\3 Main Street
Danbury, Conn. 06810
June 2, 1980
Mr. Abe Feir.son
feineons Mens Store
293 Main Street:
Danbury, Connecticut 06810
Dear A be:
In the short time that we h ave b een working together to
revitalize downtown Danbury significant progress has been made.
The conference on historic preservation focused a ttention on
our f oal, and d emonstrated Mayor Dyer's c ommitment to preservation
as the f undamental tool for Kain S treet r enewal, a coeiaititent t hat
he and Bob Steinberg h ave re-emphaSized in subsequent private
meetings. The Chamber of Coamerce has played a strong role in
organizational efforts. The fact that a sizable n uaber of businessmen
responded to the call for leadership and financial support for the
Downtown Council is heartening.
At this tiae w hen the public-private sector partnership is
being f ormed 1 think that it is appropriate for the Danbury
Preservation Trust to reiterate its desire to be an integral part
of the Council, and to contribute its expertise, energies, and
funding sources to the success of the group. Dr. Truman Warner,
a Trust Board m ember, and I would be the Trust's representatives
on the Council's Board.
I also w ant to share with you a position p aper t hat the Trust
recently s ubmitted to the Mayor and the C hamber. It outlines what
we think is a c onstructive set of priorities for a ction by the Council.
I h ope t hat you and other Main Street businessmen can support it as
the Council's work program for the next twelve months.
Sines-rely y «oure,
r. H ,.rbe.rt J anick
President, DPT