Authors and publishers: a manual of suggestions for beginners in literature, comprising a description of publishing methods and arrangements, directions for the preparation of mss. for the press, explanations of the details of book-manufacturing, instructions for proof-reading, specimens of typography, the text of the United States copyright law and information concerning international copyrights, together with general hints for authors. By G.H.P. and J.B.P
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Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930. “Authors and publishers: a manual of suggestions for beginners in literature, comprising a description of publishing methods and arrangements, directions for the preparation of mss. for the press, explanations of the details of book-manufacturing, instructions for proof-reading, specimens of typography, the text of the United States copyright law and information concerning international copyrights, together with general hints for authors. By G.H.P. and J.B.P.” Rare Books. WCSU Archives, 7 Mar. 2024. Accessed on the Web: 23 Feb. 2025.