. Stevens were given the right hand of fellowship in full connection with the church. After tea, I made a minute on the Sunday School records of the Festival held January 23rd. I went to church in the evening. Susan Brayman came over and went with me. Brother Peck preached after which there was a prayer meeting. Six or seven were forward for prayers. FEB 11 MONDAY - Pleasant but pretty cold. I worked all day in the shop. Mrs. Stone washed for us. We hired her to do it mostly because we wanted to assist her as she is very poor. Georgie is very sick today; he has a bad cough and a high fever. Gussie went to see the doctor for him this P.M. and got some medicine. Mrs. Stone stayed with us to tea. After tea, I went over to Mr. Olmstead's to see if Mr. Pond's and my hams were yet out of the smokehouse. They were not. From there, I went to the Post Office and O. H. Swift's and walked up with him and Moses Baxter. Before going downtown, I went over to Mr. Pond's and got 2 lbs. of butter. FEB 12 TUESDAY - Gussie sat up until 2 o'clock this morning to give medicine to Georgie. He has a high fever and symptoms of Whooping Cough. As I went to work this morning, I left an order on Dr. Bulkley's slate to come and see Georgie. I worked all day in the shop. Harriet Mills came to tea and spent a portion of the evening. She wants to borrow some money to pay board with. She has left hat trimming and works in the shirt factory. She gets along so slowly that she is discouraged. Georgie not being any better, I went to see the doctor this evening. and he changed the medicine. The Brass Band Festival is being held this evening at Concert Hall. FEB 13 WEDNESDAY - The ground was a little frozen this morning. As I went for milk this morning before breakfast I went over to Mr. Olmstead's to see if Mr. Pond's and my hams were smoked. I found that they were and that he had taken them out from the smoke house. I left them for Mr. Pond or myself to go for when it may be convenient. I worked all day in the shop. Bell was with us to tea; she went to meeting in the evening. I stayed at home in the evening to let Gussie go into the street. Before returning, she went into the Brass Band Festival. She brought me a letter from George; he is now having steady work again and is feeling greatly encouraged. FEB 14 THURSDAY - Warm, foggy, and muddy. Rain in the P.M. and in the evening. I worked (as usual of late) until dark. After tea, I wrote to George in answer to one received yesterday and mailed it as I went to market this evening. I went to Dr. Bulkley's office and got some medicine for Georgie, did a little marketing and walked up West Street as I came home with John Stone. I brought a letter from the Office from Edwin to Father Griswold. I took it up to him when I came home and he paid me the dollar I paid for him to Mr. Cypher on Feb. 6th. I paid it by turning an account of that amount which he owed me for dooryard grass since last summer. Mrs. Stone came and ironed for Gussie this forenoon. FEBRUARY 15 FRIDAY - I went to the shop and finished off the work I had out (there being none today) and then agreed to help Oscar Serine get out the material for two grape arbors. He bought the lumber and had it brought to Mr. Pond's barn and Oscar and me worked all the P. M. to get them made ready to put together. Bell came down and stayed with Georgie to let Gussie go to the Sewing Society in the afternoon. Gussie went to temperance Meeting and I to D. B. Booth's in the evening to see about bounty money for George. Booth had not yet heard from the application sent to Washington. He gave me blank documents to send to George requiring his signature which I mailed to him before coming home. John Bouton received his money of Booth while I was in the Office. I went to the Town Clerk, O. H. Swift, to get the register number of Blair's dog to put on his collar, he having lost the old collar. The number is 161. FEB 16 SATURDAY - It commenced raining about 7 o'clock this morning and froze as it came, making it very slippery. No work in the shop. I went down in the morning and the foreman (Victor W. Benedict) paid me my account and I came home (after waiting at O.H. Swift's store until the arrival of the mail) instead of waiting until noon for my pay. As I came out from the Post Office, I saw Fred Jennings. He spoke in a vexing manner about my failure to collect what he owed me by factorizing, but it did not vex me in the least. I cared nothing whatever about it. I replied that I failed in the attempt but that my intentions were good enough notwithstanding. I went up home about noon and got a music book, entitled 'Musical Leaves' to send to George by request from him. I brought home a basket which we let Bell take home some apples in the morning. She stayed with us last night. I took a nap in the P.M. We had dinner about 3 o'clock and then I went into the street and mailed the music book to George and carried the Sunday School Advocates over to the church to distribute tomorrow. I then went down to the shop and sharpened my scissors, carried the gold bracelet George sent home to S. G. Bailey's Jewelry Store and left it there for sale. I then went over to D. B. Booth's office and sat awhile, went to market and got home again about 6 ## o'clock. Louise came down and spent a part of the evening and then Gussie went up home with her. I commenced a letter to George in the P.M., wrote a little more before retiring, leaving it to complete tomorrow or some other time. FEB 17 SUNDAY - A lovely day overhead, though it has been muddy underfoot. Gussie attended church as usual in the morning. I went down to Sunday School at noon and to prayer meeting in the P.M. After tea, I took Georgie out of doors a short time to breathe the fresh air and feel the sunshine. Mother Griswold came down and stayed with Georgie in the evening to let Gussie and I go to church together, which privilege we seldom have on account of the baby. As we went I mailed the letter I wrote yesterday to George and a Jeffersonian also. Brother Peck preached a powerful sermon from John 3: 14-15. After the sermon, there was a prayer meeting. The house was crowded, but no one came forward for prayers. FEB 18 MONDAY - Pleasant. As I went to work in the morning, I mailed for Gussie a letter to Cousin Eliza in California. I worked all day in the shop. FEB 19 TUESDAY - Pleasant. I worked as usual in the shop as long as I could see. Mr. Pond split out a piece of hickory from his woodpile this morning for me to make a ramrod for my gun. After tea, I killed a turkey for Mother Griswold. I then went into the street. I called At D. B. Booth's Office and he wrote a letter (and I signed it) to Washington for my discharge to be returned to me, William T. Barnum having forwarded it with an application for a pension for me. I called at O.H. Swift's store and walked up with him as far as Deer Hill Street. Bell came this way to church this evening. She came back here to stay all night. I weighed out a half lb. of tea for her to take home tomorrow. FEB 20 WEDNESDAY - I woke this morning and found it snowing. It continued all day and cleared off in the evening. I worked as usual in the shop. When I came home from work I found that Mr. Pond had drawn the snow plow to West Street and up Father Griswold's path to the house and made good paths. After tea, I shoveled out my premises where the snow plow could not be drawn. I then went up to Raymond's and ordered a half bushel of turnips to be brought tomorrow. I went to the Post Office and to Swift's store. I gave him 6 apples from Gussie to his wife. We walked up together. The Brass Band are having another entertainment this evening ' concert and to close with a hop. FEB 21 THURSDAY - The clearing off last evening did not last long as it was storming again this morning. At first it was misty; then it began to snow again and continued all day. It seemed to increase and before night there was a large body of snow on the ground - 8 to 10 inches on a level, I should think. I went into the street in the evening to do an errand for Gussie. When I returned, the stars were shining, so Mr. Pond and I determined to draw the snowplow to West Street and clear the sidewalk. We got Mr. Fenning and son and George Davis out to help. After clearing the walk and making a path to Father Griswold's house, I took my snow shovel and dug out around my house where we could not use the snow plow. I worked as usual in the shop. FEB 22 FRIDAY - Pleasant. I shoveled snow this morning where we did not use the plow last night. Father Griswold made a birthday party for Fanny and Harriet today - George Starr and wife, William Scofield and wife, Mrs. Thomas Barnum and Brother Peck (our preacher). They had the turkey which I killed on Tuesday evening. I was too busy in the shop to be with them. Bell came down in the P.M. and took care of Josie and Georgie at our house so that Gussie could be with them. Gussie went to the Sewing Society in the evening. I stayed with Georgie. Louise came down and helped to take care of Georgie early in the evening to let Gussie go. Bell went to meeting in the evening and returned here to stay all night. FEB 23 SATURDAY - Bell stayed with us last night and until about 5 P.M. to take care of Georgie to let Gussie go to Mrs. Swift's and Anna Hinman's. I came home at noon with a headache. I marked off the Sunday School Journals and took them to the church in the P.M. and brought home one of the Librarian's Books and drew up the classes anew and brought it back again in the evening and went to the Post Office and received a letter from George with a copy of the original 'Sentence of Christ' (ed. note: possibly a print by William C. Robertson, published about 1861). When I went to the church with the papers and for the book, I went to the barber's and had my hair cut and shaved. I also called at William Barnum's office to see if he had heard anything from my soldier's discharge which I had told him to send for. Since telling him to do so, I have written myself for it (or rather D. B. Booth wrote and I signed it). I did not tell him this which I intended to do when I went in. The sun shone this forenoon, but it was cloudy in the P.M. with snow just at night. Mailed last week's Jeffersonian to George this evening. FEB 24 SUNDAY - Pleasant and warm in the forenoon. The snow has melted very fast. Cloudy towards night. Headache through the day, better this evening. Gussie went to church in the morning. I went to Sunday School at noon and prayer meeting in the P.M. Mr. Pond came into our Sunday School just before we closed. He came to look at the school. I went with him upstairs to see the Infant Class. Brother Bartram, in the prayer meeting this P.M., spoke of a remarkable experience as he thought last Friday evening at his home. He received a great blessing from God. With the blessing to himself, he felt a great desire for the salvation of souls. He felt so deeply this P.M. that he could scarcely speak. I commenced writing to George this morning and completed the letter after tea. Susan Brayman came in about dusk. I went to church in the evening. Brother Peck preached, after which there was a prayer meeting. As I went to church, I mailed my letter to George. FEB 25 MONDAY - Pleasant. It froze a little last night but thawed again today. Mrs. Stone washed for us today. I have been troubled with rheumatism in my left ankle and wrist but have worked all day notwithstanding. After tea, I wrote to the Great American Tea Company for a price list and a blank form for making up a club. I also put up two cakes of iron grease for George and mailed it with the letter in the evening. I walked up from the street with Mr. Swift. FEB 26 TUESDAY - I worked as usual in the shop . As I went to work, I left a sample of our black tea Mr. Swift's Store for him to try. The authorities seized liquors this P.M. on the premises of Albert Anderson and reports this evening say that he has been arrested. I received my Soldier's Discharge from Washington today where it was sent by Mr. Barnum with an application for a pension. After tea, I went into the street to the Jeffersonian Office to see about printing the 'Sentence of Christ 'sent to me by George and to D.B. Booth's office to tell him that I had received my discharge. Louise had her birthday party this P.M. and evening. FEB 27 WEDNESDAY - I worked as usual until dark in the shop. The homestead, furniture, etc. of Widow Polly Benedict, deceased, was sold this P. M. at auction. Gussie bought a lounge worth $25.00 for $16.50. Charles Benedict's wife bought the place for $2,575.00. Bell came in while we were at tea to borrow a nutmeg. I gave her a basket of rotten specked apples to carry home. I went into the street this evening on some errands. I talked with O. H. Swift about teas from the Great American Tea Company. Josephine Stevens, who was seduced by James Scantling and is now at his house is this P. M. being confined to child bed. FEB 28 THURSDAY - Pleasant. I had work only until noon in the shop. I came by way of William T. Barnum's to tell him that I had received my discharge from Washington. I had quite a lengthy talk with him about bounties and pensions. I finally concluded to write to Dr. Stearns in Hartford or rather write and see if he still resides there. If he can be found, I contemplate going to see him to see if he recollects enough of my case of hernia incurred in the army to give me a certificate that such is the case to enable me to procure a pension. When I came home, I wrote to him to see if he can be found. Received a blank for getting up a club, also a price list from the Great American Tea Company. I marked off the Sunday School Advocates and carried them to church, and at the same time, mailed the letter to Dr. Stearns and a Jeffersonian to George. Gussie went up home this P.M. She left Georgie with Mother Griswold while she was gone. After tea, Susan Brayman came in and Gussie went with her into the street. I stayed at home and oiled the black walnut woodwork to our new lounge.
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