Memorials of the First Baptist Church, Hartford, Conn., with sketches of its deceased pastors, the Rev's S.S. Nelson, E. Cushman, G.F. Davis, and J.S. Eaton : Discourses delivered after the dedication of the new church edifice May, 1856, with a Pastoral Decade," etc. / by Robert Turnbull"
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Turnbull, Robert, 1809-1877. “Memorials of the First Baptist Church, Hartford, Conn., with sketches of its deceased pastors, the Rev's S.S. Nelson, E. Cushman, G.F. Davis, and J.S. Eaton : Discourses delivered after the dedication of the new church edifice May, 1856, with a Pastoral Decade," etc. / by Robert Turnbull".” Rare Books. WCSU Archives, 7 Mar. 2024. Accessed on the Web: 8 Feb. 2025.