Side A:
0-10 min: Serving on the WCSU senate, presidential grant discrepancies with pre-existing presidents, mixture of executive responsibility and group consensus, whether librarians can get additional subsidies, different faculty members obtaining positions due to falsified documents, personal details about senate members
10-20 min: Executive action comes out of illegal documents, unionized workers unhappy with senate’s working style and search committee, miscommunications between senate members led to classes being canceled, conversations with contract writer at central office, arts and science people were most upset by the miscommunication with Feldman, received results of votes were unable to be calculated due to voter indecision
20-30 min: Bernstein was in the movement against Feldman, issues with accountability of lack of book store funding from the foundation, Feldman left the music school to be part of the business school because of its blossoming department and funding, after evaluation of departments whole senate voted against funding plan, Leopold suggested long term funding strategies but was shot down,
Side B:
0-10 min: Opinion on the ten-year plan, opinion on Roach’s rule, how employee contracts and handbooks must be more clear, how different departments are reacting to accreditation, hiring rates in different departments
10-22 min: Student center options, the direction that the school should go in, dorm plans, how the university should get involved with the community, Roach’s fund raising techniques, Feldman fund raising,