Horace Purdy Journal January 1866 Entry (Still Image)
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JAN 01 MONDAY - Warm, cloudy, misty, but no rain to speak of. The sleighing is entirely used up. The baby, who was quite sick yesterday and who had the doctor, is better today. Talked with an agent of the “Aetna” at the shop about life insurance. After tea, I went into the street to see if I could exchange a syringe at Dr. Baldwin’s where I bought it for another as mine has a defect about it; it leaks air. I could not exchange it. I called to see Dr. Bulkeley at his office about Georgie. I bought a box of figs for $1.25 – 4 ¾ lbs. – and then came home. Gussie cut out 4 shirts for me today. JAN 02 TUESDAY - The ground was a little frozen this morning. It thawed a little, notwithstanding it was cloudy all day. I worked all day in the shop as usual. On my way to work this morning, I ordered a cart of feed for the horse at Crofut’s. Ellen Dare from Bethel was up and took dinner with Gussie. Maria and Caroline Mills were up also. They gave Gussie a call and then went up to Mother’s. As I came home from work in the P.M., I paid 50 cents for six months box rent ending July 1, 1866. Annual Meeting of the Hat Finishers’ Association in the evening. Election of officers. The old officers were elected as follows: for President: Victor W. Benedict; Vice-president: Abram Chichester; Secretary: William Withespoon; Treasurer: Calvin R. Dunning. JAN 03 WEDNESDAY - A light fall of snow last night. Father took the horse and carried Mrs. William Nab to Bethel and got a dollar for it. Bell is very sick again with lung fever. Mrs. Stone washed for us today. I stayed with the baby in the evening to let Gussie go into the street to do some shopping. A one armed man at the shop today soliciting help; I gave him 10 cents. JAN 04 THURSDAY - Pleasant and colder in the after part of the day. After tea, I jumped on Old Jim and rode up home to see Bell. From there, I rode down to market. When I came home, I found John Brayman waiting to see me about moving the remains of John, William and Abagail from the Mill Plain Burying Ground to our lot in the cemetery. George has been calculating to do it tomorrow, but Father and I think it best to defer it until next spring. I arranged with John to get the horse’s shoes reset tomorrow. When George came down to go to meeting, He brought us two chickens from Mother. JAN 05 FRIDAY - Very cold. As I went for milk in the morning, I called at John Brayman’s to see if he would take the horse over to McDonald’s and get one of his shoes reset. I found him still in bed with a terrible headache, having had it all night. George came for a piece of corned beef and rode Jim up home and lost off the shoe, so he went and had it put on again. On my way home from work, I took a bill out from the post office from Joseph Ives for a lamp top – 20 cents, I bought October 12th. I having once paid for it, I went in the evening and had it rectified. After tea, I took Old Jim and rode into the street to see Ives. Bought 3 oranges for 15 cents for bell and rode up home with them to see her. After evening meeting, George called and I went up to Father Griswold’s for a pitcher of cider. JAN 06 SATURDAY - Pleasant and a very little warmer than yesterday. I worked as usual in the shop. It being pay day, I drew $30.62. Gussie went up to see Bell this P.M. After tea, Gussie went into the street to do a little shopping. When she returned, I borrowed Charles Stevens’ saddle and rode Jim up home. I rode back into the street and bought the best beefsteak I could as the Doctor had ordered a little for her. The two Dr. Bennetts went to see her just at night and gave but little encouragement. If she gets over the fever, they think it will leave her with the consumption. JAN 07 SUNDAY - I woke and found that it had been and still was snowing, about 3 inches. – the 7th snowstorm. It cleared off before meeting time. Cold and blustering, a severe day to be out. Gussie attended church in the morning. I went down at noon to Sunday School; came home without going in the P.M. George came home with me and stayed to supper. After supper, he harnessed Old Jim, took George Starr’s carriage and went to Bethel for the Presiding Elder, Mead and Mr. Lockwood, our chorister and brought them up to church. As he started for Bethel, Gussie and I rode up home with him and stayed until he returned when he came for us and carried us home. Bell is very sick; she will probably never get well. We left Georgie with Mother Griswold while we were gone. I made out a quarterly report of the Sunday School for Brother Hill to give the Presiding Elder at Quarterly Conference this evening. I sent by George as neither Gussie nor I went out in the evening. JAN 08 MONDAY - Very, very cold. The mercury stood as low as 20 degrees below zero. I was sick last night (a bowel complaint), have felt poorly today and in consequence have not been to work. We kept both stoves going with a good fire all of last night and thereby kept the house comfortable. Brother Hill called to see me about 4 P.M. about the Methodist which I had talked about subscribing for. I concluded to take it and paid him $2.00 for it. He prayed with us before he left. He went with me to the barn to see the horse. From there, he went over to see Allen McDonald and I to borrow Charles Stevens’ saddle to ride up home to see Bell. I went down and bought a ½ pint of Madeira wine for bell with which to make wine whey. I then came back and went to McDonald’s for some milk and carried up home to Mother. While there, George too Jim and rode downtown on an errand. When he returned, I came home. While up there I gave Mother $2.00 which Fanny gave me from the church poor fund. Louise came down and spent the evening with us. About 8 o’clock the chimney to the north apartment of Gregory’s tenement house on the corner (formerly L. Nichols’ old Hat Shop) took fire and quite an excitement prevailed for a short time. There were reports that a large fire was raging in New Haven and no water to be had on account of the cold, all the hydrants being frozen up. Bell is a little more comfortable today. JAN 09 TUESDAY - Very cold but not so cold as yesterday. Was sick again last night and nearly all of today with diarrhea caused by eating chicken pie. After dinner, I made a cover for my guns. In the meantime, John Brayman’s wife came in and Gussie went with her over to one of Gregory’s houses to look at it with a view to renting it next April. Between 3 and 4 o’clock, I rode Old Jim down to the shop and then up home to see Bell. One of his shoes came off and I went down to Center Street and had them all reset and sharpened. It cost $1.00. While we were drinking tea, Mary Purdy called a few minutes to inquire about Bell. I went to market in the evening. JAN 10 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and mild. I went to the shop today for the first time this week. George called at the shop after dinner and told me that Bell was worse. Gussie went up to see her in the afternoon. After tea, Gussie went over to Mrs. Hurd’s and borrowed a bed pan. I rode Jim down to market and then took the pan and carried it up home. Bell thought oysters would taste good so I rode back into the street and bought ½ peck for her. She is more easy this evening. She is now taking opium pills which accounts for it. JAN 11 THURSDAY - Pleasant and warm. Before I went to work in the morning, Sarah Purdy called in to inquire about Bell. As I came home from work in the evening, I went to the Jeffersonian Office for my paper. After tea, I addled Jim and went to market and then up home to see Bell. Mother broke a lamp chimney, so I rode back into the street and got a new one for her. They moved Bell from the bedroom into the parlor today. Sarah Purdy went up and helped Mother today and then came again in the evening to watch with Bell for the night, she being the first to watch outside of the family. She is no better. Dr. Bennett thinks that the chances are against her. JAN 12 THURSDAY - But little sunshine today. A snow squall in the morning. John Brayman had the horse this forenoon to got to Bethel to see some of the Hat Makers about Henry Heinman’s case as the men at T. & E Tweedy’s have turned out against him as an apprentice.; as he went he took his wife and Gussie to see Bell and brought them home again as he returned. Father then carried Amos Purdy’s wife up to sit by Bell in the P.M. Before tea, George rode up to Russell Wildman’s and engaged Lucy to watch. After meeting he took the horse and went for her. He is to keep the horse up there tonight. Mary Purdy came in as we were drinking tea, after which, she and Gussie went up home again to see Bell. Hanson E. Smith got married last night. George had his time given him today at foul hat finishing. Robert Cocking paid his December rent to Gussie today - $3.00. Since writing the above, George has concluded to return the horse tonight. JAN 13 SATURDAY - Warm and pleasant with the exception of a short splatter or rain between 4 and 5 o’clock in the P.M. which came up sudden and was as soon over. John Brush and John Green paid me $1.50 each for sifters to be handed to George, which I did in the evening. I tried to buy some oranges for Bell as I came home from work, but could find none in town. George came in about 9 o’clock to get the team and carry Mrs. Amos Purdy up home to watch with Bell. When he returned with the horse we mended the harness and nailed up a small box on the manger for salt for the horse. JAN 14 SUNDAY - A very little snow about 6 ½ o’clock this morning, not enough to whiten the ground. George at that time came down for the horse to take Mrs. Purdy home from watching with Bell last night. I rode back home with him and returned with the horse to let him eat before going to Bethel for our chorister, Mr. Lockwood, as he agreed to go for him. He borrowed Brother McDonald’s carriage to go with. Gussie, as usual, attended church in the morning. And I went down to Sunday School and to the afternoon service which was the sacrament. There were two ladies baptized. George carried Mr. Lockwood home again in the P.M. John Brayman called in the evening. Gussie went to 1st church in the evening to a lecture on temperance by Rev. Mr. VanZant. JAN 15 MONDAY - Pleasant, but cold this morning. The mercury stood at zero in the morning. It clouded over in the P.M. with the appearance of a storm when I retired. I went before the “Board of Relief” before going to work in the morning and swore off the eleven hundred dollars I owe Aaron Mallet in Redding. On my way, I stopped and ordered 3 bushels of oats at Crofut’s and paid for the same - $2.25. In the evening, I ordered 1o lbs. of buckwheat flour and paid for that also – 60 cents. In the evening, I rode the horse to market and up home to see Bell. While there, Joseph W. Allen and Brother Everett called in company with Ann Delavan who came to watch with Bell. George borrowed Mr. Judd’s hay cutter and cut up a heap of hay. While driving in the yard with it, the limb of a tree under which he was passing caught the cutter and turned it out with the seat together with George. Fortunately, neither he was hurt or the cutter broken. Mrs. Stone washed for us today. JAN 16 TUESDAY - It was snowing when we woke this morning, making the 8th snowstorm. It was about 4 ½ inches deep. It soon ceased snowing; it cleared off pleasant in the P.M. George came over before breakfast for the horse with which to carry Mrs. Delavan home. The oats which I ordered came yesterday; also the buckwheat cake flour. Louise came down and stayed with the baby in the evening to let Gussie and I go to hear Frederick Douglass lecture. It is the first time I ever heard or saw the man. It was 10 o’clock when we got home. JAN 17 WEDNESDAY - Pleasant and not very cold. I worked as usual in the shop. After tea, I borrowed Mr. McDonald’s sleigh and with the horse, I took my first sleigh ride by taking Gussie up home to see Bell. I went down to the church and when meeting was out took Fanny over to Dr. Brown’s and got the bundles of work belonging to the Sewing Society and brought them to Father Griswold’s where the Society will meet on Friday P.M. I then took Fanny up home to watch with Bell tonight and then brought Gussie home. After going home with the sleigh and putting up the horse, I mended the harness bridle (one of the blinds). Before retiring, I drew up a bill of prices for the shop, it being the one adopted November 14th and went into effect on the 20th., the same being a deduction of 2 % (?) per dozen on all qualities except No. 5. JAN 18 THURSDAY - Pleasant and warm. The sleighing is used up. I worked in the shop as usual. After tea, I took the horse up home to see Bell. She is better. From there I rode down to the Post Office and home. Before retiring, I went to Father Griswold’s for a small pitcher of cider with which a few walnuts was very good. JAN 19 FRIDAY - Pleasant and warm. The Sewing Society met at Father Griswold’s this P.M. and when I came from work, Gussie and Georgie were up there, so I went there for tea. George, having another order for sifters from Johnson in Newtown, I repaired the wagon where he broke it with a hay cutter in order that it could be used tomorrow. When I had finished repairs, we harnessed and went to the stores and borrowed 6 sifters to send to Mr. Johnson towards the dozen he ordered until George receives some next week when he will fill the balance of the order. JAN 20 SATURDAY - Cloudy, foggy and warm all day until about 5 o’clock when it rained for a time. It came off clear and colder in the evening. I worked as usual in the shop. Father went over to Newtown for George to take sifters to Mr. Johnson. He went as I started for work in the morning. I rode into Main Street with him. In the evening, I carried Sunday School papers down to the church to be ready for distribution tomorrow. I did a little marketing and came home. Before retiring, I drew up Sunday School classes in a new book for one of my assistant librarians (E. Barnum); it took me until midnight. JAN 21 SUNDAY - Pleasant but cold. George went to Bethel this morning for Mr. Lockwood, the chorister, and as he was turning into West Street, his horse fell on the ice. No damage was done. Gussie went to church in the morning. I went down to Sunday School at noon, but was too sick with a headache to stay in the P.M. After supper, I was taken with vomiting, which made me feel better in the evening. I stayed at home in the evening and let Gussie go to meeting. George harnessed his horse and drove to church so that the horse would be ready after meeting to carry Mr. Lockwood to Bethel. I wrote to Carleton & Porter for I copy of the Sunday School Advocate and 4 copies of the Sunday School Journal which they failed to send in the last lot. Also a dozen of each No. 1 and No. 2 Catechism for 48 cents and 60 cents per dozen. I enclosed $1.08 for them. Gussie mailed it as she went to evening meeting. JAN 23 MONDAY - Pleasant but cold. George kept the horse up home last night and drove him down as he came to work this morning, bringing as he came the cot bed home to Amos Purdy’s which Bell has been using during her sickness. Had new copper bottoms put on our tea kettles. When I came home from the shop tonight, I had to kindle a fire in the sitting room stove, Gussie having let it burn out for the first time this winter. I did not go out in the evening, but sorted over my apples. JAN 23 TUESDAY - Cold and pleasant in the morning but before night the sun was obscured from sight. I went into the street in the evening to buy a set of bricks for my cooking stove. Gussie put Georgie in the carriage and went over to call on Mrs. Daniel Starr. JAN 24 WEDNESDAY - I worked as usual in the shop. As I came from work I bought 1 ½ lbs. of smelt at Avery Raymond’s, called at the Jeffersonian Office for my paper, got a package of Sunday School Advocates at the News Office, and came home. George quit work early, harnessed the horse and went to the depot for a crate of sifters (2 dozen). I stayed with the baby and let Gussie go into the street in the evening. She brought home some bees wax and before retiring made some grease for Hat Finishers' irons for George. Father was down here today and Gussie got him to take Father Griswold’s hams over to Lockwood Olmstead’s to be smoked. JAN 25 THURSDAY - Three to four inches of snow on the ground this morning and still snowing. It soon stopped, however, but remained cloudy through the day. It rained a little about 5 P.M. I worked as usual in the shop. Bell has been poorly again today. We fear a relapse of the fever. I stayed with the baby in the evening and Gussie went to meeting. We are having meetings every night. The house is crowded and some evenings the altar is filled with those seeking religion. JAN 26 FRIDAY - It snowed a little again last night, making the 10th snow of the season. It has been a pleasant day. I worked as usual in the shop. I received a package by way of Day’s News Office (which I previously ordered) from Carlton & Porter containing 2 dozen Catechisms No. 1 and No. 2, one dozen of each and a late catalog of their publications. After tea, John Brayman came in to have me direct a letter from him to his mother-in-law as he wants her to come and attend his wife which he hourly expects to be confined. I rode Old Jim up home to see Bell. George then mounted him and rode into the street on an errand. I sent by him for some ale for Bell – 2 quarts. JAN 27 SATURDAY - Pleasant. We were limited in our work in the shop today. I finished mine before dinner. In the afternoon, I borrowed Mr. McDonald’s sleigh and took Louisa up home to see Bell. I then carried Gussie and Georgie up there, she not having seen Georgie since she has been sick. After supper, we got Louisa to stay in the evening with the baby and we went to Bethel to Mr. Dare’s for a sleigh ride. We got home again about 10 o’clock. JAN 28 SUNDAY - Pleasant in the morning, but cloudy before night. George had Mr. McDonald’s sleigh this morning to go to Bethel for the chorister, Mr. Lockwood. In fact, I arranged for the sleigh last night and kept it at my barn until George returned this morning when he took it home. Gussie went to church this morning and I to Sunday School at noon as usual and over to the 1st church in the P.M. to the Union Sunday School gathering. After tea, Gussie called over at John Brayman’s and stayed until nearly evening meeting time. Before meeting, George came for the horse with which to take Mr. Lockwood to Bethel after church. He had Mr. McKinsey’s sleigh. When he returns, he is to put the horse in the barn and rive him down in the morning. Gussie stayed at home and I went to church in the evening. Brother Hill preached an excellent sermon. JAN 29 MONDAY - Cloudy all day, but not very cold. Now and then, a flake of snow would be seen flying but no storms of any account. We were stinted in our work in the shop today, but the amount given was enough to last me until night. The seats in the church were rerented today. Gussie and Mrs. Bradley both were there and secured our old seat No. 31 for another year. After supper, I borrowed Charles Steven’s saddle and rode Old Jim down to the market and then up home to see Bell. JAN 30 TUESDAY - Another cloudy day. It commenced a fine rain or mist about 4 P.M. John Brayman had the horse today to go to Bethel. I gave him permission to sell or trade him off under certain conditions but he did not succeed in doing so, I believe. Father Griswold came down just before tea to talk with me about the trouble I am into with George by undersigning for him. Before taking the horse out this morning, John too him over to Mr. McDonald’s and had his shoes sharpened as he was not safe to drive with the roads being very slippery. JAN 31 WEDNESDAY - A beautiful day; not a cloud to be seen and not very cold. I worked as usual in the shop. Gussie went up home to see Bell today. She is better. I stayed home in the evening and did some writing for the Sunday School and let Gussie go to market.
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