Camp Devins
March 13, 1918
Dear Sister –
Received your most welcome letter, but haven’t had much time only to eat, sleep and hike.
Like the army life O.K. The inoculations make my arm sore and give me a slight fever for a day or so. My vaccination took alright and made the other arm sore, and to top it off, my feet got sore from the heavy shoes we have to wear. They are eight pound trench shoes and are studded with hob nails in the toe and a steel plate for a heel. They are not going to give us any dress shoes from what I hear, so I guess I’ll have to buy a pair, because I can’t dance in the trench shoes.
I was assigned to a new job today. It is a job to take care and ride a horse for an officer. It is what they call an orderly. This will make me so sore for a while, I probably won’t be able to sit down, but we will have to get over that.
I am going to a girls’ minstrel show Sunday afternoon, if I get out of quarantine by then. The girls are from Boston, which is only an hour’s ride from here. Wed just had sort of a minstrel show in our mess hall which helped break the monotony.
Some of the boys from this company are going to be sent somewhere else, probably across. Well, it is nearly time to go to bed, so I will say “good night.”
Your Brother